ECA 416-1974 Filters Radio Interference《无线电干扰滤波器》.pdf

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1、EIA 4Lb 74 m 3234600 00b82bq T m / -3 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD C83.102 - 1973 . Approved January 9, 1974 American National Standards Institute EIA STANDARD Filters, Rahbo Interference RS-416 March 1974 Engineering Department ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ., ASSOCIATION I EIA 41b 74 3234b00 00b8270 b NOTIC

2、E EIA engineering standards are desiged to serve the public interest through eliminating niis- understandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improve- ment of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper prod

3、uct for his particular need. Existence of such standards shall not in any respect pre- clude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such standards. Recommended standards are adopted by EIA without regard to whether or not their adoption may involve p

4、atents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, EIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the recommended standards. Published by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineering Department 2001 Eye Street, N,W., W

5、ashington, D. C. 20006 Electronic Industries Association 1974 .4ii rigliis rcscrwtl Price $1.50 Prinfed in U.S.A. EIA 416 74 m 3234600 0068271 8 m RS-416 Page 1 Filters, Radio Interference (From EI4 Standards Proposal No. 11 34-A, revision of Standards Proposal 11 34, formulated under the cognizance

6、 of EIA Working Group P-3.3 on Interference Filters). 1. SCOPE 1.1 This Standard covers the general requirements for current-carrying filters, alternating-current (ac) and direct-current (dc), for use primarily in the reduction of broadband radio interference. I 1.2 Portions of latest revisions of E

7、IA Standard RS-186 (Standard Test Methods for Passive Electronic Component Parts), and of MIL-STD-220 (Method of Insertion Loss Measurements), when specified, form a part of this Standard. a 2, STANDARD DESIGNATION . 2.1 The EIA Standard designation shall consist of six constituent parts as illustra

8、ted below: T Operating Class Style Current Insertion-Loss Terminal 2.1.1 2.1.2 Rating Characteristic Identification Temperature 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 Range 2.1.6 2.1.1 Class designation signifies the component is a Radio Interference Filter made to the requirements of EIA Standard RS-416. 2.1.2 Style is

9、 identified by the two-letter symbol “XX” followed by a two-digit number. The letters identify radio-interference filters; the digits identify the general shape, voltage rating, and mounting of the case. Each style designation may include a family of case sizes. 2.1.3 The current rating is identifie

10、d by a single letter in accordance with Table I. RC-416 . Page 2 EIA 4Lb 74 m 3234b00 00b272 T m Table 1 - Current Rating Symbol Rated Current A o. 1 B O. 3 C O. 5 D 1.0 E 1.5 F 2. o G 3.0 H 5. O J 7. O K 10.0 Symbol Rated Current L M N P R S T U v 20.0 30.0 55.0 70.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 300.0 500.0 2

11、.1.4 The insertion-loss characteristic is identified by.a single letter in accordance with Table II. Table II - Minimum Insertion-Loss Under Full Load Per MIL-STD-2ZOA Symbol Frequency in megahertz shown as column head and insertion-loss in column. 0.15 O. 3 0.6 1 10 20 100 1,000 dB A. 40. B. 50 C.

12、40 D. 45 E. 60 F. 8Q G. ., 20 dB 50 60 40 60 70 80 20 dB 60 60 40 80 80 80 20 dB 60 60 40 80 80 80 40 dB 60 60 40 80 80 80 40 dB dB 60 60 60 60 40 _ 80 70 80 80 80 80 40 40 w. For insertion-loss other than shown. dB 60 60 _ 70 -80 80 _ b . EIA 416 74 m 3234600 0068273 1 m RS-416 Page 3 2.1.5 Termina

13、ls are identified by a number in accordance with Table III. The number identifies the type of terminal. Table III - Terminal Types Number Type of Terminal 1 Solder lug 2 Radially tapped permanent stud 3 Threaded stud d 4 Lead wire 5 Connector 6 Other types 2.1.6 Operating temperature range is identi

14、fied by a single letter in accordance with Table IV. Table IV - Operating Temperature Range Symbol -20 to +?O IB -55 to +85 -55 to +lo5 -55 to +125 3, STANDARD TESTS 3.1 Standard Test Conditions 3.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the atmospheric conditions at which tests are to be made or to which te

15、sts are to be referred, are as follows: Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25OC plus 10C minus SOC Barometric Pressure. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96.7 x 10 to 110.5 x 10 kg/m2 (27.95 to 31.93 in. of mercury) Relative Humidity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less than 8

16、0% 2 2 EIA 4Lb 74 I 3234600 0068274 3 9 . RS-416 Page 4 3.2 Testing Program 3.2.1 When required, recommended tests shall be made in the sequence iisted in Table V. Table V - Testing Program Group I Mechanical Inspection Marking Seal Test Dielectric- Withstanding- Voltage DC Resistance (dc units) Vol

17、tage Drpp (ac units) Insulation Resistance Insertion Loss Check Points Group II (AU Samples) 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.13 3.5 3.14.1 3.14.2 3.8 3.16.2 (1/3 of Samples) Insertion Loss 3.16.1 Overload 3.6 Temperature and Immersion Cycling 3.12 Leakage Current (when specified) 3.10 Mechanical Tests 3.4 Temperature

18、 Rise 3.7 , Group III (1/3 of Samples) Vibration 3.15 Moisture Resistance 3.9 Group IV (U3 of Samples) ,Higli-Ambient-Temperature Life 3.1 3.2.2 The number of samples and allowable failures shall be determined by agreement between the user and the supplier. 3.2.3 After Group 1 tests, no sample shall

19、 be subjected to tests of more than one group. 3.3 Mechanical Inspection 3.3.1 Dimensions must be within the tolerances allowed. 3.3.2 Marking shall be legible, complete and correct. EIA 4Lb 74 3234600 0068275 5 = RS-416 Page 5 3.4 Mechanical Tests 3.4.1 Full Test Terminals shall withstand a

20、 steady pull of 2.00 kilograms (4.4 lbs.) applied axially for 10 seconds, per RS-186, Method 6, Type I. Terminal shall not fracture or break, nor shall there be any damage to the filter or seal. 3.4.2 Bending Test / Filters with wire leads shall have a load of 1.00 kilogram (2.2 Ibs.) suspe

21、nded freely from each of its leads in turn, 2 (two) bends per RS-186, Method 6, Type III test. Two bends in opposite directions shall be applied. The leads shall not fracture or break, nor shall there be any damage to the filter or seal. 3.4.3 Ductility Test Five complete turns of each wire

22、lead shall be Wou-nd qoun,d a cylinder haiing a diameter equal to the nominal diameter of the lead wire. The leads and lead coating shall not fracture or break. 3.4.4 Torsion Test Threaded screw or stud terminals shall withstand without damage the torsion requirements of RS-186, Method 6, Ty

23、pe IV test. The following torque values shall be used: Screw Size 6-32 8-32 10-32 12-24 %-20 51 16- 24 3/8-24 7/16-20 1/2-28 1/2-20 Torque Meter-Kilograms .lo4 .161 .207 .265 .346 .576 1.15 1.73 2.30 2.88 (Lb. -inches) 9 14 18 23 30 50 100 150 200 250 3.5 Dielectric- Withstanding- Voltage Test 3.5.1

24、 Filters shall be tested in accordance with the applicable portions of EIA Standard RS-186, Method 4 for no less than one second and no. more than five seconds by applying between ter- minais and case a potential of 200% rated dc voltage or dc voltage equal to 2.828 times ac voltage unless otherwise

25、 specified. Test voltages shall be applied t bough a current-limiting resistor of not less than 20 ohms per volt and not more than 1000 ohms per volt. Filters shall be discharged through current-limiting resistor described in Paragraph EIA 416 7Ll 9 3234600 0068276 7 RS-416

26、Page 6 Filters shall not become short-chcuited or otherwise damaged as a result of application of dielectric testvoltages of paragraphs 3.5.1, and 3.6 Overlqad Test 3.6.1 Filters shall be suspended by their conductors in free air at an ambient temperature of 20 C minimum. A

27、current equal to 140 percent of rated current at maximum rated frequency shall then be applied for 15 minutes. After the filter has returned to room temperature, the insulation resistance, voltage drop and resistance shall be measured and shall be within the original specification requirements. Filt

28、ers will be visually examined for evidence of physical damage. 3.7 Temperature Rise Test 3.7.1 Filters shall be suspended by their terminals and.shall be energized with rated rrent at maximum rated frequency, Lead wires shall be of copper, 0.15 meters long, and of the size specified in Table VI. Aft

29、er thermal stability has been reached and while the filter is still energized, the maximum hotspot on the filter case shall be determined by the use of thermocouples. Table VI - Lead Wire Sizes Rated Current of Filter Amperes IJp to 3 . 3+ to 5 5+ to 11 111- to 16 . 16+ to 22 . 22+ to 32 32+ to 41 4

30、1+ to 55 55+ to 73 73+ to 101 101+ to 135 135+ to 181 181+ to 211 Wire Sizes AWG 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 - 3.8 Insulation Resistance Test 3.8.1 Test terminal to case in accordance with EIA Standard RS-186, Method 13, at rated de voltage or 100 Vdc, whichever is smaller. Where only ac ratin

31、gs are specified, that de test voltage shall be 1.414 times rated ac volthge, or 100 Vdc, whichever is smaller. 3.8.2 Insulation resistance values measured between either terminal and the case of filters shall meet the requirements shown in the detailed parts specifications. . c 4 EIA 4Lb 74 3234b00

32、 0068277 9 = RS-416 Page 7 3.8.3 Correction for insulation resistance measurements taken at temperatures other than at 25 C is shown in Table VIL Divide the measured value by the correction factor correspond- ing to temperature of measurement. Table VII - Insulation Resistance Correction Factors Cor

33、rection Degrees C Factor 20 1.42 21 . 1.33 22 1.24 23 1.16 24 1.08 25 1.00 26 0.94 27 O. 87 Correction Degrees C Factor 28 0.82 29 O. 76 30 0.71 31 0.67 32 0.63 33 O. 59 34 0.55 35 0.51 I 3.9 Moisture Resistance Test 3.9.1 Filters shall be tested in accordance with EIA Standard RS-186, Method 2. The

34、 filters shall be subjected to 4 cycles (96 hours). No subcycling during Step 7 is required. No polarization voltage is to be applied during the test. 3.9.2 Initial measurements shall be made prior to start of test. Dielectric-Withstanding-Voltage (3.5), Insulation Resistance (3.8) and Insertion Los

35、s (3.16.2) shall be performed. 3.9.3 Final measurements shall be made after the drying period and shall consist of the same tests as for the initid measuremeniTable IV A potential of 120% of rated ac or 140% of rated dc voltage (at maximurn frequency for ac capacitors) shall be applied for the test

36、period. 3.11.2 A failure is defined as a short or open circuit of any filter or a change in electrical properties beyond the limits stated below: Insulation resistance after the accelerated life test shall be at least 30% of the applicable requirement shown in the detailed parts specificati

37、on. Insertion loss shall be within limits as measured in accordance with 3.16.2. There shall be no harmful degradation of the filter case or seal, and there shall be no leakage of the impregnant. 3.12 Temperature and Immersion Cycling Test . 3.12.1 Filters shall be subjected to fiv

38、e temperature cycles, each cycle consisting of a 30-minute soak at their applicable low rated temperature, 5-15 minutes at room ambient, a 30-minute soak at their applicable rated high temperature, and 5-15 minutes at room ambient, 3.12.2 Filters shall then be subjected to a two-cycle immersion in w

39、ater containing 5% sodium chloride. Each cycle shall consist of 15 minutes immersion at 65 C, followed by 15 minutes ihimersion at 250 C. Transfer time between immersions shall not exceed 3 seconds. 3.12.3 After the immersions of 3.12.2, the filters shall be rinsed with tap water and allowed to dry

40、in a room environment for no mo1.e than 24 hours. Insulation resistance as measured in Paragafi 3.8 shall exceed 30% of the requirements shown in the detailed parts specification. 3.13 Seal Test 3.13.1 Non-liquid-filled filters shall be immersed in oil or water for a minimum of one minute at the hig

41、hest ambient temperature for their applicable temperature rating. The presence of repetitive bubbling shall indicate a leaking filter. EIA 4Lb 74 m 3234600 OObA2i 2 m c FILTER RS-416 Page 9 1 A 3.13.2 Liquid-filled-filters shall be placed with terminals facing sideways on a sheet of clean brown pape

42、r and be brought to a temperature within 5 C of the highest ambient test temp- erature. After 10 minutes a# this case terperature, the filters shall be rotated through 180 in the vertical plane and maintained at a case temperature within the same limits for an additional 10 minutes. Those filters wh

43、ich show evidence of liquid! seepage shall be con- sidered defective. 3.141 DC Resistance and AC Vol tage Drop Test 3.14.1 The dc resistance of the feed-thru conductor shall be measured directly using a - Kelvin bridge or indirectly using the voltmeter-ammeter method, ammeter-potential meter method,

44、 or other suitable means. The point of contact shall be made 16.0 mm (5/8 inches or .63 inches) from the insulator. The maximum allowable measurement error shall be 5 percent. 3.14.2 The ac voltage drop is the difference between the input voltage to the filter and the output voltage of the filter wh

45、en the filter is carrying rated current at rated voltage, with a resistive load, at maximum rated frequency. The method of voltage measurement is shown in Figure 1. Measurements shall be made by using expanded-scale-type meters which will enable voltage differences of less than 1 volt to be read. V.

46、, - V2 = VOLTAGE DROP FIGURE 1. ac Filters; Measurement of Voltage Drop 3.15 Vibrution Test 3.15.1 Filters shall be tested in accordance with EIA Standard 186, Method 7, Type III test. Mounting shall be the normal mounting means for the filter. 3.15.2 During the test of 3.15.1 rated voltage shall be

47、 applied continuously to the filters. 3.15.3 Filters shall show no intermittent-, open-, or short-circuiting during the test. 3.15.4 There shall be no mechanical damage of the filters as a result of the vibration test. 3.16 Insertion-Loss Test 3.16.1 Insertion-loss measurements sliall be macle at a

48、sufficient number of frequencies to insure that insertion loss is greater than a curve described by joining points in Table II by straight lines. Q - EIA 4Lb 74 m 3234600 0068280 9 m RS-416 Page 10 3.16.2 Insertion-loss checkpoint measurements (anv method accurate to withing 2 3dB) need be made only

49、 at the lowest and highest frequencies of the specified frequency range, and at the one intermediate frequency, that is, the frequency at which the measured in- sertion loss (as determined from previous cuyves of insertion loss) is closest to the minimum insertion loss requirements. 4. MARKING Where space permits, each filter shall be marked with the identification in the order listed below. 4. I EIA Standard designation. 4.2 Name or symbol of the manufacturer. 4.3 EIA date code, 4.4 Nominal voltage rating in uolts. . 4.4.1 For ac rated units, the v

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