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1、 EIA STANDARD TP-65B MIXED FLOWING GAS TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS CONTACTS AND SOCKETS EIA-36(Revision of EIA-364-65A) 4-65B DECEMBER 2009 ANSI/EIA-364-65B-2009 Approved: December 10, 2009 EIA-364-65B EIA Standards Electronic Components Association NOTICE EIA Engineering Standards and

2、Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particu

3、lar need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by

4、 those other than EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such action, EIA does not assume any liability to any patent o

5、wner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Standard or Publication. This EIA Standard is considered to have International Standardization implication, but the International Electrotechnical Commission activity has not progressed to the point where a valid comparison bet

6、ween the EIA Standard and the IEC document can be made. This Standard does not purport to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to d

7、etermine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use. (From Standards Proposal No. 5194 formulated under the cognizance of the CE-2.0 National Connector and Socket Standards Committee) Published by: ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS ASSOCIATION 2009 EIA Standards and Technology Department 2500 Wi

8、lson Boulevard Suite 310 Arlington, VA 22201 PRICE: Please call: Global Engineering Documents, USA and Canada (1-800-854-7179) http:/ All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. PLEASE ! DONT VIOLATE THE LAW! This document is copyrighted by the EIA and may not be reproduced without permission. Organizatio

9、ns may obtain permission to reproduce a limited number of copies through entering into a license agreement. For information, contact: Global Engineering Documents 15 Inverness Way East Englewood, CO 80112-5704 or call USA and Canada (1-800-854-7179), International (303-397-7956) i CONTENTS Clause Pa

10、ge 1 Introduction . 1 1.1 Scope . 1 1.2 Object 1 1.3 Safety 1 2 Test resources . 2 2.1 Equipment . 2 2.2 Material . 3 3 Test specimen 4 3.1 Preparation 4 4 Test procedure . 5 4.1 Calibration 5 4.2 Pretest procedure . 6 4.3 Test procedure . 7 4.4 Control coupon exposure 8 4.5 Control coupon evaluatio

11、n 9 5 Details to be specified . 10 6 Test documentation . 10 Table 1 Environmental classes . 2 2 Weight gain (g/cm/day) . 9 Figure 1 Chamber zone configuration . 8 ii iii (This page left blank) TEST PROCEDURE No. 65B MIXED FLOWING GAS TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS AND SOCKETS (From EIA St

12、andards Proposal No. 5194, formulated under the cognizance EIA CE-2.0 Committee on National Connector Standards, and previously published in EIA-364-65A.) 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope This standard establishes the test procedure for producing environmentally related corrosive atmospheres to determine th

13、e reaction of plated or unplated surfaces when exposed to different concentrations of flowing gas mixtures. 1) and 2)1.2 Object The object of this test is to evaluate mated or unmated connectors, components, or experimental materials to the effects of mixed flowing gas exposure. They are placed in a

14、n environmentally controlled chamber that is monitored by a gas analyzing system for controlled concentrations of the gas mixture. Corrosion rates are monitored by copper control coupons placed in the chamber for each test. These control coupons are removed and analyzed using weight gain technique.

15、1.3 Safety This procedure involves the use of hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This specification does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of whoever used this specification to consult and establish appropriate safety and

16、 health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1) The Development and Performance Characteristics of Mixed Flowing Gas Test Environments, Electrical Contacts - 1987, Proceedings of the Thirty-Third IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, IEEE, New York

17、, 1987, pp67-78. 2) D.W.Rice et al., Atmospheric Corrosion of Copper and Silver, J. Electrochem. Soc., 128, 1981, pp 275-284. 2 Test resources 2.1 Equipment 2.1.1 Coupon evaluation equipment Weight gain equipment such as analytical balance or equivalent with an accuracy of one microgram or b

18、etter, see ASTM B-810, Calibration of Atmospheric Corrosion Tests by Mass Changes in the Mass of Copper Coupons. 2.1.2 Environmental chamber The environmental chamber shall consist of an enclosure made of nonreactive (will not react with pollutant gases) materials contained within a cabinet,

19、 oven, or incubator capable of maintaining the temperature within the specified ranges; see table 1. A commercially available environmental chamber will suffice as the outer chamber, if applicable. Table 1 - Environmental classes Concentration, ppbClass Relative humidity, % Temperature, C Cl2NO2H2S

20、SO2I Discontinued as a test procedure. II Superseded by class IIA IIA 70 2 30 1 10 3 200 50 10 5 100 20 III Superseded by class IIIA IIIA 70 2 30 1 20 5 200 50 100 20 200 50 IV 75 2 40 2 30 5 200 50 200 20 N/A Constant temperature chamber for Teflon(PTFE) permeation tubes, if used, shall be

21、capable of controlling temperature within 1 C over a temperature range of 15 C - 30 C. 2.1.3 Source of clean dry air. Teflon is a register trademark of E.I. du Pont de Numours and Company. This information is given for the convenience of the user of this standard and does not constitute an endorseme

22、nt by EIA of the product named. Equivalent products may be used if they can be shown to lead to the same results. 2.1.4 Appropriate gas analysis equipment for calibrating and monitoring the gas concentrations in the chamber. The gas analysis equipment shall be capable of the following accuracy: Tota

23、l sulfur analyzer 1 ppb at 20% upper range limit 4 ppb at 80% upper range limit; NOxanalyzer 2 ppb at 20% upper range limit 3 ppb at 80% upper range limit; Cl2analyzer 4% (Suitable instrument is a Mast Oxidant Monitor, Model 724-5 or equivalent). 2.1.5 Temperature and humidity monitoring equipment,

24、capable of an accuracy of 0.5 C and 1% relative humidity, respectively. 2.2 Material 2.2.1 Control coupons Copper sheet, oxygen free high conductivity, UNS C10200, 0.13 millimeters- 0.64 millimeters (0.005 inch - 0.025 inch) thick, temper 0.5 hard. Deionized or distilled water 2.2.1.

25、6 Hydrochloric acid, concentrated, ACS, AR grade Methanol, ACS, AR grade n-hexane, ACS, AR grade Flux, Alphametal Lonco 3355-11 or equivalent 2.2.2 Exposure materials Nitrogen gas, pre-purified grade or equivalent Nitrogen dioxide gas, chemically pure grade or

26、 better Hydrogen sulfide gas, chemically pure grade or better Chlorine gas, chemically pure grade or better Sulfur dioxide gas, chemically pure grade or better. Clean, dry and oil-free air shall be less than or equal to those defined by OSHA class D limits filtered to

27、 eliminate particulates above 0.3 micron equivalent diameter. Gas injection equipment, for example, Teflonpermeation tubes 3 Test specimen 3.1 Preparation 3.1.1 Copper control coupon This is a critical process in conducting the test, and therefore the same method should be used each time the

28、 test is performed. Improper cleaning may introduce contaminants that can affect the corrosion rates and mechanisms. The following two suggested ASTM B-810 methods have been found to produce reproducible results. CAUTION PERFORM ALL WORK WITH ACIDS OR SOLVENTS IN A FUME HOOD. CHEMICAL GOGGLES OR FAC

29、E SHIELD SHALL BE WORN. OBSERVE NORMAL PRECAUTIONS IN HANDLING CORROSIVE ACIDS. Cleaning method 1, or equivalent Immerse a coupon or small group of coupons for 5 minutes to 10 minutes in an ultrasonic cleaner containing hot (65C - 85C) 2 % aqueous solution of a mildly alkaline (7.5

30、 pH 10 pH) detergent. Remove an individual coupon from the cleaner and rinse in warm running tap water for 5 seconds 15 seconds. Transfer coupon immediately into a solution of 1 part concentrated hydrochloric acid and 3 parts deionized or distilled water; suspend coupon verticall

31、y for 120 seconds 10 seconds in this solution. Transfer the coupon immediately without allowing drying of the surface into one of the following treatments: Suspend coupon vertically in flowing deionized or distilled water for 15 seconds 5 seconds or, in one container of deionized or distil

32、led water, then immediately repeat in a second container of fresh deionized or distilled water. Transfer the coupon immediately without allowing drying of the surface to a bath of methanol; suspend the coupon vertically for 30 seconds 60 seconds with agitation in the bath. Remove

33、 the coupon from the methanol and immediately blow dry with prepurified nitrogen or with clean, dry air. Place the coupon immediately in a glass vial, leave vial uncapped for 10 minutes, then cap vial. Cleaning method 2, or equivalent Immerse coupon to be cleaned in n-hex

34、ane for 120 seconds. Remove and allow to drip dry for 10 seconds. Immerse the coupon in Alphametal Lonco flux 3355-11 or equivalent material for 15 seconds. Remove and allow to drip dry for 10 seconds. Rinse coupon twice with deionized water for 15 seconds. 3.

35、 Rinse coupon in methanol for 15 seconds and allow to dry. Place the coupon immediately in a glass vial, leave vial uncapped for 10 minutes, then cap vial. NOTES 1 Control coupons should be handled with clean forceps or surgical gloves, or equivalent, at all times with the exception

36、 of buffing. 2 Store coupons in a sealed container that has been filled with an inert gas, e.g., nitrogen, or in an evacuated desiccator until used, or equivalent. 3 If coupons are stored longer than two weeks, a coupon representing the lot shall be analyzed per 2.1.1 to ensure no significant film h

37、as developed. 3.1.2 Test specimen Specimen shall be tested in the “as-received condition” unless otherwise specified. Lubricated contacts shall not be cleaned. All surfaces that are not intended for exposure and could influence the various measurements shall be protected in a manner agreeable to the

38、 requester and operator. 4 Test procedure 4.1 Calibration 4.1.1 New or modified chamber calibration When a new chamber is first made operational, or if any design parameter of the chamber is changed, a minimum of three runs of each potential environment should be conducted with control coupons in pl

39、ace. A minimum of two coupons (30 liters) per cubic foot of total chamber volume shall be evenly dispersed within the chamber. In no case should fewer than 8 coupons be used. Each environment resulted in consistent levels of corrosion. Average total corrosivity level shall be determined. 4.1

40、.1.2 The working volume of the chamber, i.e., the area in which the results of any individual coupon are within 15% of the average for all coupons. In actual testing, samples must be placed within the established working volume. 4.1.2 Pretest calibration Gas concentration monitoring equipment shall

41、be calibrated prior to the start of the test and on the final day. During the test, calibration shall be performed either at the intervals recommended by the equipment manufacturer or prior to any gas adjustments in the chamber to correct what appears to be an “out of spec” condition. NOTE Some chlo

42、rine monitors cannot differentiate between chlorine and some other pollutant gases. If chlorine is to be checked only at the beginning and at the end of the test, these monitors need only be calibrated at these times. When the chamber is initially constructed or modified spatial uniformity of the ch

43、amber environment for chambers larger than 0.5 meter on a side shall be verified per ASTM B-810, or equivalent. 4.2 Pretest procedures 4.2.1 Adjust humidity and temperature according to environmental severity class specified as indicated in table 1, without samples in chamber. Other constitu

44、ent combinations may be used. In this instance, the mixtures required shall be specified along with their corrosion rates in the detailed specification. Class IV conditions are considered to be a system or subsystem exposure. This class is also useful for evaluating the sealing or environmen

45、tal shielding ability of connector housings. 4.2.2 Allow chamber to stabilize for temperature and humidity without samples. Exchange rate shall be adjusted to provide a minimum of 6 changes per hour. 4.2.3 Chlorine concentration shall then be adjusted and stabilized first; this gas cannot be monitor

46、ed in combination with the other pollutants. 4.2.4 Place samples in chamber as soon as possible after stabilization period. They shall be placed such that there is a minimum of 5 centimeters (2 inch) between samples and the chamber walls. Random placement of samples following each measurement interv

47、al throughout the test is suggested. 4.2.5 Sample orientation shall be chosen to minimize obstruction of the air flow. If application orientation is known, this should be simulated in the chamber. Samples shall not shield each other. 4.2.6 Due to absorption of gases by the samples, chlorine concentr

48、ations should be set at the end of the day and allowed to stabilize overnight. While setting the chlorine concentration as measured at the center of the exposure volume, measurements should be made to ensure that the chlorine concentration does not vary more than 10% between the inflow and outflow a

49、reas of the chamber working volume. If a greater variance is found, either the chamber loading must be reduced or the exchange rate must be increased. After allowing the chlorine concentration to stabilize overnight, the level should be adjusted if necessary to the concentration in table I. If the chlorine concentration cannot be stabilized at the proper level within 24 hours of sample placement, the samples must be replaced. 4.2.7 The remaining pollutants (NO2,SO2 and H2S) shall then

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