ASTM A183-2003 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Track Bolts and Nuts《碳素钢制轨条螺栓和螺母的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM A183-2003 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Track Bolts and Nuts《碳素钢制轨条螺栓和螺母的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM A183-2003 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Track Bolts and Nuts《碳素钢制轨条螺栓和螺母的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM A183-2003 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Track Bolts and Nuts《碳素钢制轨条螺栓和螺母的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM A183-2003 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Track Bolts and Nuts《碳素钢制轨条螺栓和螺母的标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: A 183 03Standard Specification forCarbon Steel Track Bolts and Nuts1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 183; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in pare

2、ntheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope*1.1 This specification covers carbon steel track bolts andcarbon steel

3、 nuts for use in conjunction with joint bars toconnect rails in railroad track.1.2 Two grades of track bolts are defined:1.2.1 Grade 1, Low-Carbon, Untreated, primarily for indus-trial and mine track use.1.2.2 Grade 2, Heat-Treated, for general track use.1.3 Two grades of nuts are defined:1.3.1 Grad

4、e 1, Low-Carbon or Soft Steel, primarily forapplication on Grade 1 track bolts.1.3.2 Grade 2, Medium-Carbon, for general application ontrack bolts.1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:F 606 Test Methods for Determining

5、the Mechanical Prop-erties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners,Washers, and Rivets22.2 ANSI Standards:B1.1 Unified Screw Threads3B18.10 Track Bolts and Nuts32.3 AREMA Standard:American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-WayAssociation Manual, Design of Track Bolts and Nuts,Chapter 4,

6、 Part 143. Ordering Information3.1 Orders for track bolts and nuts under this specificationshall include the following information:3.1.1 Quantity of bolts and nuts (weights),3.1.2 ASTM designation and date of issue,3.1.3 Grade of bolt: 1, low-carbon untreated, or 2, heat-treated (see 1.2 and Table 1

7、),3.1.4 Design of bolt: oval or elliptical neck (see 2.3),3.1.5 Dimensions of bolt: nominal diameter and lengthunder head,3.1.6 Grade of nut: 1, low-carbon, or 2, medium-carbon (see1.3 and Table 2 and Table 1),3.1.7 Nominal size of nut, thickness, and chamfer angle (see2.3),3.1.8 Thread fit of nuts

8、on bolts: free or wrench-turn fit (see2.2), and3.1.9 Certification or test reports, if required (see Section12).4. Manufacture4.1 The steel shall be made by the open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace process, and may be either continu-ous strand or ingot cast.4.2 Bolts, including the head an

9、d oval or elliptical neck,may be produced by hot or cold forging at the option of themanufacturer.4.3 Bolt threads may be machine cut or hot- or cold-rolledat the option of the manufacturer.4.4 Grade 2 bolts shall be heat-treated by quenching in aliquid medium from above the austenitizing temperatur

10、e, andtempering at a temperature not less than 750F (399C). Grade1 bolts need not be heat-treated.5. Chemical Requirements5.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements for chemicalcomposition specified in Table 1.5.2 Heat or Cast AnalysisAn analysis of each heat or castshall be made by the manufac

11、turer to determine the percent-ages of the elements specified in Table 1. The analysis shall bemade from a test sample taken preferably during the pouring ofthe heat. The chemical composition thus determined shallconform to the heat-cast requirements of Table 1.5.3 Product AnalysisAn analysis may be

12、 made by thepurchaser from a finished bolt or nut. The chemical composi-tion thus determined shall conform to the product requirements1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeA01.01

13、 on Steel Rails and Accessories.Current edition approved Sept. 10, 2003. Published October 2003. Originallyapproved in 1935 to replace A 50, A 51. Combined with A 76 in 1980. Last previousedition approved in 1998 as A 183 98.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.08.3Available from American National

14、 Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4thFloor, New York, NY 10036.4Available from the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of WayAssn., 8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 1125, Landover, MD 207851*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ASTM International, 1

15、00 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.of Table 1. Note that rephosphorized or resulfurized material isnot subject to rejection based on product analysis for theseelements.6. Tensile Requirements6.1 Tension Tests:6.1.1 The material as represented by a tens

16、ion test of afull-section bolt with nut assembled, or by a specimen ma-chined from a finished bolt, as prescribed in Table 3, shallconform to the respective requirements specified in Table 4 orTable Full-section and reduced-section bolt tension testsshall be performed as described in Test Me

17、thods F 606.6.1.3 Nuts shall be tested by assembling the nut on the gradebolt with which it is to be used, and testing as described underthe full-section tension test for bolts in Test Methods F 606.6.1.4 The bolt-nut assembly shall be capable of reaching theminimum load specified in Table 4 before

18、failure of theassembly.6.2 Number of Tests:6.2.1 Grade 1 BoltsOne full-section tension test shall bemade by the manufacturer from each lot of bolts. Each lot shallconsist of not more than one heat of steel, nor be greater than10 tons (9.7 Mg).6.2.2 Grade 2 BoltsOne full-section tension test and oner

19、educed-section tension test shall be made by the manufacturerfrom each lot of bolts. Each lot shall consist of not more thanone heat of steel, heat-treated in the same furnace load in abatch heat-treating operation or under the same conditions in acontinuous heat-treating operation, with no lot to e

20、xceed 10tons (9.7 Mg).6.3 Retests:6.3.1 Grade 1 BoltsIf the result of the full-section tensiontest of any lot does not conform to the specified requirement,two bolts shall be selected from the same lot for tension tests.If the results of both tests conform to the specified require-ments, the lot sha

21、ll be accepted.6.3.2 Grade 2 BoltsIf the result of the full-section orreduced-section tension tests of any lot does not conform to thespecified requirements, the manufacturer may re-heat treatsuch lot, not more than two times, in which case two additionalfull-section and two additional reduced-secti

22、on tension testsshall be made from the retreated lot. If all retest resultsconform to the specified requirements, the lot shall be ac-cepted.6.3.3 If the percentage of elongation of any reduced sectiontest specimen is less than that specified and any part of thefracture is more than34 in. (19 mm) fr

23、om the center of the gagelength, a retest shall be allowed.6.3.4 If during the full-section tension test a flaw is detectedin the bolt or nut that does not permit attainment of the testrequirements, the manufacturer shall be permitted to conductsorting or other reconditioning to eliminate the materi

24、al con-taining that flaw, after which the test shall be repeated.7. Dimensions and Permissible Variations7.1 Track bolts manufactured in accordance with this speci-fication may have either oval or elliptical necks; the nuts maybe square or heavy square, with 25 chamfer, or heavy squarewith 60 chamfe

25、r.7.2 The bolts and nuts shall conform to the designs andnominal dimensions specified by the purchaser in the order orcontract, subject to the tolerances and variations prescribed inANSI B18.10.8. Threads and Thread Fit8.1 The threads and thread fit of bolts and nuts shall be asdescribed in ANSI B18

26、.10 for either free fit or wrench turn fitTABLE 1 Chemical RequirementsElement, %Bolts NutsGrade 1 Grade 2 Grade 1 Grade 2Heat-Cast Product Heat-Cast Product Heat-Cast Product Heat-Cast ProductCarbon, min or range 0.15 0.13 0.30 0.27 0.15 0.13 0.400.55 0.370.58Phosphorus, max 0.04 0.050 0.04 0.050 0

27、.12A0.04 0.050Sulfur, max 0.33A0.06 0.070 0.33A0.06 0.070AWhere rephosphorized or resulfurized material is applied, due to the degree to which phosphorus and sulfur segregate, check analyses for these elements are nottechnologically appropriate.TABLE 2 Nut SuitabilityBolt GradeNut GradeLow-Carbon Gr

28、ade 1 Medium-Carbon Grade 2RegularSquare25ChamferHeavySquare25ChamferHeavySquare18 inOversizeinThickness60ChamferRegularSquareHeavySquare25ChamferHeavySquare18 inOversizeinThickness60ChamferGrade 1Grade 2XA.XA.XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAAX = suitable combination.TABLE 3 Required Tension TestsProduct Grade Full

29、-Section Test ofBolt with NutAssembledReduced-Section TestSpecimenBolts 1 XANRBNuts 2 XAX1X NAC2XCAX = required test. Test must be performed with 10 wedge under bolt head.BNR = test not required.CNA = test not applicable.A183032as specified by the purchaser in the order or contract. Thespecification

30、 provides that free-fit threads shall be providedunless wrench-turn fit is specified in the order or contract.8.2 The torque to assemble the nut on the bolt for free-fit orwrench-turn-fit requirements shall be as prescribed in Table 6:8.2.1 Free FitThe torque for free fit shall be the maxi-mum exper

31、ienced during assembly.8.2.2 Wrench-Turn FitThe nut shall have a free fit for atleast two threads in starting on the bolt. When engaged for thethickness of the nut plus two threads, the torque shall fallwithin the maximum and minimum specified. When engagedfor the remainder of the thread length, the

32、 torque shall notexceed the maximum requirement.9. Workmanship9.1 The bolts and nuts shall be neatly formed and free of finsand nicks that would affect application. The head of the boltshall be concentric with the shank, with the underside at rightangles to the axis of the bolt. The bolts and nuts s

33、hall be freeof injurious imperfections and shall have a workmanlike finish.10. Inspection10.1 The manufacturer shall afford the purchasers inspectorall reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy that the material isbeing produced and furnished in accordance with this specifi-cation. Mill inspection

34、by the purchaser shall not interfereunnecessarily with the manufacturers operations. All tests andinspections shall be made at the place of manufacture, unlessotherwise agreed upon.11. Rejection and Rehearing11.1 Material that fails to conform to the requirements ofthis specification may be rejected

35、. Rejections shall be reportedto the manufacturer or supplier promptly and in writing. In caseof dissatisfaction with the test results, the manufacturer orsupplier may make claim for a rehearing.12. Certification12.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, amanufacturers certification shal

36、l be furnished to the purchaserthat the material was produced and tested in conformance withthis specification and has been found to meet the requirements.12.2 When specified in the purchase order or contract, areport of the chemical and mechanical test results shall befurnished.12.3 A Material Test

37、 Report, Certificate of Inspection, orsimilar document printed from or used in electronic form froman electronic data interchange (EDI) transmission shall beregarded as having the same validity as a counterpart printed inthe certifiers facility. The content of the EDI transmitteddocument must meet t

38、he requirements of the invoked ASTMstandard(s) and conform to any existing EDI agreement be-tween the purchaser and the supplier.12.4 Notwithstanding the absence of a signature, the orga-nization submitting either a printed document (Material TestReport, Certificate of Inspection or similar document

39、) or anEDI transmission is responsible for the content of the report.13. Product Marking13.1 The bolt heads shall be marked with a symbol identi-fying the manufacturer. The symbol may be raised or depressedTABLE 4 Full-Section Tension Test RequirementsNominal Bolt Size, in. (mm) Threads per Inch Str

40、ess Area, in.2(cm2) Minimum Full-Section Test Load, lbf (kN)Bolts Grade 1 Bolts Grade 2A12 (12.7) 13 0.142 (0.91) 7 800 (34)B58 (15.9) 11 0.226 (1.46) 12 400 (55)B34 (19.0) 10 0.334 (2.15) 18 300 (81) 36 700 (163)1316 (20.6) 10 0.401 (2.59)B44 100 (196)78 (22.2) 9 0.462 (2.98) 25 400 (112) 50 800 (2

41、26)1516 (23.8) 9 0.540 (3.48)B59 400 (264)1 (25.4) 8 0.606 (3.96) 33 300 (148) 66 600 (296)1-116 (27.0) 8 0.695 (4.48)B76 400 (340)1-18 (28.6) 7 0.763 (4.92)B83 900 (373)AThese test requirements are based on the use of heavy square Grade 2 nuts or18 in oversize heavy square Grade 1 nuts.BThese items

42、 are not covered by this specification.TABLE 5 Reduced-Section Tension Test Requirements, Grade 2OnlyProperty Minimum RequirementTensile strength, psi (MPa) 110 000 (760)Yield point, psi (MPa) 80 000 (550)Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, % 12Reduction of area, % 25TABLE 6 Track Bolt and Nut Assembly To

43、rque RequirementsABolts Nuts Torque, lbfft (Nm)Grade 1 Grade 2Free-Fit Wrench-Turn Fit Free-Fit Wrench-Turn FitGrade 1 10 (14) maxB10 (14) maxBGrade 2 10 (14) max 1090 (14122)C10 (14) max 10110 (14149)CATorque values shall be as measured on the bolt-nut contract as ordered.BThese combinations are no

44、t covered by this specification.CThe nut shall have a free fit for at least two full threads while starting on the bolt.A183033at the option of the manufacturer. The manufacturer may applyadditional marks for his own use.13.2 Grade 2 bolts shall be marked on the head with asymbol to indicate heat-tr

45、eated.14. Packaging and Package Marking14.1 Prior to packing wrench-fit assemblies, the nuts shallbe screwed onto the bolts enough to hold them in place untilused.14.2 Unless otherwise specified, nuts for free-fit assembliesshall be placed loose in the container with the bolts.14.3 All containers sh

46、all be marked by the manufacturer toindicate the name of the manufacturer, the size (diameter andlength) of the bolts, type, and weight in container.14.4 The Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) BarCode Standard for Primary Metals for Steel Products may beconsidered as a possible auxiliary method

47、 of identification onthe containers used for packaging the bolts and nuts. Use ofthis method shall be by agreement between purchaser andsupplier.15. U.S. Government Procurement15.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order,material shall be prepared for shipment and storage in accor-dance wit

48、h the requirements of Practice A 700.16. Keywords16.1 fasteners-steel; rails; railway applications; steel boltingmaterials; steel rails; track bolts and nutsSUMMARY OF CHANGESCommittee A01 has identified the location of selectedchanges to this standard since the last issue (A 183 98)that may impact

49、the use of this standard.(1) Military standard references deleted in Section 2.(2) Updated Footnotes.(3) Made U.S. Government Procurement its own section anddeleted references to Military Specifications.(4) Updated Table 1 to meet Specification A6 tolerances.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of suc


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