ECA TEP131-A-1966 Criteria of Bulbs and Implosion Panels for Television Picture Tubes《电视显象管的球状部分和闭塞面板的标准》.pdf

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ECA TEP131-A-1966 Criteria of Bulbs and Implosion Panels for Television Picture Tubes《电视显象管的球状部分和闭塞面板的标准》.pdf_第1页
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ECA TEP131-A-1966 Criteria of Bulbs and Implosion Panels for Television Picture Tubes《电视显象管的球状部分和闭塞面板的标准》.pdf_第2页
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ECA TEP131-A-1966 Criteria of Bulbs and Implosion Panels for Television Picture Tubes《电视显象管的球状部分和闭塞面板的标准》.pdf_第3页
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ECA TEP131-A-1966 Criteria of Bulbs and Implosion Panels for Television Picture Tubes《电视显象管的球状部分和闭塞面板的标准》.pdf_第4页
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ECA TEP131-A-1966 Criteria of Bulbs and Implosion Panels for Television Picture Tubes《电视显象管的球状部分和闭塞面板的标准》.pdf_第5页
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2、 li - EIA TEP333-A bb W 3234b00 0008373 5 SCOPE This publication provides the criteria for television picture bulbs and implosion panels. The individual items specified herein are, for the most part, those which are of some comercial interest within the United States at this time. Other television p

3、icture bulbs are being produced, new bulbs undoubtedly will be pro- duced after this is issued, and the amount of commercial interest in different bulbs has been known to fluctuate considerably. Therefore, no deductions should be drawn from the inclusion or exclusion of a particular bulb from this d

4、ocument. This publication was initially intended as a revision of JEDEC Publication 10, Cathode-Ray Tube Bulb Criteria, dated November 19, 1956. However, the Committee on Cathode-Ray Tubes, JT-6, concluded that it would be ad- vantageous to divide the CRT bulb criteria into two unique publications -

5、 this one and a subsequent publica- tion restricted to the criteria of bulbs for industrial and military CRT, This publication is therefore a re- placement of that part of Publication 10 dealing with television picture bulbs. -2- i EIA TEPL3L-A bb = 3234600 0008174 7 GENERAL INDEX PAGE - SUBJECT Sco

6、pe. . 2 Bulb and Implosion Panel Index . 4 I normally appears as a white residue. hkrking Point The temperature at which the glass is ready for working. viscosity of 10 poises. The pqint at which the glass has a -1Oa- r- - I STANDARD TOLERANCES - CRT BULBS The JHEC Coiiniittee on Cathode-Ray Tubes,

7、JT-6, has approved the following toler- anoea a stsndard and recommends that they be applied uniformly, unleee otherwise ,rpeclfied in the individual Bulb Criteria Tolerence la LeWh, over-all . . . . . . . . f 0.125“ 2. Reference line to center of face e . . . . . . . i 0.125“ If 3. Reference line t

8、o center of contact button e . . . f 0.250“ 4. O.D. of maximum diameter . . . . . f 0.062 14“ - 19“ Recm ar Bulbs 1. .Lengt;h,over-aU a *. .-* . . . . . f0.188 2. Reference line to center of face . . . . . . . . f 0.125“ * 3. Reference line to center of contact button . f 0.250. 4, 0.1). of long, sh

9、ort, and diagonal mia mtch dimenaione . . . f 0.125 5a Buttonsehth . . . ,O.tiw“ a and Larger Recttuigula r Bulbs le 2. * 3. 4. 5a 5 5 hngth, over-all . . * I . . Referenoe.line to center of face + . * * . . . . Reference line to center of contact button . . . * 0.D. of long, short, and diagonal mol

10、d match dimensions Buttonazimuth * 9 o *.a m i . f0*188“ . * *0*188“ * . i 0.250“ . .i 0.12511 * * f Oi.250“ * Fibr sll 110 au lib0 bulbs, the reference line to center of contact button toleranae a ir o,i25tt, - 11 - EIA TEP131-A bb 3234b00 0008185 I M 1 c . I. . . EIA TEPL3L-A 66 3234600 0008l18b 3

11、 GENERAL QUALITY CRITERIA NO. 1 AVIZICABILITY The following quaity and dimeneional criteria are applicable to television picture bulbe and ehall be met in addition to the criteria of the lndiyidual bulbe. Where the requirements of the Individual BulQCriteria and this Wn- eral Quality Criteria confli

12、ct, the requirements or the former ahall rule. III DWINITJaAS EQuivslent Diameter. Length + width of elongated defect divided by 2. .alitx Area. torr spd maor axes coincide with the center and mqjor exis of the face plate* Ueable screen ares Of the completed tube when viewed parallel to the bulb axi

13、s. It is divided Into two piones, A an B, whose oen- ne A is defined by the dimensione in the table according to bulb size. F.ii the reminder of the quality area. Round Bulbs Zone A - Zone A - Rectangular Bulbs Al ell Diamehr Circle Limitation Applloable to detecte with an equivalent diameter oft 1.

14、 e. Ovar 0.010“ throw 0.025“ for stones and opaque spote. Over 0.010“ through 0.030“ for seeds, blistere, etc. Allowable Number Any $?It Dimeter Circle Quaiity Area - Defects mer 0.0 3“ Zone A 5ne B hlb Size: 8“ - 26“ - ber 0,OW . 1 ZoneA. 4 *O 6 10 15 Nnimuip + . Zones A and B * * * . . * 12 eo- rn

15、t070n 2. Stone8 aiid opaque spots . . 0.025“ 0.00“ 0.050 0.070“ 3. Open, elongated blisters on inside or outside surface regarleee of length or width. Ailowable Number 7ne A Zone B einnee A + fl - Bulb Size Miniminn eeparation for any two defects. . . . . . . . . . . . . r3“ p. Other Limitaticme 1,

16、Ahered ass. lane permitted that cannot readily be rePeove. If ad- hered glasru ie removed, apply opaque ep6t limitationa. 2. Bruieee or chips. Hone pennitted that are vieible to the Maideci eye. 3. Carbonized mold. 4. Chromaticity. In combination with the sulfide type standard P4 pnosphor with a col

17、or temperature of 700OoKi (where X = .3058, Y - .3171), the CIE co-ordinates at the center of the color pen- tagon shall be X = 0.3030, Y = 0.3160. The five corners of!the color pentagon shall be at: not extend more than 0025“ inb the quality m38b a x* . Oezgg6 0.2996 0.30s8 0.pot. Tail - None permi

18、tted. 7. Ruet, rouge, and unglazed scale. None permitted that canrnt be removed in the washing process. 8. Gcratch. Width - Length 0.002 or smaller Unlimited maximum n Over 0.002“ through 0.004“ . 1“ . Over 0.004“ through 0.“ a o . 5001 ver 0.006“ Hone allowed 9. Gcuff. Conaider as az1 opque spot fo

19、r allowable number and eize. 100 mear mark. None permitted. U. intensity of defects. Not greater than limit samples specified Intensity: Limit Sample No, 20. a Length: Unlimited. 10. Sheer mark. Intensity: Limit Sample No. 51. il. Stones, - Sealing Zone Outside Glass Surface Exposed Glazed , Maximum

20、 size: . . . . . 0.015“ 0.030 . 0,080“ Minimum eeprtration: . 0.380“ number: . . . . 5 A. Undisturbed Area. Minhnh length from mold match face splice bulge Flare , B* - 19 23 0.375“ O. soort C. Neck-Splice Line. l.l25“ O.D. Necks e OeD. o 0 e. o 1 . 168“ IOD, in splice zone . . .“ Wall thickne

21、ss . . . . . . 0.070 - 16 - EIA TEPL3L-A bb 3234b00 OOOLO 5 9 CRITWIA NO. 1 (Continued) C, Weck-Splice Line 1.438“ O.D. Necks 0.D. *eoa I.D. in splice zone . . . wall thickness . . . . D. Neck Body. 1.125“ O.D. Necks E;. Face-Funnel Splice. Round Bulbs Maxhum extension . . Max. bulb dia. Meximum ext

22、ension beyond mold match line . e . . . . , . . Bogie o 085“ o. 100“ Minimum Maximum 1.190“ 0.090 0.105 Rectangular wilbs Through 10“ Over 10“ o. 03P 0.062“ Ilie splice contours shall be as smooth outside and as free from harp re- Centering Dots; . enttant angles inside as good commercial practice p

23、ermits. P. Visible centering dots shall be placed on the panel rim radius at the ends of the mejor and minor exes with au accuracy: of f 0.030“. O. Neck-Splice Zone, Within 0.312“ of the splice line. 4, ,?utton Azimuth. f 0.250. J. Gun Sealing Zone. J. Spot Centering Limits Bulb Size Limit Circle 1.

24、500“ to 2.500“ from end of neck. Il 24 I 19“ end smaller 20“ - 23“ * la*. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS A A. Flare. The flared end of the neck shall be glazed. - B. Cleanliness. temination which cannot be quickly removed by a standard washing method such as a solution of 7$ hydrofluoric acid or equival

25、ent. !The bulb shall be reasonably clean and free (inside as well as outside) from dust, oil, grease, or any other form of con- C. Stipplin. The inside face shall be stippled. P. Annealing, Good commercial. - 17 - a a 4 a I. I?* EIA TEPL3L-A bb m 3234b00 0008LL 7 m GENERAL QUALITY CRTTERIA #IA - IMP

26、LOSION PANELS The following quality and dimensional criteria are applicable to television face panels fabricated by bending and partally tempering a sheet glass for usa in laminating and shall be met in addition to the criteria of the individual panels. Definitions Quality Area usable screen area of

27、 the completed tube when viewed parallel. to the bulb -8. and major cuds ooinoides with the center and major axis of the face plates. Zone A is defined by the dhnsions in %he table according to bulb sise. Zone B is tho reminder of the quality area. Round Bulbs - Zone A Rec%angular Bulb it is divided

28、 into two zones, A and B, whose centers - - Zone A - III. Quolity Speaifications AU, dimensions in inches unless otherwise indicated. A. paque pots, Knots and stones Diameter - Over Through Number ZOTB Minimum Separation 0.010 00020 25 2 0.030 13 2 0.030 00040 o1 2 00040 o .o . 0.020 December 10, i9

29、64 /- Y EIA TEP333-A bb = 3234b00 0008392 9 B. ELongatsd Gpaque Blisters and Seeds Length Widbh Number l4inimm Soparation Over pough. Over ; Through - Zen-A ILI B .- 7. O. Elongated Clear Blisters and Seeds, eta. . P. Dirt“ ,- I Length . Number MjJlimm I Ovar Through ZwTB Separation. - - - .u5 .250

30、*O3 2U ,. E Rubs, Crush, and Roll Nark vioion nonual to the gla9s surtaoe, Must be light and soattered and raust not noticoabLy Interfere with F Scratches Width mer- Through -. - Maximwa. l4wscun a Length Separation 0.332 01334 . 1 .O 2# 0003225 U88 : 0.U 2. No V“ chips allowed. “ . .I I o . e . EIA

31、 TEP333-A bb 3234600 0008393 O = H. Edge Finish Ali edges shall be swiped lightly with no sharp edges that wUL puncture the tape used for ltuninating. Tong marks, mark-off or blem;lsher from bending equipme O00 16“ 114O, Re 16“ 114O, Re 16“ 114O, Re 16“ 114O, Re 14.875 14.875 14,875 14.875 J125 B1 J

32、125 82 J125 BU J125 B2A 16“ 60, R 16“ 520, R 16“ 70, R 14.500 14.500 15.000 J127 81 J127 C1 J127 El 16“ 70, Re 16“ 60, R 14.875 15.000 5129 Al/BI J129 C2 Ji32 Alhl J132 1/2 A2/B2 J132 1/2 Cl/D2 J132 1/2 C2/D1 17“ llOo, Re 17“ llOo, Re, Sn 17“ 900, Re, Lw 17“ 90, Re, Lw, Sn 15.750 15.750 15.750 15.75

33、0 17“ 70, Re, Sph 17“ 70, Re, Cy1 17“ 90, Re J133 Bl/Dl J133 Cl/E1 J133 Fl/Gl 15.562 15.562 15.562 19“ 114O, Re 1g 114O, Re, Sn 19“ 92, Re 19“ 92O, Re, SN 19“ 1140, Re, Lam 19“ 114O, Re, Lam, SN 19“ 920, Re, Lam 19“ 92, Re, Lam, SN 19“ 114, Re 19“ 114O, Re, SN 19“ 114O, Re 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.00

34、0 12.062 12.062 12.062 12.062 12.000 12.000 12.000 17.562 17.562 17.562 17.562 17.625 17.625 17.625 17.625 17.562 17.562 17.562 J149 Al J149 A2 J149 B1 J149 B2 1149 C1 1149 C2 J149 D1 J149 D2 J149 F1 5149 F2 J149 FM JI61 Cl/D1 20“ 70, Re 12.750 17.000 18.750 215 - 18 - / EIA TEP33L-A 66 m 3234600 O0

35、08395 4 m BULB 170 Al/C1. . . . J170 Bl/Dl J171 BI/F1 1171 D2/El I171 D3/E2 J171 Gl/Kl J171 Hl/Jl J171 H2h2 - J187 Al J187 B1 i187 Cl/Fl J187 C2h2 J187 Dl/Gl J187 D2/G2 J187 El J187 i1 Ji87 KI J187 L1 J214 1/2 A2 J214 1/2 A3 -. SUMMARY OF MINIMUM SCREEN DIMENSIONS (continued) DESCRIPT ION 21“ 70, Re

36、, Cy1 21“ 70, Re, Sph 21“ 72O, Re 21“ 90, Re 21“ 90. Re, SN 21“ llO, Re, LW 21“ llO, Re 21“ llO, Re, SN HEIGHT 14.188 14.188 15.062 15.062 15.062 15.062 15.062 15.062 - 23“ llOo, Re, La 15.250 23“ 114, Re 15.125 23“ 92, Re 15.125 23“ 92. Re, SN 15.125 23“ 92. Re, Lam 15.250 23“ 92, Re, Lam, SN 15.25

37、0 23“ llVm Re 18.250 23“ 94, Re 15.125 23“ llO, Re 15.125 23“ 114. Re 15.125 24“ SO, R 16.875 24“ 90. Re, SN 16.875 24“ 1100, Re 18.875 27“ 90 Re 18.625 21“ 90, Re, SN 18.625 - i8d .- c- f WIDTH 19.062 19.062 19.062 19.062 19.062 19.062 19. o62 19. o62 19.312 19.250 19.250 19.250 19.312 19.312 19.31

38、2 19.250 19,250 19.250 21.438 21.438 21.438 24.250 24.250 DIAGONAL 20.000 20.000 20.250 20.250 20.250 20.250 20.250 20.250 22.312 23.312 22.312 22.312 22.312 22.312 22.312 22.312 22,312 22.312 22.812 22.812 25.750 25.750 22.82 AREA 248 248 262 262 262 262 262 262 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282

39、282 332 332 332 425 425 - .EIA TEP231-A bb I 323Llb00 000839b b I 567 112 Al NILB CRJTERIA 0“ goo Rmtaagulilr CWPWZTION Fac? Plate - 9010 i Fwinel - go10 ) or equivalent glass Heck - 0120 ) ,DIMINSIONS (In inches unless otherwise stated) Bogie Minimum naXimua F . Length - over-all . . . . ., . . . .

40、 io.gie 10,787 n.o37 - reference line to center of face . . . . 3.937 3.832 4.062 - reference line L neck-funnel splice line . e 0.850 0.788 0.9 - reference line to center of contact button . . 1.562 1.437 1,667 O1DI - diagonal or diameter . -. (at mold match) 8.438 8,407 8054x1 - short side of rect

41、angular section I. I . 6.062 6.031 6,194 -.long side of rectangular section It II ; 7.875 7.w 7.937 - neck, including ovality (ring gauge, maximum). 1.438 1.3% 1.482 Thickness - centerface . . . . I * . c . , . . b . Oelgo Luninoue Tranemittahce - at center of face In $ . . . 80 77 83 Bcre

42、en Diaiensiona - height . . . . y . . . 5 375 -Widtho I u a - Beam Clearance . . . . * * . me apex of 8 55 cone must penetrate the pipa0 (cone penetration) of the. reference line a hM.mum dietrrrice Qf l.I.62 when held concentric witb t$p OU2 &ausa. LAS8 QUALI!FY bneral Quality Criteria No. 1 ia app

43、licable. - 21 - Ja4 Cl/D& EIA TEPI3I-A bb m 3234b00 0008199 I m BULB CRIIXRIA 10“ 55O Round 9.031 1 -1 10.500 e.-. All dimensions in inches. For detailed dimensions refer to tb registration drawings ora flla at the EIA Type Admin- letration Office. -2l.a- 7 I- - /-i-, EIA TEPL3L-A 66 3234600 0008200

44、 4 . BULB CRITERIA l2It 55O Round COMPOSITION Face Plate - 9010, IM5 1 Neck - 0120, 012 1 Funnel - 9010, m5 ) or equivalent glass DIMENSIONS (In inches unless 0therwis.e stated) Length - over-all . . ,. . I i , . . . . - reference line to center of face I . .cv - reference line to center of contact

45、button o - reference line to neck-funnel splice line . . O:D - diagonal or diameter . e ., (at mold match) - long side of rectangular section - neck, including ovalty (ring gauge, maximum). II II - short side of rectangular section I . Thckness - centerface - . . I I. . y y . . . y . Luminous Transm

46、ittance - at center of face in $ . . Screen Dimensions - height . I . . y o . . . . -width., . I . ., diagonal . . I . . . . a I - area . u . - (in square inches) e Reference Line .,. _. , , . -. a . , I . . a , . : e e ll.000 96 Maximum 19.399 10 625 3 250 12.500 1.482 0.385 78 Funnel Roundness . o . . , , . . . . I . L Beam Clearance . e . . . The apex of a 55 cone must penetrate the plene of the reference line a minimum distance of 1.162 when held concentric with the (3112 gauge. (cone penetration) GUSS QUALITY General Quiity Criteria No. 1 is applicable.

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