EN 15316-4-6-2007 en Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-6 Heat generation systems photovoltaic sys.pdf

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EN 15316-4-6-2007 en Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-6 Heat generation systems photovoltaic sys.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 15316-4-6:2007Heating systems in buildings Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies Part 4-6: Heat generation systems, photovoltaic systemsThe European Standard EN 15316-4-6:2007 has the status of a British StandardICS 91.140.10g49g50g3g38g50

2、g51g60g44g49g42g3g58g44g55g43g50g56g55g3g37g54g44g3g51g40g53g48g44g54g54g44g50g49g3g40g59g38g40g51g55g3g36g54g3g51g40g53g48g44g55g55g40g39g3g37g60g3g38g50g51g60g53g44g42g43g55g3g47g36g58BS EN 15316-4-6:2007This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy C

3、ommittee on 28 September 2007 BSI 2007ISBN 978 0 580 56025 5National forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 15316-4-6:2007.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee RHE/24, Central heating installations.A list of organizations represented on t

4、his committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.Amendments issued sinc

5、e publicationAmd. No. Date CommentsEUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPENNEEUROPISCHE NORMEN 15316-4-6July 2007ICS 91.140.10English VersionHeating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of systemenergy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-6: Heatgeneration systems, photovoltaic systemsSystme

6、s de chauffage dans les btiments - Mthode decalcul des besoins nergtiques et des rendements dessystmes - Partie 4-6: Systmes de gnration de chaleur,systmes photovoltaquesHeizsysteme in Gebuden - Verfahren zur Berechnung desEnergiebedarfs und Nutzungsgrade der Anlagen - Teil 4-6:Wrmeerzeugungssysteme

7、, photovoltaische SystemeThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 24 June 2007.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and

8、 bibliographical references concerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translationunder the responsibili

9、ty of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as theofficial versions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ire

10、land, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNGManagement Centre: rue de Stassart, 36

11、 B-1050 Brussels 2007 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reservedworldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. EN 15316-4-6:2007: EEN 15316-4-6:2007 (E) 2 Contents Page Foreword3 Introduction .5 1 Scope 6 2 Normative references 6 3 Terms and definitions .6 4 Symbols and abbrev

12、iations 8 5 Calculation method9 5.1 Energy delivered by the photovoltaic system 9 5.2 Solar irradiation on the photovoltaic modules .9 5.3 Peak power.10 5.4 System performance factor 10 5.5 Thermal output of the photovoltaic panel.10 5.6 Auxiliary energy consumption .10 5.7 System thermal losses11 5

13、.8 Recoverable system thermal losses11 Annex A (informative) Standards linked to photovoltaic systems.12 Annex B (informative) Informative values.14 B.1 Solar irradiation on the photovoltaic modules .14 B.2 Peak power.16 B.3 System performance factor 16 Annex C (informative) Calculation examples .17

14、 Bibliography 18 EN 15316-4-6:2007 (E) 3 Foreword This document (EN 15316-4-6:2007) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 228 “Heating systems in buildings”, the secretariat of which is held by DS. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publicati

15、on of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by January 2008, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by January 2008. This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association (Mandate M/34

16、3), and supports essential requirements of EU Directive 2002/91/EC on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD). It forms part of a series of standards aimed at European harmonisation of the methodology for calculation of the energy performance of buildings. An overview of the whole set of standard

17、s is given in prCEN/TR 15615. The subjects covered by CEN/TC 228 are the following: design of heating systems (water based, electrical etc.); installation of heating systems; commissioning of heating systems; instructions for operation, maintenance and use of heating systems; methods for calculation

18、 of the design heat loss and heat loads; methods for calculation of the energy performance of heating systems. Heating systems also include the effect of attached systems such as hot water production systems. All these standards are systems standards, i.e. they are based on requirements addressed to

19、 the system as a whole and not dealing with requirements to the products within the system. Where possible, reference is made to other European or International Standards, a.o. product standards. However, use of products complying with relevant product standards is no guarantee of compliance with th

20、e system requirements. The requirements are mainly expressed as functional requirements, i.e. requirements dealing with the function of the system and not specifying shape, material, dimensions or the like. The guidelines describe ways to meet the requirements, but other ways to fulfil the functiona

21、l requirements might be used if fulfilment can be proved. Heating systems differ among the member countries due to climate, traditions and national regulations. In some cases requirements are given as classes so national or individual needs may be accommodated. In cases where the standards contradic

22、t with national regulations, the latter should be followed. EN 15316 Heating systems in buildings Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies consists of the following parts: Part 1: General EN 15316-4-6:2007 (E) 4 Part 2-1: Space heating emission systems Part 2-3: S

23、pace heating distribution systems Part 3-1: Domestic hot water systems, characterisation of needs (tapping requirements) Part 3-2: Domestic hot water systems, distribution Part 3-3: Domestic hot water systems, generation Part 4-1: Space heating generation systems, combustion systems (boilers) Part 4

24、-2: Space heating generation systems, heat pump systems Part 4-3: Heat generation systems, thermal solar systems Part 4-4: Heat generation systems, building-integrated cogeneration systems Part 4-5: Space heating generation systems, the performance and quality of district heating and large volume sy

25、stems Part 4-6: Heat generation systems, photovoltaic systems Part 4-7: Space heating generation systems, biomass combustion systems According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austr

26、ia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. EN 15316-4-6:2

27、007 (E) 5 Introduction This European Standard constitutes the specific part related to building integrated photovoltaic systems, of the set of EN 15316 standards on methods for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies of space heating systems and domestic hot water systems i

28、n buildings. This European Standard presents a method for calculation of the electricity production of building integrated photovoltaic systems. The calculation is based on the performance characteristics of the products given in product standards and on other characteristics required to evaluate th

29、e performance of the products as included in the system. The user needs to refer to other European Standards or to national documents for input data and detailed calculation procedures not provided by this European Standard. Only the calculation method and the accompanying input parameters are norma

30、tive. All values required to parameter the calculation method should be given in a national annex, containing appropriate national values corresponding to the tables given in Annex B. EN 15316-4-6:2007 (E) 6 1 Scope This European Standard is part of a set of standards on the method for calculation o

31、f system energy requirements and system efficiencies. The scope of this specific part is to standardise for photovoltaic systems: required inputs; calculation method; resulting outputs. The calculation method applies only to building integrated photovoltaic systems. The calculation method does not t

32、ake into account: electrical storage; PV/thermal photovoltaic systems. The calculation method describes how to calculate the electricity production of photovoltaic systems. Primary energy savings and CO2savings, which can be achieved by photovoltaic systems compared to other systems, are calculated

33、according to prEN 15603. Standards linked to photovoltaic systems are listed in Annex A. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition

34、of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN ISO 7345:1995, Thermal insulation Physical quantities and definitions (ISO 7345:1987) 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 7345:1995 and the following apply. 3.1 auxiliar

35、y energy electrical energy used by technical building systems for heating, cooling, ventilation and/or domestic hot water to support energy transformation to satisfy energy needs NOTE 1 This includes energy for fans, pumps, electronics etc. Electrical energy input to the a ventilation system for air

36、 transport and heat recovery is not considered as auxiliary energy, but as energy use for ventilation NOTE 2 In EN ISO 9488 the energy used for pumps and valves is called “parasitic energy“. 3.2 building integrated photovoltaic systems system where the building envelope (roof, walls etc.) is used to

37、 support the photovoltaic panels EN 15316-4-6:2007 (E) 7 3.3 net power production total power produced by the photovoltaic panel minus all auxiliary energy consumption inside the sub-system boundaries 3.4 peak power electrical power of a photovoltaic system with a given surface and for a solar irrad

38、iance of 1 kW/m2 on this surface (at 25 C) 3.5 recoverable system thermal loss part of a system thermal loss which can be recovered to lower either the energy need for heating or cooling or the energy use of the heating or cooling system 3.6 recovered loss part of the recoverable losses which are re

39、covered to lower the energy requirements 3.7 renewable energy produced on the building site energy produced by technical building systems directly connected to the building using renewable energy sources 3.8 renewable energy energy from a source that is not depleted by extraction, such as solar ener

40、gy (thermal and photovoltaic), wind, water power, renewed biomass NOTE In ISO 13602-1, renewable resource is defined as “natural resource for which the ratio of the creation of the natural resource to the output of that resource from nature to the technosphere is equal to or greater than one“. 3.9 s

41、olar irradiance power density of radiant incident on a surface, i.e. the quotient of the radiant flux incident on the surface and the area of that surface, or the rate at which radiant energy is incident on a surface, per unit area of that surface. Irradiance is normally expressed in Watts per squar

42、e meter (W/m2) ISO 9488:1999 NOTE The reference solar irradiance is equal to 1 kW/m2. 3.10 solar irradiation incident energy per unit area of surface, found by integration of irradiance over a specified time interval, often an hour or a day. Irradiation is normally expressed in megajoules per square

43、 metre (MJ/m2) ISO 9488:1999 3.11 system thermal loss thermal loss from a technical building system for heating, cooling, domestic hot water, humidification, dehumidification, ventilation or lighting that does not contribute to the useful output of the system EN 15316-4-6:2007 (E) 8 NOTE Thermal ene

44、rgy recovered directly in the subsystem is not considered as a system thermal loss but as heat recovery and directly treated in the related system standard. 3.12 technical building sub-system part of a technical building system that performs a specific function (e.g. heat generation, heat distributi

45、on, heat emission, electricity production) 3.13 technical building system technical equipment for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water, lighting and electricity production composed by sub-systems NOTE 1 A technical building system can refer to one or to several building services (e.g. h

46、eating system, heating and DHW system). NOTE 2 Electricity production can include cogeneration and photovoltaic systems. 4 Symbols and abbreviations For the purposes of this document, the following symbols and units (Table 1) and indices (Table 2) apply. Table 1 Symbols and units Symbol Quantity Uni

47、t A area, total surface of all photovoltaic modules (without frame) m E annual solar irradiation energy in general, including primary energy, energy carriers (except quantity of heat, mechanical work and auxiliary (electrical) energy) Wh/m2aWh abf factor c- I solar irradiance W/m2K coefficient cP po

48、wer in general including electrical power W Q quantity of heat Wh aT thermodynamic temperature K W auxiliary (electrical) energy, mechanical work Wh a Celsius temperature C aSeconds (s) may be used as the unit for time instead of hours (h) for all quantities involving time (i.e. for time periods as

49、well as for air change rates), but in that case the unit for energy is J instead of Wh. bThe unit depends on the type of energy carrier and the way its amount is expressed. cCoefficients have dimensions; factors are dimensionless. EN 15316-4-6:2007 (E) 9 Table 2 Indices an annual ls losses rbl recoverable aux auxiliary out output ref reference el electricity perf performance sol solar gen generation pk peak T thermal hor horizontal pv solar electricity (photovoltaic) tlt tilt and orientation in input 5 Calculation method 5.1 Ener


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