EN 60953-1-1995 en Rules for Steam Turbine Thermal Acceptance Tests Part 1 Method A High Accuracy for Large Condensing Steam Turbines《汽轮机热力验收试验规则 第1部分 方法A 适用于大容量凝汽式汽轮机的高精度》.pdf

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EN 60953-1-1995 en Rules for Steam Turbine Thermal Acceptance Tests Part 1 Method A High Accuracy for Large Condensing Steam Turbines《汽轮机热力验收试验规则 第1部分 方法A 适用于大容量凝汽式汽轮机的高精度》.pdf_第1页
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EN 60953-1-1995 en Rules for Steam Turbine Thermal Acceptance Tests Part 1 Method A High Accuracy for Large Condensing Steam Turbines《汽轮机热力验收试验规则 第1部分 方法A 适用于大容量凝汽式汽轮机的高精度》.pdf_第2页
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EN 60953-1-1995 en Rules for Steam Turbine Thermal Acceptance Tests Part 1 Method A High Accuracy for Large Condensing Steam Turbines《汽轮机热力验收试验规则 第1部分 方法A 适用于大容量凝汽式汽轮机的高精度》.pdf_第3页
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EN 60953-1-1995 en Rules for Steam Turbine Thermal Acceptance Tests Part 1 Method A High Accuracy for Large Condensing Steam Turbines《汽轮机热力验收试验规则 第1部分 方法A 适用于大容量凝汽式汽轮机的高精度》.pdf_第4页
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EN 60953-1-1995 en Rules for Steam Turbine Thermal Acceptance Tests Part 1 Method A High Accuracy for Large Condensing Steam Turbines《汽轮机热力验收试验规则 第1部分 方法A 适用于大容量凝汽式汽轮机的高精度》.pdf_第5页
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1、CENELEC EM*b0*953-3 95 3Li04583 0373293 396 = BRITISH STANDARD Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests Part 1. Method A: High accuracy for large condensing steam turbines The European Standard EN 60953-1 : 1995 has the status of a British Standard ICs 27.040 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSIO

2、N EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW BS EN 60953-1 : 1996 JEC 953-1 : 1990 BS EN 60953-1 : 1996 AmdNo. This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Sector Board, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 15 June 1996 O B

3、SI 1996 Date Text affected The following BSI references reiate to the work on this standard: Committee reference MCW13 Draft announced in BSZ News December 1995 ISBN O 680 26623 6 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Com

4、mittee MCFY13, Steam turbines, upon which the following bodies were represented Association of Consuiting Engineers Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales North of Scotland Hydroelectric Board Power Generation Association (BEAMA Ltd.) South of Scotland Electricity Board CENELEC EN*bD*953-L

5、 95 3404583 0273295 2b9 BS EN 60953-1 : 1996 Contents Committees responsible National foreword page Inside front cover Il Foreword 2 Text of EN 60953-1 3 O BSI 1996 1 CENELEC EN*bO*953-L 95 W 3404583 017329b OT5 D BS EN 60953-1 : 1996 National foreword This British Standard has been prepared by Tech

6、nical Committee MCW13 and is the English language version of EN 609531 : 1995 Rules for steam tu furthermore, procedures are recommended for treating cases where these specifications cannot be met. CENELEC EN*bO*953-L 95 3404583 OL3300 35b = Page 4 EN 60953-1 : 1995 When good-standardized instrument

7、ation and procedures are applied in a test, the measuring uncertainty of the result will usually amount to 0.9% to 1.2% for a large fossil fuel fired condensing unit, to 1.1 O/o to 1.4% for a nuclear unit and to 1.5% to 2.5% for back pressure, extraction and small condensing turbines. it is possible

8、 to reduce these values by additional improvement in instrumen- tation, primarily by additional measurements of primary mass flows and/or calibration of measuring devices for primary mass flow. 2) Main difference between Methods A and B In Method A, much more detailed information concerning the prep

9、aration and conduct of the tests and the measuring techniques are contained for guidance of the parties to the test than in Method B. In Method B, the detailed treatment of these objectives is left somewhat more to the discretion and decisions of the participants and necessitates sufficient experien

10、ce and expertise on their part. 3) Guiding principles The requirements concerning the preparation and conditions of the test and especially such conditions of the test as duration, deviations and constancy of test conditions and acceptable differences between double measurements are more stringent i

11、n Method A. The test should be conducted preferably within eight weeks after the beginning of the operation. It is the intent during this period to minimize performance deterioration and risk of damage to the turbine. Preliminary tests including enthalpy drop tests should be made during this period

12、to monitor HP and IP turbine section performance. However, these tests do not provide LP section performance and for this reason it is imperative to conduct the acceptance tests as soon as practicable. Whatever the case, when using Method A, if an enthalpy drop test indicates a possible deterioratio

13、n of the HP or iP section, or if the plant conditions require that the tests be postponed more than four months after the initial start, then the acceptance tests should be delayed. An adjustment of the heat rate test results to start-up enthalpy drop efficiencies or for the effects of aging is not

14、permitted when using Method A. If the test has to be postponed, Method A proposes that the test be carried out after the first major internal inspection; several methods are proposed for establishing the approximate condition of the turbine prior to the tests. 4) a) Measurement of electrical power I

15、nstruments and methods of measurement In addition to the conditions required for the measurement of electric power, which are similar in both methods, Method A requires a check of the instruments by a comparison measurement after each test run; the permissible difference between double measurements

16、is limited to O. 15%. For the measurement of main flows the use of calibrated pressure difference devices is required in Method A. The application of a device not covered by international standardization, the throat-tap nozzle, is recommended therein and details of design and application are given.

17、b) Flow measurement The calibration of these devices shall be conducted with the upstream and downstream piping and flow-straightener. Methods for the necessary extrapolation of the discharge coefficient from the calibration values are given. in Method B standardized pressure-difference devices are

18、normally applied for flow measurement. Calibration is recommended where a reduction of overall measuring uncertainty CENELEC EN*b0*953-3 95 = 3404583 O373303 292 Page 5 EN 60953-1 : 1995 is desirable. Double or multiple measurement of primary flow is recommended for the reduction of measuring uncert

19、ainty and a method for checking the compatibility is described. c) Pressure measurement The requirements and recommendations for pressure measurements are essentially similar. Only the methods for the measurement of exhaust-pressure of condensing turbines difer to some extent. d) Temperature measure

20、ment The requirements are essentially similar in both methods. However detail requirements are more stringent in Method A: - calibration before and after the test, - double measurement of the main temperature with 0.5 K maximum difference, - thermocouples with continuous leads, - required overall ac

21、curacy. e) Steam quality measurements Methods A and B are identical. 5) Evaluation of tests The preparatory work for the evaluation and calculation of the test results is covered in a very similar manner in Methods A and B. However, quantitative requirements are more stringent in Method A. Method B

22、contains some proposals for handling cases where some requirements have not been met to avoid rejection of the test. In addition, Method B contains detailed methods for calculation of measuring uncertainty values of measured variables and test results. Method B recommends other methods for conductin

23、g and evaluating of the tests after the specified period and without a previous inspection. 6) Correction of test results and comparison with guarantees The correction of test results to guarantee conditions is covered in both Methods A and B. Method A provides for the comparison of test results to

24、guarantee without consideration of Method B gives a broader spectrum of correction procedures. Furthermore, the measuring measuring uncertainty. uncertainty of the result is taken into account in the guarantee comparison. 7) Proposalsfor application Since the acceptance test method to be applied has

25、 to be considered in the details of the plant design, it should be stated as early as possible, preferably in the turbine contract, which method will be used. Method B can be applied to steam turbines of any type and any power. The desired measuring uncertainty should be decided upon sufficiently ea

26、rly, so that the necessary provisions can be included in the plant. If the guarantee includes the complete power plant or large parts thereof, the relevant parts of either method can be applied for an acceptance test in accordance with the definition of the guarantee value. I. Scope and object 1.1 S

27、cope The rules given in this standard are applicable primarily to thermal acceptance tests with high accuracy for condensing steam turbines driving generators for electric power services. Some of the provisions of these rules are relevant to turbines for applications other than driving electric powe

28、r generators. These rules provide for the testing of turbines operating with either superheated or satu- rated steam. They include measurements and procedures required to determine specific enthalpy within the moisture region and describe precautions necessary to permit testing while respecting radi

29、ological safety rules in nuclear plants. These rules contain information also applicable to the testing of back-pressure turbines, extraction turbines and mixed-pressure turbines. Only the relevant portion of the rules need apply to any individual case. Uniform rules for the preparation, carrying ou

30、t and evaluation of the acceptance tests are defined in this standard. Details of the conditions under which the acceptance tests shall take place are included. Should any complex or special case arise not covered by these rules, appropriate agreement shall be reached by manufacturer and purchaser b

31、efore the contract is signed. 1.2 Object The purpose of the thermal acceptance tests of steam turbines and turbine plants described in this standard is to verify any guarantees given by the manufacturer of the plant concerning: a) turbine plant thermal efficiency or heat rate; b) turbine thermodynam

32、ic efficiency or steam rate or power output at specified steam flow conditions; c) main steam flow capacity and/or maximum power output. The guarantees with their provisions shall be formulated completely and without contradic- tions (see 2.4). The acceptance tests may also include such measurements

33、 as are necessary for corrections according to the conditions of the guarantee and checking of the results. 1.3 Mauers to be considered in the contract with in the following sub-clauses: Some matters in these rules have to be considered at an early stage. Such matters are dealt Sub-clause 1.1 (parag

34、raph 4) 1.2 (paragraph 2) 3. I 3.3.3 (paragraph 1) 6.6 6.8 (paragraphs 3 and 4) CENELEC EN*b0*953-L 95 3404583 0373303 Ob5 Page 7 EN 60953-1 1995 2. 2.1 General Units, symbols, terms and definitions The International System of Units (SI) is used in these rules; all conversion factors can The coheren

35、t units for all relevant quantities are given in the Table in 2.2. Some conversion therefore be avoided. factors are given as well for specific heat rates based on units other than W/W. 2.2 Symbols, units For the purpose of these rules the following symbols, definitions and units shall be used: Gran

36、deurs Puissance Dbit masse Pression absolue Pression manomtrique Pression ambiante (baromtrique) Diffrence de pression Temprature thermodynamique Temprature Celsius Ecart de temprature Distance verticale Enthalpie massique Chute denthalpie massique Chaleur massique Titre (masse de vapeur sature sche

37、 Vitesse de rotation Vitesse linaire Masse volumique Volume massique Diamtre Acclration de la pesanteur Rendement thermique Rendement thermodynamique Consommation spcifique de chaleur Consommation spcifique de vapeur par unit de masse de vapeur humide) Dbit de chaleur Facteur de cavitation Concentra

38、tion Facteur de correction selon 6.61) Facteur de correction selon 6.66) Exposant isentropique Coefficient de dcharge Coefficient de dbit Symboles P m Pabr Pe Pamb AP T. O t. 3 Ai H h Ah C X n V e V D g rh ?id HR SR Q K C F F* cd a K Units W kg/s Pa Pa Pa Pa K K m Jkg J/kg kg/kg 5. m/s kg/m3 m3/kg m

39、 m/s? w/w w/w w/w J/kg. K kg/W - s ou kg/J J/s 1 Selon nature du traceur multiples et sous-multiples kW k Pa k Pa k Pa kPa mm kJ/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg K g/g mm kW/kW kW/kW kW/kW kg/kW - s kg/kJ kJ/s bar bar“ bar) mbar “c min- kJ/kW * S, kJ/kW * h kg/kW - h I) Admitted by CIPM and IS0 for temporary use with

40、 fluids only. Page 8 EN 60953-1 : 1995 - CENELEC EN*bO*953-1 95 3404583 0173304 TTL Relation between Heat Rate and Thermal Efficiency: Units used for HR Relationship 1 HR = - 171 3 600 kJ/kW h HR=- 17t I O00 kJ/MW s HR=- Vt W/W, kW/kW, kl/kW - s kcal/kW h 859.845 171 HR=- 3412.14 171 BTU/kW h HR=- 2

41、.3 Subscripts. superscripts and definitions Quantity I Steam condition and flow rate Condensate and feed water conditions and. now rates Subscript b a g C i mech max I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II b d a is ir Position or definition At generator terminals Taken by auxiliaries not driven by the turbine (see

42、4.2.3); (see also IEC 34) Net power output: Pg = A, - P, At turbine coupling, less power required by turbine auxiliaries, if driven separately (see 4.2.3) Internal to the turbine Mechanical losses of pump and pump drive Values for fully opened control valves Directly upstream of high pressure (HP) t

43、urbine stop valve(s) and the steam strainer(s) (if any) that are included in the turbine contract At exhaust of the turbine HP from which steam passes to the reheater Directly upstream of intermediate pressure (I P) turbine stop valves At exhaust ofthe turbinds) discharging to the condenser At conde

44、nser discharge At inlet to condensate pump At discharge from condensate pump See figure la At inlet of boiler feed pump At outlet of boiler feed pump At outlet of final feed heater After passage through the condensate pump and any coolers At outlet from the drain cooler At outlet of air ejector cond

45、enser Refers to water taken from the feed-water system to the superheater for regulation ot the initial team temperature (oil, generator, gaslair) included in the contract Refers to water taken from the feed-water system to the reheater for control of the reheated team temperature CENELEC EN*b0*953-

46、1 95 3404583 0373305 938 Page 9 EN 60953-1 : 1995 Quantity Efficiency General Quantity Superscript Definition / - Average value Reference value of computer-calculated efficiency Make up water conditions and Gland steam conditions and flow flow rate rates Main steam flow rate and concen- Mass flow ra

47、te and concentration tration Mass flow rate and concentration Condenser cooling water Efficiency Enthalpy drop Velocity Static pressure Concentration Test results and guaranteed values Correction factor F or F* General use Subscript m g gl q 9Y M F core cond inj E R W wi wio t td throat sat wat L B

48、inj O g m 1, 2, 3 17 P i, j wo S C tot Position or definition Measurements adjacent to the inlet flange of the condensate Steam supplied to glands from a separate source system or of the evaporator Leak-off steam from glands and valve stems returned to the system and included in the initial steam fl

49、ow Flow of leak-off steam from glands and valve stems at inlet end or before a reheater which is led away for any extraneous purpose and neither it nor its heat is delivered to any part of the turbine cycle Leak-off flows similar to q, but coming from a point or points downstream of a reheater Main steam flow at outlet of reactor Refers to feed-water for reactor Refers to medium fluid passing through reactor core Refers to condensed steam Refers to injected tracer solution At entry into core of PWR Recirculated water flow from water separator Condenser inlet Con


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