1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Action Changes/Revisions1995 05 23 NB00I10043054426 M. TrappPage 1 of 6POLYPROPYLENE (PP) HOMOPOLYMER, WSB-M4D732-A4GLASS FIBER/MICA REINFORCED MOLDING COMPOUND1. SCOPE:The material defined by this specification is a thermopla
2、stic injectionmolding compound based on polypropylene with 30 % glass fiber/micareinforcement.2. APPLICATION:This specification was released originally for material used for theintegral structural duct for the instrument panel, radio bracket, andconsole bin of F-Series trucks.3. REQUIREMENTS:3.1 STA
3、TISTICAL PROCESSSuppliers must conform to the requirements of Ford Quality SystemStandard Q-101. A mutually acceptable Control Plan as describedtherein is required for material/source approval. Appropriatestatistical tools must be used to analyze process/product data sothat variation in the final pr
4、oduct is continuously reduced.3.1.1 All requirements of this specification, identified by symbol(s), shall be met with data representing 3 sigma values.3.2 INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOMETRY AND/OR THERMAL ANALYSISFord Motor Company, at its option, may conduct infrared and/orthermal analysis of material/par
5、ts supplied to this specification.The IR spectra and thermograms established for initial approval shallconstitute the reference standard and shall be kept on file at thedesignated material laboratory. All samples shall produce IR spectraand thermograms that correspond to the reference standard when
6、testedunder the same conditions.3.3 CONDITIONING AND TEST CONDITIONSAll test values indicated herein are based on material conditioned ina controlled atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 C and 50 +/- 5 % relativehumidity for not less than 48 h prior to testing and tested under thesame conditions unless otherwise
7、specified.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSB-M4D732-A4Page 2 of 63.4 MOLDING COMPOUND(s) 3.4.1 Melt Flow Rate 4.0 - 7.0 g/10 minutes(ISO 1133, 230 C, 2.16 kg)The material shall be dried for 2 h minimum at 120 C in amechanical convection oven immediately preceding the test.(s) 3.4.2 Glass Fiber/M
8、ica Content 28 - 32 %(ISO 3451/1, Method A,1 h at 700 +/- 25 C)(s) 3.4.3 Melt Temperature, min 160 C(ISO 3146, Method C,10 C/min heating rate)3.5 MOLDED TEST SPECIMEN3.5.1 Preparation of Test SpecimensUnless otherwise specified all tests shall be carried out oninjection molded one-end gated test spe
9、cimens.The following dimensions are required:A. 150 min x 10 x 4.0 +/- 0.2 mm (Tensile Bar, ISO 3167)B. 120 x 10 x 4.0 +/- 0.2 mmSpecimens with shorter dimensions shall be cut from thecenter portion of the test specimen A and/or B. Thespecimens shall be prepared according to ISO 294. Noannealing all
10、owed.3.5.2 Density 1.13 - 1.16 g/cm3(ISO 1183, Method A)(s) 3.5.3 Tensile Strength at Max Load, min 53 MPa(ISO R 527, 150 minimum x10 x 4.0 +/- 0.2 mm specimen,50 mm/min test speed)(s) Elongation at break, min 3.2 %(Test Method accordingto para 3.5.3)(s) 3.5.4 Flexural Modulus, min 3.9 GPa(I
11、SO 178, 80 x 10 x 4.0 +/- 0.2 mmspecimen, 2 mm/min test speed,64 mm support span)ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSB-M4D732-A4Page 3 of 63.5.5 Shear Modulus at 23 C 1.28 - 2.14 GPa(ASTM D 4065, forced constantamplitude, fixed frequency of 1 Hz+/- 15 %, strain level below 1 %.Specimen approx. 60 x
12、 10 x 4.0 +/-0.2 mm cut from the center of specimen A.Specimen length between clamps 35-40 mm.Soak time at each temperature interval -3 minutes minimum)Additionally, a Shear Modulus versus Temperature curve shallbe plotted for - 50 to + 150 C temperature range, at 5 Cminimum intervals. The plotted c
13、urve must be withintolerance range shown on page 6.(s) 3.5.6 Impact Strength, Izod, min(ISO 180/1A, 80 x 10 x 4.0+/- 0.2 mm specimen, 10 specimensfor each test) At 23 +/- 2 C 3.2 kJ/m23.5.6.2 At - 40 +/- 1 C 2.1 kJ/m2The test specimens must be conditioned for minimumof 6 h at the above specif
14、ied temperature prior toimpact test. Low temperature testing shall be donewithin the cold box.(s) 3.5.7 Heat Deflection Temperature, min(ISO 75, 120 x 10 x 4.0+/- 0.2 mm specimen, edgewise,0.32 +/- 0.01 mm deflection) At 1.80 MPa 131 C3.5.7.2 At 0.45 MPa 152 CAll specimens dry as molded. If n
15、ot tested immediately aftermolding, specimens must be stored in a sealed, moisture-proofcontainer filled with silica gel.3.5.8 Heat Aging Performance(ISO 188, except 150 +/- 50 airchanges/h, 1000 h at 120 +/- 2 C.After heat aging test specimens areto be conditioned in a desiccator for3 - 5 h at 23 +
16、/- 2 C. Unaged propertyvalues shall be determined at the timeof the aged properties determination)ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSB-M4D732-A4Page 4 of Tensile Strength at Max LoadPercent Change +/- 25 %(Test Method per para 3.5.3) Impact Strength, Izod Change +/- 25 %(Test Metho
17、d per para,specimens to be notched beforeheat aging)3.6 FOGGING(FLTM BO 116-03, 3 h at 100 C heating,21 C cooling plate)Fog Number, min 70Formation of clear film, droplets or crystals is cause for rejection.3.7 FLAMMABILITY(ISO 3795/SAE J369)Burn Rate, max 100 mm/minuteThe specimen size requ
18、ired for material approval is 355 x 100 x 1.5+/- 0.1 mm with a smooth surface.3.8 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSSpecific requirements for material and/or manufactured parts shall bespecified on the Engineering drawing, Engineering parts specificationand/or performance specifications. All critical areas wit
19、h respectto these properties shall be clearly designated on the Engineeringdrawing.3.9 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITYAll materials supplied to this specification must be equivalent inall characteristics to the material upon which approval wasoriginally granted.Prior to making any change in the properties,
20、 composition,construction, color, processing or labeling of the materialoriginally approved under this specification, whether or not suchchanges affect the materials ability to meet the specificationrequirements, the Supplier shall notify Purchasing, Toxicology andthe affected Materials Engineering
21、activity of the proposed changesand obtain the written approval of the Materials Engineeringactivity. Test data, test samples and a new code identification areto be submitted with the request.Substance restrictions imposed by law, regulations or Ford, apply tothe materials addressed by this document
22、. The restrictions aredefined in Engineering Material Specification WSS-M99P9999-A1.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSB-M4D732-A4Page 5 of 64. APPROVAL OF MATERIALS:Materials defined by this specification must have prior approval by theresponsible Materials Engineering activity. Suppliers desirin
23、g approvalof their materials shall first obtain an expression of interest from theaffected Purchasing, Design and Materials Engineering activity. Uponrequest, the Supplier shall submit to the affected Materials Engineeringactivity a completed copy of their laboratory test reports, signed by aqualifi
24、ed and authorized representative of the test facility, demonstratingfull compliance with all the requirements of this specification (testresults, not nominal values), the material designation and code number, andtest specimens for Ford evaluation. Fords engineering approval of amaterial will be base
25、d on its performance to this specification and on anassessment of suitability for intended process and/or application. Uponapproval, the material will be added to the Engineering Material ApprovedSource List.5. GENERAL INFORMATION:The information below is provided for clarification and assistance in
26、meeting the requirements to the specification.5.1 COEFFICIENT OF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 34.8E-5/ C(ASTM E 831 (TMA), temperature range- 30 to 30 C)5.2 MOLD SHRINKAGE(ISO 2577, approx. 150 x 100 x 3.2 +/- 0.2 mminjection molded specimen)5.2.1 Molding Shrinkage. After 48 h at 23 +/- 2 C 1.0 %5.2.2 Post Shrinkage(Separate specimens required foreach test). After 48 h at 80 C 2.0 %. After 30 min at 120 C 4.0 %5.3 HARDNESS, DUROMETER D 80(ISO 868, 15 s dwell)5.4 RECYCLING CODEPP-(GF+P)30ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSB-M4D732-A4Page 6 of 6