GMW GMW3040-2011 Heating System Maximum Performance Validation for Passenger Vehicles Issue 3 English《乘用车供暖系统的最大性能验证 第3次出版(英文版本)》.pdf

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GMW GMW3040-2011 Heating System Maximum Performance Validation for Passenger Vehicles Issue 3 English《乘用车供暖系统的最大性能验证 第3次出版(英文版本)》.pdf_第1页
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GMW GMW3040-2011 Heating System Maximum Performance Validation for Passenger Vehicles Issue 3 English《乘用车供暖系统的最大性能验证 第3次出版(英文版本)》.pdf_第2页
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GMW GMW3040-2011 Heating System Maximum Performance Validation for Passenger Vehicles Issue 3 English《乘用车供暖系统的最大性能验证 第3次出版(英文版本)》.pdf_第3页
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GMW GMW3040-2011 Heating System Maximum Performance Validation for Passenger Vehicles Issue 3 English《乘用车供暖系统的最大性能验证 第3次出版(英文版本)》.pdf_第4页
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GMW GMW3040-2011 Heating System Maximum Performance Validation for Passenger Vehicles Issue 3 English《乘用车供暖系统的最大性能验证 第3次出版(英文版本)》.pdf_第5页
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1、 WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS Test Procedure GMW3040 Heating System Maximum Performance Validation for Passenger Vehicles Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2011 Originating Department: North American Engineering Standards Page 1 of 6 1 Scope Note: Nothing in this

2、standard supercedes applicable laws and regulations. Note: In the event of conflict between the English and domestic language, the English language shall take precedence. 1.1 Purpose. Validate the performance capability of vehicle heating systems, using reproducible measurements in a climatic wind t

3、unnel. The measurements include the following operating conditions. Soak Warm up Idle 1.2 Foreword. Not applicable. 1.3 Applicability. For all passenger vehicle heating systems. 2 References Note: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified. 2.1 External Standards/Sp

4、ecifications. None 2.2 GM Standards/Specifications. GMW15845 2.3 Additional References. Motor Vehicle Dimensions Procedures 3 Resources 3.1 Facilities. Climatic wind tunnel including a chassis dynamometer with adjusting possibilities for vehicle speeds of 100 km/h minimum, wind speeds of 100 km/h mi

5、nimum and ambient temperatures of -35 C minimum. 3.2 Equipment. 3.2.1 General. Temperature measuring and recording equipment per Appendix A and GMW15845. Voltage and current measuring and recording equipment for compartment blower(s) and battery(ies). Measuring and recording

6、equipment for the engine speed. Device for operation and adjustment of accelerator pedal. 3.3 Test Vehicle/Test Piece. Passenger vehicle heating system. 3.4 Test Time. Calendar time: Prep time plus 4.5 h for each Cycle 1 and 4 h for each Cycle 2. (See 4.3.1 and 4.3.2) Test hours: Cycle 1: Te

7、st Time of 50 Minute + Variable Soak Time (3.5 h) Cycle 2: Test Time of 30 Minute + Variable Soak Time (3.5 h) Coordination hours: Not applicable Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without li

8、cense from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3040 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2011 Page 2 of 6 3.5 Test Required Information. Test conditions as specified by the Vehicle Technical Specification (VTS). Motor Vehicle Dimensions Procedures as needed. 3

9、.6 Personnel/Skills. Need one (1) climatic tunnel operator and one (1) driver (if necessary). 4 Procedure 4.1 Preparation. The vehicle shall be prepared for the climatic tunnel and shall be equipped with devices according to 3.2 and GMW15845. 4.1.1 Engine Oil, Coolant and Fuel. As released for the e

10、ngine at the test temperature. 4.1.2 Settings. The vehicle ventilation system controls shall be set to Full Hot, Heater, and Outside Air Mode (OSA). The blower(s) switch position (or voltage) is specified in 4.3.4. Unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer, the vent outlets shall remain close

11、d (if applicable). 4.2 Conditions. 4.2.1 Environmental Conditions. Standard conditions. Test Temperature: -20 1 C Pre-soak: 5 C below test temperature Deviations are specified by the VTS. Pre-soak temperature may be modified to accelerate test. 4.2.2 Test Conditions. Deviations from the requirements

12、 of this standard shall have been agreed upon. Such requirements shall be specified on component drawings, test certificates, reports, etc. Vehicle and Wind Speeds. Vehicle and wind speeds as specified in the measurement programs (See 4.3) (wind speed for pre-soak may be modified to accelera

13、te test). Soak. It shall be ensured that the entire vehicle is at a uniform temperature (vehicle mass, e.g., seat rail) which is in the range of 1 C of the test temperature prior to start of test. The engine oil temperature shall be in the range of 1 C of the test temperature. Warmup

14、 Conditions. Vehicle and wind speeds as specified in the measurement program (See 4.3). Idle Conditions. Wind speed as required to maintain tunnel test temperature (10 km/h maximum). Electrical Power Supply. All electrical systems are supplied by the internal vehicle power supply. He

15、adlights (low beam), backlight defogging system and heated seats on high setting (if standard equipment) are switched on at: t = 0 minutes. Gear Steps or Drive Positions. The specified vehicle speeds are driven at road load (on level stretches without acceleration). For repeat meas

16、urements on vehicles with automatic transmissions, it shall be ensured that same vehicle speeds are driven at the same lowest engine speeds (See Table 1). Table 1: Gear Steps or Drive Positions Transmission Speed 40 km/h 100 km/h Idle Manual Transmission 3 Note 1 Highest Drive Gear Neutral Automatic

17、 Transmission Highest Drive Gear Highest Drive Gear Highest Drive Gear Note 2 Note 1: Change gear if driver notification appears or engine RPM is over 2100 min-1 (2100 rpm) Note 2: Whichever provides lowest heat rejection point For Manual transmissions, gears shall be changed as follows. S

18、hifts at 2500 200 min-1 (2500 200 rpm). Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3040 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Ri

19、ghts Reserved December 2011 Page 3 of 6 4.3 Instructions. 4.3.1 Climatic Tunnel Cycle 1. Figure 1: Measurement Program Note Key: D = Drive, N = Neutral 4.3.2 Climatic Tunnel Cycle 2 (Idle Warm up/Parking Heater). Figure 2: Measurement Program 4.3.3 Measuring Values and Data to Record. All data (See

20、Appendix A) shall be recorded at 10 s intervals. Further Data. Vehicle data, mileage and description of the system to be validated. Test number and date. Name of the person in charge of the test. List of calibrated test equipment. 4.3.4 Test Description for Cycle 1. Cool down the vehicle unt

21、il the vehicle mass and the engine oil have reached the temperatures as described in After the soak is complete, the driver enters the vehicle and switches the blower fan to the on position. Blower setting per the program VTS (default value is Medium High 9 V). After the blower sett

22、ing, the driver starts the engine. This is: t = 0 minutes. Note: If necessary the driver can stay in the vehicle (for speed adjustment and gear changing), but it is recommended that the tunnel operator make all adjustments. Accelerate vehicle to 40 km/h and maintain speed for 20 minutes. Blo

23、wer setting per VTS (default value is Medium High 9 V). After recording data, accelerate vehicle to 100 km/h and maintain for 20 minutes. Blower setting per VTS (default is Medium High 9 V). S o a kH V AC S e tti n g O S A, F u l l H o t, H e a te rB l o w e r S e tti n g B l o w e r O f fV

24、e h i c l e S e tti n g 0 km / h E n g i n e O f fT e s t T i m e i n M i n u te sO S A, F u l l H o t, H e a te rW a r m u p I d l e Not e : U s e w i n d s p e e d ( u p t o 1 0 k m / h ) t o m a i n t a i n t e s t t e m p e r a t u r e a t i d l e4 0 km / h 1 0 0 km / h I d l e ( D or N - S e e

25、T a bl e 1 )B l o w e r = 9 V20 40 500V a r i a b l e T i m e - S ee 4 . 2 . 2 . 2S ta r t T e s tS o a kH V AC S e tti n g O S A, F u l l H o t, H e a te rB l o w e r S e tti n g B l o w e r O f fV e h i c l e S e tti n g 0 km / h E n g i n e O f fT e s t T i m e i n M i n u te sW a r m u pI d l e

26、o r P a r ki n g H e a te r - S e e 4 . 3 . 5Not e : U s e w i n d s p e e d ( u p t o 1 0 k m / h ) t o m a i n t a i n t e s t t e m p e r a t u r e a t i d l eO S A, F u l l H o t, H e a te rB l o w e r = 9 V300V a r i a b l e T i m e - S ee 4 . 2 . 2 . 2S ta r t T e s tCopyright General Motors C

27、ompany Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3040 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2011 Page 4 of 6 After recording da

28、ta, decelerate vehicle to idle. Maintain idle for 10 minutes. Blower setting per VTS (default is Medium High 9 V). Record the data. End of test. 4.3.5 Test Description for Cycle 2. Idle Warmup. Cool down the vehicle until the vehicle mass and the engine oil have reached the temperatures as d

29、escribed in After the soak is complete, the driver enters the vehicle and starts the engine. Then the blower fan is switched on. Blower setting per VTS (default value is Medium High 9 V). This is: t = 0 minutes. Note: If necessary, the driver can stay in the vehicle, but it is rec

30、ommended that the tunnel operator make all adjustments. Maintain idle for 30 minutes. Record the data. End of test. Parking Heater. Cool down the vehicle until the vehicle mass and the engine oil have reached the temperatures as described in After the soak is com

31、plete, the parking heater system will be started. This is: t = 0 minutes. Note: On manual systems, it is necessary to switch the compartment blower to the recommended step before the parking heater will be started. Operate parking heater for 30 minutes. Record the data. End of test. 5 Data

32、 5.1 Calculations. Not applicable. 5.2 Interpretation of Results. The targets are defined by the corresponding VTS. 5.3 Test Documentation. With reference to this test procedure, the results of the measurements shall be presented in a test report. 6 Safety This standard may involve hazardous materia

33、ls, operations, and equipment. This standard does not propose to address all the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

34、 7 Notes 7.1 Glossary. Acceleration and Deceleration: Unless otherwise specified, the acceleration rates should be within three (3) and 6 km/h/s and the deceleration rates should be within eight (8) and 10 km/h/s. Breath Level: The breath level temperature sensor(s) for each seat position shall be i

35、nstalled according to GMW15845. The vent nozzles shall be adjusted in such a way that the airflow of each nozzle is directed to a line 200 mm below the position of breath temperature sensors as per GMW15845. Footwell: Footwell temperature sensor(s) for each seat position shall be installed according

36、 to GMW15845. Idle: Idle operation after the warm up phase or the cool down phase as specified by the test program. Soak: Allow vehicle to cool down with hood and side windows open. Test Temperature: The climatic tunnel ambient as defined per the VTS for the specific test condition. Warmup: The vehi

37、cle shall be warmed up at various conditions as specified by the test program. 7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols. A Amp D Drive DPF Diesel Particulate Filter HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning N Neutral OSA Outside Air Mode Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under li

38、cense with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3040 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2011 Page 5 of 6 V Volt VTS Vehicle Technical Specification 8 Coding Syste

39、m This standard shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, etc., as follows: Test to GMW3040 9 Release and Revisions This standard was originated in April 1998 It was first approved by HVAC and Powertrain Cooling in February 2000. It was first published in February 2000. Issue Publication Dat

40、e Description (Organization) 1 FEB 2000 Initial publication. 2 AUG 2001 Editorial changes (GMNA) 3 DEC 2011 5 year refresh. (HVAC and Powertrain Cooling) Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wi

41、thout license from IHS-,-,-GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3040 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2011 Page 6 of 6 Appendix A Table A1: Measuring Values and Data to Record - Installation per GMW15845 Number Unit Test Point Remarks 1 C Temperature Ambient 2 C Te

42、mperature Coolant Heater Core In 3 C Temperature Coolant Heater Core Out 4 C Temperature Coolant Rear Heater Core In where applicable 5 C Temperature Coolant Rear Heater Core Out where applicable 6 C Temperature Coolant Cylinder Head or Under Stat 7 C Temperature Radiator Out 8 C Temperature Engine

43、Oil Bottom of dipstick 9 C Temperature Body Mass e.g., seat rail 10 C Temperature Breath Level Front Left 11 C Temperature Breath Level Front Right 12 C Temperature Breath Level 2nd Seat Row Left where applicable 13 C Temperature Breath Level 2nd Seat Row Right where applicable 14 C Temperature Brea

44、th Level 3rd Seat Row Left where applicable 15 C Temperature Breath Level 3rd Seat Row Right where applicable 16 C Temperature Blower Inlet 17 C Temperature Rear Blower Inlet where applicable 18 C Temperature Air Outlet, Footwell Front Left 19 C Temperature Air Outlet, Footwell Front Right 20 C Temp

45、erature Air Outlet, Footwell 2nd Seat Row Left where applicable 21 C Temperature Air Outlet, Footwell 2nd Seat Row Right where applicable 22 C Temperature Air Outlet, Footwell 3rd Seat Row Left where applicable 23 C Temperature Air Outlet, Footwell 3rd Seat Row Right where applicable 24 C Temperatur

46、e Air Windshield Defroster Left 25 C Temperature Air Windshield Defroster Right 26 C Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Out Gas Diesel applications 27 V Voltage Compartment Blower 28 A Current Compartment Blower 29 V Voltage Rear Compartment Blower where applicable 30 A Current Rear Compartment Blower

47、where applicable 31 V Voltage Battery 32 min-1 Engine Speed 33 km/h Vehicle Speed 34 km/h Wind Speed 35 N Traction Force 36 V Auxiliary Heater where applicable 37 A Auxiliary Heater where applicable 38 V Auxiliary Heater Pump where applicable 39 A Auxiliary Heater Pump where applicable Note Key: V = Volt, A = Ampere Copyright General Motors Company Provided by IHS under license with General Motors CompanyNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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