1、 , () INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION (ISC) 32269 2013 2014 322692013 II , - 1.092 . 1.22009 . , . , , , 1 160 - , - , , - ( ) - , 4 2 3 , ( 28 2013 . 58- ) : ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 00497 AM BY KZ KG MD RU TJ UZ 4 ASTM D 412409 Standard test method for separa- tion
2、 of asphalt into four fractions ( - ). ASTM D02 - D02.05 , . (en). - 1.52001 ( 3.6). ASTM, - , ASTM, , - . . (IDT) 5 28 - 2013 . 751- 322692013 1 2015 . 6 322692013 III - , . ( ) - - . , . , 2014 - , - 322692013 _ 1 Petroleum bitumens. Method of separation into four fractions _ 20150101 1 1.1 - : ,
3、- , , . , - , , - . . 1.2 . 1.3 , . - , - . 1.4 , . - . 2 . ( - ) 1) . ASTM D 140 Standard practice for sampling bituminous materials ( ) Manual on Hydrocarbon Analysis( ) 2)3 - : 3.1 (asphaltenes or alkane insolubles): , ) . 3.2 (naphthens): C n H 2n , , . 1) ASTM ASTM website, www.astm.org ASTM se
4、rviceastm.org. ASTM ASTM Website standards Document Summary. 2) ASTM PCN 03-332030-12. 322692013 2 3.3 (naphthene aromatics): , - CG-20 - . 3.4 () petrolenes (maltenes): 1) , , ( ) 5 10, - ; 2) , , - , - . 3.5 () polar aromatics (resins): , - ( 50 : 50) - CG-20 - . 3.6 (saturates): , CG-20 . 4 4.1 , , - , , , . CG-20 , - . -