1、 , , (EN 15850:2010, IDT) , ()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC)EN 158502013, - 1.092 . - 1.22009 . , . -, , , 1 - ( ) - - ( ) , 42 (-)3 , (- 28 2013 . 58-) : ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 00497 AMBYKGMDRUUZ -4 N 15850:2010Foodstuffs. Determination of zearalenone in mai
2、ze based baby food, barley flour, maize flour, polenta, wheatflour and cereal based foods for infants and young children. HPLC method with immunoaffinity column cleanupand fluorescence detection ( . , . - ). (en). , , - . (IDT)5 22 2013 . 1710- EN 158502013 1 2015 .6 II EN 158502013 -, - . () . , -
3、- , 2015 -, III EN 1585020131 .12 13 .14 25 46 57 78 .89 810 9 () .11 () .1214IV EN 158502013 , , , Foodstuffs. Determination of zearalenone in maize based baby food, barley flour, maize flour, polenta, wheat flour andcereal based foods for infants and young children. HPLC method with immunoaffinity
4、 column cleanup and fluorescencedetection1 , , , - () - . . , , , 10 335 /. - 9 44 /.9.2 - . . -, .EN ISO 3696:1995 Water for analytical laboratory use Specification and test methods(ISO 3696:1987) ( . )3 - , - . - ,-, . , - - .1 EN 158502013 201507014 4.1 - N ISO 3696:1995. - , . - , .4.2 (Na2HPO4)
5、 (Na2HPO4c215 12H2O).4.3 .4.4 .4.5 .4.6 .4.7 , w (HCl) = 37 %.4.8 , (HCl) = 0,1 /3 8,28 3 4.7 1 3.4.9 , c (NaOH) = 0,1 /3 4 4.6 1 3.4.10 - c (NaCl) = 120 /3, c (Cl) = 2,7 /3, c (Na2HPO4+H2PO4) = 10 /3,=7,4 8,0 4.5, 1,2 2,9 (Na2HPO4c215 12H2O) 4.2,0,24.40,24.39003. 7,4 - 4.8 4.9, 1 3. .4.11 . , - , ,
6、 . , , .4.12 .4.13 .4.14 75 4.11 25 .4.15 4.11 .4.16 53 4.11 47 . .4.17 75 4.13 25 .4.18 15 4.12 85 - 2 EN 158502013 75 4.12 25 . - .4.21 - , , -150080% 75 10 3, 15 85 - .4.22 - 98 %, . , - . , - , .4.23 , 200 /3 1,25 /3 5 4.22 4,0 3 4.11. 800 3 4.11 5 3, 200 /3. 18 C 20 C. . 12
7、. 6 .4.24 , ( ) 10 /3 10 /3 250 3 4.23 4,75 3 4.11.- 200 300 - 1 5.25. 4.11. , , 274 . - , c114zon,/3, c114zon=Abmaxc215100c101,(1) max ( - 274 ); , / ( = 318,4 /);c101 ,2/,(c101 = 12622/ 1);b , . 18 C 20 C. . - 12 . 6 .4.25 , 2,0 /3( , , ,) 4.24, 10 , 5.9 5.10 5 3 - 5 3. 18 C 20 C. . -3 EN 158502013 12 . 6 .4.26 , 0,4 /3( ) 4.24, 2 , 5.9 5.10 5 3 - 5 3. 18 C 20 C.