GSA A-A-3077-1997 BRUSHES TYPEWRITER《打字机刷》.pdf

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1、A-P.-3077 9999974 0375797 763 Metric Mav 1, 1997 A-A-3077 COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION BRUSHES, TYPEWIUTER The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description by all Federal agencies and replaces Federal Specification H-B-681 which is canceled. 1. ScoDe: Thi

2、s Commercial Item Description covers brushes use for dusting typewriters which have either wire, wood or plastic handles. 2. Salient Characteristics: Syles: I. - Cone-Shaped, Wire Handle II. - Paintbrush- Shaped, Wood or Plastic Handle Note: Filaments for both styles shall be either Bristle or Synth

3、etic 2.1 Material. Materials used in the brushes shall be as specified and shall meet the requirements of this commercial item description. Materials not specifically defined shall be of a quality equal to those specified. 2.1.1 Handles (wood & Dlastic). The handle shall be of standard artist type.

4、The handle used shall be of hardwood or plastic in accordance with normal commercial practice. The handle shall be smoothly finished in lacquer or paint, if hardwood material is used. If plastic handles are used in the manufacture process they shall be of polypropylene foam plastic of any color, and

5、 shall have a smooth finish. 2.1.2 Filler Material. The filler material shall be either bristle or synthetic filament. The bristle shall be stiff resilient hog bristle which shall be clean and sterilized. The synthetic filament shall be level, black or natural colored synthetic polyamide. The butt e

6、nds of the bristle or synthetic filament shall be vulcanized in hard rubber or set in a suitable setting compound which will not become brittle. Beneficial comments, recommendations, additions, deletions, clarifications, etc. and any data which may improve this document should be sent to General Ser

7、vices Administration, Federal Supply Service, Engineering Branch, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278. FSC 7510 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-3077 Requirements (minimum physical) Length, over-all Brush Head: Length, over-all Le

8、ngth, before taper Diameter before taper Diameter at tiD 9959974 9375798 bTT = Style I. Style II. 11.5 inch (29.21 cm) 3.75 inch (9.53 cm) 2.75 inch (6.99 cm) 1.5 inch (3.81 cm) 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) 11.75 inch (29.81 cm) A-A-3077 (end of taper) Bristle or Synthetic fament: Length clear of ferrule (min

9、) Hold in ferrule (min) Width brushing surface 1.5 inch (3.81 cm) 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) 1.0 inch (2.54 cm Weight of bristle (min) (finished brush) Weight of synthetic filament (finished brush) Diameter of synthetic filament Wire: 0.109 oz (3.09 g) 0.140 oz (3.97 a) 0.012 inch (.O3 1 cm) .O93 oz (2.64 g

10、) O. 109 oz (3.09 g) 0.012 inch (.O31 cm) Diameter, single strand Depth (min) Thickness of metal (min) Diameter handle end outside Ferrule: ,072 inch (. 183 cm) 1.625 inch (4.13 cm) 0.006 inch (1.53 cm) 0.374 inch .95 cm Handle: Length clear of ferrule I Rockwell Hardness I R. scale I 85 min./ 100 m

11、ax. I 18.5 inch (21.59 cm) -2- Property 23 degrees Celsius (73 degrees Fahrenheit) Density Tensile Yield Strength hod ImDact Strength Property Units Value gramdml. 0.900 min./ 0.915 max. psi .4500 min. fi. lb./in. 0.5 min. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

12、license from IHS-,-,-i A-A-3077 9999974 3175799 536 A-A-3077 2.1.3 Ferrule. The ferrule shall be of non-corrosive metal or of metal made corrosion- resistant. The handle end of the ferrule shall be round and the brush end oval. The ferrule shall be soldered, interlocked, or welded, or shall be a rou

13、nd seamless ferrule as specified. It shall be fastened to the handle by crimping or nailing. 2.1.4 Wire. The wire used for the twisted-wire brush shall be steel brush wire, or staple wire. The wire shall be corrosion-resistant, or zinc coated, and of the type normally used by the manufacturer. 2.1.5

14、 Polvuronvlene. The physical requirements shail be limited to those specified in table II. Clean, unburned plastic material in the form of imperfect parts, spurs, runners, or other scrap of the same composition as the virgin material and produced in molding or finishing operations, may be reground a

15、nd mixed with the virgin material. 2.1.6 Phvsical ProDerties. The brushes shall conform to the requirements specified herein and in accordance with Table I. 2.2 Construction. 2.2.1 Stvle 1 (Cone Shaned). The hog bristle or synthetic filament shall be securely spiral- wound within the twisted wire, w

16、hich shall also form the handle of the brush. The hand end of the brush shall have a loop. The bristles or filaments shall be approximately parallel to each other and at an angle of approximately 90“ to the wire. The bristles or filaments shall be evenly distributed in the brush head and shall have

17、a taper at the brush-head tip. 2.2.2 Stvle 2 (Paintbrush-ShaDed). The brush filler material (hog bristle or synthetic filament) shall be set in a ferrule attached to the handle. The ends of the brush heads shall be trimmed square and have a flare. 2.3 Workmanshiu. Workmanship shall be in accordance

18、with standard commercial practice. The brushes shall be free from defects which may affect their serviceability or appearance. 3. Repulatory Reauirements: The offerorcontractor is encouraged to use recovered materials to the maximum extent practicable in accordance with paragraph 23.403 of the Feder

19、al Acquisition Regulation (FAR). 4. Oualitv Assurance Provisions: 4.1 Product Conformance. The products provided shall meet the salient characteristics of this commercial item description, conform to the producers own drawings, specifications, standards, and quality assurance practices and be the sa

20、me product offered for sale in the commercial market. The government reserves the right to require proof of such conformance. -3 - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-3077 = 9999974 0375800 088 A-A-3077 5. PackaeinP: Preservation, pac

21、king, palletization and marking shall be as specified in the contract or order. 6. Notes: 6.1 Source of Documents. The following documents form a part of the Commercial Item Description to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids

22、 or request for proposal shall apply: 6.1.1 Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. 6.2 which correspond to this CID. The list may not be indicative of all possible NSNs associated with the CID. Nati

23、onal Stock Number INSN) Listinp . The following is a list of NSNs assigned 75 10-00-550-8444 75 10-00-550-8446 75 10-00-550-8448 MILITARY INTEREST: Army-Q Navy - S MC Air Force Preparing Activity: GSA-FSS -4- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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