1、WILITARY CUSTODUNS: Nm- AS . Air Force - m . f=- 3s-si PED. STD. NO. 125D Jmuar 24. 1917 SUPERSEDING Fed. Std. io. l25C Hatch 26, 1976 FEDEBAL STAUDARD FIM, PHOTOCRAPBIC AND FILM, PEOTGRAPHIC, PBOCESSED; (FOR PERMANENT RECORD USE) RiIo standard VLB approved by the COIiIasIOIIer, Faderal Supply Servi
2、ce, General Serrrlces A&dnlstration, for the use of all Fedcal agencies. S1. Purpose and acme. The purpose of this stmdard is the adoption of miform and effectiva criteria for the evaluation of fila for use in ding permanent recorda ad for testing the processed film to IMU the adequacy of processing
3、 mthod and its application, The ocope of this standard is concerned with both raw stock for permanent-record fi- md with the proceased film ready for storage. but appliea equally wall to mtion picture film, roll film, md sheet filas. subadtted by manufacturer 8s suitable for petmment record ow pumua
4、ut to usignlng the right to we the solid triangle established by the National Bureau of Standarda 18 the die- tlngulehing marking for filai so approved by the Governrnt. It shall dso be mad, wtiare applicable, in the testing of mple8 of axposed and processed film from parmuent record actlvltlce as m
5、ay be rqmsted by Federal agencies. making permanent recorde shall be tested in accordance With and shall conform to the applicable provisions of the following Amerlcsu National Standards. The standard is not restricted to iicrofilm S2. Application. The standard shall be wed wherever applicable in th
6、e testing of filie S3. equirements. Rnr photographic film and processed photographic film for une in American National Standards Institute, Inc (ANSI) Publications: pH1.28-1976 - Specifications for Photographic Film for Archival Encorda, Silver-Gelatin Type, on Callulose Ester Batm. RU.41-1976 - Spc
7、cfficatione for Photographic Film for Archival Records, Silver-klatin Type, an Polyester Base. (Application for copier should be &dressed to the American National Standards Institute, S4. kic., 1430 Broadway, New York, nY 10018.) ossential necde, vrittan request for changing or adding to the standar
8、d, supportedby adequate jutification axpl8Inlng whesein the mtandard doce not provide for essential needs, shall be 6-t in duplicate to the General Service6 Adminlstntion, Feeral Supply Service, Hachanical md Electrical DI&sion, Washington, DC 204Ob. daterane the 8pproprlate action to be taken and w
9、ill notify the agency. Channea. Whn a Fedcral agency coasidere that thie standard doee not provlde for Its -* The General Services Addnlstration will GSA - PSS U. S. 00- PRINTING OFFICE : 197 - 241-237/2186 This document Is .vril.ble from the General Services Addnistration (GSA), acting as an A copy
10、 for bidding md contracting pUrpo8eS le agent for the Superintendent of Documents. Salam, Building l91 (Wishington Navy Pard), Hnhington, DC 20407 for 25 cents each. available from GSA BusiPu8 Service Canters. Coplee ue for sale at the GSA, Specification - /- THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS / PAGES. - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-