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GSA QPL-W-F-421-5-1965 FLASHLIGHTS ELECTRIC HAND《手提式电筒》.pdf_第1页
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GSA QPL-W-F-421-5-1965 FLASHLIGHTS ELECTRIC HAND《手提式电筒》.pdf_第2页
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1、I - . m-F-4v-5 superseding June 30, 1964 QPL-W-F-42l-4 FEDERAL QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST OF PROOUCE QUALIFIED UNDER FEDERAL CPECIFICATW This list has been prepared under the authority of the General Serrices Administration for use by or for the Government in the procurement of productir covered by the

2、 subject specification and such iisting of a product is not intended to and das not connote indorsement of the product by the Federal Government. All products listed herein have been qualifiedunder the requirements for the product as specifiedin the latest effective issue of the applicable specifica

3、tion. This istis subjectto change without notice: revisionor amendment of this list wilibe issuedas necessary. This iistingof a pro- duct does not release the supplierfrom compliance with the specification requirements. Use d the informationfor advertising or publicity purposes is expresslyforbidden

4、, and suchuse wii be grounds for removal of the product so advertised from the list. . -. The activit responsible for this (hialifid Products List is the Federal Supply Service, General Services dmstration. - Government Designation Class 1 - Rough Servic Size 1 - Rro Cell do do do d Size 2 - Three C

5、ell do do Class 2 - Cherid Serv Size 1 - Rro Cell do do do do do do Manufacturers Designation 1818 5590 38 1825 F-34 235s Eveready 319-9 Eveready 5198 Test ar Quo1 ification Reference Fs/7-9-56 FS/ .Ffs JEZs151 F - .- I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic

6、ense from IHS-,-,-QPL-W-F-42l-5 superseding June 30, 1964 QPL-11-F-421-4 FEDERAL QUUIFLGD PRODUCTS LET CONTINUATION SHEET Government oesignotion I Class 2 - General Service (continued) S%se 2 - Three Cell do do do do Size 3 - Five Cell Manufacturers Dasigmtirnl 33s 2351 5397 535B i QPL-W-F-Y2L-5 62

7、m 7777783 OOOOL27 m I I 1 Test or Reference Qualification . . I I Monufoctwers Nome and Address I “ulton Mfg. Corp. lauseon, Ohio 43567 Mon Carbide Corp. :onsmer products Division !7O Park Avenue leu York, New York 10017 kidgeport Ketal Goods Manufacturing Co. h-icigeport 5, Connecticut klton Hfg. Corp. lauseon, Ohio 43567 I 1 of 2 QPLi-F-i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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