ICAO 9261-1995 Heliport Manual《直升机机场手册 第3版》.pdf

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1、Doc 9261-ANM3 HELIPORT MANUAL THIRD EDITION - 1995 Approved by the Secretary General and published under his aulhority INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking perm

2、itted without license from IHS-,-,-PubIished in separate English, French, Russian and Spanish editions by the Interrmtional Civil Aviation Organization. All correspondence, except orders and subscriptions, should be addressed to the Secretary General. Orders for this publication should be sent to on

3、e of the following addresses, together with the appropriate remittance (by bank draft, cheque or money order) in U.S. dollars or the currency of the country in which the order is placed. Document Sales Unit International Civil Aviation Organization IO00 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 400 Montreal, Qu

4、e and b) if instrument operations are planned, the availability of suitable airspace for instrument approach and departure procedures. 1.1.8 The essential components of a heliport are areas suitable for lift off, or the take-off manoeuvre, for the approach manoeuvre and for touchdown and, if these c

5、omponents are not co-located at a particular site, taxiways to link the areas. 1.1.9 Normally a site will have a simple layout which combines those individual areas that have common I Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduc

6、tion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ICAO 9E!bL-AN/903 Xf U 484l141b 00762V7 I134 2 Heliport Manual characteristics. Such an arrangement will require the smallest area over-all where the helicopter will be operating close to the ground and from which it is essential to remove al

7、l permanent obstacles and to exclude transient and mobile obstacles when helicopters are operating. When the characteristics or obstacle environment of a particular site do not allow such an arrangement, the component areas may be separated provided they meet their respective individual criteria. Th

8、us a different direction may be used for take-off from that used in the approach and these areas may be served by a separate touchdown and lift-off area, located at the most convenient position on the site and connected to the other manoeuvring areas by helicopter ground taxiways or air taxiways. 1.

9、2 SURFACE-LEVEL HELIPORTS 1.21 Final approach and take-off areas (FAT%) A FATO is an area over which a helicopter completes the approach manoeuvre to a hover or landing or commences movement into forward flight in the take-off manoeuvre. A touchdown may or may not be made on the FATO

10、. It may be preferable to come to the hover and then air-taxi to a more desirable location for touchdown. Similarly, a helicopter may lift off from its parked location and air-taxi to the FATO where it assumes the hover before commencing the take-off manoeuvre. All final approaches shall ter

11、minate at the FATO and all take-offs to climb shall start there. A FATO may be any shape but it must be able to accommodate a circle whose diameter is at least equal to the dimension specified in Annex 14, Volume 11, plus any rejected take-off area required When heliports are planned

12、 at high elevations or in places of high temperatures, the effects of the less dense air and/or high temperature result in reductions in both helicopter engine performance and rotor performance. In some helicopters this could mean that the power available is reduced below that which is required for

13、the helicopter to climb vertically out of the ground effect without considerably reducing the gross takeoff mass. As a helicopter gains forward speed, the mass airflow through the rotor disc increases up to a certain speed and enhances lift. In consequence, the power required for horizontal

14、flight is reduced, thus releasing more of the power available to be used for the climb. In the field of commercial helicopter operations, an operation cannot be considered economically viable if the gross take-off mass is reduced to less than 85 per cent. In order to avoid this, a FATO of gr

15、eater size than the statutory minimum dimensions should be provided, over which the helicopter can accelerate safely to its climbing speed before leaving the ground effect. Table 1-1 gives guidance on the length of the FATO that should be provided for helicopters with limited climbing power,

16、 for a selection of altitudes and temperature conditions. In calculating the climbing speed, a maximum rotation angle of 10“ should be considered commensurate with passenger comfort. Helicopter flight manuals contain performance graphs which indicate combinations of forward speed and height

17、above ground in which flight should be avoided since, in the event of engine failure, the probability of a successful forced landing is remote (see Figure 1-1). Therefore, to provide the helicopter with an area over which it can safely accelerate to avoid these unsafe combinations, it may be prudent

18、 to provide the sizes of FATO suggested in Table 1 - 1 in all cases except where otherwise required by Annex 14, Volume II. Although helicopters are not intended to actually touch down on certain FATOs, it is possible that a helicopter may be forced into making an emergency landing on the a

19、rea. Also, when a FATO is designed to accept performance class 1 helicopters, it must be capable of withstanding a rejected takeoff, which may well equate to an emergency landing. Therefore the bearing strength of a FATO should cover an emergency landing with a rate of descent of 3.6 mls (12 ftfs).

20、The design load in this case should be taken as 1.66 times the maximum take-off mass of the heaviest helicopter for which the FATO is intended. 1.22 Water heliports The physical characteristics of a water heliport are, in essence, the same as for a surface level ground heliport except that:

21、a) because the surface of a safety area and a FATO are the same at a water heliport, the safety area requirement at a water heliport designed for the use of performance class 2 and 3 helicopters is Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for Res

22、aleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CLIMBING SPEED TEMPERATURE HELIPORT ELEVATION feet Sea level 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10 ooo Table 1-1. Acceleration distances required due to changes in altitude and temperature 40 krs 50 kts ISA-IY C I ISA

23、I ISA+I5“ C I ISA-15“ C I ISA I ISA+15“C ACCELERATION DISTANCE 60 krs ISA-15“ C I ISA I ISA+IS“ C 265 (870) 273 (895) 28 1 (922) 290 (950) 298 (978) 307 (1 007) 3 16 (1 038) 326 (1 070) 336 (1 103) 346 (1 135) 358 (1 174) 280 (9 18) 288 (945) 297 (973) 306 (1 003) 3 15 (1 033) 324 (1 064) 335 (1 098

24、) 345 (1 132) 356 (1 167) 366 (1 202) 379 (1 243) 294 (966) 303 (995) 3 12 (1 024) 322 (1 056) 332 (1 088) 342 (1 121) 353 (1 158) 364 (1 193) 375 (1 231) 387 (1 269) 400 (1 312) Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction

25、or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 Heliport Manual 120 z. 90 2 E f, 60 Y E W 30 Airspeed + Figure 1-1 Vpical combinations of height and airspeed to be avoided discarded and, instead, the size of the FATO is correspondingly increased; b) instead of slope limitations on the surface

26、s of FATO and any associated water taxiways, consideration should be given to wave heights; c) surface bearing strength is replaced by water depth; and d) in addition to wind effects, the effect of currents, where applicable, should also be taken into account. Final approach and take-off are

27、a When deciding upon the location of the FATO, it must be ensured that conflict with other water users is reduced to a minimum. This will apply equally when deciding upon the approach and departure directions. The effect of rotor downwash and noise on small craft and sailing and

28、fishing vessels can be very serious and should be considered when locating the FATO. All approaches and take-off paths should be routed over land, when feasible. Consideration of these points may also lead to the decision whether a helicopter should approach to the hover above th

29、e FATO and thence air taxi to a touchdown and lift-off area on the land, or touch down on the FATO followed by water taxiing to a mooring area. Air traffic control will be necessary and close liaison with the relevant water authorities will be essential. Wave height Altho

30、ugh generally of little significance on inland water areas, waves can be a significant problem in coastal areas. The limits on the height of waves that can be accepted will depend upon individual helicopter types and the types of flotation gear with which they are fitted. Details of the ma

31、ximum acceptable wave heights should be given in the helicopter flight manuals for each helicopter type. Water depths Again, the water depth required for waterborne operations will depend upon the individual helicopter size, weight and its type of flotation gear and it should be re

32、membered that rotor downwash causes a concave depression in the water beneath the helicopter and thus reduces water depth. Water depth should be sufficient to accommodate the heaviest or largest helicopter that the FATO and associated water taxiways are intended to serve. Copyright Interna

33、tional Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Chapter 1. Sire selection and structural design 5 Water depth will thus dictate how close a water taxiway can safely extend to the sh

34、ore to reach the mooring area. Water currents When the direction of the water current is opposite to the wind direction, the current may be stronger than the wind and cause the landed helicopter to drift out of the FATO. In such instances, the pilot will need to progressively tilt

35、the helicopters rotor disc rearwards in order to maintain the position on the FATO. This rearward tilting of the rotor disc might then be increased by the effect of the wind and thus produce a risk of the main rotor blades striking the tail assembly. Although this is primarily an operation

36、al problem, a pilot must be informed if these water current conditions exist, and they shouid be considered when siting the FATO and when notifying the pilot of landing and take- off directions. Out-of-wind or cross-current directions may be preferable. 1.3 ELEVATED HELIPORTS 1.3.1 General H

37、elicopter operations are located on elevated sites normally only when there is no suitable space at ground level, however, security or convenience may also influence the choice of site. Safe operations for helicopters at a ground level site require the availability under approach and departu

38、re routes of open spaces suitable for an emergency landing or a rejected take-off. It is equally necessary to have cleared spaces for the same purposes for those helicopters operating at an elevated site, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the site. The determination of optimum operat

39、ing mass for multi-engined helicopters using an elevated heliport may require the availability of obstacle-free airspace to well below the elevation of the FATO. Attention must be given, therefore, to the relative height and proximity of other structures when planning approach and departure routes.

40、 In the event of the failure of a power unit in a performance class 3 helicopter during the early stages after lift-off or during the final stages of the approach to land, the helicopter will almost certainly be in a configuration of height and forward speed from which a safe autorotative eme

41、rgency landing would be improbable. Such combinations of height and airspeed would come within the area of performance to be avoided, which is plotted on a graph for the helicopter type. Therefore performance class 3 helicopters should not be permitted to operate at elevated heliports. Items

42、 such as air vents or lift machinery housings, commonly located on the roofs of large, tall buildings, can be not only hazardous to the safety of the helicopter but also the cause of considerable turbulence. Therefore they should be below the level of the FATO whenever possible and, in any case, be

43、situated well clear of the FATO plus safety area. 1.3.2 Structural design Elevated heliports may be designed for a specific helicopter type though greater operational flexibility will be obtained from a classification system of design. The FATO should be designed for the largest or heaviest

44、type of helicopter that it is anticipated will use the heliport, and account taken of other types of loading such as personnel, freight, snow, refuelling equipment, etc. For the purpose of design, it is to be assumed that the helicopter will land on two main wheels, irrespective of the actual number

45、 of wheels in the undercarriage, or on two skids if they are fitted. The loads imposed on the structure should be taken as point loads at the wheel centres, shown in Table 1-2. The FATO should be designed for the worse condition derived from consideration of the following two cases.

46、Care A - Helicopter on landing When designing a FATO on an elevated heliport, and in order to cover the bending and shear stresses that result from a helicopter touching down, the following should be taken into account: a) Dynamic load due to impact on touchdown. This should cover the normal touchdo

47、wn, with a rate of descent of 1.8 m/s (6 ft/s), which equates to the serviceability limit state. The impact load is then equal to 1.5 times the maximum takeoff mass of the helicopter. The emergency touchdown should also be covered at a rate of descent of 3.6 m/s (12 ft/s), which equates to the ultim

48、ate limit state. The partial safety factor in this case should be taken as 1.66. Hence: Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6 Heliport Manual the ultimate design

49、load = 1.66 service load = (1.66 x 1.5) maximum takeoff mass = 2.5 maximum take-off mass To this should be applied the sympathetic response factor discussed at b) below. Sympathetic response on the FATO. The dynamic load should be increased by a structural response factor dependent upon the natural frequency of the platform slab when considering the design of supporting beams and columns. This increase in loading will usually apply only to slabs with one or more


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