IMO E024E-2006 Resolutions and other decisions of the 24th Assembly 21 November C 2 December 2005 Resolutions 966 C 988.pdf

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1、Resolutionsand other decisions of the 24th Assembly21 November 2 December 2005Resolutions 966 988BINTERNATIONALMARITIMEORGANIZATIONLondon, 2006Published in 2006by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SRPrinted and bound in the United Kingdom by William Clowes Ltd,

2、Beccles, Suffolk24681097531ISBN-13: 978-92-801-4213-6ISBN-10: 92-801-4213-5ISSN 0534-624XIMO PUBLICATIONSales number: I024ECopyright # International Maritime Organization 2006All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any formor b

3、y any means without prior permission in writingfrom the International Maritime Organization.Print edition (ISBN-13: 978-92-801-4213-6; ISSN 0534-624X) published in 2006Electronic edition: 2006IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: E024ECopyright # InternationalMaritimeOrganization2006All rights reserved.No pa

4、rt of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any formor by any means without prior permission in writingfrom the International Maritime Organization.ContentsPageAgendaofthetwenty-fourthsessionoftheAssembly1ResolutionsA.966(24)Relationswithnon-governmentalor

5、ganizations3A.967(24)Arrearsofcontribution 6A.968(24)Presentationofaccountsandauditreport 8A.969(24)Workprogrammeandbudgetforthetwenty-fourth financial period 200620079A.970(24)StrategicplanfortheOrganization(for the six-year period 20062011)22Annex: Strategic plan for the Organization(for the six-y

6、ear period 20062011)23A.971(24)High-levelactionplanoftheOrganizationand priorities for the 20062007 biennium31Annex: High-level action plan of the Organizationand priorities for the 20062007 biennium32A.972(24)AdoptionofamendmentstotheInternationalConventionon Load Lines, 196651Annex: Amendments to

7、the International Conventionon Load Lines, 196652A.973(24)CodefortheImplementationofMandatoryIMOInstruments53Annex: Code for the Implementation ofMandatory IMO Instruments54A.974(24)FrameworkandproceduresforthevoluntaryIMO Member State Audit Scheme99Annex: Framework for the voluntaryIMO Member State

8、 Audit Scheme100A.975(24)FuturedevelopmentofthevoluntaryIMOMemberStateAuditScheme132A.976(24)ShipsRouteingEstablishmentofanareatobeavoidedintheGalapagos Archipelago134A.977(24)ShipsRoutein 136Annex 1: New and amended traffic separation schemes andassociated routeing measures in SW Baltic Sea137Annex

9、 2: Deep-water route off Gotland Island 140ContentsiiiA.978(24)AmendmentstotheexistingmandatoryshipreportingsystemIn the Great Belt Traffic area142Annex: Amendments to the existing mandatory ship reportingsystem In the Great Belt Traffic area143A.979(24)Piracyandarmedrobberyagainstshipsoffthecoastof

10、Somalia144A.980(24)AmendmentstotheIMOGuidelinesonshiprecycling(resolution A.962(23)148Annex: Amendments to the IMO Guidelines onship recycling (resolution A.962(23)148A.981(24)Newlegally-bindinginstrumentonshiprecycling151A.982(24)Revisedguidelinesfortheidentificationanddesignationofparticularlysens

11、itive sea areas153Annex: Revised guidelines for the identification and designation ofparticularly sensitive sea areas154A.983(24)Guidelinesforfacilitationofresponsetoapollutionincident163Annex: Guidelines for facilitation of response to a pollution incident 164A.984(24)FacilitationofthecarriageofIMD

12、GCodeclass7radioactivematerialsincluding those in packaged form used in medicalor public health applications166A.985(24)RevisionoftheGuidelinesforthepreventionandsuppressionofthesmuggling of drugs, psychotropic substances and precursor chemicalson ships (resolution A.872(20)168A.986(24)Theimportance

13、andfundingoftechnicalco-operationasameanstosupport the United Nations millenium declaration and the milleniumdevelopment goals170A.987(24)Guidelinesonfairtreatmentofseafarersintheeventofamaritimeaccident172A.988(24)Protocolof2002totheAthensConvention:Reservationconcerningthe issue and acceptance of

14、insurance certificates with specialexceptions and limitations174OtherdecisionsAdopted on 21 November 2005Adoption of the agenda175Adopted on 21 and 22 November 2005Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Assembly175Adopted on 22 and 24 November 2005Application of Article 56175Adopted on

15、 22 November 2005Establishment of the Credentials Committee175Adopted on 22 November 2005Establishment of other committees175Adopted on 22 and 23 November 2005Approval of the report of the council176ivContentsAdopted on 25 November 2005Diplomatic Conferences176Adopted on 25 November 2005Maritime Tra

16、ining Programmes176Adopted on 25 November 2005Relations with the United Nations and the specialized agencies176Adopted on 25 November 2005Joint Inspection Unit176Adopted on 25 November 2005Relations with intergovernmental organizations176Adopted on 25 November 2005Election of Members of the Council1

17、77Adopted on 1 December 2005Election of Members of the IMO Staff Pension Committee177Adopted on 1 December 2005Report on World Maritime Days, 2004 and 2005177Adopted on 1 December 2005International Maritime Prize177Adopted on 1 December 2005Approval of the reports of the Maritime Safety Committee178

18、Adopted on 1 December 2005Approval of the reports of the Legal Committee178Adopted on 1 December 2005Approval of the reports of the Marine Environment Protection Committee178Adopted on 1 December 2005Approval of the reports of the Technical Co-operation Committee178Adopted on 1 December 2005Approval

19、 of the reports of the Facilitation Committee178Adopted on 1 December 2005Date and place of the twenty-fifth regular session of the Assembly178Contentsv.AGENDA OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH SESSIONOF THE ASSEMBLYOpening of the session by the representative of the delegation of Canada1 Adoption of the agenda2

20、 Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Assembly3 Application of Article 56 of the IMO Convention Report of the Council to the Assembly on anyrequests by Members for waiver4 Establishment of committees of the Assembly:(a) Establishment of the Credentials Committee(b) Establishment of o

21、ther committees, as necessary5 Consideration of the reports of the committees of the Assembly:(a) Report of the Credentials Committee(b) Reports of other committees6 Report on the status of the Convention and membership of the Organization7 Report on the status of conventions and other multilateral

22、instruments in respect of which theOrganization performs functions8 Report of the Council to the Assembly on the work of the Organization since the twenty-third regularsession of the Assembly9 Consideration of the reports and recommendations of the Maritime Safety Committee10 Consideration of the re

23、ports and recommendations of the Legal Committee11 Consideration of the reports and recommendations of the Marine Environment Protection Committee12 Consideration of the reports and recommendations of the Technical Co-operation Committee13 Consideration of the reports and recommendations of the Faci

24、litation Committee14 Consideration of proposed amendments to the International Convention on Load Lines, 196615 Reports on diplomatic conferences:(a) Report on the 2004 International Conference on Ballast Water Management for Ships(b) Report on the 2005 International Conference on the Revision of th

25、e SUA Treaties16 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972:report on the performance of Secretariat functions and other duties17 Maritime training programmes:(a) Report on the World Maritime University(b) Report on the IMO International Maritime Aca

26、demyAgenda 1(c) Report on the IMO International Maritime Law Institute(d) Other training activities18 Strategy and planning:(a) Review of the strategic plan of the Organization(b) High-level action plan and biennium priorities19 Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme20 Resource management:(a) Chang

27、e Management Programme(b) Arrears of contributions Working Capital Fund(c) Presentation of accounts and audit reports(d) Work programme and budget for the twenty-fourth financial period 20062007(e) Review of the Organizations financial framework in accordance with Assembly resolutionA.942(23)21 Exte

28、rnal relations:(a) Relations with the United Nations and the specialized agencies(b) Joint Inspection Unit(c) Relations with intergovernmental organizations(d) Relations with non-governmental organizations(i) Applications for consultative status(ii) Review of non-governmental organizations in consul

29、tative status22 Election of Members of the Council, as provided in Articles 16 and 17 of the IMO Convention23 Election of Members of the IMO Staff Pension Committee24 Report on World Maritime Days, 2004 and 200525 International Maritime Prize26 Date and place of the twenty-fifth regular session of t

30、he Assembly27 Supplementary agenda items, if any2 AgendaResolutionsResolution A.966(24)Adopted on 23 November 2005(Agenda item 21(d)RELATIONS WITH NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONSTHE ASSEMBLY,RECALLING Part XV of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, in particular Article 62,RECAL

31、LING ALSO that Rule 1 of the Rules Governing Relationship with Non-Governmental InternationalOrganizations requires that consultative status granted by the Council to such organizations be subject toapproval by the Assembly,RECALLING FURTHER that Rule 10 of the same Rules provides for periodic revie

32、w by the Council of the list ofnon-governmental international organizations in consultative status with IMO and for a report to besubmitted to the Assembly on the continuation, or otherwise, of such status,NOTING the Guidelines on the Grant of Consultative Status, established by the Council at its f

33、ortieth session,and noting further the decision of the Council, at its eighty-sixth session, to amend the introduction to theGuidelines as well as Rules 1 and 5 of the Rules Governing Relationship with Non-GovernmentalInternational Organizations, in order to formalize the grant of provisional consul

34、tative status,NOTING ALSO the decision of the Council, at its ninety-fourth session, to grant consultative status to theInternational Towing Tank Conference (ITTC),NOTING FURTHER the decision of the Council, at its twenty-third extraordinary session, to grant consultativestatus to the International

35、Bunker Industry Association (IBIA),HAVING CONSIDERED the decision of the Council, at its ninety-fourth session, to retain the consultative statusof INTERFERRY and the International Maritime Health Association (IMHA) on a provisional basis,HAVING CONSIDERED ALSO the decision of the Council, at its tw

36、enty-third extraordinary session, to maintainthe consultative status of the Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea (ACOPS), the Latin AmericanShipowners Association (LASA) and Greenpeace International,RECALLING that the Council, at its ninety-second session, had noted that the International Mar

37、ine TransitAssociation/Interferry (IMTA-Interferry) had changed its name to INTERFERRY,RECALLING ALSO that the Council, at its ninety-third session, had noted that the Association of EuropeanShipbuilders and Shiprepairers (AWES) had changed its name to Community of European ShipyardsAssociations (CE

38、SA),WELCOMING the action taken by the Council to remind all non-governmental organizations of theimportance of their complying with their undertakings to the Organization under rule 4 of the RulesGoverning Relationship with Non-Governmental International Organizations, and noting the undertakingsexp

39、ressed by all the non-governmental organizations,Resolution A.966(24) 3NOTING that, in accordance with previous decisions of the Council, the attention of organizations inconsultative status should be drawn to their obligations to take all appropriate steps to contribute to thework of IMO in their r

40、espective fields of work,1. APPROVES the decision by the Council with regard to the grant of consultative status to theInternational Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) and the International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA);2. DECIDES to retain the consultative status of INTERFERRY and the International

41、 Maritime HealthAssociation (IMHA) on a provisional basis;3. ALSO DECIDES to maintain the consultative status of the Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea(ACOPS) and the Latin American Shipowners Association (LASA);4. FURTHER DECIDES to maintain the consultative status of Greenpeace Internatio

42、nal, subject to thatorganization undertaking not to endanger the safety of navigation or maritime security;5. ENDORSES the decision of the Council regarding the maintenance of consultative status by thefollowing remaining organizations:Date consultativestatus granted1. International Chamber of Shipp

43、ing (ICS) 19612. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 19613. International Shipping Federation Ltd (ISF) 19614. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 19615. International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) 19616. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 19617. International Co

44、nfederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) 19618. International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation andLighthouse Authorities (IALA) 19619. International Radio-Maritime Committee (CIRM) 196110. International Navigation Association (PIANC) 196711. Comite Maritime International (CMI) 196712. Intern

45、ational Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) 196713. BIMCO 196914. International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) 196915. ICHCA International 196916. European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) 197117. Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) 197118. International Maritime Pi

46、lots Association (IMPA) 197319. Friends of the Earth International (FOEI) 197320. Institute of International Container Lessors (IICL) 197521. International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) 197522. International Association of Institutes of Navigation (IAIN) 197523. International Associatio

47、n of Producers of Insurance and Reinsurance (BIPAR) 197524. International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA) 197525. International Federation of Shipmasters Associations (IFSMA) 19754 Resolution A.966(24)Date consultativestatus granted26. International Life-Saving Appliances Manufactur

48、ers Association (ILAMA) 197527. International Salvage Union (ISU) 197528. International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) 197529. Community of European Shipyards Associations (CESA)(formerly known as Association of European Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers (AWES) 197930. International Associa

49、tion of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO) 197931. International Group of P and I Associations (P and I) 197932. The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd (ITOPF) 198133. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) 198134. Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Limited (SIGTTO) 198335. International Lifeboat Federation (ILF) 198536. International Road Transport Union (IRU) 198737. International Ship Suppliers Association (ISSA) 198938. Dangerous Goods Advisory Council (DGAC) 198939. International Bar Associatio


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