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1、IC844Ewww.imo.orgIMOIC844E2010 FTPCODEinTErnaTiOnal CODE FOr aPPliCaTiOn OFFirE TEsT PrOCEDurEs, 20102012 EDiTiOn2012 EDiTiOnFTP CODEThe 2010 FTP Code, along with relevant SOLAS amendments to make it mandatory, was adopted, with an expected entry into force date of 1 July 2012. The 2010 FTP Code pro

2、vides the international requirements for laboratory testing, type-approval and fire test procedures for products referenced under SOLAS chapter II-2. It comprehensively revises and updates the current Code, adopted by the MSC in 1996. The 2010 FTP Code includes the following: test for non-combustibi

3、lity test for smoke and toxicity test for “A”, “B” and “F” class divisions test for fire door control systems test for surface flammability test for vertically supported textiles and films test for upholstered furniture test for bedding components test for fire-restricting materials for high-speed c

4、raft, and; test for fire-resisting divisions of high-speed craft. It also includes annexes on Products which may be installed without testing and/or approval and on Fire protection materials and required approval test methods.20102010FTP CODEINTERNATIONAL CODE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE TEST PROCEDURES

5、, 2010(Resolution MSC.307(88)2012 EDITIONLondon, 2012Published in 2012 by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR www.imo.orgPrinted by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YYISBN: 978-92-801-1548-2IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: IC844ECopyright International Maritime O

6、rganization 2012Cover photo reproduced with kind permission of Southwest Research InstituteAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission in writing from the International Maritime

7、 Organization.Reproduction and/or translation rights may be available for this title. For further details please contact IMO Publishing at publication has been prepared from official documents of IMO, and every effort has been made to eliminate errors and reproduce the original

8、 text(s) faithfully. Readers should be aware that, in case of inconsistency, the official IMO text will prevail.iiiContentsForeword 1INTERNATIONAL CODE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE TEST PROCEDURES, 2010Resolution MSC.307(88) (adopted on 3 December 2010) 51 Scope 72 Application 73 Definitions 74 Testing .

9、 94.1 Fire test procedures 94.2 Testing laboratories 94.3 Test reports 95 Approval 105.1 General 105.2 Type approval 115.3 Case-by-case approval . 126 Products which may be installed without testing and/or approval 127 Use of equivalents and modern technology. . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Period of gra

10、ce for type approvals issued in accordance with the previous FTP Code . 139 List of references 14Annex 1 Fire test procedures 17Preamble . 17Part 1 Non-combustibility test . 18Appendix Fire test procedures for non-combustibility test . 20Page2010 FTP CodeivPart 2 Smoke and toxicity test . 29Appendix

11、 1 Fire test procedures for smoke generation 33Appendix 2 Fire test procedures for toxic gas generation 43Part 3 Test for “A”, “B” and “F” class divisions . 48Appendix 1 Fire resistance test procedures for “A”, “B” and “F” class divisions 52Appendix 2 Testing of windows, fire dampers, pipe and duct

12、penetrations and cable transits . 97Appendix 3 Thermal radiation test supplement to fire resistance test procedures for windows in “A”, “B” and “F” class divisions 112Appendix 4 Continuous “B” class divisions 115Part 4 Test for fire door control systems 116Appendix Fire test procedures for fire door

13、 control systems 117Part 5 Test for surface flammability (test for surface materials and primary deck coverings) . 124Appendix 1 Fire test procedures for surface flammability of bulkhead, ceiling, deck finish materials and primary deck coverings 128Appendix 2 Technical information and calibration of

14、 the physical test equipment . 139Appendix 3 Interpretation of results 161Appendix 4 Guidelines for the specimen of the FTP Code, parts 2 and 5, and the type approval of those products (range of approval and restriction in use) 163Part 6 (Blank) . 171Part 7 Test for vertically supported textiles and

15、 films 172Appendix 1 Fire test procedures for determining the resistance to flame of vertically supported textiles and films 174Appendix 2 Measurement of length of char or material destruction . 186Appendix 3 Cleaning and weathering procedures . 187PageFTP CodevPart 8 Test for upholstered furniture

16、192Appendix 1 Fire test procedures for the ignitability by smokers materials of upholstered composites for seating 194Appendix 2 Guidance notes . 204Appendix 3 Guide for independent test for cover and filling materials . 206Part 9 Test for bedding components 207Appendix Fire test procedures for igni

17、tability of bedding components . 208Part 10 Test for fire-restricting materials for high-speed craft . 218Appendix 1 Fire test procedures Full-scale room test for surface materials on bulkheads, wall and ceiling linings, including their supporting structure, of high-speed craft . 221Appendix 2 Fire

18、test procedures for heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate for materials used for furniture and other components of high-speed craft . 229Part 11 Test for fire-resisting divisions of high-speed craft . 241Appendix Fire test procedures for fire-resisting divisions of high-speed craft . 242

19、Annex 2 Products which may be installed without testing and/or approval . 249Annex 3 Fire protection materials and required approval test methods 253Table 1: Fire protection materials and required approval test methods for passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers and high-speed craft . 253Ta

20、ble 2: Fire protection materials and required approval test methods for cargo ships (method IC) 260Page2010 FTP CodeviAnnex 4 Interpretation of SOLAS, chapter II-2, regulations 5.3 and 6.2 (MSC/Circ.1120) . 263Table 1: Materials used on passenger ships for bulkheads of accommodation spaces as define

21、d in regulation II-2/3.1 and its requirements (regulations 5.3 and 6.2) 263Table 2: Regulations 5.3 and 6.2 Materials used in accommodation spaces, as defined in regulation II-2/3.1, of cargo ships (method IC) 265Table 3: Regulations 5.3 and 6.2 Materials used in accommodation spaces, as defined in

22、regulation II-2/3.1, of cargo ships (method IICIIIC) 269Page1ForewordThe present International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures, 2010 (2010 FTP Code, referred to hereinafter as “the Code”), adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the Organization by resolution MSC.307(88), is t

23、he result of a strenuous five-year work programme, which began in 2006, of the IMOs expert body on fire safety, the Fire Protection Sub-Committee. The Code, designed and approved by IMO as a mandatory instrument under chapter II-2 of the SOLAS Convention and the International Code of Safety for High

24、-Speed Craft, 2000 (2000 HSC Code), is a direct succession to the FTP Code adopted by resolution MSC.61(67) in 1996. In that respect, the new Code, which enters into force on 1 July 2012, has its structure conforming to that of the previous instrument; however, unlike the latter, it represents by it

25、self practically a self-contained instrument intended for direct application by the industry.The 2010 FTP Code was developed with the aim to enhance user friend-liness, ensure more uniform application of the requirements on fire testing and generalize the experience gained so far from the applicatio

26、n of resolu-tion MSC.61(67). Bearing in mind the intent of developers to formulate the requirements for fire test procedures in a form which would be as close to general industrys procedures as possible, one of the aims of the Code was to update references to all ISO applicable standards.The present

27、 Code contains requirements for the testing process itself: testing laboratories, format of test reports, and provides procedures of type and case-by-case approval of materials, components and structures intended for maritime applications. Taking due account of alternative designs and arrange-ments

28、which have been made possible by virtue of SOLAS regulation II-2/17, adopted by resolution MSC.99(73) in 2000, the Code also provides for the possibility of conducting alternative tests on a proviso that the level of safety of the tested materials, components and structures set by the Convention is

29、not compromised and corresponds to at least that contained in its prescrip-tive requirements.2010 FTP Code2Annex 1 of the Code sets fire test procedures as follows:* non-combustibility test (part 1); smoke and toxicity test (part 2); test for “A”, “B” and “F” class divisions (part 3); test for fire

30、door control systems (part 4); test for surface flammability (part 5); test for vertically supported textiles and films (part 7); test for upholstered furniture (part 8); test for bedding components (part 9); test for fire-restricting materials for high-speed craft (part 10); and test for fire-resis

31、ting divisions of high-speed craft (part 11).Annexes 2 through 4 were intended as reference materials for users of the FTP Code, i.e., designers, manufacturers, testing entities, owners, operators and Administrations in order to provide them with additional details and guidance on how to define a re

32、asonable and justified approach towards testing various standard materials and structures, with the relevant references to the corresponding SOLAS and HSC regulations. *Part 6 of annex 1 is left blank, since part 5 of annex 1 to the Code combines the requirements previously contained in parts 5: Tes

33、t for surface flammability and 6: Test for primary deck coverings of the preceding Code. Thus the numbering of parts in the old and new Codes remains unchanged.INTERNATIONAL CODE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE TEST PROCEDURES, 2010 (2010 FTP Code)INTERNATIONAL CODE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE TEST PROCEDURES,

34、2010 (2010 FTP Code)5Resolution MSC.307(88) (adopted on 3 December 2010) International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures, 2010 (2010 FTP Code)The Maritime Safety Committee,Recalling article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the function of the C

35、ommittee,Noting the International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures (FTP Code) and chapter II-2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended, hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”, which made the FTP Code mandatory under the Convention,Noti

36、ng also resolution MSC.57(67) by which it adopted amendments to chapter II-2 of the Convention to make the provisions of the International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures (FTP Code) mandatory under the Convention for ships constructed on or after 1 July 1998,Noting further resolution MS

37、C.97(73) by which it adopted the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 (2000 HSC Code) providing for the application of fire test procedures for materials used in the construction of high-speed craft to which that Code applies, in accordance with the FTP Code,Recognizing that the c

38、ontinual development of materials for use in the construction of ships and improvement of marine safety standards since the adoption of the FTP Code necessitated the revision of the provisions of the fire test procedures in order to maintain the highest practical level of safety,Having considered, a

39、t its eighty-eighth session, the draft 2010 FTP Code which had been developed following a thorough revision of the FTP Code,2010 FTP Code61. Adopts the International Code for Application of Fire Test Proce-dures, 2010 (2010 FTP Code), the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present resoluti

40、on;2. Invites Contracting Governments to the Convention to note that the 2010 FTP Code will take effect on 1 July 2012 upon entry into force of the associated amendments to chapter II-2 of the Convention;3. Notes that under the amendments to chapter II-2 of the Convention, amendments to the 2010 FTP

41、 Code shall be adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII of the Conven-tion, concerning the amendment procedure applicable to the annex to the Convention other than chapter I.4. Requests the Secretary-General of the Organization to transmit certifi

42、ed copies of the present resolution and the text of the 2010 FTP Code, contained in the Annex, to all Contracting Governments to the Convention;5. Further requests the Secretary-General of the Organization to transmit copies of the present resolution and the text of the Code contained in the Annex t

43、o all Members of the Organization which are not Contracting Governments to the SOLAS Convention.7INTERNATIONAL CODE FOR APPLICATION OF FIRE TEST PROCEDURES, 2010 (2010 FTP CODE)1 SCOPE1.1 This Code is intended for use by the Administration and the compe-tent authority of the flag State when approvin

44、g products for installation in ships flying the flag of the flag State in accordance with the fire safety requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.1.2 This Code shall be used by testing laboratories when testing and evaluating products under this C

45、ode.2 APPLICATION2.1 This Code is applicable for products which are required to be tested, evaluated and approved in accordance with the Fire Test Procedures Code as referenced in the Convention.2.2 Where reference to the Code is indicated in the Convention by the terminology “. in accordance with t

46、he Fire Test Procedures Code”, the subject product shall be tested in accordance with the applicable fire test procedure or procedures as referred to in paragraph Where reference is made to the fire performance of a product only in the Convention using such terminology as “. and their expose

47、d surfaces shall have low flame-spread characteristics”, the subject product shall be tested in accordance with the applicable fire test procedure or procedures as referred to in paragraph 4.1.3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Administration means the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.3.

48、2 Approval expiry date means the last date on which the subsequent approval is valid as proof of meeting the fire safety requirements of the Convention.2010 FTP Code83.3 Competent authority means an organization authorized by the Administration to perform functions required by this Code.3.4 Conventi

49、on means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.3.5 Fire Test Procedures Code means the International Code for Applica-tion of Fire Test Procedures as defined in chapter II-2 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended.3.6 High-Speed Craft Code 1994 (1994 HSC Code) means the Interna-tional Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization by resolution MSC.36(63), as amended.3.7 High-Speed Craft Code 2000 (2000 HSC Code) means


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