ITU-R M 1171-1995 Radiotelephony Procedures in the Maritime Mobile Service《海上移动业务的无线电话程序》.pdf

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1、 ITU-R RECMN*H- SERIES*PT*3 95 4855222 0528022 933 RH!. ITU-R M.1171 169 RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M. 1 17 1 * RADIOTELEPHONY PROCEDURES IN THE MARITIME MOBILE SERVICE ( 1995) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering that there is a need to describe standard procedures for radiotelephony in the m

2、aritime mobile service, a) recommends that radiotelephony in the maritime mobile service should be performed in accordance with Annex 1. 1 ANNEX 1 Section I. Introduction 5 1. Radiotelephone stations should, as far as possible, be equipped with devices for instantaneous switching from transmission t

3、o reception and vice versa. This equipment is necessary for all stations participating in communication between ships and subscribers of the land telephone system. 5 2. (1) Stations equipped for radiotelephony may transmit and receive radiotelegrams by means of radiotelephony. Coast stations providi

4、ng such service and open for public correspondence shall be indicated in the List of Coast Stations. (2) To facilitate radiocommunications the service abbreviations given in Recommendation ITU-R M. 1 172 may be used. Section II. Calls by Radiotelephony 5 3. The provisions of this Section relating to

5、 the intervals between calls are not applicable to a station operating under conditions involving distress, urgency or safety. 8 4. (1) As a general rule, it rests with the ship station to establish communication with the coast station. For this purpose the ship station may call the coast station on

6、ly when it comes within the service area of the latter, that is to say, that area within which, by using an appropriate frequency, the ship station can be heard by the coast station. (2) However, a coast station having traffic for a ship station may call this station if it has reason to believe that

7、 the ship station is keeping watch and is within the service area of the coast station. * This Recommendation should be brought to the attention of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and the Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITLJ-T) Nute by the Secreturiat: The references made to

8、 the Radio Regulations (RR) in this Recommendation refer to the RR as revised by the World Radiocommunication Conference 1995. These elements of the RR will come into force on 1 June 1998. Where applicable, the equivalent references in the current RR are also provided in square brackets. COPYRIGHT I

9、nternational Telecommunications Union/ITU RadiocommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling Services ITU-R RECMNJM. SERIES*PT*3 95 4855232 0528023 87T 9 170 Rec. ITU-R M.1171 0 5. (1) In addition, each coast station shall, so far as practicable, transmit its calls in the form of “traffic lists con

10、sisting of the call signs or other identification in alphabetical order of all ship stations for which it has traffic on hand. These calls shall be made at specified times fixed by agreement between the administrations concerned and at intervals of not less than two hours and not more than four hour

11、s during the working hours of the coast station. (2) Coast stations shall transmit their traffic lists on their normal working frequencies in the appropriate bands. The transmission shall be preceded by a general call to all stations. (3) The general call to all stations announcing the traffic lists

12、 may be sent on a calling frequency in the following form: - “Hello all ships” or CQ (spoken as CHARLIE QUEBEC) not more than three times; - the words THIS IS (or DE spoken as DELTA ECHO in case of language difficulties); - . . . Radio” not more than three times; - “Listen for my traffic list on . .

13、 . kHz” In no case may this preamble be repeated. (4) However, in the bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz when the conditions for establishing contact are good, the call described in 0 543) above may be replaced by: - “Hello all ships” or CQ (spoken as CHARLE QUEBEC), once; - the words THIS IS (or DE

14、spoken as DELTA ECHO in case of language difficulties); - “ . . . Radio”, twice; - “Listen for my trafic list on channel . . . ”. In no case may this preamble be repeated. (5) The provisions of 0 5.(3) are obligatory when 2 182 kHz or 156.8 MHz is used. (6) The hours at which coast stations transmit

15、 their traffic lists and the frequencies and classes of emission which they use for this purpose shall be stated in the List of Coast Stations. (7) Ship stations should as far as possible listen to the traffic lists transmitted by coast stations. On hearing their call sign or other identification in

16、 such a list they must reply as soon as they can do so. (8) When the traffk cannot be sent immediately, the coast station shall inform each ship station concerned of the probable time at which working can begin, and also, if necessary, the frequency and class of emission which will be used. 0 6. Whe

17、n a coast station receives calls from several ship stations at practically the same time, it decides the order in which these stations may transmit their traffic. Its decision shall be based on the priority (see RR No. S53.1 No. 44411) of the radiotelegrams or radiotelephone calls that the ship stat

18、ions have on hand and on the need for allowing each calling station to clear the greatest possible number of communications. p 7. cease. (I) When a station called does not reply to a call sent three times at intervals of two minutes, the calling shall (2) However, when a station called does not repl

19、y, the call may be repeated at three-minute intervals. (3) In areas where reliable VHF communication with a called coast station is practicable, the calling ship station may repeat the call as soon as it is ascertained that trafic has been terminated at the coast station. (4) In the case of a commun

20、ication between a station of the maritime mobile service and an aircraft station, calling may be renewed after an interval of five minutes. (5) Before renewing the call, the calling station shall ascertain that the station called is not in communication with another station. COPYRIGHT International

21、Telecommunications Union/ITU RadiocommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling Services ITU-R RECMN*N. SERES*PT*3 95 4855232 0528024 706 Rec. ITU-R M.1171 171 (6) If there is no reason to believe that harmful interference will be caused to other communications in progress, the provisions of $ 7.(4

22、) above are not applicable. In such cases the call, sent three times at intervals of two minutes, may be repeated after an interval of not less than three minutes. (7) However, before renewing the call, the calling station shall ascertain that further calling is unlikely to cause interference to oth

23、er communications in progress and that the station called is not in communication with another station. (8) Ship stations shall not radiate a carrier wave between calls. $ 8. When the name and address of the administration or private operating agency controlling a ship station are not given in the a

24、ppropriate list of stations or are no longer in agreement with the particulars given therein, it is the duty of the ship station to furnish as a matter of regular procedure, to the coast station to which it transmits traffic, all the necessary information in this respect. $ 9. (1) The coast station

25、may, by means of the abbreviation TR (spoken as TANGO ROMEO), ask the ship station to furnish it with the following information: a) position and, whenever possible, course and speed; b) next port of call. (2) The information referred to in $ 9.(1) above, preceded by the abbreviation TR, should be fu

26、rnished by ship stations, whenever this seems appropriate, without prior request from the coast station. The provision of this information is authorized only by the master or the person responsible for the ship. Section III. Method of Calling, Reply to Calls and Signals Preparatory to Traffic when U

27、sing Calling Methods Other than Digital Selective Calling A. Method of Calling $ 10. (1) The call consists of: - the call sign or other identification of the station called, not more than three times; - the words THIS IS (or DE spoken as DELTA ECHO in case of language difficulties); - the call sign

28、or other identification of the calling station, not more than three times. (2) However, in the bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz when the conditions for establishing contact are - the call sign of the station called, once; - the words THIS IS (or DE spoken as DELTA ECHO in case of language difficult

29、ies); - the call sign or other identification of the calling station, twice. (3) When calling a VHF coast station operating on more than one channel, a ship station calling on a working (4) When contact is established, the call sign or other identification may thereafter be transmitted once only. (5

30、) When the coast station is fitted with equipment for selective calling in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R M.541, and the ship station is fitted with equipment for receiving such selective calls, the coast station shall call the ship by transmitting the appropriate code signals. The ship statio

31、n shall call the coast station by speech in the manner given in $ 10.(1) (see also Annex 2 to Recommendation IT-R M.257). $ 1 1. good, the call described in $ lo.( 1) above may be replaced by: channel should include the number of that channel in the call. Calls for internal communications on board s

32、hip when in temtoriai waters shall consist of: a) From the master station: - the name of the ship followed by a single letter (ALFA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, etc.) indicating the sub-station not more than three times; - the words THIS IS; - the name of the ship followed by the word CONTROL; COPYRIGHT Interna

33、tional Telecommunications Union/ITU RadiocommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling Services 1u-R RECMN*fl- SERIES*PT*3 95 4855212 0528025 bY2 172 Rec. ITU-R M.1171 b) From the sub-station: - the name of the ship followed by the word CONTROL not more than three times; - the words THIS IS; - the

34、name of the ship followed by a single letter (ALFA, BRAVO, CHARLE, etc.) indicating the sub-station. B. Frequency to Be Used for Calling and for Preparatory Signals B 1. Bands Between 1 605 kHz and 4 o00 kHz 5 12. (1) A radiotelephone ship station calling a coast station should use for the call, in

35、order of preference: a) 6) c) a working frequency on which the coast station is keeping watch; the carrier frequency 2 182 kHz; in Regions 1 and 3 and in Greenland, the carrier frequency 2 191 kHz (assigned frequency 2 192.4 kHz) when a carrier frequency of 2 182 kHz is being used for distress; in R

36、egion 2 except for Greenland, the carrier frequency 2 191 kHz as a supplementary calling frequency in those areas of heavy usage of 2 182 kHz. d) (2) A radiotelephone ship station calling another ship station should use for the call: a) the carrier frequency 2 182 kHz; b) an intership frequency, whe

37、never and wherever traffic density is high and prior arrangements can be made. (3) Subject to the provisions of 5 12.(6), coast stations shall, in accordance with the requirements of their own country, call ship stations of their own nationality either on a working frequency or, when calls to indivi

38、dual ships are made, on the carrier frequency 2 182 kHz. (4) However, a ship station which keeps watch simultaneously on the carrier frequency 2182 kHz and a working frequency should be called on the working frequency. (5) As a general rule, coast stations should call radiotelephone ship stations of

39、 another nationality on the carrier frequency 2 182 kHz. (6) Coast stations may call ship stations equipped to receive selective calls in accordance with Recommendations ITU-R M.257 and ITU-R M.541. B2. Bands Between 4 o00 kHz and 27 500 kHz 5 13. (1) A ship station calling a coast station by radiot

40、elephony shall use either one of the calling frequencies mentioned in RR No. S52.221 No. 43751 or the working frequency associated with that of the coast station, in accordance with RR Appendix S17, Pari B Section I, Appendix 16, Section A (2) A coast station calling a ship station by radiotelephony

41、 shall use one of the calling frequencies mentioned in RR No. S52.222 No. 43761, one of its working frequencies shown in the List of Coast Stations, or the carrier frequency 4 125 kHz or 6 215 kHz, in accordance with the provisions of RR Nos. S52.221.2 and S52.221.3 Nos. 4375.2 and 4375.31. (3) The

42、preliminary operations for the establishment of radiotelephone communications may also be carried out by radiotelegraphy using the procedure appropriate to radiotelegraphy (see Recommendation IT-R M.1170 $ 17). (4) The provisions of $ 13.(1) and 0 13.(2) do not apply to communications between ship s

43、tations and coast stations using the simplex frequencies specified in RR Appendix S 17. Part E, Section I Appendix 16, Section BI. COPYRIGHT International Telecommunications Union/ITU RadiocommunicationsLicensed by Information Handling Services 1u-R RECMN*Mg SERIES*PT*3 95 m 4855212 052802b 589 Rec.

44、 ITU-R M.1171 173 B3. Bands Between 156 MHz and 174 MHz 4 14. (1) In the bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz, intership and coast station to ship calling should, as a general nile, be made on 156.8 MHz. However, coast station to ship calling may be conducted on a working channel or on a two-frequency

45、calling channel which has been implemented in accordance with RR No. S52.236. Except for distress, urgency or safety communications, when 156.8 MHz should be used, ship to coast station calling should, whenever possible, te made on a working channel or on a two-frequency calling channel which has be

46、en implemented in accordance with RR No. S52.236 No. 43911. Ships wishing to participate in a port operations service or ship movement service should call on a port operations or ship movement working frequency, indicated in heavy type in the List of Coast Stations. (2) When 156.8 MHz is being used

47、for distress, urgency or safety communications, a ship station desiring to participate in the port operations service may establish contact on 156.6 MHz, or another port operations frequency indicated in heavy type in the List of Coast Stations. B4. Procedure for Calling a Station Providing Pilot Se

48、rvice 0 15. preference: A radiotelephone ship station calling a station providing pilot service should use for the call, in order of a) b) an appropriate channel in the bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz; a working frequency in the bands between 1 605 kHz and 4 o00 kHz; c) the carrier frequency 2 182

49、 kHz, and then only to determine the working frequency to be used. C. Form of Reply to Calls 0 16. The reply to calls consists of - the call sign or other identification of the calling station, not more than three times; the words THIS IS (or DE spoken as DELTA ECHO in case of language difficulties); the call sign or other identification of the station called, not more than three times. - - D. Frequency for Reply D1. Bands Between 1 605 Wz and 4 000 kHz 0 17. frequency unless another frequency is indicated by the calling station. (1) When a s


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