ITU-T D 95-1992 Charging Billing Accounting and Refunds in the Data Messaging Land Maritime Mobile-Satellite Service (Study Group III) 11 pp《在数据消息陆地 海上移动卫星业务中的计费、帐单、结算和偿付份额、转帐结算业务(.pdf

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ITU-T D 95-1992 Charging Billing Accounting and Refunds in the Data Messaging Land Maritime Mobile-Satellite Service (Study Group III) 11 pp《在数据消息陆地 海上移动卫星业务中的计费、帐单、结算和偿付份额、转帐结算业务(.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T D 95-1992 Charging Billing Accounting and Refunds in the Data Messaging Land Maritime Mobile-Satellite Service (Study Group III) 11 pp《在数据消息陆地 海上移动卫星业务中的计费、帐单、结算和偿付份额、转帐结算业务(.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T D 95-1992 Charging Billing Accounting and Refunds in the Data Messaging Land Maritime Mobile-Satellite Service (Study Group III) 11 pp《在数据消息陆地 海上移动卫星业务中的计费、帐单、结算和偿付份额、转帐结算业务(.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T D 95-1992 Charging Billing Accounting and Refunds in the Data Messaging Land Maritime Mobile-Satellite Service (Study Group III) 11 pp《在数据消息陆地 海上移动卫星业务中的计费、帐单、结算和偿付份额、转帐结算业务(.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T D 95-1992 Charging Billing Accounting and Refunds in the Data Messaging Land Maritime Mobile-Satellite Service (Study Group III) 11 pp《在数据消息陆地 海上移动卫星业务中的计费、帐单、结算和偿付份额、转帐结算业务(.pdf_第5页
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2、IME MOBILE-SATELLITE Recommendation D.95 FOREWORD The CCIT (the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). CCIT is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendation

3、s on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The Plenary Assembly of CCIT which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study and approves Recommendations prepared by its Study Groups. The approval of Recommendations by the members of CCITT between Plena

4、ry Assemblies is covered by the procedure laid down in CCIT Resolution No. 2 (Melbourne, 1988). Recommendation D.95 was prepared by Study Group III and was approved under the Resolution No. 2 procedure on the 1st of October 1992. CCITT NOTES 1) telecommunication administration and a recognized priva

5、te operating agency. 2) In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a A list of abbreviations used in this Recommendation can be found in Annex C. O ITU 1993 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any for

6、m or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. . . - CCITT RECMN*De95 92 W LIB62591 0576431 536 W CONTENTS Page 1 Definitions . 2 Charging . 2.1 General 2.2 Telegrams 2.3 Telex letters . 2.4 Telex calls . 2.5 Packet swit

7、ching 2.6 Special facilities . 2.7 Communications between mobile stations 2.8 Registered users . 2.9 New or modified charges . 3 Billing 3.1 General 3.2 Procedures for billing the customer direct for traffic originating from mobiles and registered users 3.3 Procedures for billing the customer direct

8、 for public traffic from non-mobiles and registered users 3.4 Procedures for accounting between accounting authorities for traffic originating from mobiles . 4 International accounting 4.1 General 4.2 Accounting for single-operator service . 5 Rejinds 5.1 Telegrams 5.2 Telex letters . 5.3 Telex call

9、s . 5.4 Packet switching Annex A . Specimen call statement for a mobile data messaging satellite account to an accounting authority Annex B . Annex C . Specimen summary of a mobile data messaging satellite account to an accounting authority . Alphabetical list of abbreviations used in this Recommand

10、ation Recommendation D.95 (10/92) 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 i _- _ CCITT RECMN*D-95 92 = 4862593 0576432 472 Recommendation D.95 CHARGING, BILLING, ACCOUNTING AND REFUNDS IN THE DATA MESSAGING LANDmARITIME MOBILE-SATELLITE SERVICE (1992) 1 Definitions 1.1 land earth stati

11、on (LES) An earth station in the fixed satellite service or in the mobile-satellite service, located at a specified fixed I , point or within a specified area on land to provide a feeder link for the data messaging mobile-satellite service. 1.2 land earth station operator (LESO) An entity which oper

12、ates an earth station in the digital Mobile-satellite service. This can be an Administration or other entity/entities designated by the Administration to operate an LES. 1.3 1.4 2.1.1 registered user A shore-based customer who, by previous arrangement with the LESO, is able to use the special facili

13、ties. reseller An entity, other than the Administration, which is authorized to sell the land mobile service direct to the Note - Additional definitions are to be found in Recommendations D.90, D.93 and D.000. Charging General The charge to the user may ta-.e account of the following elements: a) th

14、e landing charges: b) the LES charges; c) the space segment charges; d) e) f) g) The charges, which shall be expressed in both the currency determined by the LES Administration any charges for special services for telegrams that have to be considered in the accounting; and any charges for special fa

15、cilities; where appropriate, postal charges on telex letters; the resellers charge, if applicable. responsible for fixing them and in either SDRs or G. Fr. (used when billing an accounting authority for charges incurred by foreign mobile stations), shall be notified to the ITU General Secretariat by

16、 the LES Administration. Recommendation D.95 (10/92) 1 CCITT RECMN*D.95 92 W 4862591 0576433 309 m 2.2 Telegram 2.2.1 in Recommendation D.OOO. The charge shall be determined using either the per word tariff system or the binary tariff system as defined 2.2.2 The total charge should be collected from

17、 the originator. 2.3 Telex letters 2.3.1 Recommendations relating to letter telegrams, if the telegram service is used to convey telex letters. 2.3.2 LES country. 2.3.3 2.3.4 Except as otherwise provided in $0 2.3.2 to 2.3.3, telex letters may be accepted, taking into account CCITT The total charge

18、shall include the postal charge (by ordinary letter or airmail letter) due for delivery in the An additional charge may be collected where delivery is to be made to a country other than that of the LES. The following charges are added where applicable: a) b) charges due to special facilities; the la

19、ndline charge when transmission on the land section is exceptionally by telegraph. 2.4 Telex calls 2.4.1 LES and landline charges taking into account the relevant CCIT Recommendations: Messages originating in mobiles will be charged on the basis of the number of kilobits transmitted.

20、 For public traffic originating from non-mobiles, calls may be charged by any of the following three methods, a) charging based on duration; b) c) The charge for a call is normally collected from the calling party. If two LESs are participating in the handling of the call, the record of the LES that

21、 accepted the call from the charging by periodic pulses of the type used in the national automatic service; charging in kilobits or parts thereof. originating mobile station will prevail and will also be valid for international accounting. 2.5 Packet switching 2.5.1 The provisions of

22、 $ 2.4 (telex calls) apply. 2.6 Special facilities 2.6.1 Call confirmation and message status messages are available to all users. 2.6.2 The charge for these facilities shall be calculated, where applicable, on the basis used for an international call, applied to either: a) b) the landline charge on

23、ly; or all components of the call charge. 2.7 Coinmimicatioils between mobile stations 2.7.1 An additional charge may be made when a single LES is used as an intermediary between mobile stations. 2.7.2 When it is necessary to use two LESs as intermediaries between two mobile stations, the LES charge

24、 and space segment charge for each station can be collected and also any landline charge for the section between the two LESs. 2 Recommendation D.95 (10/92) 2.8 Registered users 2.8.1 without text), Single and Multiple Addressed Messaging, Data Reporting and Mailbox facilities. Registered users may

25、have a number of special facilities available to them including Polling (with text or 2.8.2 is registered. 2.8.3 billed to the registered user. 2.8.4 will be in packets. The registration fee, rental and usage charges will be determined by the LESO with whom the registered user The total charge, incl

26、uding that for calls in the return direction (initiated by the registered user), shall be Calls will be charged using any of the methods detailed in 0, additionally charging for data reports 2.9 New or modified charges 2.9.1 New or modified charges shall not come into effect for internationa

27、l traffic for countries other than the one which establishes the charges, until the first day of the month following the expiry of the period specified below. The period will be counted from the day after the publication of the ITU Operational Bulletin which contains this notification. Administratio

28、ns providing information for publication in the Operational Bulletin should observe the deadlines indicated in the Bulletin for forwarding this information to the ITU General Secretariat. The period to be taken into account is as follows: a) b) for traffic originating from a mobile station: 1 month

29、and 15 days for traffic to a mobile station except mobile-to-mobile where the provisions of 2.9.1 a) above apply: 15 days, except for changes to bring charges into line with those on competing routes, in which case the period shall be 10 days. 3 Bi 11 in g 3.1 General 3.1.1 practice, be collected fr

30、om the mobile subscriber, or if appropriate, registered user: by the Administration that has issued the licence; or by the LESO if different from a) above; or by a creditkharge card company or companies designated by the LESO; or by a third party agreed between the LESO and the mobile subscriber, wh

31、ich may be an accounting authority referred to in Recommendation D.90, L5 to L8; or Charges for satellite communications from mobile stations shall in principle, and subject to national law and a) b) c) d) e) by a reseller; or f) by another entity designated for this purpose by the Administration re

32、ferred to in a) above. 3.1.2 The Administration see Q 3.1.1 a), recognized private operating agencies see 0 3.1.1 b) or designated entities see $ 3.1.1 f) when acting in the capacity stated in $ 3.1.1 are referred to in this Recommendation as the accounting authority. 3.1.3 D.90). Each accounting au

33、thority will be allocated a discrete identification code (see Annex A of Recommendation 3.1.4 The name(s) and address(es) of accounting authority(ies) with their respective identification codes shall be notified to the ITU General Secretariat for inclusion in the List of Ship Stations. The number of

34、 such accounting authorities responsible for mobiles stations, both land and maritime, licensed by Administrations concerned shall be limited as far as possible and should not exceed 25. Recommendation D.95 (10/92) 3 3.1.5 The licensing Administrations may authorize accounting authorities recognized

35、 by them to notify the ITU directly of additions, modifications and deletions to be made in the List of Ship Stations in respect of ship stations for which they have accounting responsibility. Such additions, modifications and deletions should contain, whenever possible, the full details required fo

36、r the list. Copies of any such notification to the ITU by an accounting authority may also be required by the licensing Administration in order to avoid duplication of notification to the ITU. When such authorization is given to accounting authorities, the licensing Administration shall notify the I

37、TU of the granting of authority. 3.2 Procedures for billing the customer direct for trafic originating from mobiles and registered users 3.2.1 bill the mobile station or registered user, by a method referred to in 0 3.1.1 above. In the case of satellite communications originating from mobile station

38、s or registered users, the LESO shall 3.2.2 The LESO (or service provider) will need to record the following data for billing purposes: a) the mobile station identification; b) the accounting authority identification code, when required by the service provider; c) the number of the addressee, includ

39、ing country and area codes; d) number of chargeable bits/words/packets as applicable; e) delivery time if applicable; f) traffic category; g) special servicedfacilities used; h) credit card details if applicable. This list is not exhaustive. 3.2.3 In the case of satellite communications exchanged be

40、tween mobile stations: a) through the medium of a single LES: the LESO bills the origin mobile station by a method stated in 5 3.1.1 with the appropriate charges; b) through the medium of two LESS: the first LESO bills the origin mobile station with the appropriate charges (including two LES charges

41、 and two space segment charges), taking into account 0 3.1.1. The first LESO shall credit the second LESO for its charges, the fst LESO being regarded as the office of origin as far as the accounts are concerned. 3.2.4 of the entities stated in 0 3.1.1 above. Bills should be prepared on a monthly ba

42、sis, unless otherwise agreed, by the LESO and rendered by it to one 3.2.5 LESO, when appropriate, in consultation with the third party billing entity. All land mobile bills should be paid without delay and, in general, within a maximum timescale set by the 3.2.6 If international mobile bills remain

43、unpaid after four months, the Administration that has licensed the mobile station shall on request take all possible steps, within the limits of applicable national law, to ensure settlement of the outstanding bills from the licensee. 3.2.7 Billing procedures for registered users located in the coun

44、try which the LESO is based are a national matter. 3.3 Procedures for billing the customer direct for public trafic from non-mobiles and registered users 3.3.1 Billing procedures are a national matter. 4 Recommendation D.95 (10/92) CCITT RECMN*D*95 92 4862591 O576436 018 m 3.4 Procedures for account

45、ing between accoiintiiig authorities for trafic originating from mobiles 3.4.1 Telecommunications Regulations, taking into account the relevant CCIT Recommendations. Exchange and verification of international accounts shall be carried out in accordance with the International 3.4.2 The bills, with de

46、tails of charges in duplicate, shall be sent as promptly as possible but in any case before the end of the third month following that to which they relate. They should be sent by the most expeditious means and the covering invoice shall be identified by a unique number and show the dateof dispatch.

47、3.4.3 the accounting statement (see Annex A). Unless otherwise agreed, each item of traffic shall be entered individually with all necessary particulars, in 3.4.4 LESOS shall always establish a separate statement for each mobile station (which shall include the name and the mobile station ID) in suc

48、h a way that the accounting authority can use the duplicate for billing the mobile station licensee. 3.4.5 Exceptionally, where the volume of traffic for each mobile station is low, each sheet of statement may contain data on more than one mobile station spaced in such a way that the statement can b

49、e divided and used for billing with the mobile station licensee. In either case, this statement should give the total charge for each land mobile station and be covered by a single bill. 3.3.6 A specimen statement and summary sheet is given at Annexes A and B. 3.4.7 acceptance to the Administration that sent it. In principle, an account shall be considered as accepted without the need for specific notification of 3.4.8 As a matter of priority on receipt of the account, the accounting authority should notify the LESO of preliminary rejections, i.e. the mobile stations

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