1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 % TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU4%,%0(/.%G0G0.%47/2+G0G0!.$G0G0)3$./0%2!4)/. G0G0.5-“%2). G0G02/54).!.$G0G0-/“),%G0G03%26)#%/2!.):!4)/.G0G0/ the linguistic knowledge required of operators, in the case of semiautomatic international service;
2、 and the need to provide automatic transit in certain exchanges (international routing plan).However, it would be advisable, when the traffic justifies it, to provide certain international exchanges ornational manual exchanges in a country with direct-access circuits to an international automatic exchange so that theoperators in these exchanges can set up international semiautomatic calls in automatic relations without the interventionof an operator from the international exchange.