ITU-T E 155-1998 International Premium Rate Service - Series E Overall Network Operation Telephone Service Service Operation and Human Factors - Operation Numbering Routing and Mob.pdf

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2、obile services - International operation - Operation of international telephone services International premium rate service ITU-T Recommendation E.155 (Previously CCITT Recommendation) - STD-ITU-T RECMN E-155-ENGL 1998 48b259L Ob48520 670 ITU-T E-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS OVERALL NETWORK OPERATION, TEL

3、EPHONE SERVICE, SERVICE OPERATION AND HUMAN FACTORS OPERATION, NUMBERING, ROUTING AND MOBILE SERVICES INTERNATIONAL OPERATION Definitions General provisions concerning Administrations General provisions concerning users - Operation of international telephone services Numbering plan of the internatio

4、nal telephone service International routing plan Tones in national signalling systems Maritime mobile service and public land mobile service OPERATIONAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO CHARGING AND ACCOUNTING IN THE INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE SERVICE Charging in the international telephone service Measuring and


6、tics International network management Checking the quality of the international telephone service Measurement and recording of traffic Forecasting of traffic Determination of the number of circuits in manual operation Determination of the number of circuits in automatic and semi-automatic operation

7、Grade of service Definitions ISDN traffic engineering Mobile network traffic engineering TRAFFIC ENGINEERING QUALITY OF TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES: CONCEPTS, MODELS, OBJECTIVES AND DEPENDABILITY PLANNING Terms and definitions related to the quality of telecommunication services Models for telecommun

8、ication services Objectives for quality of service and related concepts of telecommunication services Use of quality of service objectives for planning of telecommunication networks Field data collection and evaluation on the performance of equipment, networks and services E. 100-E. 103 E.104-E.119

9、E. 120-E. 139 E. 160-E. 169 E. 1 70-E. 1 79 E.180-E.199 E.200-E.229 E.230-E.249 E.260-E.269 E.300-E.3 19 E. 320-E. 3 29 E. 3 30-E. 399 E.400-E.409 E.4 1 0-E.4 19 E.420-E.489 E.490-E.505 E.506-ES09 ES 10-e5 19 E.520-E. 5 39 E. 540-E. 5 99 E.600-E.699 E.700-E.749 E.750-E.799 E. 800-E. 809 E.8 1 0-E.84

10、 E.845-E.859 E.860-E.879 E.880-E.899 For further details. please refer to ITU-T List of Recommendations. STD-ITU-T RECMN E-355-ENGL 3998 M Y862591 Ob48523 507 M ITU-T RECOMMENDATION E.155 INTERNATIONAL PREMIUM RATE SERVICE Summary This Recommendation provides the service description of and the proce

11、dures for the implementation, operation and management of the International Premium Rate Service (IPRS) which is provided on a managed basis by a Recognized Operating Agency (ROA) in the country of an information service provider in conjunction with an ROA(s) in the country of the caller. Through th

12、e availability of IPRS, a wide range of products offered by information service providers in one country can be made available to callers in another country. Examples of such products could include: 0 access to recorded information services (speech, facsimile or data); 0 access to interactive servic

13、es (speech, facsimile or data); access to promotions, competitions and opinion surveys. Source ITU-T Recommendation E.155 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 2 (1997-2000) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 9th of March 1998. Recommendation E.155 (03/98) 1 FOREWORD ITU (

14、International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommuni- cations. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the ITU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing

15、Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these

16、 topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this

17、Recommendation, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involv

18、e the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. The ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Re

19、commendation, the ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent data

20、base. O ITU i998 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. 11 Recommendation E.155 (03/98) CONTENTS Scope References Definitio

21、n of terms Service definition Service agreements . Access methods 6.1 Access Method No . 1 - Access in the country of call origination via dialling a national premium rate number . 6.2 Access Method No . 2 - Access in the country of origin via dialling a universal international premium rate number S

22、ervice management . . 7.1 Service ordering - General procedure . 7.2 Procedures for Access Method No . 1 7.3 Procedure for Access Method No . 2 . 7.4 Common service management aspects 7.5 Operational aspects . 7.6 Performance data . Optional service features . 8.1 Service features . 8.2 Announcement

23、s . Operational provisions 9.1 Service operational requirements . 9.2 Network management . 9.3 Quality of service Annex A . PRS . National Premium Rate Number Request Form . Annex B . IPRS . Universal international premium rate number access service order form . Appendix I - Possible access method -

24、 Access in the country of call origination via international direct dialling of a foreign domestic premium rate number . Recommendation E.155 (03198) Page 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 15 18 . 111 - STD-ITU-T RECMN E-155-ENGL 1998 46b259L Ob46524 2Lb Recommendation E.155 INTERNATIONA

25、L PREMIUM RATE SERVICE (Geneva, 1998) 1 Scope This Recommendation provides the service description of and the procedures for the implementation, operation and management of the International Premium Rate Service (IPRS) which is provided on a managed basis by a Recognized Operating Agency (ROA) in th

26、e country of an information service provider in conjunction with an ROA(s) in the country of the caller. Through the availability of IPRS, a wide range of products offered by information service providers in one country can be made available to callers in another country. Examples of such products c

27、ould include: 0 0 0 This Recommendation does not preclude arrangements established between information service providers and individual ROAS utilizing the International Telephone Service (E. los), irrespective of their locations. While this Recommendation covers IPRS provided using the Intemational

28、Telephone Service (in accordance with Recommendation E. 105) as the underlying transport mechanism, this does not preclude the same principles being applied or adapted in the future to IPRS using other transport mechanisms, networks or services. In respect of Access Method No. 2, implementation of t

29、his service will need to take account of the provisions of supporting D- and E-Series Recommendations. access to recorded information services (speech, facsimile or data); access to interactive services (speech, facsimile or data); access to promotions, competitions and opinion surveys. 2 References

30、 The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision; all users

31、 of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. - - CCITT Recommendation E. 105 (1992), Internatio

32、nal telephone service. ITU-T Recommendation E. 141 (1993), Instructions for operators on the operator-assisted international telephone service. 3 Definition of terms This Recommendation defines the following terms: 3.1 responsible for ensuring the establishment of access to international premium rat

33、e numbers in that country. 3.2 IPRS terminating ROA: The Recognized Operating Agency (ROA) which has the responsibility for terminating IPRS calls to the information service provider. Generally, this ROA is responsible for relations with the IPRS information service provider concerning the service.

34、3.3 IPRS information service provider (ISP): The individual or entity offering information services via the IPRS, who is responsible for payment of all charges with respect to the operation and administration of the particular IPRS. IPRS originating ROA: A Recognized Operating Agency (ROA) in the co

35、untry of origin of the call which is 3.4 IPRS caller: The person who places a call to an IPRS number. Recommendation E.155 (03/98) I STD-ITU-T RECMN E-155-ENGL 1998 Y8b2591 b1)8525 152 3.5 via the IPRS. international premium rate number: A number dialled by an IPRS caller to obtain a connection to a

36、n ISP 3.6 routing number: A number format specified by the IPRS terminating ROA which identifies the called IPRS ISP for routing purposes. The international premium rate number dialled by the IPRS caller is translated in the country of call origination to this special routing number before the call

37、is routed to the IPRS terminating ROA. 3.7 ROA for access via the IPRS to an ISP. premium rate: A charge over and above the standard IDD call charge, established by the IPRS originating NOTE -The premium rate does not include separate payments arranged between the IPRS caller and the IPRS ISP. Such

38、additional charges are outside the scope of this Recommendation. 3.8 Universal International Premium Rate Number (UIPRN): A unique number which is assigned to the ISP on a global basis by the UIPRN Registrar and which is used to access the IPRS ISP throughout the world from ROAs which support this f

39、eature. 3.9 resource. UIPRN Registrar: The entity responsible for processing registration requests and assigning the UIPRN 4 Service definition The International Premium Rate Service (IPRS) enables an ISP in a country to be assigned one or more international premium rate numbers which allow IPRS cal

40、lers to access information and other services provided by the ISP. For these calls, callers are charged at a premium rate. Detailed charging and accounting principles are defined in the D-Series Recommendations. In some cases callers may need prior subscription (to IPRS) with the IPRS originating RO

41、A andor with the ISP 5 . Service agreements The IPRS is offered by bilateral agreement between the originating and terminating IPRS ROAs. In cooperating in the provision of IPRS, these ROAs may choose to adopt either, or both, of the specific access methods indicated in clause 6 below. The ROA gener

42、ally responsible for relations with the IPRS ISP should be determined through bilateral agreement between the ROAs. Information essential to the provision of IPRS needs to be provided prior to the service being made available: Information IPRS numbering arrangements Contact points for: - exchange of

43、 service orders - testing - fault reporting - general IPRS matters Cali charge bandskates for the IPRS Security mechanisms to protect the IPR from fraud or misuse Localhationa1 service requirements/operating code of practice, and actions to be taken in the event ISP fails to comply with these requir

44、ementskodes Examples of requirements might include: review of advertising rate notification to callers on access. By whom provided Originating ROA Terminating ROA 2 Recommendation E.155 (03/98) 6 Access methods Participating IPRS originating and terminating ROAs may choose to adopt either, or both,

45、of the specific access methods described below. These access methods use the general IPRS framework depicted in Figure 1. Caller TO2071 80-9ld01 - - notify the IPRS ISP: ensure that ISPs do not promote the use of their IPRS number before the due in-service date; that international premium rate numbe

46、rs are intended to allow IPRS callers to call the ISP and may not be sold, licensed, or traded. Nor may they be transferred, except in the case of a merger, acquisition, or joint venture. The IPRS ISP must inform the IPRS terminating ROA of any such transfer; that the assignment of an international

47、premium rate number does not create an ownership interest, right or claim to the international premium rate number on the part of the IPRS ISP; 0 of the service/call charge and revenue options provided; 0 of the local code(s) of practice in the country of call origination for ISPs, and that failure

48、to comply may require the IPRS originating ROA to withhold or withdraw access. The terminating ROA has overall control responsibilities to ensure the satisfactory completion of service orders for initiation, change, suspension and disconnection. Each participating LPRS ROA should appoint a contact p

49、erson responsible for all general matters relating to IPRS (a “service manager“), as well as specific contacts for service ordering, testing and fault reporting. Information on these contacts should be exchanged between IPRS ROAs. 7.1 Service ordering - General procedure The terminating ROA will originate the service order on behalf of the IPRS ISP. The service order is sent via telefax or other mutually agreed telecommunication to the originating ROA. A separate service order form should be sent to each originating ROA from whom the ISP wishes to receive calls. The o


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