ITU-T G 853 16-2001 Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery (Study Group 4)《预先条款路线发掘的信息观点》.pdf

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ITU-T G 853 16-2001 Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery (Study Group 4)《预先条款路线发掘的信息观点》.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T G 853 16-2001 Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery (Study Group 4)《预先条款路线发掘的信息观点》.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T G 853 16-2001 Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery (Study Group 4)《预先条款路线发掘的信息观点》.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T G 853 16-2001 Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery (Study Group 4)《预先条款路线发掘的信息观点》.pdf_第5页
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1、 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T G.853.16 TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU (01/2001) SERIES G: TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS AND MEDIA, DIGITAL SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS Digital networks Management of transport network Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery ITU-T Reco



4、99 TESTING EQUIPMENTS G.500G.599 TRANSMISSION MEDIA CHARACTERISTICS G.600G.699 DIGITAL TERMINAL EQUIPMENTS G.700G.799 DIGITAL NETWORKS G.800G.899 General aspects G.800G.809 Design objectives for digital networks G.810G.819 Quality and availability targets G.820G.829 Network capabilities and function

5、s G.830G.839 SDH network characteristics G.840G.849 Management of transport network G.850G.859 SDH radio and satellite systems integration G.860G.869 Optical transport networks G.870G.879 DIGITAL SECTIONS AND DIGITAL LINE SYSTEM G.900G.999 For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recom

6、mendations. ITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001) i ITU-T Recommendation G.853.16 Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery Summary The route discovery service identifies routes for trails, tandem connections or subnetwork connections with or without protection in a layer network. It is possible

7、to request conditions that have to be met by the identified route. In addition to proposing routes, information is provided to help in the selection among the candidate routes on the basis of a set of properties. A service for the notification of external notification receivers of the identified rou

8、tes is provided as well. Source ITU-T Recommendation G.853.16 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 4 (2001-2004) and approved under the WTSA Resolution 1 procedure on 19 January 2001. ii ITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001) FOREWORD The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized

9、agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldw

10、ide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTS

11、A Resolution 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administ

12、ration and a recognized operating agency. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicabil

13、ity of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement

14、this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. ITU 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electr

15、onic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from ITU. ITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001) iii CONTENTS Page 1 Summary. 1 2 Scope. 1 3 References. 1 4 Definitions 1 5 Abbreviations 1 6 Conventions 2 7 Class diagrams 2 7.1 UML class diagram representing the inheritance

16、 hierarchy . 2 7.2 UML class diagram representing relationships between classes 4 8 Label references 5 9 Information object class definitions 5 9.1 prdAccessGroup 5 9.2 prdLayerNetworkDomain. 5 9.3 prdLink 6 9.4 prdLinkConnection . 6 9.5 prdLinkEnd . 6 9.6 prdNetworkCTP 6 9.7 prdNetworkTTP 6 9.8 prd

17、Route 7 9.9 prdRouteSet 7 9.10 prdRoutingConditions. 7 9.11 prdSubnetwork 8 9.12 prdTopologicalLink 8 9.13 prdTopologicalLinkEnd 8 10 Information relationship definitions . 8 10.1 prdRouteSetFulfillsRoutingConditions 8 10.2 PrdRouteSetHasRoutes. 9 11 Static schemas. 9 12 Dynamic schemas . 9 13 Attri

18、butes 9 13.1 prdArc-Point-orientedRouteComponents . 9 13.2 prdReturnedProperties 9 13.3 prdRouteEnds 9 ITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001) 1 ITU-T Recommendation G.853.16 Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery 1 Summary The route discovery service identifies routes for trails, tandem connect

19、ions or subnetwork connections with or without protection in a layer network. It is possible to request conditions that have to be met by the identified route. In addition to proposing routes information is provided to help in the selection among the candidate routes, on the basis of a set of proper

20、ties. A service for the notification of external notification receivers of the identified routes is provided as well. 2 Scope This information viewpoint specification is related to the pre-provisioned route discovery enterprise specification defined in ITU-T G.852.16. 3 References The following ITU-

21、T Recommendations, and other references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision; all users of this Recommend

22、ation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. 1 ITU-T G.851.1 (1996), Management of the transport network Applicat

23、ion of the RM-ODP framework. 2 ITU-T G.853.1 (1999), Common elements of the information viewpoint for the management of a transport network. 3 ITU-T G.852.16 (2001), Management of the transport network Enterprise viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery. 4 ITU-T G.853.10 (1999), Management of t

24、he transport network Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned link connection management. 4 Definitions No new term is defined in this Recommendation. 5 Abbreviations This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations: CTP Connection Termination Point Id Identifier imp imported ITU-T Internationa

25、l Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector 2 ITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001) LND Layer Network Domain plcm Pre-Provisioned Link Connection Management prd Pre-provisioned route discovery Rec. Recommendation RM-ODP Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing TTP Trail Termination

26、Point UML Unified Modelling Language 6 Conventions None. 7 Class diagrams 7.1 UML class diagram representing the inheritance hierarchy ITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001)3 T0414290-00G.853.1:networkInformationTopresourceIdG.853.1:linksignalidentificationlinkDirectionalityG.853.1:topologicalLinksignalIdentifica

27、tionlinkDirectionalityG.853.10:plcmLinkConnectionuserLabel (imp)plcmCallerIdprdLinkprdTopologicalLinkprdLinkConnectionG.853.1:subnetworksignalIdentificationG.853.1:accessGroupsignalIdentificationtopologicalEndDirectionprdLayerNetworkDomainG.853.1:layerNetworkDomainsignalIdentificationprdAccessGroupG

28、.853.1:transportConnectionsignalidentificationdirectionalityG.853.1:linkConnectionG.853.1:networkTTPsignalIdentificationpointDirectionalityprdNetworkTTPG.853.1:networkCTPsignalIdentificationpointDirectionalityG.853.10:plcmNetworkCTPuserLabel (imp)plcmCallerIdprdNetworkCTPG.853.1:linkEndsignalIdentif

29、icationtopologicalEndDirectionprdLinkEndprdRouteSetprdRouteEndsprdSubnetworkprdArc-Point-orientedRouteComponentsG.853.1:topologicalLinkEndsignalIdentificationtopologicalEndDirectionprdTopologicalLinkEndprdRouteprdIndividualRouteComponentsListprdReturnedPropertiesprdRoutingConditionsFigure 1/G.853.16

30、 Pre-provisioned Route Discovery, inheritance diagram4ITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001)7.2 UML class diagramrepresenting relationships between classes T0414300-0011 1111111111 111111111*0*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*0*111111prdAccessGroup prdSubnetworkprdLinkprdLinkConnectionprdLinkEndprdNetworkCTPprdLayerNetworkDomain+el


32、omainIsMadeOf+elementlayerNetworkDomainIsMadeOf+elementlayerNetworkDomainIsMadeOf+element+containerLNDlayerNetworkDomainIsMadeOfprdTopologicalLinkprdNetworkTTP prdTopologicalLinkEnd+containerLND+containerLNDprdRouteprdRouteSet+route+routeSetprdRoutSetHasRoutesprdRoutingConditionsprdRoutSetFulfillsRo

33、utingConditions+fulfilledConditions+containerLND+routeSetFigure 2/G.853.16 Pre-provisioned Route Discovery, relationship diagramITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001) 5 8 Label references Full label reference Local label reference AccessGroup LayerNetworkDomain Link LinkEnd NetworkInformationTop NetworkTTP PlcmLi

34、nkConnection PlcmNetworkCTP Subnetwork TopologicalLink TopologicalLinkEnd LayerNetworkDomainIsMadeOf 9 Information object class definitions 9.1 prdAccessGroup DEFINITION “This object class is derived from .“ ATTRIBUTE - none additional RELATIONSHIP 9.2 prdLayerNetworkDomain DEFINITION “This object c

35、lass is derived from .“ ATTRIBUTE - none additional RELATIONSHIP 6 ITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001) 9.3 prdLink DEFINITION “This object class is derived from . The relationship with the trails in the server layer is undefined.“ ATTRIBUTE - none additional RELATIONSHIP 9.4 prdLinkConnection DEFINITION “This

36、object class is derived from .“ ATTRIBUTE - none additional RELATIONSHIP 9.5 prdLinkEnd DEFINITION “This object class is derived from . The relationship with the networkTTPs in the server layer is undefined.“ ATTRIBUTE - none additional RELATIONSHIP 9.6 prdNetworkCTP DEFINITION “This object class is

37、 derived from .“ ATTRIBUTE - none additional RELATIONSHIP 9.7 prdNetworkTTP DEFINITION “This object class is derived from .“ ITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001) 7 ATTRIBUTE - none additional RELATIONSHIP 9.8 prdRoute DEFINITION “The prdRoute information object represents one of the routes in the prdRouteSet fo

38、r an unprotected or a protected scheme. The prdRoutes information object is derived from .“ ATTRIBUTE RELATIONSHIP 9.9 prdRouteSet DEFINITION “The prdRouteSet information object represents a set of routes for an unprotected or a protected scheme fulfilling a set of routing conditions. The prdRouteSe

39、t information object is derived from .“ ATTRIBUTE RELATIONSHIP 9.10 prdRoutingConditions DEFINITION “This object class contains the request to return either arc-oriented or point-oriented route components and it reflects the optionally supplied conditions that has to be met by the returned routes. T

40、his class will be refined based on technology dependent characteristics (the enterprise viewoint recommendation contains a list of examples). The prdRoutingConditions information object is derived from .“ ATTRIBUTE RELATIONSHIP 8 ITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001) 9.11 prdSubnetwork DEFINITION “This object cl

41、ass is derived from .“ ATTRIBUTE - none additonal RELATIONSHIP 9.12 prdTopologicalLink DEFINITION “This object class is derived from .“ ATTRIBUTE - none additional RELATIONSHIP 9.13 prdTopologicalLinkEnd DEFINITION “This object class is derived from . “ ATTRIBUTE - none additional RELATIONSHIP 10 In

42、formation relationship definitions 10.1 prdRouteSetFulfillsRoutingConditions DEFINITION “The prdRouteSetFulfillsRoutingConditions relationship describes the association between the routeSet and the related conditions that are met by the contained routes.“ ROLE routeSet “Played by an instance of the

43、information object class.“ fulfilledConditions “Played by an instance of the object class.“ INVARIANT inv_1 “Only one object playing the routeSet role must be involved in the relationship.“ inv_2 “Only one object playing the routingConditions role must be involved in the relationship.“ ITU-T G.853.1

44、6 (01/2001) 9 10.2 PrdRouteSetHasRoutes DEFINITION “The prdRouteSetHasRoutes relationship describes the association between a routeSet and all its potential routes having the same routeEnds.“ ROLE routeSet “Played by an instance of the information object class.“ route “Played by instances of the obj

45、ect class.“ INVARIANT inv_1 “One or more objects playing the role route may be involved in the relationship.“ inv_2 “Only one object playing the role routeSet must be involved in the relationship.“ 11 Static schemas - none 12 Dynamic schemas - none 13 Attributes 13.1 prdArc-Point-orientedRouteCompon

46、ents DEFINITION “This attribute reflects the request to either return arc-oriented or point-oriented route components.“ 13.2 prdReturnedProperties DEFINITION “This attribute reflects the properties optionally associated with a returned route. It has to be refined based on technology dependent charac

47、teristics.“ 13.3 prdRouteEnds 10 ITU-T G.853.16 (01/2001) DEFINITION “This attribute contains the identifiers of the route ends of the prdRouteSet. The route ends may represent - linkConnection information objects, - networkTTP information objects, - networkCTP information objects, - accessGroup inf

48、ormation objects, - link information objects, - topologicalLink information objects, - linkEnd information objects, - topologicalLinkEnd information objects or - subnetwork information objects.“ prdIndividualRouteComponentsList DEFINITION “This attribute contains all the individual route components

49、of a route. They may belong to several individual routes when the caller have asked for a route which can be used in a protection scheme (the number of individual routes corresponds to the protection scheme requested).“ Geneva, 2001 SERIES OF ITU-T RECOMMENDATIONS Series A Organization of the work of ITU-T Series B Means of expression: definitions, symbols, classification Series C General telecommunication statistics Series D General tariff principles Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factor


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