KS A 5607-2006 Reliability assurance by performance characteristic degrading over time《性能退化特性的可靠性保证》.pdf

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KS A 5607-2006 Reliability assurance by performance characteristic degrading over time《性能退化特性的可靠性保证》.pdf_第1页
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1、 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 2006 6 2 http:/www.kats.go.kr KS A 5607 KS A 5607: 2006 (2012 )A 5607: 2006 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2006 6 2 :2012 12 29 2012-837 : : ( 02-509-7294) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . ICS 03.120.01 KS A 5607: 2006(2012 )Reliability assur

2、ance by performance characteristic degrading over time (performance) (degradation) . , , , , , . , , , (solvent) . , , , . ( ) . 1. , , , . 2. . . KS A 3004 NFPA/T2.6.1 R2 2000 Fluid power components Method for verifying the fatigue and establishing the burst pressure ratings of the pressure contain

3、ing envelope of a metal fluid power component 3. . 3.1 (item) , , , , , , , . . 3.2 (performance) , , . 3.3 SL(Specification Limit) . 3.4 (failure) . . 3.5 (degradation) A 5607: 2006 2 , , , , . “ ” . 3.6 (life) , , , on-off . 3.7 N(rated life) . 3.8 (consumers risk) N 3.9 CL(Confidence Level) N CL

4、CL 1 . 3.10 AL(Acceptance Limit) 3.11 F(unreliability) SL ( ) 3.12 B100P P N P , N 100P . P 0.1 N B10 . 3.13 (reliability assurance level) N 3.14 (population performance distribution) N 3.15 (rated performance distribution) N F 3.16 K0 . K0 / , , . 3.17 Pa 4. 4.1 . 1 , . 1 (target value)A 5607: 2006

5、 3 . . n , . . 1. 2 . 2. . , (AF) , ( N)/AF . 2 N 4.2 a) ( ) . b) , . c) . N R, R . d) . R (N) , . (K0 R/R) (N) , . 3 N F, . 3 N , F, SL NF R SL R AL A 5607: 2006 4 4.3 n ( ) N , (AL) N . 4.4 (SL) (R) (K0) , . 1 : (N), (F), (CL 1 ) . , B10 . F SL , . , F 1 % , 1 F 99 % B1 . B10 F 10 %( 90 %) . F . C

6、L . F . 90 % B10 10 000 . , N 10 000, F 0.1, 1 0.9 . 10 %, 10 % 90 % . 2 : . n , n N . AF , N Na N/AF . 3 : p 1/n . n . 0.1, n 2 , p (0.1)1/2 0.316 4 : zp,zF . , zp 4 100(1 p)% . p (0.1)1/2 0.316, F 0.1 , zp 0.478, zF 1.282 . 4 100(1 p)% 5 : (SL) (R) (K0) AL . a) : AL SL (zp zF)Rb) : AL SLKvN(0, 1)p

7、zpA 5607: 2006 5 Kv (1 zpK0)/(1 zFK0) SL 178.9 , R 4.3 , zp 0.478, zF 1.282 , AL 178.9 (0.478 1.282)4.3 186.467 . 6 : n N , . 7 : AL . , CL 1 , B100F N . 5 AL EXCEL Spread Sheet , 1 . A B C D E F 1 (SL) sigma_R (N) F n 2 178.9 4.3 10 000 0.1 0.1 2 3 4 (1) p =D2(1/F2) 0.316 5 (2) z_F =NORMSINV(1-E2)

8、1.282 6 (3) z_p =NORMSINV(1-C5) 0.478 7 (4) AL =A2+(C6+C7)*B2 186.467 8 9 5 AL EXCEL Spread Sheet 4.5 ( AL) (AL) ( .). . ( ) . . 1 1 . ( ) : N N : F : 1 B10 10 000 90 % , N 104, F 0.1, 1 0.9 2 (n) (N) n 2, N 1043 p 1/n . n: p (0.1)1/2 0.316 4 zp, zF . zp 0.478, zF 1.282 5 (SL) ( R) (K0) AL . a) AL S

9、L (zp zF)Rb) AL SLKvKv (1 zpK0)/(1 zFK0) a) SL 178.9; R 4.3 AL 178.9 (0.478 1.282)4.3 186.467 6 n N 2 10 000 7 : AL 1 B100(1 ) N 2 186.467 , 90 % B10 10 000 A 5607: 2006 6 A A.1 1 Pr(SAL) p, Pr(S AL) 1 p . n AL X X X b(n, p) . n AL , n0na)1()Pr( pppnnnXP = . CL 1 , Pa pn p 1/n . A.1 p A.2 AL A.2.1 .

10、 1 p AL . A.1 AL R zpR R zR , SL AL SL (zF zp) R . A.2.2 K0 Kv : AL SLKv Kv . 0F0pRRFRRpRFRRpRv1111KzKzzzzzSLALK+=+=+= Kv AL AL SLKv N F, CL 1 , n Kv 1nF Rp 1/nSL RAL A 5607: 2006 7 AL . A.3 N (Sp) p, p , Pa . P(SpAL) A , n . nnpa)1(Pr( AALSP = A.2 N A.4 (degree of conservation) FR . a) ARpR/1zALzAL

11、Fn+= b) K0 0A0RpR11/1KzKzFn+= R pF ASL RAL pp 1/nA 5607: 2006 8 B B.1 , . ( ) . (hemming) (hood) . B.2 6 , 98.92 50 . , 10 , B.1 . B.1 B.1 , . B.1 : kgf/cm2 10 20 30 40 50 1 253.22 212.03 215.87 199.50 194.06 202.43 2 263.33 220.57 210.15 202.38 195.11 199.30 3 223.65 210.46 213.40 209.60 195.38 191

12、.74 4 268.90 213.40 213.06 199.00 196.65 200.40 5 272.60 215.10 205.42 195.80 201.14 188.65 6 254.72 215.67 211.83 205.73 207.32 190.34 B.1 B.3 B.1 . B.2 5 . A 5607: 2006 9 . , B.2 p-value 0.638 . , 4.299 84.3 ( B.3 ). B.2 Chi-Square DF p-value 2.539 4 0.638 Four-way Probability Plot for s ML Estima

13、tesComplete Data B.2 B.3 ( ) A 5607: 2006 10 B.4 : 90 % B10 84 (7 ) : : AF Tn/Ta 2 555 /25.83 989.2 7 (2 555 ) 25.83 . Tn: (normal condition) Ta: (accelerated condition) B.4.1 SL 255.58 kgf/cm2 , SL 70 % . SL 70 % 255.580.7 178.9 kgf/cm2B.4.2 ( N), N ( F), (1 ) : 90 % B10 84 (7 ) 7 (N 2 555 ) Na 25.

14、83( ), 0.1, F 0.1 B.4.3 AL n 2 , A1 0.1 p (0.1)1/2 0.316 2 . AL . AL SL (zA2 zp) SL (z0.1 z0.316 2) 178.9 (1.281 55 0.478 9)4.3 186.47 2 25.475 , AL 186.47 kgf/cm2 90 % B10 84 (7 ) . B.5 2 30 , 1 199.50 kgf/cm2, 2 202.38 kgf/cm2 . AL186.47 kgf/cm2 , 90 % B10 84 (7 ) . 83.2592.985552a=AFNNA 5607: 200

15、6 11 1 ISO 11346 Rubber, Vulcanized or Thermoplastic Estimation of Life Time and Maximum Temperature of Use from an Arrhenius Plot, First Edition 2 宇佐美民雄 , 日本協誌 54, 174, 1981 3 眼部郞 , 武井健三 , 日本協誌 23, 194. 1950 4 Meeker and Escobar, Statistical Method for Reliability Data, Wiley, 1998 5 Lee J Bain, St

16、atistical Analysis of Reliability and Life Testing Models: Theory and Methods(Statistics: Textbooks and Monographs, Vol 24), Marcel Dekker, June 1978 6 Wayne Nelson, Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models, Test Plans, and Data Analysis, John Wiley & Sons; 1990 7 Adhesion and adhesive science and te

17、chnology, Chapman and Mall press, 1987 12 KS A 5607: 2006 , . 1. , , , , , . , , , (solvent) . , , , . ( ) . (performance) (degradation) . 2. . 2003 “Quality Qualification Guideline” , , 2006 KS . , IEC TC 56 , KS . 3. , . 4. . NFPA/T2.6.1 R2 2000 Fluid power componentsMethod for verifying the fatig

18、ue and establishing the burst pressure ratings of the pressure containing envelope of a metal fluid power component . 5. , , , . 153787 1 145 3(16) (02)26240114 (02)26240148 http:/ KOREAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION KSKSKSSKSKS KSKS SKS KSKS SKSKS KSKSKSKS A 5607: 2006 Reliability assurance by performance characteristic degrading over time ICS 03.120.01

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