KS B ISO 10275-2009 Metallic materials-Sheet and strip-Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent《金属材料 板材和带材 拉伸应力硬化指数测定》.pdf

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KS B ISO 10275-2009 Metallic materials-Sheet and strip-Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent《金属材料 板材和带材 拉伸应力硬化指数测定》.pdf_第1页
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KS B ISO 10275-2009 Metallic materials-Sheet and strip-Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent《金属材料 板材和带材 拉伸应力硬化指数测定》.pdf_第2页
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KS B ISO 10275-2009 Metallic materials-Sheet and strip-Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent《金属材料 板材和带材 拉伸应力硬化指数测定》.pdf_第3页
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KS B ISO 10275-2009 Metallic materials-Sheet and strip-Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent《金属材料 板材和带材 拉伸应力硬化指数测定》.pdf_第4页
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KS B ISO 10275-2009 Metallic materials-Sheet and strip-Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent《金属材料 板材和带材 拉伸应力硬化指数测定》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS KSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS B ISO 10275 KS B ISO 10275 :2009 2009 12 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS B ISO 10275:2009 : ( ) ( ) () POSCO () () () () () KIST () ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 2004 12 20 : 2009 12 30 2009-0988 : : ( 02-509-7274) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS B

2、ISO 10275:2009 Metallic materialsSheet and stripDetermination of tensile strain hardening exponent 2007 2 ISO 10275, Metallic materialsSheet and stripDetermination of tensile strain hardening exponent , . 1 ( ) n . - (7.4 ). (Portevin-Le Chatelier , :AlMg ) ( , 7.7 ) . 2 . . ( ) . KS B ISO 75001:200

3、3, 1:/ KS B ISO 9513:2002, KS B ISO 10113, ISO 6892:1998, Metallic materialsTensile testing at ambient temperature 3 3.1 1 . KS B ISO 10275:2009 2 1 L e(extensometer) mm L (base) mm L L L e L mm e p () ( ) % e p e p () , e p (%), e p (%) % S o (cross-sectional area) mm 2S mm 2F N R MPa MPa m E / MPa

4、 n C MPa N r R m MPa A e % A g % A, B, x, y n 1 . A . 2 1 MPa1 N/ mm 23.2 n ( ) . . n C (1) 3.3 . ln ln ln n C (2) . 4 . n , . KS B ISO 10275:2009 3 5 5.1 KS B ISO 75001 1 . ISO 6892 . 5.2 KS B ISO 9513 2 ( r 1, KS B ISO 10113 ) . 5.3 ISO 6892 . 6 6.1 , . , ISO 6892 . 6.2 r n KS B ISO 10113 . 6.3 .

5、6.4 ( ). 7 7.1 1035 . (23 5) . 7.2 ISO 6892 (5.1 ) . 7.3 0.008 s 1 . . ISO 6892 . 7.4 n , . (/ ) , n R m ( 1 ). (/ ) , , R m ( 2 3 ). . KS B ISO 10275:2009 4 X % Y 1 2 1 n 2-20/Ag n 2-Ag X % Y 1 2 2 n 4-20/Ag n 4-20 KS B ISO 10275:2009 5 X % Y 1 2 3 n 4-20/Ag n 4-Ag 7.5 . e e o / ) ( ) / ( L L L S F

6、 (3) . ) /( / ) ( ln E o e e m S F L L L (4) (4) (5) S o S . S o S . (4) S o . ) /( e e o L L L S S (5) 7.6 , 3.3 (2) (geometric progression, 1 ) 5 . (2) . B Ax y (6) y :ln x :ln A :n KS B ISO 10275:2009 6 B :ln C . N i N i i i N i N i N i i i i i x x N y x y x N n 1 2 1 2 11 1 (7) 7.7 , . n . 2 % ,

7、 . n . : n 4 6 : lg( )nlg( )lg C, 4 % 6 % n 10 15 : lg( )nlg( )lg C, 10 % 15 % n 10-20/Ag : lg( )nlg( )lg C, 10 % 20 % . A g 20 % A gn 2-20/Ag : lg( )nlg( )lg C, 2 % 20 % . A g 20 % A gA g 20 % A g (:n 10 15 ) A g n . (1) , . 7.8 0.01 . . 8 . a) b) c) d) (7.7 ) e) f) ( ) g) h) KS B ISO 10275:2009 7

8、A () () (英美) ( ) Engineering strain Allongement conventionnel Dehnung e % ( ) Engineering stress Contrainte conventionnelle Spannung or Nennspannung S MPa ( ) True strain (logarithmic strain) Deformation vraie Wahre Dehnung or Umformgrad True stress Contrainte vraie Wahre Spannung k f R MPa (n ) Ten

9、sile strain hardening exponent (n-value) Coefficient decrouissage, n Verfestigungs-exponent (n-Wert) n n (r ) Plastic strain ratio (r-value) Coefficient danisotropie plastique, r Senkrechte Anisotropie (r-Wert) r r KS B ISO 10275:2009 8 1 StahlEisenPrfblatt 1125; 1984-11, Ermittlung des Verfestigung

10、sexponenten (n-Wert) von Feinblech im Zugversuch, 1. Ausgabe, Verlag Stahleisen GmbH, Dsseldorf 2 AEGERTER, J. Optimierung der Bestimmung des Verfestigungsexponenten und der senkrechten Anisotropie (n-und r-Wert) beim rechnergesteuerten Zugversuch, Internal Memorandum, VAW Aluminium AG, 1993-06 3 AE

11、GERTER, J., KELLER, S., WIESER, D. Prfvorschrift zur Durchfhrung und Auswertung des Zugversuches fr Al-Werkstoffe (Test Procedure for the Accomplishment and Evaluation of the Tensile Test for Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys), Conference transcript of the conference ”Werkstoffprfung 2003”, Verlag Stah

12、leisen GmbH, Dsseldorf (2003), pp. 139-150, ISBN 3-514-00703-9 153787 1 92 3(13) (02)26240114 (02)262401489 http:/ KS B ISO 10275 :2009 KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS SKS KSKS SKSKS KSKSKS Metallic materials Sheet and strip Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent ICS 77.040.10 Korean Agency for Technology and Standards http:/www.kats.go.kr

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