1、KSKSKSKS KSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS 2006 12 28 http:/www.kats.go.krKS D 2371 1 1: KS D 2371 1: 2006 (MOD ISO/FDIS 11211 1: 2002) (2011 ) D 2371 1: 2006 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 2006 12 28 : 2011 12 30 2 011-0717 : : ( 02- 509-7274) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . D 2371
2、1: 2006 i iii 1 1. 1 2. 1 3. 1 4. 3 5. 3 5.1 “” 3 5.2 4 6. 4 6.1 4 6.2 4 7. 4 7.1 4 7.1.1 , (DZ) 4 7.1.2 5 7.2 ( , ) 5 7.3 (, ) 5 7.4 5 7.5 (HPHT) 6 8. 6 8.1 6 8.2 6 8.3 6 8.4 6 9. 8 9.1 8 D 2371 1: 2006 ii 9.2 8 9.3 8 9.3.1 8 9.3.2 8 9.3.3 () 8 9.3.4 ( ) / () 8 9.3.5 () / ( )9 9.3.6 9 9.3.7 10 9.3.
3、8 / 11 9.3.9 12 9.4 12 9.4.1 12 9.4.2 13 A() , 14 B() ISO/FDIS 112111 Grading polished diamondsPart 1:Te rminology and classification16 44 D 2371 1: 2006 iii . KS D 2371 “ ” . 1: (KS D 2371 1) 2: (KS D 2371 2) KS D 2371 1 . A() , B() ISO/FDIS 11211 1 Grading polished diamonds Part 1: Terminology and
4、 classification ICS 01.040.39; 39.060 KS 1: D 2371 1: 2006(MOD ISO/FDIS 11211 1: 2002)(2011 ) Grading polished diamonds Part 1: Terminology and classification ISO/FDIS 11211 1: 2002 Grading polished diamonds Part 1: Terminology and classification , . 1. (記述 ) . (unmounted) (3.1 ) . (3.2 ), (3.3 )(7.
5、5 8.4 ) (3.5 ) . 2. . . KS D 2371 2 “ ” 2: 3. . 3.1 (diamond) 2.417, 3.52, 10 , ( ) 3.2 (synthetic diamond) (3.1) , , 3.3 (treated diamond) , , , , (3.1) 3.4 (polished diamond) (3.12) (3.1) 3.5 (assembled stone) (3.1), (3.2) (3.3) . 3.6 (color) , ( ) 3.7 (fluorescence) 365 nm (UV) (3.1) 3.8 (clarity
6、) (3.1) / (3.9) / (3.10) 3.9 /(inclusions) 3.9.1 (bearding)/ (bearded girdle) 3.9.2 (bruise) . D 2371 1: 2006 2 3.9.3 (cavity) 3.9.4 (chip) . 3.9.5 (cloud) 3.9.6 (crystal) (dark crystal) 3.9.7 (feather) (fracture) (cleavage) . (cleavage) . 3.9.8 (grain center) 3.9.9 (internal grainin
7、g) (colored graining) (reflective graining) (whitish graining) , (cloudy) 3.9.10 (indented natural) (3.10.3) 3.9.11 (knot) 3.9.12 (laser drill hole) (laser) (needle-like) . 3.9.13 (needle) 3.9.14 (pinpoint) 10 . 3.9.15 (reduced transparency) 10 , . 3.9.16 (twinning wisp) ( )
8、, , . 3.10 /(blemishes) 3.10.1 (abrasion) . 3.10.2 (extra facet) 3.10.3 (natural) 3.10.4 (nick) “v” . 3.10.5 (pit) . 3.10.6 (polish line) , , . 3.10.7 (polish mark), (burn mark) 3.10.8 (rough girdle) 3.10.9 (scratch) , . 3.10.10 (surface grain line) D 2371 1: 2006 3 , . . 3.11 (naked eye) 3.12 (cut)
9、 (3.1) (shape), (proportion) (finish) 3.13 (shape), (form) 3.14 (weight) (3.1) 3.15 (diamond loupe) (triplet) 10 , . 4. (3.4) 5. 9. . . , . : KS D 2371 (shape and cut) (weight) (measurements) (clarity grade) (color grade) (fluorescence) / / (plot) (proportion) / (total depth/height) (table size) (cr
10、own angle): (crown height), (pavilion depth): (pavilion angle), (girdle thickness) (culet size) (cut grade) (proportion grade) (polish grade) (symmetry grade) (comments) (date) 5. 5.1 “” “ ” . (3.2) “(3.1)” . “ ” D 2371 1: 2006 4 . 5.2 (3.5) . 6. KS A 3251 1 4.2.2 a) b) 2)( B) . 6.1 (3.14) (ct) , 1
11、200 mg(1/5 g) . . 9 . 0.997 0.99 ct 0.998 0.99 ct 0.999 1.00 ct . 6.2 (mm) , . (4. ). (round) : , ( ) (fancy) : , ( ). . 7. (color) 7.1 (7.1.1 7.1.2). (7.1.1 7.1.2) . 7.1.1 , (DZ) DZ 7.2 DZ (masterstone) . D55D65 (International Commission on Illumination: CIE ) (3.11 ) . 1 DZ . , N “ (Light)” . D 2371 1: 2006 5 1 D D D E E E F F F G G G H H H I I I J J J K K K L L L M M M N N O O P