KS E 0002-2006 Glossary of terms used in mining《矿山术语》.pdf

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1、 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 2006 6 8 KS E 0002 KS E 0002: 2006E 0002: 2006 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . : : 1975 12 26 : 2006 6 8 2006 0256 : : ( ) ( 02 509 72757) . 7 5 , . ICS 01.040.73; 73.020 KS E 0002: 2006Glossary of terms used in mining 1. . . . 2. . . KS A 5101 1 1: KS E 2001 KS E ISO 33

2、5 KS E ISO 349 (Audibert Arnu) KS E ISO 501 KS E ISO 540 KS E ISO 1953 KS E ISO 5074 3. . a) b) c) d) e) f) 4. . 2 . ( ) . a) 1) 1101 , . stratum 1102 lamination 1103 , bedding plane E 0002: 2006 2 1104 () . . strike (of stratum) 1105 () . , , . . dip (of stratum) 1106 2 . . conformity 1107 , . . un

3、conformity 1108 fault 1109 , normal fault 1110 , reverse fault 1111 45 . thrust fault 1112 , fault clay 1113 slickenside 1114 monocline 1115 (褶曲) fold 1116 (背斜) . . anticline 1117 , dome E 0002: 2006 3 1118 . . syncline 1119 () crest (of fold) 1120 () limb (of fold), wing (of fold) 1121 axis of a fo

4、ld 1122 , . , . anticlinal axis, axis of an anticline 1123 , . , . synclinal axis, axis of a syncline 1124 (節理) . joint 1125 (片理) . , . schistosity E 0002: 2006 4 1126 , , , , lineation 1127 , magma 1128 igneous rocks 1129 intrusive rock 1130 ( .) . . extrusive rock 1131 , volcanic rocks 1132 lava 1

5、133 . , . basic rock 1134 . , . acid rock 1135 batholith 1136 , stock 1137 dike, dyke 1138 sheet 1139 weathering 1140 , , , , erosion 1141 , , sedimentary rocks 1142 . . pyroclastic rocks 1143 () , lithofacies (of stratum) 1144 , sedimentary basin E 0002: 2006 5 1145 ( 化石帶) , , . (subzone), (zonule)

6、 . zone, biostratigraphic zone 1146 (固相 ) , metamorphic rock 1147 crystalline schist 1148 , gneiss 1149 , , , geological map 1150 , geologic section, geological section 1151 geological columnar section 1152 , , ( ) . (subsurface structure map underground structure map) . subsurface contour map, unde

7、rground contour map 1153 isopach map, isopachous map 1154 (頭 ) route map E 0002: 2006 6 2) 1201 . . mineral deposit, ore deposit 1202 a) , b) 5114 ore 1203 gangue 1204 horse 1205 (母岩) country rock 1206 , (捨石) , ( ), ( ) , , . . refuse, waste, debris, tailings 1207 ore mineral 1208 gangue mineral, ve

8、in stuff 1209 massive deposits 1210 bedded deposits 1211 ore beds 1212 vein 1213 . stringer, veinlet 1214 stockwork deposits 1215 , disseminated deposit, impregnation deposits 1216 ( ) fissure vein, fissure filling deposits 1217 replacement deposit, metasomatic deposit 1218 (固結 ) ore deposit of magm

9、atic origin 1219 orthomagmatic deposit 1220 pegmatite deposit 1221 , contact metasomatic deposit 1222 pyrometasomatic deposit 1223 (晶出 ), hydrothermal deposit E 0002: 2006 7 1224 , sublimation deposit 1225 sedimentary deposit 1226 (原地 ) residual deposit 1227 (砂) , placer, alluvial deposit 1228 , , ,

10、 evaporate deposit 1229 metamorphic deposit, metamorphosed deposit 1230 syngenetic deposit 1231 epigenetic deposit 1232 blind deposit 1233 ore-forming fluid 1234 ore solution 1235 , , wall rock alteration 1236 , skarn 1237 replacement, metasomatism 1238 2 . secondary enrichment 1239 () zoning (of or

11、e), zonal theory (of ore) 1240 . paragenesis of minerals 1241 metallogenetic province, metallogenic province 1242 metallogenetic porvince, metallogenic province 1243 metallogenetic epoch, metallogenic epoch 1244 metallogenetic epoch, metallogenic epoch 1245 , , quarry 1246 () (頭) outcrop (of mineral

12、 deposit), (of ore deposit) 1247 () , , oxidized zone (of mineral deposit), (of ore deposit) E 0002: 2006 8 1248 , . , gossan, iron hat 1249 2 supergene sulphide enrichment zone 1250 ore shoot 1251 plunge of an ore shoot 1252 barren zone 1253 massive ore 1254 powdery ore 1255 . . coal field 1256 . .

13、 coal 1257 . . dry ash free base(d.a.f) 1258 , (%) (%) fuel ratio 1259 , 4 . anthracite 1260 33 907 J/kg8 100 kcal . bituminous coal 1261 30 55833 907 J/kg7 3008 100 kcal/kg . subbituminous coal 1262 coking coal 1263 , 24 27930 558 J/kg5 800 7 300 kcal/kg brown coal, lignite 1264 , . , . lignite 126

14、5 , , , . . peat 1266 coaly shale 1267 , . . natural coke E 0002: 2006 9 1268 coal measures, coal-bearing formation 1269 () washout (of coal seams) 1270 (潛丘) , buried hill 1271 () parting (in coal seams) 1272 thickness of overburden 1273 coal seam, columnar section 3) 3.1) 1301 trenching 1302 drilli

15、ng 1303 tunnel prospection, tunnel exploration 1304 , ( ) test pit 1305 , prospect tunnel 1306 underground geological map 1307 (走向 ) . chasing coal on crop 3.2) 1308 , , , . sampling 1309 grab sampling 1310 chip sampling E 0002: 2006 10 1311 , , (KS 310 cm, 15 cm .) channel sampling 1312 bulk sampli

16、ng 1313 trench sampling 1314 a) , . %, g/t . b) (%) (J/kg kcal/kg) . grade 1315 sample maps, assay maps 1316 iso-grade map, iso-grade contour map 1317 grade of minable ore 1318 , grade of mined ore, grade of crude ore 1319 metal contents in crude ore 1320 grade of raw coal 3.3) 1321 a) b) ( ) ore bl

17、ock 1322 , , (査定 ) . calculation of ore reserves, estimation of ore reserves 1323 , , , . map of ore reserves 1324 , , coal reserves calculation map 1325 . . pit mouth level, drainage level 1326 ore reserves E 0002: 2006 11 1327 , proved ore reserve 1328 , , , probable ore reserve 1329 , possible ore reserve 1330 coal reserves 1331 , , proved coal reserves 1332 , , probable coal reserves 1333 , , , possible coal reserves 1334 , , . crude ore, run of mine, raw ore 1335 mining recovery 1336 minable ore 1337 percentage of dilution 1338 . ,


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