1、2009 年天津外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 Beowulf, the oldest great long poem ever written in English, is composed in a form of_.(A)epics(B) lyrics(C) folk songs(D)sagas2 Geoffrey Chaucer planned originally to have each of the pilgrims tell_stories on the way to Canterbury and the same number of sto
2、ries on the way back in his famous The Canterbury Tales.(A)1(B) 2(C) 3(D)43 Christopher Marlow was born only two months before William Shakespeare. In his life time he wrote some famous tragedies such as Tamburlain, The Jew of Malta and Dr. Faustus. All these tragedies portray a hero who passionatel
3、y pursues_.(A)money(B) power(C) territory(D)women4 The poetry of John Donne represents a sharp break from the poetry of his predecessors in the Eliz-abethian era. One of the outstanding features in his poetry is “ conceit “ which means_.(A)irony(B) satire(C) elaborated metaphor(D)contrast5 In additi
4、on to Paradise Lost, John Milton s another famous poem Lycidas is a_in which he uses some artificial imagery supplied by an idyllic shepherd s existence to bewail the loss of a friend.(A)pastoral elegy(B) odes(C) cantos(D)ballads6 Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele are famous English essayists. T
5、hey developed a new type of English writing, periodic essays. They often publish their writings in a journal which is called_.(A)The Guardian(B) The Atlantic(C) New Yorker(D)The Spectator7 The central character J. Alfred Prufrock in T. S. Eliot s famous poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is ._
6、.(A)an old man(B) a godlike figure(C) a restless young man(D)a muse8 E. M. Forster is a novelist but also a novel critic. His famous book on novel criticism is entitled(A)Politics and the English Language(B) Aspects of the Novel(C) The Rise of the Novel(D)A Room of Ones Own9 Harold Pinter is a conte
7、mporary British dramatist. His plays are characterized by the following EXCEPT_.(A)pauses and silence in dialogues(B) mysterious motivation of characters(C) spacious confinement(D)happy ending10 Which of the following words does not describe the features of Irving s writings?_(A)decorum(B) humor(C)
8、musicality(D)imagination11 Which of the following works by Henry James does not deal with “ the international theme“?_(A)Daisy Miller(B) The Turn of the Screw(C) The Portrait of a Lady(D)The Ambassadors12 Which of the following pairs of characters does not form a contrast of ideas between them?_(A)N
9、atty Bumpoo and Judge Temple(B) Ichabod Crane and Brom Bones(C) Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway(D)Ishmael and Ahab13 Which of the following pairs concerning the writer and the main setting in his/her works is incorrect?(A)Kate Chopin Louisana(B) Willa CatherGeorgia(C) O. HenryNew York(D)Sherwood Anders
10、on Ohio14 Of the four Compson Children, _ s life embodies all the vices of the modern world.(A)Quentin(B) Caddy(C) Jason(D)Benjy15 “I am cruel only to be kind to you“ The rhetorical device used in this statement is_.(A)Metonymy(B) Metaphor(C) Oxymoron(D)Allusion二、填空题16 Each literary movement can be
11、seen as a strong reaction to the previous aesthetic principles. Romanticism in the history of English literature can be presented as a strong reaction to_.17 With the narrative technique of stream of consciousness, modern novelists aim at revealing _of characters.18 W.B.Yeats can be regarded as an I
12、rish nationalist poet. All his life is engaged in the rejuvenation of the Irish culture. He organized the Rhymers Club and launched_.19 The literary school of_can be defined as having “such quality of texture and background that it could not have been written in any other place or by anyone else tha
13、n a native. “20 Standing on the bare ground, my head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted into infinite space, all mean egotism vanishes. I become a_; I am nothing, I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God.21 In _, a novel about American Civi
14、l War, the protagonist keeps asking himself the question. “Will I run from a battle?“ and at last he does run away from the battle field.22 In the 1950s, there was a widespread discontentment among the postwar generation, whose voice was one of protest against all the mainstream culture that America
15、 had come to represent. This generation was known as the_generation.23 _the second book of The Old Testament, tells how Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land.24 “ Droning a drowsy syncopated tune,Rocking back and forth to a mellow croon,I heard a Negro play,“The figure of spee
16、ch used in the first line of the poem is_.25 “ Forbidden public transportation, chased by debt and filthy talking sheets , they followed secondary routes, scanned the horizon for signs and counted heavily on each other. “ The historic event referred to in the quotation is_.三、问答题26 Two types of novel
17、s were prominent in the late eighteen century. One is the “gothic novel“ and the other is “novel of purpose“. Write a passage to illustrate the major characteristics of gothic novels and take Wuthering Heights as an example to illustrate your points.27 George Bernard Shaw s plays aim at social refor
18、ms. He holds that the theatre has a didactic function. Please write a passage to tell us what morals Shaw wants to teach us in his well-known play Pygmalion.28 In what way is Emily Grierson a monument of tradition?29 Irving Howe considers The Great Gatsby as a prose version of The Wasteland. What do
19、 you think of this view?2009 年天津外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析一、单项选择题1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 贝奥武夫(或译贝奥武甫)是一首英雄史诗,全诗三千多行,是现存古英语文学中最古老的作品。2 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 坎特伯雷故事集中的店主提议众香客在前往坎特伯雷朝圣的路上每人讲两个故事,回来时再讲两个,一共计划讲 120 个故事,但乔叟后来只写了24 个(包括两个未完成的)。3 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 马洛的三部剧作帖木儿、马耳他的犹太人和浮士德博士的悲剧的主人公都对权力充满热情。4 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 约翰多恩是
20、玄学派诗歌的代表人物,其作品中充满奇妙夸张的暗喻。5 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 利西达斯(一泽黎西达斯)是弥尔顿早年创作的一首田园挽歌,纪念在剑桥读书后来死于海难的一位同学,该诗题目源自维吉尔的田园诗中一位牧羊人的名字。6 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 约瑟夫艾迪生和他的好朋友理查德 斯蒂尔是 18 世纪初期英国两位著名的办期刊的散文家,他们共同创办了两份著名的杂志:The Tatler(闲谈者)和 The Spectator(旁观者)。The Guardian( 卫报)是英国的全国性综合内容日报,创刊于 1959 年,因总部设于曼彻斯特而称为曼彻斯特卫报。The Atlantic(大西洋
21、月刊 )和 NewYorker(纽约客 )都是美国很有影响的报刊。7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 艾略特在普鲁弗洛克的情诗中描写了一位焦躁不安的上层社会年轻人求爱的矛盾心理。模仿了法国象征派诗人儒尔拉夫格的风格,具有很浓的讽刺意味,刻画了当时社会背景下的人对于爱情对于生活的复杂心理。8 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 福斯特在 Aspects of the Novel(小说面面观)中探讨了一般小说理论和具体写作技巧,书中提出的一些概念经常被评论家使用,该书已成为 20 世纪英国小说艺术的经典理论著作。Politics and the English Language(政治和英语)的作者是 Ge
22、orge Orwell(乔治 奥威尔) ,他在书中列举了当时英语写作的几大弊病;The Rise of the Novel(小说的兴起)的作者是 Ian Watt(伊恩P瓦特) ,对英国十八世纪的小说进行了深入探讨;A Room of Ones Own( 一间自己的屋子)的作者是 Virginia Woolf(弗吉尼亚伍尔芙),揭露了社会意识形态对女性的压迫,为妇女争取独立自主和文学创作的权利而呐喊。9 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 哈罗德品特是当代著名剧作家,2005 年诺贝尔文学奖获得者,品特的戏剧最基本的要素:一个封闭的空间,不可预测的对话,人物相互之问都可能被对方击败,虚伪土崩瓦解。他
23、的戏剧常常充满日常废话似的口语、长长的中断和沉默。10 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 华盛顿欧文的作品具有幽默风趣的笔调,活跃而优雅的写作风格,富于幻想的浪漫色彩。11 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 The Turn of the Screw(螺丝在拧紧)是亨利 詹姆斯的一部哥特式心理小说,描写的是一位年轻女教师应聘到乡下一家富户照看两个失去双亲的孩子,在其家中见到死去的前任女教师及这家男仆的幽影,气氛越来越紧张,最后一个孩子死去,另一个精神错乱。其余三个选项都是詹姆斯关于“国际题材”的作品。12 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 皮裹腿故事集中的拓荒者反映了班波与坦普尔法官之问的冲突,代表了自然
24、法则和文明之间的冲突。睡谷传奇(The Legend of Sleepy Hollow)的主人公伊卡包德克莱恩是乡村穷教师与镇上的无赖布罗姆为获得卡特琳娜的芳心而争斗,二者的性格对比明显。在了不起的盖茨比中,盖茨比是美国梦的代表,也代表了美国特权阶级骄奢糜烂的生活,而尼克是盖茨比的邻居,既是故事讲述者,也是道德水准代言人,与盖茨比形成一定对比。在白鲸中,伊什梅尔是故事的叙述者,讲述了船长亚哈复仇的故事,两位人物并不构成对比。13 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 薇拉凯瑟是美国著名女作家,以自幼所熟悉的西部边疆生活为题材,创作富有地方特色的作品,而 Georgia 是美国东南部的州。凯特 肖邦是美
25、国女作家,出生于美国圣路易斯,小说背景为路易斯安那。欧亨利的作品构思新颖,语言诙谐,结局常常出人意外,善于描写美国社会尤其是纽约百姓的生活。舍伍德 安德森出生在中西部俄亥俄州克莱德镇的一个贫寒家庭,作品背景为自己所熟悉的俄亥俄州。14 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 喧哗与骚动是福克纳第一部成熟的作品,讲述的是南方没落地主康普生一家的家族悲剧。长子昆丁绝望地抱住南方所谓的旧传统不放,因妹妹凯蒂风流成性、有辱南方淑女身份而恨疚交加,竟至溺水自杀。次子杰生冷酷贪婪,三子班吉则是个白痴,三十三岁时只有三岁小儿的智能。本书通过这三个儿子的内心独白,围绕凯蒂的堕落展开,最后则由黑人女佣迪尔西对前三部分的“
26、有限视角”作补充,归结全书。小说大量运用多视角叙述方法及意识流手法,是意识流小说乃至整个现代派小说的经典名著。15 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 题目中的话使用了 Oxymoron,即矛盾形容法。选项 A 是转喻,换喻;选项 B 是隐喻或象征;选项 D 是借喻或者使用典故。二、填空题16 【正确答案】 neoclassicism【试题解析】 (浪漫主义重在打破新古典主义的桎梏,新古典主义强调理性,秩序和优雅的风趣,而浪漫主义则重在人的感情和自然美。)17 【正确答案】 psychological activities【试题解析】 (意识流强调潜意识应该成为文学的表现对象,作家必须深入到人的内心
27、世界、甚至潜意识领域中去,把握理性不能提供的东西;打破传统的时间观念,按照“心理时间”结构作品,直接描述人物的心理活动。)18 【正确答案】 Abbey Theatre【试题解析】 (威廉巴特勒叶芝 William Butler Yeats(18651939),爱尔兰诗人、剧作家,著名的神秘主义者,是“爱尔兰文艺复兴运动”的领袖,也是艾比剧院(Abbey Theatre)的创建者之一,被诗人艾略特誉为“当代最伟大的诗人”。)19 【正确答案】 Local Colorism【试题解析】 (哈姆林加兰(Hamlin Garland)在其摇摇欲坠的偶像(Crumbling Idols)一文中指出,乡
28、土文学是一种具有特殊质地和背景特点、除本地人外其他任何地方或任何人都不可能创作出来的文学。)20 【正确答案】 transparent eye-ball【试题解析】 (这是爱默生论自然中的一段,意为:站在空地上,我的头沐浴在清爽宜人的空气中,飘飘若仙,升向无垠的天空而所有卑微的私心杂念都荡然无存了。此刻的我变成了一只透明的眼球。我不复存在,却又洞悉一切。世界上的生命潮流围绕着我穿越而过,我成了上帝的一部分或一小块内容。)21 【正确答案】 The Red Badge of Courage【试题解析】 (红色英勇勋章是以美国内战内背景,讲的是名叫亨利的青年怀着对战争的美妙幻想,不顾母亲的反对,参
29、加了北方军。虽然战争的刺激对他有强烈的刺激,但是面对死亡的威胁,他动摇了。他一直问自己:“我会从战场上逃跑吗?”后来,他还是从阵地上逃跑了。后来,他为此十分内疚,重上战场,获得显赫战功,但是无论他逃跑时的怯弱还是冲锋时的英勇都不过是一种歇斯底里的表现。)22 【正确答案】 beat【试题解析】 (垮掉的一代:第二次世界大战后风行于美国的文学流派。该流派的作家都是性格粗犷豪放、落拓不羁的男女青年,他们生活简单、不修边幅,喜穿奇装异服,厌弃工作和学业,拒绝承担任何社会义务,以浪迹天涯为乐,反对一切世俗陈规和垄断资本统治,抵制对外侵略和种族隔离,讨厌机器文明,他们永远寻求新的刺激,寻求绝对自由,纵欲
30、、吸毒、沉沦,以此向体面的传统价值标准进行挑战,因此被称作垮掉的一代。代表作家有金斯堡及其作品嚎叫。)23 【正确答案】 Exodus【试题解析】 (出埃及记是旧约的第二卷,讲述了摩西带领以色列人离开埃及到达上帝许诺之地迦南的故事。)24 【正确答案】 alliteration【试题解析】 (在第一句中,droning 和 drowsy 押头韵。题中诗句节选自美国黑人作家兰斯通休斯 Langston Hughes 的忧伤的蓝调(The Weary Blues),译文:低沉的切分音符闷声闷气,柔美的低吟摇来摆去,我听见黑人演唱。)25 【正确答案】 American Civil War【试题解析
31、】 (这段文字选自托尼莫里森的宠儿(Beloved)。)三、问答题26 【正确答案】 Firstly, the gothic novels feature supernatural elements encounters, crumbling ruins, moonless nights, and grotesque imagery, seeking to create effects of mystery and fear, usually happening in a gothic building. Ambiguity, chaos, darkness, irrationality an
32、d secrecy are usually present. In Wuthering Heights, supernatural elements are frequently seen. Examples are terrifying dreams, the appearances of Cathy as a ghost, her haunting of Heathcliff after her death, the suggestion of Heathcliff as a diabolic figure in possession of black magic, the frequen
33、t occurrence of bad weather, and visits to the graveyard, all connected to shadow feelings of love. What s more, Heathcliff has strong resemblances to horror stories characters. He is a depressive tormented man who never stops mourning. Always haunted by the past, he cultivates a self-hate. More tha
34、n that, he believes in evil spirits.Secondly, the gothic novels general show a life of pain, destruction and fear that shadow feelings of love, reason and morality among others. The feelings described in Wuthering Heights are full of pain and the love between two main characters is dull and tragic.
35、The two families in this novel are locking together, hurting each other.【试题解析】 (本题考查了对哥特式小说的理解,可从呼啸山庄中哥特小说的因素进行阐述。)27 【正确答案】 George Bernard Shaw s play Pygmalion is the story of Henry Higgins, a master phonetician, and his mischievous plot to pass a common flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, off as a duch
36、ess at the Embassy Ball. In order to achieve his goal, Higgins must teach Eliza how to speak properly and how to act in upper-class society.On a deeper level, Pygmalion addresses the social ills in England at the turn of the century. Victorian England was characterized by extreme class division and
37、limited, to no, social mobility. Language separated the elite from the lower class. In Pygmalion, Eliza s dialect inhibits her from procuring a job in a flower shop; Pygmalion is about the universal truth that all people are worthy of respect and dignity, from the wealthy nobleman to the beggar on t
38、he street comer. The difference between a common flower girl and a duchess, apart from appearance and demeanor, is the way she is treated. Treat the flower girl as if she were a duchess, worthy of respect and decency, and she will become a better person as a result. Besides, Pygmalion also looks at
39、middle class morality through the characterization of Mr. Doolittle, Eliza s father. Mr. Doolittle is a common dustman, an indolent man who spends his time drinking alcohol at the local pub. When Henry Higgins writes to a politician and refers to him as the best moralist speaker in London, Mr. Dooli
40、ttle is forced into the middle class, and thus he must adhere to middle-class morality. This means he is expected to go to church, marry his live-in girlfriend, give up alcohol, refrain from picking up women, and give money to his impoverished relatives. However after his transformation, he becomes
41、miserable. At points, it even seems that he might be Shaw s voice piece of social criticism.What s more, the play reflects George Bernard Shaw s socialist views. Shaw was a great advocate of education for the working classes and social equality. As a member of the Fabian Society, Shaw worked to educ
42、ate the public through seminars, schools, discussions, and lectures. He believed in evolutionary or democratic socialismthe idea that wealth should be gradually redistributed among all classes through public ownership of industry and business.【试题解析】 (本题考查了对萧伯纳的卖花女的理解。在这篇戏剧中,萧伯纳抨击了中产阶级道德观,提倡平等的思想。)28
43、 【正确答案】 Emily Grierson, the main character in A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner, represents the tradition. Firstly, she is the representative of the high class of south society which is crumbling. Social class is the typical production of southern tradition and her family is a typical upper-class
44、 family. Her father did a special contribution to the town during the war which gained respects of government. Her family members have eccentric temper which is thought understandable for royal family. Standing in the garages and cotton gins, her house is the only building of the old time. Secondly,
45、 she is living in a traditional way which is worshiped by old men in the town. She lives with a black servant, having no tax to the town. Thirdly, she has the hereditary obligation upon this town which is the spirit core of the southern tradition. According her obligation, she can t marry man from n
46、orth and low class, which buried her love at last. This is the root of her tragedy. Fourthly, she rejects advance of society, new life value and locked herself in her big, old house as the only rejection in the whole town. Though people all begin to live in a new way ignoring the old tradition, they
47、 sent Emily as their representative of the vanishing past. Faulkner saw the north industrialization eroding the south tradition day after day and set Emily as the monument to fight against it which is in vain finally.【试题解析】 (本题考查了对威廉福克纳的献给艾米丽的玫瑰的理解,在这篇文章中,艾米丽被视为南方传统的纪念碑,可从艾米丽所代表的社会阶层、生活方式、社会价值和对新生社会
48、的态度进行阐述。)29 【正确答案】 Both The Great Gatsby and The Wasteland are about the loss of an ideal and the disillusionment that people s incorruptible dream is smashed into pieces by the relentless reality. Both of them reflect a world in which desires are filled with, spirits fall down, moral is lost and li
49、fe is corrupt. Through the two works, the general disappointment toward reality, world and human civilization are shown. So The Great Gatsby interprets The Wastelands theme by the story of Gatsby.But in another respect, the artistic feature of The Great Gatsby is that the language manifests the poetic quality. The style of F. Scott Fitzgerald, closely