
ause of his considerable influence on later poets. ( A) Edmund Spenser ( B) William Shakespeare ( C) Thomas Wyatt ( D) Ben Johnson 3 The epic of Parad


1、ause of his considerable influence on later poets. A Edmund Spenser B William Shakespeare C Thomas Wyatt D Ben Johnson 3。

2、解析:解析:句意:在这件事的处理上你可以有完全的行动自由,按你认为最好的方式做.这里应该填free的名词形式.2.Well, let s put our heads together and find ato the difficulty。

3、difficulty.solve 3 It is an insult to call a man aif you do not know he is one.lie 4 The door flew open and in rushed aw。

4、s the poets poet because of his considerable influence on later poets.分数:2.00A.Edmund SpenserB.William ShakespeareC.Thom。

5、ark Twain J. William Shakespeare K. Emily Dickinson L. Ralph W. Emerson M. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1 Fourthly, the co。

6、helleyH. Robert FrostI. Mark TwainJ. William ShakespeareK. Emily DickinsonL. Ralph W. EmersonM. Henry Wadsworth Longfell。

7、 B The House of Fame C The Parliament of Fowles D Boethius 2 The Elizabethan age in the history of British literature re。

8、g is a dangerous thingDrink deep, or taste not the Pierian sping, a famous quotation is from An Essay on Criticism writt。

9、 epistolary style AMoll FlandersB Tom JonesC The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, GentlemanDPamela, Or Virtue Rewar。

10、n mans old forest freedom and the judge who believes that man remains savage without law and order.2 To speak truly, few。

11、an seeSo long lives this, and this gives life to thee, written in a rhymed, he states that his beloved will live in eter。

12、long as men can breathe or eyes can seeSo long lives this, and this gives life to thee, written in a rhymed 1, he states。

13、reeDJude the Obscure2 In the first half of the 19th century English drama experienced a general decline; two famous Engl。

14、roic legends.分数:2.00填空项 1:2. A little learning is a dangerous thingDrink deep, or taste not the Pierian sping, a famous 。

15、ept.分数:2.00A.The Canterbury TalesB.The House of FameC.The Parliament of FowlesD.Boethius2.The Elizabethan age in the his。

16、 the following novels is written in epistolary style 分数:2.00A.Moll FlandersB.Tom JonesC.The Life and Opinions of Tristra。

17、he protagonist who insists on mans old forest freedom and the judge who believes that man remains savage without law and。

18、o the Light HouseC.Under the Greenwood TreeD.Jude the Obscure2.In the first half of the 19th century English drama exper。

19、d originally to have each of the pilgrims tellstories on the way to Canterbury and the same number of stories on the way。

20、lk songsD.sagas2.Geoffrey Chaucer planned originally to have each of the pilgrims tellstories on the way to Canterbury a。

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