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1、2011 年天津外国语大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、填空题1 In William Shakespeares Sonnet 18, the speaker compares his beloved to the summer season, and in the last two lines(“ So long as men can breathe or eyes can see/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee“), written in a rhymed_, he states that his beloved

2、 will live in eternity through “this“ , which refers to_.2 A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift is a sharp_against the social injustice in_.3 William _based his poetic theory on the principle that “ all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of_“.4 The English novel began to prosper in 18th century

3、as a new literary genre. In this period there appeared a number of great novelists such as _, Daniel Defoe, and _.5 “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! I have as much soul as you, and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me

4、 with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. “ This selection is taken from the novel _.6 Joseph Conrad is one of the pioneers of English modernist literature. The words “The horror! The horror!“ in his short story _ is deeme

5、d as Conrads indictment of human corruption caused by insatiable greed.7 Pygmalion is one of Bernard Shaws popular plays, one of whose themes is identified as the relationship between language and peoples_.8 The major theme of D.H. Lawrences Sons and Lovers is its exposition of the “_“ , an idea pro

6、posed by Sigmund Freud in his psychoanalysis.9 The English writer_set his major novels in the south and southwest of_, which he called “Wessex“.10 In his autobiography,_creates the image of a self-made man and demonstrates his belief that the new world of America was a land of_ which might be met th

7、rough hard work and wise management.11 “I took the sack of corn meal and took it to where the canoe was hid, and shoved the vines and branches apart and put it in; then I done the same with the side of bacon; then the whisky-jug. I took all the coffee and sugar there was, and all the ammunition; I t

8、ook the wadding; I took the bucket and gourd; took a dipper and a tin cup, and my old saw and two blankets, and the skillet and the coffee-pot. “ The “I“ in this selection refers to_.12 In his_, Ezra Pound expresses his fascination with Chinese history and the doctrine of Confucius.13 “ Impersonal t

9、heory“ of poetry was developed by _, a famous poet as well as a distinguished literary critic.14 First produced in 1949 Arthur Millers _ struck an immediate, emotional chord with audiences. Much of its success is attributed to Millers facility in portraying the universal hopes and fears of middle-cl

10、ass America. Through his main character,_, Miller examines the myth of the American Dream and the shallow promise of happiness through material wealth.15 No Name Woman is a character in _, which established Maxine Hong Kingston as a preeminent contemporary Asian American writer.二、分析题16 Analyze the f

11、unction of nature in one British or American novel.17 Analyze a poem by Alfred Tennyson, John Keats, W. H. Auden, William Carlos Williams or Wallace Stevens.18 Of the Bronte sisters works, Charlottes Jane Eyre was considered the best during most of the nineteenth century, but many subsequent critics

12、 argued that Emilys Wuthering Heights is superior for its originality and achievement. Which of the two novels do you think is better? Support your argument with detailed comparison/contrast.19 Nathaniel Hawthorne is often blamed for depicting the Puritans as self-righteous and authoritarian, bent o

13、n making everyone conform to a rigid set of rules and ostracizing everyone who disagreed with them. Is the blame justified? Support your argument with detailed analysis of one of his novels or stories.2011 年天津外国语大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析一、填空题1 【正确答案】 iambic pentameter,this poem【试题解析】 Sonnet 18 是莎士比亚十四行诗

14、中的第 18 首,全诗的基本格律是五音步抑扬格(iambic pentameter),包括三个四行组(quatrain) 和一个对偶句(couplet),采用典型的莎氏十四行的韵式,即 abab cdcd efef gg,但本诗音韵并不十分齐整。节选的两句诗歌译文为:只要有人类生存,或人有眼睛,我的诗就会流传并赋予你生命。2 【正确答案】 satire, Ireland3 【正确答案】 Wordsworth, powerful feeling4 【正确答案】 Henry Fielding, Samuel Richardson5 【正确答案】 Jane Eyre6 【正确答案】 Heart of

15、 Darkness【试题解析】 黑暗之心是英国作家约瑟夫康纳德的一部经典小说。书中叙述了英国船长马洛(Marlow)在一艘泊于伦敦外的海船上讲述的发生在刚果河的故事。他的故事除了涉及其年轻时在非洲的经历之外,还主要提及他在非洲认识的一个叫库尔兹(Kurtz) 的白人殖民者的故事 一个矢志将“文明”带到非洲的理想主义者,最后却堕落成贪婪的殖民者的全部过程。故事阐述了现代文明之野蛮,且揭露了现代文明虚伪、贪婪、好斗的一面。题中所提到的“恐怖啊,恐怖”就是库尔兹临终前的呼喊。7 【正确答案】 class identity【试题解析】 卖花女原名皮革马利翁(Pygmalion),是爱尔兰剧作家萧伯纳的

16、戏剧。皮革马利翁原是罗马神话中的一位雕刻家的名字,他不爱女色,却爱上了自己所雕刻的雕像。最后他请求维纳斯女神将这尊雕像变成活人。萧伯纳以上面这个传说为原型创作了同名社会讽刺剧,通过描写语言学教授如何训练一名贫苦的卖花女并最终成功地被上流社会所认可的故事,揭露了当时英国腐朽保守的等级意识。8 【正确答案】 the Oedipus Complex【试题解析】 儿子与情人是一部揭示主人公心理发展过程的现代主义小说。这部作品的重要意义不仅在于它生动地描述了主人公保罗的生活经历,更在于它成功地将弗洛伊德主义小说化和艺术化,如保罗的“恋母情结”,又称“俄狄浦斯情结”。9 【正确答案】 Thomas Har

17、dy, England10 【正确答案】 Benjamin Franklin, opportunities11 【正确答案】 Huckleberry Finn12 【正确答案】 Canto【试题解析】 庞德的诗章是一部以“诗章”的形式分批发表的长诗,其中第 12至 13 章是将现代的经济与孔子道德哲学所主张的社会秩序相对比;第 52 至 61 章是写中国孔子的哲学、伦理及其所追求的和平、昌盛的社会秩序。庞德的另一部有关中国的作品是华夏集(Cathay),其中收录的是他翻译的中国古诗词,并未涉及中国历史及儒家思想。13 【正确答案】 TSEliot【试题解析】 艾略特是 20 世纪的著名诗人、剧

18、作家和批评家。他关于诗歌的非个人化主张主要包括三方面的含义。首先,从诗人与传统的关系来看,任何诗人都不能脱离诗的传统而单独具有他的完全意义。第二,诗人创作过程具有非个性化的特点。他认为诗人的创作不是表现个性,诗人只是艺术表现的特殊工具,种种的印象和经验借助于诗人的心灵用意想不到的方式相互组合形成诗。第三,诗歌表现情感具有非个人化的特点。诗歌所表现的既不是诗人个人的情感,也不是诗人在宁静中回忆起来的情感,而是“许多经验的集中,集中后所发生的新的东西”。14 【正确答案】 Death of a Salesman,Willy Loman15 【正确答案】 The Woman Warrior【试题解析

19、】 女勇士是美籍华裔作家汤亭亭(Maxine Hong Kingston)发表于1976 年的处女作。该作品以中国为背景,通过极富想象力的虚构与简洁的描述,展现了一个生活在艰难创业的华人圈中的小女孩的童年生活以及她周围的女性现实生活。作品融在美华人受歧视、受压抑、贫困、不安定的生活现实与中国的神异鬼怪、仙风道骨、自由战斗的女英雄故事等于一炉。二、分析题16 【正确答案】 In Tess of DUrbervilles of Thomas Hardy, nature always seems to inform us about the emotion and character of the

20、event. When the novel opens at the village dance where Tess and Angel meet, the sun is out and the day is beautiful. The weather turns after Tess returns home, where the scene is less elegant. Throughout the novel, many bad events occur in a dark and deep forest. The seasons bring changes to the sto

21、ry as well. At Talbothays Dairy, the summer is full of budding love between Tess and Angel. When they profess their love for each other, it begins to rain, but neither one cares. When they separate, Angel goes to Brazil and finds the farming is extremely difficult, while Tess goes to work at the far

22、m at Flintcomb-Ash, where the work in the rugged, depressing stubble fields is harsh and grueling.In all, most of Hardys works have the gloomy, sullen landscape of Wessex in the background. By setting his characters in a vast and merciless natural environment. he emphasized that men are powerless in

23、 the battles against the forces of nature.17 【正确答案】 Alfred Tennysons Break, Break, Break is typical of Tennyson as a lyrical poet. In this poem, first the writer contrasts his own feeling of sadness over the loss of a dear friend with the innocent joys of a fishermans boy and of a sailor. Then with

24、the unfeeling waves of the sea that break upon the shore and with the insensate ships that enter into a harbor, the whole effect is one of genuine personal grief revealed through a simple imagery.The poem contains four quatrains, with combined iambic and anapestic feet. Most lines have three feet an

25、d some four. The rhyme scheme is abcb. Generally speaking, anapestic feet read fast. But there are many long vowels in this poem, so the poem could be read slowly, in which the poets grief is expressed. In many lines in this poem, the poet uses round labial syllables such asu:auand uses flat labial

26、syllables such asi:, which makes the reader think about the sound of crying.The beauty of this lyric can be found in its musical language and in the association of sound and images with feelings and emotions.18 【正确答案】 From the perspective of a modern reader, I prefer Wuthering Heights to Jane Eyre.

27、Both of them explore the theme of deep passionate love triumphing against all odds, involving manly, brooding, heroes, with a past. Wuthering Heights brings out diabolism on an earthly level and an imagined union beyond all bondages, while Jane Eyre sticks to divine, mainly Christian basic human mor

28、al codes of marriage, particularly of the Victorian era, and a satisfied fulfillment of this.Due to this factor, the characterizations are also different. In Jane Eyre, the heroine is gentle, plain, completely unnoticeable, yet with a dignified, clear, indomitable bearing and will. She is an orphan,

29、 who has underwent indignities right from childhood, sufferings as an adult, till she gets true love. Catherine, the heroine of Wuthering Heights, is playful, wicked, loveable, confused and uncontrolled. She tries to capture everything, from a comfortable childhood to an advantageous marriage and lo

30、ve there, to true love of her childhood, but only meets with death at the end. But her heart and soul are shown untainted with her honest love.Wuthering Heights also triumphs Jane Eyre in its unique writing structure. The storyline of Jane Eyre is linear, progressing from the present to the future.

31、Happenings and narration coincide, except when Rochester reveals his past life of a miserable marriage to Jane. The whole story is written in the first person narrative, from a heroines point of view of narration. Wuthering Heights has a cyclical and zigzag time-line, going from the present to the p

32、ast, and then back to the present again. The present is in the first person narrative, who figures in no way in the actual story. The actual story is the past itself, narrated in the third person, again not directly by the main people concerned.So the theme of alien passion, the complex plot and uni

33、que characters constitute the originality of Wuthering Heights, and to me that is why it is more in accordance with the modern aesthetics.19 【正确答案】 Considering Hawthornes growing background, I think his blame is justified. Hawthorne was intensely aware of the misdeeds of his Puritan ancestors, so he

34、 wrote some of his books like The Scarlet Letter as an attempt at expiating the sin of his ancestors. The religious of Puritanism was known for its intolerance of dissenting ideas and lifestyles. In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne used the repressive, authoritarian Puritan society as an analogue for h

35、umankind. The Puritan setting also enabled him to portray the human soul under extreme pressures.The affairs of Hester and Dimmesdale, for example, recall the story of Adam and Eve, because in both cases, sin results in expulsion and suffering. Hester and Dimmesdale contemplated their own sinfulness

36、 on a daily basis and tried to reconcile it with their lived experiences. The Puritan elders, on the other hand, insisted on seeing earthly experience as merely an obstacle on the path to heaven. Thus, they viewed sin as a threat to the community that should be punished and suppressed. Their answer to Hesters sin was to ostracize her.In this book, we can see Hawthorne himself seems to be haunted by the religious ideas of Puritanism, and we can see his hatred and blame to them as well.


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