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1、2012 年天津外国语大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、填空题1 _by _records the history of modern civilization advancing on the receding wilderness, and its basic conflict is between the protagonist who insists on mans old forest freedom and the judge who believes that man remains savage without law and order.2 “To speak

2、truly, few adult persons can see nature. Most persons do not see the sun. At least they have a very superficial seeing. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the _. “ These lines are taken from Nature by _.3 Isabel Archer, who comes to Europe with a wi

3、ll to live a free life only to become the victim of two American expatriates scheming, is the protagonist of_by _.4 In _, Stephen Crane has _as the historical setting to faithfully represent the cowardice and fear of the protagonist who tries to flee from the combat.5 “The Burial of the Dead,“ “A Ga

4、me of Chess,“ “The Fire Sermon,“ “ Death by Water,“ and “What the Thunder Said“ compose the five parts of the poem_.6 _s play_successfully portrays the Wingfields as a family of escapists who are indulged in their own illusory worlds.7 Most of _s heroes are Jewish intellectuals or writers who, facin

5、g violence and victimization, try to discover “the queerness of existence“ and overcome it.8 In _, the unnamed African American who is trapped in a coal-filled manhole recalls his past experiences from a small southern town to New York.9 _is regarded by many critics as the earliest narrative poem in

6、 the history of British literature.10 John Bunyan is an English novelist of the 17th century. The main narrative technique he uses in his famous work The Pilgrims Progress is_.11 In the 18th century, heroic couplet as a poetic medium reached its perfection in the hands of12 In_s_, the protagonist be

7、gins as a man of integrity and a pillar of his countiy, but ends with a tragic vision of human existence, voicing that “ Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. “13 The poem_ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge literally relates how a king commands a palace to be built, b

8、ut thematically suggests that a great poet has to touch hell and the unconscious in order to see into the essence of things and compose great poetry.14 _by_ traces the growth of young Pip from innocence to experience and from immaturity to maturity.15 In “My Last Duchess,“ Robert Browning employs _a

9、s the poetic form to have the speaker reveal his inner psychology.16 The three major characters in_s masterpiece_represent three different human archetypes in education, taste, and attitude toward life, with Stephen Dedalus the most cultured, Leopold Bloom in the middle of the social and educational

10、 ladder, and Molly settling comfortably at the bottom.17 _is an example of paradox.二、分析题18 By Aristotles definition of tragedy, a tragic character suffers the change of fortune from good to bad, order to disorder, and this change is a result not of vice but of some great error or frailty in characte

11、r. Analyze the tragic flaw of a character in American or British literature.19 As a theorist of short story, Edgar Allan Poe proposes that the first sentence should help bring out the single effect of the story. Explain what is the single effect of “The Fall of the House of Usher“ and how it is achi

12、eved through the beginning sentence.20 Define and illustrate what the omniscient point of view is with reference to one novel by Jane Austen or Charles Dickens.21 Writers or poets are often lumped together as a group for the same artistic assertion they share or the same significant social event(s)t

13、hey are influenced by. The Lost Generation is a particular term referring to the writers and artists who spoke for the young people that came of age during and shortly after the First World War, alternatively known as the World War I generation. Please describe the characteristics of “ The Lost Gene

14、ration“ with references to writers and literary works.2012 年天津外国语大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析一、填空题1 【正确答案】 Leatherstocking Tales,James Fenimore Cooper【试题解析】 库柏的皮袜子故事集是最早记录美国西进扩张历史的浪漫主义文学作品,描绘了自然之子纳蒂.邦波在北美荒野的精彩冒险活动,叙述了北美荒野让位于城镇、村庄的文明化过程,奠定了美国文学中的一个恒久主题:文明与自然的冲突。2 【正确答案】 child,Ralph Waldo Emerson【试题解析】 “说实话,

15、只有极少数成年人见过自然。多数人不见太阳,至少,只是浮光掠影。阳光只照亮成年人的双目,却可射入儿童的眼睛和心田。”这句出自爱默生的名篇论自然的首篇“自然”。3 【正确答案】 The Portrait of a Lady,Henry James【试题解析】 贵妇的画像是亨利詹姆斯(1843 一 1916)的早期代表作,描述了一个独立自信但涉世不深的美国姑娘伊莎贝尔阿切尔被一个虚伪贪财的小人骗取爱情,醒悟时却为时已晚的故事。4 【正确答案】 The Red Badge of Courage ,used American Civil War5 【正确答案】 The Waste Land6 【正确答案

16、】 Tennessee Williams ,The Glass Menagerie【试题解析】 玻璃动物园是田纳西威廉斯的成名作。该剧描写了普通的美国工人家庭温菲尔德一家的悲剧,揭示了经济大萧条时期美国社会中下层劳动人民在幻想和现实逃避之间的无奈与挣扎。7 【正确答案】 Saul Bellow【试题解析】 贝娄(1915 一-2005)的作品包含了丰富的内容,他善于描写高级知识分子,尤其是犹太裔知识分子在当代美国荒谬的社会处境中的恩想状态。如赫索格(Herzog)和洪堡的礼物(Humboldts Gift)。8 【正确答案】 Invisible Man【试题解析】 拉尔夫艾里森在看不见的人中描

17、述主人公蛰居在纽约黑人区和白人区交界处一所白人居住的大楼的地下室中,象征他边缘的、底层的生存状态。他在这里回顾了自己近 20 年的生活,讲述了他从南方到北方、从无知到觉醒的过程。9 【正确答案】 Beowulf10 【正确答案】 religious allegory【试题解析】 天路历程是英国文学史上最具代表性的宗教寓言故事。书中讲述了一个坚韧的基督徒为寻求永生而踏上荆棘遍布的漫漫朝圣之旅,一路上他学会如何抵制诱惑,战胜困难,最终达到目的地,天堂大门向他敞开。11 【正确答案】 Alexander Pope【试题解析】 在英语诗歌史上,双韵体诗由乔叟最先启用,后经斯宾塞、马洛等人发展,再由德莱

18、顿弘扬,至此,“英雄双韵体”的概念形成。最后经蒲柏的完善扩充,形式更为整齐优美,节奏更跌宕变化,从而成为英国诗歌史上的最高成就。12 【正确答案】 William Shakespeare,Macbeth【试题解析】 莎士比亚悲剧代表作麦克白中第五场第五幕中,当麦克白听到妻子的死讯时说:“人生是一个愚人所讲的故事,充满着喧哗与骚动,却找不到一点意义。”13 【正确答案】 Kubla Khan【试题解析】 忽必烈汗是柯勒律治的一首梦幻诗,全诗分三节,起首突如其来,随后不断涌进恍惚离奇的幻象。诗中既无故事情节,也没有明确的题旨,只是传达了一种幻觉或印象。作品虽然以忽必烈汗为题,但并没有刻意描写或赞颂

19、这位中国帝王的伟业,而是将这位传奇人物当作寄情表意的媒介充分发挥诗人的想象力。14 【正确答案】 Great Expectations, Charles Dickens 15 【正确答案】 dramatic monologue16 【正确答案】 James Joyce,Ulysses【试题解析】 尤利西斯是爱尔兰作家詹姆斯乔伊斯(1882 一 1941)创作的长篇小说。小说的题目来源于希腊神话中的英雄奥德修斯(Odysseus,拉丁名为尤利西斯),而 尤利西斯的章节和内容也经常表现出和荷马史诗奥德赛内容的平行对应关系。利奥波德布卢姆是奥德修斯现代的反英雄的翻版,他的妻子摩莉 布卢姆(Molly

20、 Bloom)则对应了奥德修斯的妻子帕涅罗佩(Penelope),青年学生斯蒂芬迪达勒斯(Stephen Dedalus) 对应奥德修斯的儿子忒勒玛科斯(Telemachus)。乔伊斯将布卢姆在都柏林街头的一日游荡比作奥德修斯的海外十年漂泊,同时刻画了他不忠诚的妻子摩莉以及斯蒂芬寻找精神上的父亲的心理。17 【正确答案】 I can resist everything except temptation.二、分析题18 【正确答案】 Taking Shakespeares tragedy Othello as an example, the flaws of Othello, such as

21、jealousy, credulity and diffidence, lead to the tragic killing of this play. Othello is the plays protagonist, although he is not a native of Venice but rather a Moor, he is the highly respected general of Venice. His marrying with Desdemona in spite of the disapproval of her father is the beginning

22、 of the tragedy, but the frailty of Othellos character is the main cause. First, Othello lacks self-confidence as he always considers himself as an outsider and not polished enough, we can see this from his saying “ I am black, and have not those soft parts of conversation that chamberers have, and

23、maybe a little old. “ This weakness is taken by Iago, who makes mischief and tells Othello that Cassio had affairs with Desdemona. Though Othello is warned against being jealous “ O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyd monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on“ , he is quite credul

24、ous and overwhelmed by jealousy, and finally he killed his wife tragically. So we can see that Othellos tragic suffering mainly stems from the frailties in his character.19 【正确答案】 The Fall of the House of Usher concentrates on the degeneration and decay of the Usher house and family, and it exemplif

25、ies perfectly Allan Poes “ single effect“ , that is, the effect of terror. At the storys beginning, the terror effect can be sensed from the setting; the narrator is “alone“ through the “dreary tract“ at the dusk in the autumn, and then he sees the “ melancholy House of Usher“. The words and phrases

26、 Poe chooses at the beginning also contribute to the overall effect of terror. Poe uses alliteration and consonance along with words derived from Anglo-Saxon to create harshness in the setting; dull and dark, oppressively low and singularly dreary, tract of the country and so on.Then the entire stor

27、y is boxed within the confines of the gloomy inside of the house, which mirrors the oppressively cloudy autumn night outside. The beginning sentence is well devoted to creating a gothic mood and fearful effect.【试题解析】 那年秋天一个晦暝、昏暗、廓落、云幕低垂的日子,我一整天都策马独行,穿越一片异常阴郁的旷野。当暮色开始降临时,愁云笼罩的厄舍府终于遥遥在望。不知为什么,一看见那座房舍,

28、我心中便充满了一种不堪忍受的抑郁。我说不堪忍受,因为那种抑郁是无论如何也没法排遣,而往常即便是更凄凉的荒郊野地、更可怕的险山恶水,我也能从山情野趣中寻得几分喜悦,从而使愁悒得到减轻。曹明伦译20 【正确答案】 The omniscient point of view refers to the narrator of the fiction who has a full knowledge of the story, the motives and unspoken thoughts of the characters. The omniscient narrator is also capa

29、ble of describing events happening simultaneously in different places. In Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice, although the narration typically stays with Elizabeth, it occasionally offers us information that Elizabeth isnt aware of something, such as Charlottes pursuit of Mr. Collins. This third omnis

30、cient point of view lends a cold dimension to the novel, which helps the readers to find neutrally the wrong judgments and flaws of both the protagonists, thus the readers can better understand how the protagonists overcome their pride and prejudice and achieve their happy marriage.21 【正确答案】 The ter

31、m “The Lost Generation“ was applied to the disillusioned intellectuals and aesthetes of the years following the First World War, who rebelled against former ideals and values, but replaced them only by despair and a cynical hedonism. The simple language and the tendency of spoken language are the ch

32、aracters of the lost generation. This simple style is pushed to the extreme in Hemingway works, such as his A Farewell to Arms and The Old Man and the Sea. The lost generation writers cut themselves from the old values and lost in disillusionment and existential voids. The hollowness and hedonism in Fitzgeralds fiction The Great Gatsby best exemplify this characteristic. The lost generation writers all gained prominence in 20th century literature. Their innovations challenged assumptions about writing and expression.


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