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1、2012 年对外经济贸易大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 balance sheet 2 international arbitration3 tax agent4 debenture5 gross weight6 generalized system of preferences7 fixed cost8 stock listings9 random access10 profit before tax11 AMIS12 BHD13 CBRC14 DPOB15 FEM16 MIN17 MSP18 NNW19 PAO20 SAC汉译英21 按揭22 薄利多销23 补贴24 动产抵押

2、25 进口报关单26 房地产27 分包合同28 股息29 国民待遇30 市场调查英译汉31 The concept captured the Zeitgeist of the personal computer revolution. Many young people, especially those in the counterculture, had viewed computers as instruments that could be used by Orwellian governments and giant corporations to sap individuality

3、. But by the end of the 1970s, they were also being seen as potential tools for personal empowerment. The ad cast Macintosh as a warrior for the latter causea cool, rebellious, and heroic company that was the only thing standing in the way of the big evil corporations plan for world domination and t

4、otal mind control.Once again Jobs would end up suffering bad publicity without making a penny. Apples stock price kept dropping, and by March, 2003, even the new options were so low that Jobs traded in all of them for an outright grant of $ 75 million worth of shares, which amounted to about $ 8. 3

5、million for each year he had worked since coming back in 1997 through the end of the vesting in 2006.None of this would have mattered much if the Wall Street Journal had not run a powerful series in 2006 about backdated stock options. Apple wasnt mentioned, but its board appointed a committee of thr

6、ee membersAl Gore, Eric Schmidt of Google, and Jerry York, formerly of IBM and Chryslerto investigate its own practices. “We decided at the outset that if Steve was at fault we would let the chips fall where they may,“ Gore recalled. The committee uncovered some irregularities with Jobss grants and

7、those of other top officers, and it immediately turned the findings over to the SEC. Jobs was aware of the backdating, the report said, but he ended up not benefiting financially. A board committee at Disney also found that similar backdating had occurred at Pixar when Jobs was in charge.The laws go

8、verning such backdating practices were murky, especially since no one at Apple ended up benefiting from the dubiously dated grants. The SEC took eight months to do its own investigation, and in April, 2007, it announced that it would not bring action against Apple “ based in part on its swift, exten

9、sive, and extraordinary cooperation in the Commissions investigationand itsprompt self-reporting. “ Although the SEC found that Jobs had been aware of the backdating, it cleared him of any misconduct because he “ was unaware of the accounting implications.The SEC did file complaints against Apples f

10、ormer chief financial officer Fred Anderson, who was on the board, and general counsel Nancy Heinen. Anderson, a retired Air Force captain with a square jaw and deep integrity, had been a wise and calming influence at Apple, where he was known for his a-bility to control Jobs tantrums. He was cited

11、by the SEC only for “negligence“ regarding the paperwork for one set of the grants(not the ones that went to Jobs), and the SEC allowed him to continue to serve on corporate boards.汉译英32 总经理、总裁、首席执行官这样的头衔在现代商业中屡见不鲜。这些企业老总的头衔意味着什么? 有人说意味着位高权重,腰缠万贯,交游广阔,傲慢自大甚至颐指气使。我虽然当总裁的时间不长,感受还不深刻,但比隔岸观火要好很多。在我看来,成功


13、大浪淘沙似的血雨腥风。而现今的云计算和物联网等新兴产业又将去向何方?鹿死谁手呢?“剩者”为王,生存下来的企业一定是经得起磨砺,具有百折不挠的精神。综上所述,老总是企业的领袖,是灵魂。我将为之努力,做一个有思想,有坚定意志并能果断决策的企业领导人。2012 年对外经济贸易大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 资产负债表2 【正确答案】 国际仲裁3 【正确答案】 税务代理人4 【正确答案】 公司债券5 【正确答案】 总重量6 【正确答案】 普惠制7 【正确答案】 固定成本8 【正确答案】 股票上市9 【正确答案】 随机存取10 【正确答案】 税前利润11 【正确答案】 Agri

14、cultural Management Information System 农业管理信息系统12 【正确答案】 Bad Hair Day 很不顺利的一天13 【正确答案】 China Banking Regulatory Commission 中国银监会14 【正确答案】 date and place 0f birth 出生日期和地点15 【正确答案】 Finite Element Method 有限单元法16 【正确答案】 Minimum 最小的,最低限度17 【正确答案】 Medical Services Plan 医疗保健计划18 【正确答案】 Net National Welfare

15、 国民福利指标19 【正确答案】 Public Affairs Office 公共事务办公室20 【正确答案】 Securities Association of China 中国证券业协会汉译英21 【正确答案】 mortgage22 【正确答案】 small profits but quick turnover23 【正确答案】 subsidies24 【正确答案】 chattel mortgage25 【正确答案】 the import customs declaration26 【正确答案】 real estate27 【正确答案】 the subcontract28 【正确答案】 d

16、ividend29 【正确答案】 national treatment30 【正确答案】 market research英译汉31 【正确答案】 这个概念抓住了个人电脑革命的时代精神。许多年轻人,特别是那些反主流文化的,都把电脑看作集权政府和企业巨头用来操纵和消除人们个性的手段。但到了 20 世纪 70 年代末,电脑也被当作自我展现的潜在工具。这个广告则抓住了年轻人的后一种心态,把麦金塔电脑塑造成一个英勇的战士,表明苹果公司是一家冷酷、反叛和极具英雄主义色彩的公司,是唯一能阻止邪恶的企业势力统治世界和绝对精神控制的英雄。最终,乔布斯又一次在分文未得的情况下遭到了公众的恶评。苹果股价持续下跌,到

17、 2003 年 3 月,即使是新的期权都已经一钱不值,乔布斯不得不用这些期权换取了价值 7 500 万美元的股份这相当于他从 1997 年返回公司直至 2006 年新期权授予完毕每年入账 830 万美元。如果华尔街日报没有在 2006 年就期权的日期倒签现象刊登那个影响巨大的系列报道,这一切本来算不了什么。报道中并没有提到苹果公司的名字,但苹果的董事会委派了一个由阿尔.戈尔、谷歌的埃里克.施密特,以及曾在 IBM 和克莱斯勒任职的杰里.约克 3 人构成的委员会对公司的内部行为展开了调查。“一开始我们就决定,如果史蒂夫确实负有责任,我们不会姑息迁就。”戈尔回忆说。委员会发现乔布斯以及其他一些高管

18、的期权存在违规之处,于是他们立即向证券交易委员会递交了调查结果。报告中说,乔布斯对日期倒签行为是知情的,但他最终并没有从中获得经济利益。迪士尼公司董事会的一个委员会也发现,皮克斯公司在乔布斯主政期间也曾有过类似的期权日期倒签行为。针对这类期权日期倒签行为的法律没有明确的规定,特别是,苹果公司最终并没有一个人从这种有疑问的期权政策中获益。证券交易委员会用了 8 个月的时间完成了调查,并于 2007 年 4 月宣布不会对苹果公司采取行动,这“部分是基于公司对委员会调查工作迅捷、全面、出色的配合以及(它)及时主动的汇报”。尽管证券交易委员会发现乔布斯对日期倒签行为确实知情,但撇清了他有任何不当行为的

19、嫌疑,因为他“对会计上的影响并不知情” 。证券交易委员会对苹果前首席财务官、董事会成员弗雷德.安德森,以及常务法律顾问南希.海宁提起了诉讼。安德森是一位退役的美国空军上尉,长着一个方方的下巴,为人极度正直,曾以他的机智与平和对公司产生了重要影响,在任期间,他以擅长控制乔布斯的臭脾气而闻名。证券交易委员会仅控之以“疏忽” 责任,无非涉及某些期权政策(不是给乔布斯的那些)中的文书工作,而且允许他继续出任企业的董事。汉译英32 【正确答案】 Titles such as General Manager, President and CEO are everywhere in the modern b

20、usiness world. What does such a title mean? Some people say it means high status, abundant wealth, a wide range of social network, arrogance and sometimes even bossy attitude. Although I have served as president for only a short time and my personal experience as a president is limited, at least I h

21、ave more to say than an outsider. In my opinion, a successful boss of a company needs to possess the following qualities;First, he should have his own idea, a strategic thought and concept about the development of his enterprise. Although it sounds easy, it is difficult to realize in practice, for i

22、ntangible as idea is, it can be felt by people. It represents the recognition of an enterprises value and can guide the enterprise towards prosperity.Second, he must have a good leadership. A boss cannot escape from making resolute or even cruel decisions on crucial conditions, inevitably driving hi

23、s employees into panic or anger. However, a good boss will take full consideration of humanity while exercising his authority, thus winning the respect and support from his subordinates.Besides, a strong will and an indomitable spirit are also important, especially when the company is in difficult t

24、imes. As there are no precedents in many new emerging industries, challenges which have never appeared before are inevitable. We have witnessed domestic electrical appliances enterprises fall from prosperity down to cruel surviving battles and the competitive waves of storms when Internet industry t

25、urns from an emerging enterprise into burst bubbles. And what will happen to the cloud computing and Internet of things? Who will be the final winner? The one who laughs last laughs the best. Those enterprises who survived in the end are surely capable of enduring difficulties and challenges, with unbendable spirits.In all, a boss is the leader and the soul of an enterprise. I will spare no efforts to become a resolute leader with my own ideas and a strong will.

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