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1、2013 年中国矿业大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 CGO2 ATM3 SSCI4 AQ5 EEC6 PNTR7 WIPO8 HTTP9 HSBC10 Cash With Order11 Mortgage loan12 non-performing loan13 cultural soft power14 International Federation of Translators15 Semantic Translation16 NASDAQ Composite Index17 International Herald Tribune18 Financial Times19

2、community-level medical and health care institutions20 Global System for Mobile Communications汉译英21 住宅物业22 客户关系管理23 组织能力评估24 供应链管理25 做大经济“ 蛋糕”26 放宽市场准人27 淘汰煤炭行业落后产能28 促进生态修复29 科技成果产业化30 全民健身31 文化体制改革32 不断提高政策的针对性、灵活性和前瞻性33 民族凝聚力34 中国特色军事变革35 廉租房36 加强科技支撑37 仁爱原则38 收入倍增39 廉政文化建设40 支农惠农政策英译汉41 The trav

3、eler from the coast, who, after plodding northward for a score of miles over calcareous downs and corn-lands, suddenly reaches the verge of one of these escarpments, is surprised and delighted to behold, extended like a map beneath him, a country differing absolutely from that which he has passed th

4、rough. Behind him the hills are open, the sun blazes down upon fields so large as to give an unenclosed character to the landscape, the lanes are white, the hedges low and plashed, the atmosphere colorless.Here, in the valley, the world seems to be constructed upon a smaller and more delicate scale;

5、 the fields are mere paddocks, so reduced that from this height their hedgerows appear a network of dark green threads overspreading the paler green of the grass. The atmosphere beneath is languorous, and is so tinged with azure that what artists call the middle distance partakes also of that hue, w

6、hile the horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine.The crimson brick lodge came first in sight, up to its eaves in dense evergreens. Tess thought this was the mansion itself till, passing through the side wicket with some trepidation, and onward to a point at which the drive took a turn, the hous

7、e proper stood in full view. It was of recent erectionindeed almost newand of the same rich red color that formed such a contrast with the evergreens of the lodge. Far behind the corner of the housewhich rose like a geranium bloom against the subdued colors aroundstretched the soft azure landscape o

8、f The Chasea truly venerable tract of forest land, one of the few remaining woodlands in England of undoubted primaeval date, wherein Druidical mistletoe was still found on aged oaks, and where enormous yew trees, not planted by the hand of man, grew as they had grown when they were pollarded for bo

9、ws. All this sylvan antiquity, however, though visible from the Slopes, was outside the immediate boundaries of the estate.汉译英42 随着全球化的不断深入,中国在能源方面与世界联系日益紧密。中国的能源发展,不仅保障了本国经济社会发展,也为维护世界能源安全和保持全球市场稳定作出了贡献。中国能源企业遵循平等互惠、互利双赢的原则,积极参与国际能源合作,参与境外能源基础设施建设,发展能源工程技术服务合作。中国企业对外投资合作开发的能源资源,90以上都在当地销售,增加了全球能源市场

10、供应,促进了供应渠道的多元化。中国能源企业在对外投资合作时,遵守当地法律法规,尊重当地宗教信仰和风俗习惯,在实现自我发展的同时,积极为当地经济社会发展作出贡献。在今后相当长一段时间内,国际能源贸易仍将是中国利用国外能源的主要方式。中国将按照世界贸易组织规则,完善公平贸易政策,开展能源进出口贸易,优化贸易结构。综合运用期货贸易、长协贸易、转口贸易、易货贸易等方式,推进贸易方式多元化。积极参与全球能源治理,加强与世界各国的沟通与合作,共同应对国际货币体系、过度投机、垄断经营等因素对能源市场的影响,维护国际能源市场及价格的稳定。2013 年中国矿业大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答

11、案】 首席政府关系官2 【正确答案】 自动取款机3 【正确答案】 社会科学引文索引4 【正确答案】 逆境报价5 【正确答案】 欧洲经济共同体6 【正确答案】 永久性正常贸易关系7 【正确答案】 世界知识产权组织8 【正确答案】 超文本传输协议9 【正确答案】 香港上海汇丰银行有限公司10 【正确答案】 订货付现11 【正确答案】 抵押借款12 【正确答案】 不良贷款13 【正确答案】 文化软实力14 【正确答案】 国际翻译工作者联合会15 【正确答案】 语义翻译16 【正确答案】 纳斯达克综合指数17 【正确答案】 国际先驱论坛报18 【正确答案】 金融时报19 【正确答案】 基层医疗卫生机构

12、20 【正确答案】 全球移动通信系统汉译英21 【正确答案】 residential property22 【正确答案】 customer relationship management23 【正确答案】 assessment of organizing ability24 【正确答案】 supply chain management25 【正确答案】 make the economic pie bigger26 【正确答案】 relax the market access27 【正确答案】 close down backward production facilities in the co

13、al industry28 【正确答案】 promote restoration of the ecosystems29 【正确答案】 industrialization of scientific and technological achievements30 【正确答案】 national fitness31 【正确答案】 cultural restructuring32 【正确答案】 continually make policy targeted ,flexible and forwardlooking33 【正确答案】 national cohesion34 【正确答案】 the

14、revolution in military affairs with Chinese characteristics35 【正确答案】 low-rent house36 【正确答案】 strengthen the national technology support37 【正确答案】 principle of beneficence38 【正确答案】 income doubling39 【正确答案】 cultural construction of a clean government40 【正确答案】 the policy of supporting agriculture and be

15、nefiting farmers英译汉41 【正确答案】 那个从海岸走来的游客,向北面跋涉了二十英里的路程,才走完石灰质的草原和麦地。他突然走到一处悬崖的山脊上,看见一片田野就像一幅地图铺展在下面,同他刚才走过的地方决然不同,不禁又惊又喜。在他的身后,山峦尽收眼底,太阳照耀着广阔的田野,为那片风景增添了气势恢宏的特点,小路是白色的,树篱低矮盘结,大气也是清澈透明的。就在下面的山谷里,世界似乎是按照较小的但是更为精巧的规模建造的;田地只是一些围场,从高处看去,它们缩小了,所以灌木树篱就好像是用深绿色的线织成的网,铺展在浅绿色的草地上。下面的大气都懒洋洋的,染上了一层浅蓝,甚至连被艺术家称作中景的


17、,它们从人们把它们的枝条砍下来做弓箭的时候就生长在那里。但是,所有这些古老的森林,虽然从山坡上可以看见,但是却已经超越这片产业的边界了。汉译英42 【正确答案】 With accelerating economic globalization, China has forged increasingly closer ties with the rest of the world in the field of energy. Chinas development of energy has not only satisfied its own needs for economic and s

18、ocial progress, but also made great contributions to world energy security and global market stability. Following the principle of equality, mutual benefits and reciprocity, Chinese energy enterprises are actively involved in international energy cooperation, participating in overseas energy infrast

19、ructure projects and expanding cooperation in energy engineering and services. More than Ninety percent of Chinese enterprise-invested energy resources abroad are sold locally, thus increasing and diversifying supplies in the global energy market. When investing in foreign countries, Chinese energy

20、enterprises a-bide by local laws and regulations, and respect the religious beliefs and customs of the local people. They actively make contributions to local economic and social development while achieving self-growth. For a fairly long time to come, international energy trade will remain the major

21、 way by which China utilizes foreign energy sources.China will improve policies for fair trade and optimize the trade structure, and conduct energy imports and exports in accordance with the WTO rules. It will diversify the modes of trade using comprehensive methods such as futures trade, long-term

22、agreements, entrepot and barter trade. China will actively participate in global energy management. It will intensify exchanges and cooperation with other countries, addressing together the impact of the international monetary system, excessive speculation and energy market monopoly, thereby maintaining the stability of international energy market and energy price.


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