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1、2014 年山东大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 CIF2 NASA3 INTERPOL4 QDII5 Jerusalem6 Christianity7 migrant population8 microbe9 General Administration of Sport10 gender parity11 Nobel Laureate12 microfinance13 International Maritime Organization14 ALL-China Sports Federation15 terra-cotta horses and warriors汉译英16 针

2、灸疗法17 聘礼18 儿童文学19 普通法20 双面绣21 杂货商店22 法律援助23 学前儿童24 小康社会25 综合国力26 三农工作27 半导体28 重症监护病房29 网页30 国有企业英译汉31 Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great

3、winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasyecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy. I have sough

4、t it, next, because it relieves lonelinessthat terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the

5、 heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is whatat lastI have found.With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried

6、 to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds away above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.汉译英32 中国自身的古白话(vernacular)是何时开始转化为欧化的白话? 这要归结为近代来华的西方传教士(missionary),是他们创作了最早的欧化白话文。西方近代来华传教士最初所用的汉语,大都是文言。但是他们运用汉语的目的既然是传教,而传教又是“在上帝面前人人平等” 的,他们就必须照顾到文化水平较低,无法阅读文言的读者。中国的士大

7、夫(literati)由于具有儒家信仰,对于基督教的传教,往往持抵制态度。这就促使西方传教士必须更加注意发展文化水平较低的信徒,用白话传教正是在这种状态下进入他们的视野。初期教会所译圣经,都注重于文言。但后来因为教友日益众多,文言圣经只能供少数人阅读,故由高深文言而变为浅近文言,再由浅近文言而变为官话土白。 2014 年山东大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 成本、保险加运费(cost,insurance and freight)2 【正确答案】 美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)3 【正确答案

8、】 国际刑警组织(International Criminal Police Organization)4 【正确答案】 合格境内机构投资者(Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor)5 【正确答案】 耶路撒冷6 【正确答案】 基督教7 【正确答案】 流动人口8 【正确答案】 微生物9 【正确答案】 国家体育总局10 【正确答案】 两性均等11 【正确答案】 诺贝尔奖得主12 【正确答案】 微型金融13 【正确答案】 国际海事组织14 【正确答案】 中华全国体育总会15 【正确答案】 兵马俑汉译英16 【正确答案】 acupuncture therap

9、y17 【正确答案】 bride price18 【正确答案】 childrens literature19 【正确答案】 common law20 【正确答案】 two-sided embroidery21 【正确答案】 grocery store22 【正确答案】 legal aid23 【正确答案】 preschool children24 【正确答案】 moderately prosperous society25 【正确答案】 overall national strength26 【正确答案】 work related to agriculture,rural areas,and

10、farmers27 【正确答案】 semiconductor28 【正确答案】 ICU(Intensive Care Unit)29 【正确答案】 web page30 【正确答案】 state-owned enterprise英译汉31 【正确答案】 对爱情的渴望,对知识的追求,对人类痛苦那令人难以平复的同情,这三种激情虽然质朴,却无比强烈,一直主宰着我的人生。这些激情宛若飓风,吹着我四处漂泊,狂狷不羁,越过茫茫苦海,直抵绝望的边缘。我寻求爱情,首先是因为爱情令人心醉神迷那种心醉神迷的感觉使我愿意用余生去换取哪怕几个小时这样的愉悦。我寻求爱情,还因为爱情可以缓解我的孤独感那种仿若站在世界的边

11、缘,俯瞰面前那冰冷死寂的深渊的孤独感。我寻求爱情,因为爱在两情相悦时,仿佛看到了圣贤与诗人们所向往的天堂之景那是一种神奇的缩影。这正是我一生所寻求的,尽管它对于人生而言似乎太过美好,但我已经找到了终于找到了。我以同样的激情追求知识,渴望理解人类的心灵,期望能理解为何星星会发光,我试图理解毕达哥拉斯的思想威力,即数字支配着万物流转。我已经悟出了其中的一点点道理,尽管并不是很多。【试题解析】 本文选自英国哲学家、逻辑学家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者伯特兰.罗素(Bertrand Russell)的自传序言我为何而活(What I Have Lived For)。这篇序言堪称散文的经典之作,概括了对主宰其一

12、生的三种激情的执着和对人生的热爱,文采横溢、意味深长。汉译英32 【正确答案】 When did the Chinese old vernacular in traditional writing turn into a Western-styled vernacular? We attribute its beginning to the early writings of Christian missionaries who came to China during the modern times (usually known as from 1840 till 1949) . Thos

13、e missionaries were the first to write in a European-styled vernacular Chinese. When they had first set foot on the Chinese soil, they also learned to use literary language for writing. However, the missionaries wrote for the purpose of spreading the gospel of Christ, and with the conviction that ev

14、eryone is equal before God, they had to write for readers who were not well trained in Chinese classical language. Furthermore, as the literati class were staunch advocates of Confucius teachings, they were quite hostile to an alien religion. The missionaries, therefore, had to find receptors in the

15、 masses of not well trained in Chinese classical language. They saw the necessity of preaching in vernacularthe spoken language used by the rustic Chinese. The early Chinese versions of Bible translated by the church were most in the classical style. As the number of disciples grew larger, the wenya

16、n version was only comprehensible to an elite few, so that new translations were made in simple wenyan, which was then replaced by vernacular Mandarin.【试题解析】 本文选自袁进的论文重新审视欧化白话文的起源试论现代西方传教士对中国文学的影响。论文中介绍了近代西方传教士在传教的过程中是如何对中国的文言文产生影响的。袁进,江苏镇江人,毕业于华东师范大学中文系,现为复旦大学中文系教授,博士生导师,中国近代文学学会副会长兼秘书长,中国现代文学学会理事,主要著作有中国文学的近代变革上海近代文学史中国文学观念的近代变革中国小说的近代变革小说奇才张恨水传等。

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