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1、考研英语(一)模拟试卷 146 及答案与解析一、Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D. (10 points) 0 With the increasing pace of economic globalization and competition among various countries in the market, information, technology,

2、 professionals, capital and other types of economic resources is becoming increasingly evident. International【B1 】_is becoming progressively【B2】_. Previously【B3】_competition among enterprises in different countries is growing gradually into competition among governments that finds expression in a co

3、ncentrated form. Previous【B4】_contention for enterprises interests in the world market now evidences itself in the contention for【B5 】_interests. In this new situation, to【B6 】_national interests and to enable a country to be constantly in a favorable position in the international market, the most i

4、mportant thing is to have a highly【B7 】_government that 【B8】_the full trust of citizens.The basic objective of the study of the “ government administration“ is to【B9 】_the competitive edge of a government in the international market, to【B10 】_the efficiency and quality of government administrative b

5、ehaviors, and to enhance the skills and the efficiency of government policy operations. The evident【B11】_between government administration and enterprise management lies in the fact【B12】_the former is a macro-activity and represents the overall national interests. Considering this from the【B13】_of t

6、he theory of behavioral efficiency function, the degree of the efficiency and quality of government administrative behaviors and the standard of the skills and the efficiency of government policy operations have a direct【B14】_on the amount of national interests and the degree of security and happine

7、ss of its people. Thus,to【B15】_the level of overall national interests requires a highly efficient enterprise management and a high-quality enterprise group with significant core competitiveness. More importantly, it requires highly efficient government administration and the governments internation

8、al competitiveness to have a【B16】_advantage. For China, a country that is still in the【B17】_of “shift in the mode of growth“ and “transformation in the system“ ,the fundamental【B18】_to turn this objective into a【B19】_is to make innovations in government administration.So, against the【B20 】_backgroun

9、ds of economic globalization and the domestic economic transformation, how should we make innovations in government administration? I think many things can be done in this regard. Yet the most important thing is to effect the change of the concept, functions, forms and the institution of government

10、administration.1 【B1 】(A)information(B) identification(C) competition(D)imagination2 【B2 】(A)fiercer(B) easier(C) crueller(D)cruder3 【B3 】(A)concentrated(B) scattered(C) complicated(D)concerned4 【B4 】(A)unique(B) universal(C) united(D)unitary5 【B5 】(A)national(B) international(C) internal(D)external

11、6 【B6 】(A)generalize(B) maximize(C) mobilize(D)moralize7 【B7 】(A)sufficient(B) deficient(C) efficient(D)inefficient8 【B8 】(A)pants(B) curves(C) dazzles(D)enjoys9 【B9 】(A)array(B) contrive(C) corrode(D)enhance10 【B10 】(A)impress(B) prove(C) improve(D)preach11 【B11 】(A)difference(B) indifference(C) fl

12、uence(D)influence12 【B12 】(A)which(B) that(C) what(D)who13 【B13 】(A)cradle(B) angle(C) eagle(D)stable14 【B14 】(A)hearing(B) sharing(C) bearing(D)caring15 【B15 】(A)uplift(B) maintain(C) draw(D)reach16 【B16 】(A)manageable(B) liable(C) movable(D)notable17 【B17 】(A)phase(B) phrase(C) pulse(D)impulse18 【

13、B18 】(A)impurity(B) approach(C) obstacle(D)shriek19 【B19 】(A)locality(B) publicity(C) reality(D)dynasty20 【B20 】(A)durable(B) due(C) dull(D)dualPart ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)20 Overall, belief in climate cha

14、nge has declined in the American public from roughly 75 percent to 55 percent between 2008 and 2011, with a recent rebound to 62 percent in the fall of 2011, the Brookings Institution survey finds. One noted reason for the rebound was personal experiences with warmer fall and winter temperatures.Tho

15、ugh this kind of weather disruption is what climate scientists predict, they hesitate to place too much emphasis on one or two unusual seasons as a trend that changes public opinion. If next winter is more normal, the public may get the wrong impression about the dangers of climate change. Better fo

16、r science to be more convincing.But theres the rub. The American public is generally illiterate when it comes to science. And when American scientists complain about public illiteracy and lethargy on the vitally important subject of climate change, they also have themselves to blame.Generally, those

17、 who know the most about climateand other important scientific fieldsare locked up in their university ivory towers and conference rooms, speaking a language only they can understand. And they speak mostly to each other, not to the general public, policymakers, or business peoplenot to those who can

18、 actually make things happen.This is dangerous. We live in an age when scientific issues permeate our social, economic, and political culture. People must be educated about science and the scientific process if we are to make rational and informed decisions that affect our future. But instead, the r

19、elative absence of academics and academic scholarship in the public discourse creates a vacuum into which uninformed, wrong, and downright destructive viewpoints get voiced and take hold.Heres a typical example. After the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh

20、 argued that “ The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone. . . “ In fact, the spill created extensive damage to wide ranging marine habitats as well as the Gulf Coast s fishing and tourism industries. Long-term impacts are still unclear as scientists continue to monitor underwa

21、ter plumes of dissolved oil that lie along the bottom.The fact is that today s scientists are indeed lost to the academy. The failure begins with training in doctoral programs and continues through professional development where the constant immersion in academic seminars and journals serves to weak

22、en scientists literacy in the language of public, economic, and political discourse. Scientists limit involvement in such “outside activities“ because tenure and promotion are based primarily on publication in top-tier academic journals.In my view, few contemporary issues warrant critical analysis b

23、y problem-focused researchers more than environmental sustainability, and particularly climate change. Universities need to train emerging and seasoned scholars in the skills of communicating science to the public and policy makers. We need to develop a new generation of scholars for whom the role o

24、f public intellectual is not an anachronism. Without such changes, the climate change debate devolves into a “ logic schism“ where the ideological extremes dominate the conversation and the space for solutions disappears into a rhetorical shouting match.21 The recent rebound in American s belief in

25、climate change is_.(A)the result of a successful environment campaign(B) an accurate prediction by scientists(C) a natural response to unusual temperature(D)a regular cycle in public opinion22 The problem the author is mostly concerned with in this article is_.(A)the ignorance of Americans in scient

26、ific issues(B) scientists obsession with theoretical rather than practical researches(C) the absence of scientists voice in the discussion of public issues(D)the defects in the promotion mechanism of universities23 Which of the following is not the“ outside activities“ in the eyes of scientists?(A)W

27、riting scientific columns for the broader media.(B) Churning out books for commercial press.(C) Serving as an advisor in government panel.(D)Travelling to take part in an scientific seminar.24 The example of oil spill is used to highlight_.(A)the public s illiteracy in scientific issues(B) the media

28、 s guilt in misleading the public(C) the danger of the absence of scientists voice in public issues(D)the scientists slow response to public events25 In the author s opinion, in order to enhance public s awareness of climate change, the universities should_.(A)make more videos to popularize scientif

29、ic findings(B) encourage scientist to communicate more with the public(C) make more public intellectuals of social scientists(D)restrain the time allocated by scientists to unpractical researches25 Why should we bother reading a book? All children say this occasionally. Many among our educated class

30、es are also asking why, in a world of accelerating technology, increasing time poverty and diminishing attention spans, should they invest precious time sinking into a good book?The beginnings of an answer lie in the same technology that has posed the question. Psychologists from Washington Universi

31、ty used brain scans to see what happens inside our heads when we read stories. They found that “readers mentally simulate each new situation encountered in a narrative“. The brain weaves these situations together with experiences from its own life to create a new mental synthesis. Reading a book lea

32、ves us with new neural pathways.The discovery that our brains are physically changed by the experience of reading is something many of us will understand instinctively, as we think back to the way an extraordinary book had a transformative effect on the way we viewed the world. This transformation o

33、nly takes place when we lose ourselves in a book, abandoning the emotional and mental chatter of the real world. Thats why studies have found this kind of deep reading makes us more empathetic, or as Nicholas Carr puts it in his essay, The Dreams of Readers, “more alert to the inner lives of others“

34、.This is significant because recent scientific research has also found a dramatic fall in empathy among teenagers in advanced western cultures. We cant yet be sure why this is happening, but the best hypothesis is that it is the result of their immersion in the internet. So technology reveals that o

35、ur brains are being changed by technology, and then offers a potential solutionthe book.Rationally, we know that reading is the foundation stone of all education, and therefore an essential underpinning of the knowledge economy. So reading isor should bean aspect of public policy. But perhaps even m

36、ore significant is its emotional role as the starting point for individual voyages of personal development and pleasure. Books can open up emotional and imaginative landscapes that extend the corridors of the web. They can help create and reinforce our sense of self.If reading were to decline signif

37、icantly, it would change the very nature of our species. If we, in the future, are no longer wired for solitary reflection and creative thought, we will be diminished. But as a reader and a publisher, I am optimistic. Technology throws up as many solutions as it does challenges: for every door it cl

38、oses, another opens. So the ability, offered by devices like e-readers, smartphones and tablets, to carry an entire library in your hand is an amazing opportunity. As publishers, we need to use every new piece of technology to embed long-form reading within our culture. We should concentrate on the

39、message, not agonize over the medium.26 According to the psychologists from Washington University, reading a book will_.(A)create new mental experience that is totally different from real-life experience(B) make readers simulate what they have read in real life(C) bring tangible changes to the reade

40、rs brain(D)enhance the thinking capability of readers27 For a teenager who is not sensitive to others inner feelings, the author may suggest him to_.(A)stay far away from modern technology(B) immerse himself in reading books(C) abandon his old way of viewing the world(D)listen more to the emotional

41、chatter of the real world28 In the author s opinion, the most important function of reading is to_.(A)lay solid foundation for all kinds of formal education(B) equip teenagers with basic skills to survive in knowledge economy(C) enrich the emotional experiences of children s inner world(D)provide a

42、pastime for children in stressful competition29 The author of this article views technology as_.(A)a replacement for books(B) the root of degradation(C) a hotbed for innovation(D)a double-edge sword30 The author s attitude toward the future of books is_.(A)reasonably confident(B) blind optimistic(C)

43、 overtly pessimistic(D)largely indifferent30 Years ago, Charlie, a highly respected orthopedist and a mentor of mine, found a lump in his stomach. He had a surgeon explore the area, and the diagnosis was pancreatic cancer. He went home the next day, closed his practice, and never set foot in a hospi

44、tal again. He focused on spending time with family and feeling as good as possible. Several months later, he died at home. He got no chemotherapy, radiation, or surgical treatment. Medicare didn t spend much on him.It s not a frequent topic of discussion, but doctors die, too. And they dont die like

45、 the rest of us. What s unusual about them is not how much treatment they get compared to most Americans, but how little. Of course, doctors dont want to die; they want to live. But they know enough about modern medicine to know its limits. Almost all medical professionals have seen what we call “fu

46、tile care“ being performed on people. That s when doctors bring the cutting edge of technology to bear on a grievously ill person near the end of life. The patient will get cut open, perforated with tubes, hooked up to machines, and assaulted with drugs. I cannot count the number of times fellow phy

47、sicians have told me, in words that vary only slightly, “Promise me if you find me like this that youll kill me. “How has it come to thisthat doctors administer so much care that they wouldn t want for themselves? The simple, or not-so-simple, answer is this: patients, doctors, and the system.To see

48、 how patients play a role, imagine a scenario in which someone has lost consciousness and been admitted to an emergency room, and shocked and scared family members find themselves caught up in a maze of choices. When doctors ask if they want “everything“ done, they answer yes. Then the nightmare beg

49、ins. Feeding into the problem are unrealistic expectations of what doctors can accomplish. For example, many people think of CPR as a reliable lifesaver when, in fact, the results are usually poor.But of course it s not just patients making these things happen. Doctors play an enabling role, too. The trouble is that even doctors who hate to administer futile care must find a way to address the wishes of


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