



2、atements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets.There can be no question about the dangers of heroin use. What may start out innocently enough as a desire to experience a new kind of high may progress with extreme rapidity to an almost continuous type of nightmare existence.The heroin user may begin by snorting or inhaling the drug, progres。

3、that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1 By the time she is 50 years old, she_an inmate of the prison for over half of her life.(A)would have been(B) will be(C) will have been(D)would be2 It has been estimated that the earths surface temperature has increased _ one quarter to three fourths of a degree since 1850.(A)by(B) at(C) to(D)with3 This book _ me twenty dollars.(A)is cost(B) was cost(C) cost(D)have be。

4、增函数2.设 f(x)和 (x)在(-,+)内有定义,f(x)为连续函数,且 f(x)0,(x)有间断点,则_(分数:4.00)A.f(x)必有间断点B.(x) 2必有间断点C.f(x)必有间断点D.必有间断点3.设函数 y=f(x)具有二阶导数,且 f(x)0,f“(x)0,x 为自变量 x 在点 x0处的增量,y 与 dy 分别为 f(x)在点 x0处对应的增量与微分,若x0,则_(分数:4.00)A.0dyyB.0ydyC.ydy0D.dyy04.设 f(x)= (分数:4.00)A.B.C.D.5.设 A 是任-n(n3)阶方阵,A *是其伴随矩阵,又 k 为常数,且 k0,1,则必有(kA) *=_(分数:4.00)A.kA*B.kn-1A*C.knA*D.k-1A*6.设 1, 2是矩阵 A 的两个不同的特征值,对应的特征向量分别为 1, 2,则 1,A( 1+ 2)线性无关的充分必要条件是_(分数:4.00)A. 。

5、2.00)A.B.C.D.3. (分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.4. (分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.5. (分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.6. (分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.7.设 y 1 ,y 2 是一阶线性非齐次微分方程 y.+p(x)y=q(x)的两个特解,若常数 , 使 y 1 +y 2 是该方程的解,y 1 -y 2 是该方程对应的齐次方程的解,则(分数:2.00)A.=1/2,=1/2B.=-1/2,=-1/2C.=2/3,=1/3D.=2/3,=2/38.当 x0 时,下列变量中与 sin 2 x 为等价无穷小量的是 (分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.9.下列极限中结果等于 e 的是 (分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.二、填空题(总题数:6,分数:12.00)10.设 A,B 为 3 阶矩阵,且 A =3, B =2, A -1 +B=2,则 A+B -1 = 1.(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_11. (分数:2.00)填空项 1:_。

6、美国的房价一直居高不下,房地产陷入了一种“让人恐怖的” 非理性的狂热。
这说明(A)非理性因素有助于提高人的认识能力(B)非理性因素具有诱导作用(C)非理性因素具有解释作用(D)非理性因素具有更大的可靠性3 马克思主义历史观与自然主义历史观争论的焦点问题是(A)如何理解自然的本质(B)如何理解精神的本质(C)如何理解宗教的本质(D)如何理解社会的本质4 2004 年中超的罢赛风波和世界杯小组赛中国队的欠佳表现,促使同年 10 月 17 日大连实德集团总裁徐明牵头制定的 13 个文件、9 项实质性内容的“中国足球” 革命的方案的出台,其矛头直接对准中国现行的足球制度。
这一现象表明(A)原因和结果是完全不确定的(B)原因和结果的关系是简单的(C)原因和结果是相互转化的(D)任何前后相继的现象都具有因果关系5 自 2003 年下半年以来,中央采取了一系列卓有成效的措施成功地抑制了经济中的过热现象,这些措施包括:提高银行存款准备金率,压缩水泥、钢材、电解铝等行业的生产。

7、 B, C or D.(分数:40.00)_Maybe unemployment isn“t so bad after all. A new study says that having a demanding, unstable and thankless job may make you even【C1】_than not having a job at all. 【C2】_that a paid position gives workers purpose and a structured role, researchers had【C3】_thought that having any job would make a person happier than being【C4】_. That turns out to be true if you move in。

1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 二、填空题 9 【正确答案】 3/2 【试题解析】 10 【正确答案】 【试题解析】 11 【正确答案】 2 【试题解析】 12 【正确答案】 2+2ln2 【试题解析】 13 【正确答案】 【试题解析】 14 【正确答案】 【试题解析】 三、解答题 解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。
15 【正确答案】 16 【正确答案】 17 【正确答案】 18 【正确答案】 19 【正确答案】 20 【正确答案】 21 【正确答案】 22 【正确答案】 23 【正确答案】 。

9、2.Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D.(分数:10.00)_Overfishing of one of the ocean“s top predators has triggered a lethal chain reaction that threatens to decimate populations of bay scallops, oysters, and clams, warns a new study. Plunging populations of 11 large shark species have caused a spike in the numbers of their 。

10、 the cost of raw materials, parts supplies, fuel, and electrical energy used in the production of that product. When 1 in this manner, the value added by manufacture is a useful index of the manufacturing firms 2 to the national economy. It is a more 3 index, of course, than 4 sales, a figure that is misleading because it tells 5 about production costs and 6 the manufacturing firm is 7 at a profit or at a loss. In education there is now a spirited 8 as to whether such a concept would 。

11、R SHEET 1.The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating it raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where he lived. We do know, however, thatU (1) /Uthousands of years food was always eaten cold andU (2) /U. Perhaps the cooked food was heated accidentally by aU (3) /Ufire or by the melted lava from an eruptingU (4) /U. When people first tasted food that had been cooked, they found it tasted better. However,U (5) /Uafter this discove。

12、 s class in DeMatha High School, I was an underachieving student, but I left that class【C1】_ never to underachieve again. He not only taught me to think, he convinced me, 【C2】_by example as words that it was my moral 【 C3】_ to do so and to serve others.【C4 】_of us could know how our relationship would 【C5】_ over the years. When I came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr. Offutt, the department chair. My discussions with him were like graduate seminars 。

13、r D.(分数:40.00)_Stop worrying about recession. That is the message from America“s R-word index. For each quarter, we (1)_ how many stones in the New York Times and the Washington Post include the word “recession“. (2)_ bells were set (3)_ by the sharp jump in the “R-count“ in the first quarter of this year. at a rate that in the past has (4)_ the start of a recession. In the second quarter. (5。

14、f economic globalization and competition among various countries in the market, information, technology, professionals, capital and other types of economic resources is becoming increasingly evident. International【B1 】_is becoming progressively【B2】_. Previously【B3】_competition among enterprises in different countries is growing gradually into competition among governments that finds expression in a concentrated form. Previous【B4】_contention for enterprises interests in t。

15、at risk from on-the-job exposure to hazardous chemicals has long been a thorny scientific problem. Last week, it became a prickly political issue too. Two senior Democrats in Congress demanded that the Bush Administration kill a proposal to change how the Department of Labor conducts the risk assessments that underpin worker safety regulations. Senator Edward Kennedy(D-MA)and Representative George Miller(D-CA), who lead Congresss labor committees, charged that a leaked draft of the proposal。

16、s (1)_! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper (2)_ one knows from daily life that one exists for other people first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly (3)_, and then for the many unknown (4)_ us, (5)_ destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself (6)_ my inner and outer life (7)_ the labors。

17、ought a pack of cigarettes since the mid-60s might have seen the health warnings. It says, “SURGEON GENERALS WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, And May Complicate Pregnancy.“ Such government warnings work,【C1】_ research has shown that smokers in countries with strong warnings know more about smoking【C2】_than those in countries where warnings are weaker. But its unclear whether smokers who see any warning【C3】_smoke less.Public-health advocates have。

18、A, B, C or D.(分数:40.00)_Any American who has bought a pack of cigarettes since the mid-60s might have seen the health warnings. It says, “SURGEON GENERALS WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, And May Complicate Pregnancy.“ Such government warnings work,【C1】_ research has shown that smokers in countries with strong warnings know more about smoking【C2】_than those in countrie。

19、the President of the United States is exceptionally arduous and should not be undertaken by the【C1】_hearted. The candidates must first compete in the local primary elections. During the primary campaign, the candidate endeavors to【 C2】_the votes of his or her constituents. Any new candidates are the opponents【C3 】_the incumbent, the President currently in office who is running for re-election. The candidates refrain from actions that might create animosity【C4】_them and the pu。

20、 C or D.(分数:40.00)_Running for the office of the President of the United States is exceptionally arduous and should not be undertaken by the【C1】_hearted. The candidates must first compete in the local primary elections. During the primary campaign, the candidate endeavors to【C2】_the votes of his or her constituents. Any new candidates are the opponents【C3】_the incumbent, the President current。

标签 > 考研类试卷考研英语二模拟试卷146及答案解析[编号:350554]

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