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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 29 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 Characteristic Medical TreatmentIt is startling how common these chronic diseases like cancer are when one looks at the numbers. Half of us will get canc

2、er, and half of those will die of it. One third of us will have diabetes, and a significant proportion will suffer complications from their disease, such as blindness. We have made little progress in reducing these statistics in the past five decades; in fact the prevalence continues to rise. Our co

3、untry is on track to spend 40 percent of our GDP on health care by 2030 (today we spend 17 percent of GDP).The time is now to reduce the burden of common chronic disease and reverse these trends. Ignite Institute is a global non-profit with a mission to bring together public and private sector partn

4、ers to apply the latest medical knowledge and technology to prevent and manage major diseases. The human body is a machine with a finite number of parts, and we finally have the technologies and know-how to sift through that machine and understand deeply what causes disease in a more progressive and

5、 integrated fashion. We see the broad-based implementation of personalized medicine in clinical setting as the solution.Personalized medicine is about understanding an individual at the molecular level. With that knowledge, we can assess susceptibility to disease, identify environmental exposures th

6、at should be avoided, screen regularly for specific diseases (early detection generally equals better outcomes). Personalized medicine can help us extend the healthy lifespan by providing the right tests and treatments for the right people at the right time. This kind of health care is not a decade

7、away. It is within our reach today. There remains much to be done and it will require hard work, but the payoff is measured in returns such as happiness vs suffering and life vs death.Recently, two of our D. C.-area partners chose to discontinue their partnership. Im grateful for all they did to hel

8、p the Institute to this point, but I dont see this as a setback. I see it as a reality of creating something truly unique and transformative.We need to act swiftly and decisively to change the way we manage health and disease on a global scale, specifically around major chronic diseases. We cannot o

9、nly reduce suffering and death on a large scale, but by applying medicine strategically we can extend the healthy lifespan and save massive amounts of health-care dollars. In the months ahead, there will surely be more hurdles, more enduring lessons, and certainly more triumphs as we continue our fi

10、ght.1 In the past five decades, what has been done to deal with chronic diseases?(A)The number of people who suffer chronic diseases has decreased dramatically.(B) Effective measures have been taken to prevent the spread of chronic diseases.(C) A higher proportion of GDP has been spent to cure chron

11、ic diseases.(D)Insignificant progress has been made to control the rising rate of chronic diseases.2 What should be done to reverse the trend of increasing chronic diseases?(A)Medical institute should attract funds from both public and private sector partners.(B) Human bodies should be regarded as a

12、 machine with a certain number of parts.(C) Government should provide for funds for medical research.(D)Latest knowledge and technology like personalized medicine should be applied.3 What is NOT true about knowledge of personalized medicine?(A)It may help people stay away from surroundings that may

13、infect diseases.(B) It may enable people to live longer and healthier by earlier discovery of diseases.(C) It may help provide the proper treatment at the proper time.(D)People have not mastered the technological knowledge of personalized medicine.4 What is said about the two partners of ignite?(A)T

14、hey have made little contribution to the establishment of ignite.(B) They have decided to carry on the career of ignite to the end.(C) The author feel bitter and worried about the fact that the partners left ignite.(D)The author regards their leaving as normal in the creation of new things.5 Accordi

15、ng to the author, what may NOT happen in the future?(A)Health care on a global scale can be improved within a short period of time.(B) Large amounts of money can be saved in prevention and treatment of diseases.(C) A large percentage of suffering and death will be reduced.(D)People may overcome the

16、difficulties in the advancement of medical care.5 Recession Vs the Impact that the School EducatesA petition to save Arlington Countys David M. Brown Planetarium is 800 signatures strong and there are more than 3, 000 fans on the related Facebook page, but the facility is still cut from the proposed

17、 schools budget.“There are a couple of weeks before the public schools budget is final,“ said James Gartner, a member of the organization working to save the 40-year-old planetarium before the April 29 cutoff date.Patrick K. Murphy, Arlington schools superintendent, said during remarks updating his

18、budget figures last week that school officials are “in a dialogue“ with planetarium supporters.“I would encourage us to continue to keep this dialogue open, evaluate positions. . . and think about a window of time ranging anywhere from 12 to 18 months to see whether the community can raise enough mo

19、ney to keep the institution open.“ Murphy said.The planetariums $230,000 operating budget is cut from the proposed fiscal 2011 budget because the facility is outdated and requires about $ 500,000 in upgrades. School officials have said the money is needed elsewhere in the system.Gartner said a core

20、group of supporters is becoming a nonprofit, but he fears that without the School Boards support, the planetarium could still be closed by July.“If we dont get that other year, we believe any fundraising activities would be sabotaged if the planetarium is already closed,“ he said,Last week, the Scho

21、ol Board presented the Arlington County Board with a $439. 8 million budget, $2.3 million less than what Murphy proposed in February, primarily because of less state funding.The new budget figures include several English as a second language specialists who were previously cut, thanks to updated stu

22、dent enrollment numbers and adjustments made by the state to the required retirement accounts for school employees.“School-based substitutes, many transportation cuts and higher sports fees also were reinstate,“ Murphy said.Students and teachers from the Langston and Arlington Mill continuing educat

23、ion programs spoke at the boards meeting last week requesting no changes to the programs.“The system has proposed to reduce the continuing education teachers salaries by 17 percent, add days to their school year and cut instructional time so the program is more consistent with high school schedules,

24、 said Betty E. Hobbs, assistant superintendent of personnel. The adjustments allowed all of the teachers to keep their jobs and put the program in a better position for future initiatives“, she said.6 According to Gamier, there is_.(A)hardly any hope for the Planetarium not being closed(B) little ch

25、ance for his organization to save the Planetarium(C) certain chance for his organization to persuade the school(D)still oppotrunity for the Planetarium not being closed7 What is school officials opinion on the Planetarium?(A)They havent made the final decision to close it.(B) They are waiting for ri

26、ch people to save it.(C) They are trying to collect money for it.(D)They are resolute in closing the facility.8 According to Gartner, the School Board_.(A)is indifferent to the fate of the Planetarium(B) has the final decision on the fate of the Planetarium(C) is against the budget on upgrading the

27、Planetarium(D)is always the opponent of the Planetariums supporters9 Why can the language specialists benefit from the budget?(A)Because they were once the victim of the budget cut.(B) Because they will retire in the near future.(C) Because they object the budget on the Planetarium.(D)Because they h

28、ave more students to teach.10 According to Hobbs, the adjustment on the continuing education_.(A)has already influenced its personnel and resources allocation(B) meant to put it into an advantageous position for future development(C) has produced a serious consequence on both its students and teache

29、rs(D)has been granted by the School Board to be implemented in July10 Earthquake in Haiti and Telecommunication Network RebuildThe earthquake that devastated Haiti also destroyed the nations feeble network for phones and Internet service. Except for cellphones, the population was largely cut off fro

30、m communication. But out of the rubble, one U. S. wireless industry pioneer sees opportunity. John Stanton, founder of Voice Stream and former chief executive of T-Mobile U.S., wants the Haitian government to forget about rebuilding its copper wire communications network. Instead, he thinks Haiti sh

31、ould go mobile. “ Necessity is the mother of invention,“ Stanton said.In a keynote speech prepared for delivery at the wireless industrys CTIA trade show Wednesday in Las Vegas, Stanton called for the Haitian government to create an all-wireless nation with more robust networks for the population of

32、 nearly 10 million and to build an economy centered on mobile technology. “By deploying state-of-the-art wireless systems, we enable less-developed countries to leapfrog older technologies, and those systems become the foundation for a new economy,“ Stanton said.Stanton is asking Haiti to release mo

33、re spectrums for commercial carriers to get more people to text and use their phones for commerce, banking and other daily needs. He pledged that his company, Trilogy, would commit up to $ 100 million to expand its network there. Trilogy owns Haitis second-largest cellphone company, Voila. The three

34、 cellphone providers there-voila, Digicel and Haitelcompete vigorously for customers who have come to rely on cellphones even more after the earthquake. But only about 30 percent of the population has one.Accepting the proposal would be a risky bet for the government, experts say, because fat fiber

35、networks would still be needed to serve hospitals, schools and government buildings. “This could be a good strategy for as long as 20 years even, but I just dont see it as an ultimate strategy because at a certain point you need fixed wire for services that require more bandwidth,“ said Robert Atkin

36、son, president of the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation.But as the country begins to reconstruct homes, government buildings and other key infrastructure, some experts say the nation faces a blank canvas of opportunity. And building a more robust cellphone network could also be the fast

37、est way to get the island nation connected. “Haiti is very mountainous and the people are very fond of their cellphones,“ said Raymond Joseph, Haitis ambassador to the United States. “ In that sense, a wireless system would just be leaping over all sorts of impediments to connect the whole country.“

38、11 What does John Stanton see as an opportunity in Haiti?(A)The reconstruction of the country.(B) The withdrawal of T-Mobile U. S.(C) The copper wire network for phones.(D)The mobile communications network.12 We can learn from Stantons speech that_.(A)the wireless industry will hold a trade show to

39、help Haiti(B) the Haitian government will create an all-wireless nation(C) the Haitian economy should be centered on mobile network(D)the most advanced wireless system will be arranged in Haiti13 Which of the following is CORRECT about Trilogy?(A)Its the second-largest cellphone company in Haiti.(B)

40、 It holds 30 percent of the Haitian cellphone market.(C) It applied for a $ 100 million compensation from Haiti.(D)Its a commercial carrier of communication network.14 According to the passage,Robert Atkinson holds the view that_.(A)the Haitian government will accept Stantons proposal(B) the fixed w

41、ire is still a better choice for some services(C) the wireless system is good to connect the whole country(D)the wireless system seems to be a kind of bandwidth waste14 The Brown Fat Has Already Helped to Reduce WeightFor most people, fat is a burden. It doesnt really matter where it appears, we jus

42、t dont want it. But it turns out that our bodies also make a unique form of fat tissue that behaves remarkably unlike any other: rather than storing excess energy, this fat actually burns through it. Its called brown fat and health experts confirm for the first time that healthy adults have stores o

43、f this tissue, which researchers hope to study further as a potential new weight-loss treatment.Human newborns have been known to have any significant deposits of brown fat, so called because of its abnormally high concentration of dark-colored mitochondria, the engines that sustain cell activity. T

44、he primary purpose of brown fat is to regulate body temperature: the mitochondria-packed cells are designed to burn high quantities of sugar, and release that energy as heata mechanism that newborns rely on to keep themselves toasty.As people age, however, the body becomes better at regulating tempe

45、rature, so brown-fat stores shrink and white fat starts to emerge. A research team in Sweden has found that healthy adults retain a sizable amount of fat in the front and back of the neck expressing the same proteins as brown fat.Identifying the presence of brown fat is one thing, but activating it

46、to burn more sugar is another. Two studies confirmed that brown-fat cells become more active in the cold. But before we consider joining the Polar Bear Club, can brown fat actually cause weight loss? Brown fat may indeed allow a person to burn more calories with the same amount of consumption. On th

47、e basis of animal models, researchers calculate that 50g of brown fat could burn about 20% daily calorie an average person takes in. Leaner people tended to have more brown-fat deposits than overweight individuals. Interestingly, women were twice as likely as men to have active brown fat.Still, the

48、findings dont necessarily mean that activating brown fat leads to a slimmer waist. For one thing, the body is especially good at maintaining balance, which is why a boost in calorie-burning can often make a hunger signal and prompt people to eat more to make up for the loss. And even if drug compani

49、es could find a way to activate brown fat safely, that excess activity could throw off other metabolic systems and damage your health.15 Which of the following statements is true according to Para. 1?(A)All people dont like fat at all.(B) Fat is a kind of tissue storing excess energy.(C) It is once believed that adults hadnt brown fat.(D)Brown fat can provide a new way to lose weight.16 The word “toasty“ (Line 11 ,Para.2)has the same meaning with_.(A)warm(B) delicious(C) comfortable(D)tedious17 Why does b


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