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1、英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 45 及答案与解析英译汉1 Anti-Dumping Duty Order2 counter trade3 holding company4 working capital5 contingency fund6 par value7 law of diminishing marginal utility8 treasury bills9 zero sum game10 niche market汉译英11 倾销12 利基营销13 特许经营14 市场细分15 对等贸易16 即期汇票17 资本流动性18 抵押贷款19 指令经济20 机会成本21 远期汇率22 最低限价2

2、3 金融租赁公司24 微信25 雾霾英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 45 答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 反侵销税令2 【正确答案】 对销贸易;对等贸易3 【正确答案】 控股公司;股权公司4 【正确答案】 营运资金;周转资金5 【正确答案】 应急费用;意外开支准备金6 【正确答案】 票面价值7 【正确答案】 边际效用递减法则8 【正确答案】 国库券9 【正确答案】 零和博弈10 【正确答案】 利基市场;缝隙市场汉译英11 【正确答案】 dumping In economics, “dumping“ is a kind of predatory pricing, especially in th

3、e context of international trade. It occurs when manufacturers export a product to another country at a price either below the price charged in its home market or below its cost of production.12 【正确答案】 niche marketing Niche marketing is marketing a product or service in a small portion of a market t

4、hat is not being readily served by the main stream product or service providers. Nearly everything we take for grantedfrom the fast food chains, convenience stores, even Wal-Mart began as a business to fill perceived voids in the market place. These “niches“ can be geographic areas, a specialty indu

5、stry, a demographic or ethnic group, a specific gender group, or other special group of people.13 【正确答案】 Franchising Franchising is the practice of the right to use a firms successful business model and brand for a prescribed period of time. The word “franchise“ is of Anglo-French derivation-from fr

6、anc, meaning freeand is used both as a noun and as a (transitive) verb. For the franchiser, the franchise is an alternative to building “chain stores“ to distribute goods that avoids the investments and liability of a chain. The franchisors success depends on the success of the franchisees. The fran

7、chisee is said to have a greater incentive than a direct employee because he or she has a direct stake in the business. Essentially, and in terms of distribution, the franchisor is a supplier who allows an operator, or a franchisee, to use the suppliers trademark and distribute the suppliers goods.

8、In return, the operator pays the supplier a fee. Thirty three countriesincluding the United States and Australiahave laws that explicitly regulate franchising, with the majority of all other countries having laws which have a direct or indirect impact on franchising.14 【正确答案】 market segmentation Mar

9、ket segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a broad target market into subsets of consumers, businesses, or countries who have common needs and priorities, and then designing and implementing strategies to target them. Market segmentation strategies may be used to identify the ta

10、rget customers, and provide supporting data for positioning to achieve a marketing plan objective. Businesses may develop product differentiation strategies, or an undifferentiated approach , involving specific products or product lines depending on the specific demand and attributes of the target s

11、egment.15 【正确答案】 counter trade Counter trade means exchanging goods or services which are paid for, in whole or part, with other goods or services, rather than with money. A monetary valuation can however be used in counter trade for accounting purposes. In dealings between sovereign states, the ter

12、m bilateral trade is used, or “Any transaction involving exchange of goods or service for something of equal value. “16 【正确答案】 sight draft/demand draft17 【正确答案】 mobility of capital18 【正确答案】 mortgage loan19 【正确答案】 command economy20 【正确答案】 opportunity cost21 【正确答案】 forward exchange rate22 【正确答案】 price floor23 【正确答案】 financial leasing company24 【正确答案】 WeChat25 【正确答案】 haze/smog


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