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1、医学博士外语模拟试卷 18 及答案与解析一、Section A(A)It depends on the wife.(B) It depends on the husband.(C) It is uncertain.(D)She does not want to give voice to her opinion.(A)Positive.(B) Cautious.(C) Supportive.(D)Negative.(A)Harry acquired the diamond ring from a relative.(B) Harry spent all his money on the dia

2、mond ring.(C) The diamond ring is very expensive.(D)Harrys girlfriend is fortunate in having the diamond ring.(A)A Customs officer.(B) An Immigration and Naturalization Department officer.(C) An Army officer.(D)A visa officer.(A)She has to receive training first.(B) Thats her choice to do what she w

3、ants.(C) She should do so after consulting her husband.(D)She becomes an extreme feminist.(A)She agrees to work with him.(B) She offers to do the assignment for him.(C) She thinks its too late to help him.(D)The assignment can be completed without joint effort.(A)6.5.(B) 5.85.(C) 5(D)19(A)A section

4、of the motorway has been open to traffic.(B) No person has been reported to be dead.(C) A coach collided with a lawyer.(D)There has been a serious car accident on the road.(A)Mr Green is the least famous.(B) John is the least famous.(C) Austen is the least famous.(D)None of the three are famous.(A)T

5、he solar system is a bit smaller than the Great Bear.(B) The solar system is bigger than the Great Bear.(C) The solar system is much smaller than the Great Bear.(D)The solar system is as big as the Great Bear.(A)The room is neat and tidy.(B) The weather is under bad condition.(C) He was in low spiri

6、t.(D)He is not quite himself.(A)He believes the cost is too much.(B) He thinks the headmaster has no enough money to run the school.(C) He thinks the tuition is reasonable.(D)He thinks the tuition is beyond his limit.(A)She didnt believe the mans story.(B) She was deeply moved by the mans accident.(

7、C) The man was nearly knocked down.(D)The accident could almost be avoided.(A)He agreed that before his recovery, he shouldnt drink much.(B) A large glass of brandy may cure him.(C) He asked the woman to repeat what she said.(D)He can drink wine but not brandy.(A)He wants to listen to classical musi

8、c.(B) The music is not particularly loud.(C) They would turn down the music a little.(D)They would deaf to her pleas.二、Section B(A)To be a fitness instructor.(B) To join a sports team.(C) To watch a basketball match.(D)To organize a company basketball team.(A)Heart attack.(B) Heartburn.(C) Varicose.

9、(D)Cramp.(A)He likes fresh fruits and vegetables.(B) She loves to go to a fitness center.(C) He stopped playing basketball five years ago.(D)He is always trying to build up cardiovascular system.(A)Having a physical examination.(B) Watching his diet.(C) Having periodical check-ups.(D)Strengthening m

10、uscles.(A)He has put on much weight now.(B) He is a vegetarian.(C) He intends to set up a company of his own.(D)He used to be the star player in university.(A)Why certain people are aging sooner than others.(B) How to make people live longer.(C) The size of certain peoples brains.(D)Which people are

11、 most intelligent.(A)A survey of farmers in northern Japan.(B) Tests performed on a thousand old people.(C) The study of brain volumes of different people.(D)The latest development of computer technology.(A)Our brains shrink as we grow older.(B) Sixty-year-olds have better brains than thirty-year-ol

12、ds.(C) The front section of the brain does not shrink.(D)Some peoples brains have contracted more than other peoples.(A)Thinking can prevent the brain from shrinking.(B) Blood circulation can prevent the brain from shrinking.(C) Conversation can prevent the brain from shrinking.(D)The fresh oxygen c

13、an prevent the brain from shrinking.(A)Lawyers.(B) Clerks.(C) Farmers.(D)Shop assistants.(A)To stay in a very warm room with a lot of people.(B) To expose oneself to severe weather.(C) To play outdoors long when it is snowing.(D)To wait for a bus on a cold and windy day.(A)Youll catch a cold sooner

14、or later.(B) Youve already come down with a cold.(C) There are viruses hidden in your body.(D)The room is not warm enough for your health.(A)It is generally believed that colds are caused by exposure to cold weather.(B) Most colds are “caught“ by hand contact.(C) Cold virus will keep alive for sever

15、al hours once it leaves human body.(D)Cold virus can spread around only through the air.(A)Wash our hands frequently.(B) Never rub our nose or eyes.(C) Throw away tissues immediately after use.(D)Shake hands with our friends instead of kissing them.(A)A cold-sufferer is staying with him in the same

16、room.(B) The viruses have been exposed to the air for over 3 hours.(C) He dropped in a warm room.(D)He shakes hands with a cold-sufferer.三、Section A31 His ideas are invariably condemned as_by his colleagues.(A)imaginative(B) ingenious(C) impractical(D)theoretical32 The majority of nurses are women,

17、but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a_.(A)minority(B) scarcity(C) rarity(D)minimum33 Professor Johnsons retirement_from next January.(A)carries into effect(B) takes effect(C) has effect(D)puts into effect34 Mr. Browns condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he w

18、ill_.(A)pull back(B) pull up(C) pull through(D)pull out35 Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customers_rather than the companys.(A)benefit(B) availability(C) suitability(D)convenience36 This spacious

19、room is_furnished with just a few articles in it.(A)lightly(B) sparsely(C) hardly(D)rarely37 Since she suffered brain damage in the accident, shes just been a_.(A)vegetable(B) vegetarian(C) encephalopathy(D)autistic38 Urgent measures should be taken to control the_of the disease.(A)distribution(B) d

20、issemination(C) dispersion(D)dissipation39 Overdose of sleeping pills can be_so the prescription of them is limited.(A)deadly(B) fatal(C) lethal(D)hazard40 Major health systems act as specialized hospitals_patients are referred for sophisticated therapy.(A)to which(B) in which(C) at which(D)in that四

21、、Section B41 Lets meet halfway and each pay half the damage.(A)meet on the road(B) quarrel(C) go Dutch(D)compromise42 The leopard is stronger than any other of the great predators.(A)animals that live on land(B) animals that eat other animals(C) animals that eat grass(D)wild animals43 The hunters us

22、e wooden ducks as decoys to attract the flock.(A)toys(B) lures(C) targets(D)induce44 Diligent police work should help clear crime.(A)erect(B) establish(C) remove(D)eradicate45 Her generosity is one of her most pleasing traits.(A)merits(B) shortcomings(C) characteristics(D)measure46 Many of these wri

23、ters used to study in writing clinics.(A)hospitals(B) circles(C) workshops(D)firm47 My brain may be old, but it is not addled.(A)confused(B) rotten(C) stupid(D)disorder48 I try to be broadminded but do feel antipathy toward people who are dirty and untidy.(A)sympathy(B) dislike(C) antiquity(D)regard

24、49 It was his firm conviction that every effort should be made to preserve world peace.(A)doubt(B) belief(C) persuasion(D)enthusiasm50 The boy showed cleverness in making toys out of scraps of discarded wood.(A)ingenuity(B) generosity(C) frankness(D)skillful五、Part Cloze50 In the past, doctors in Tai

25、wan, who were considered saviors, were greatly admired. This is not only because they were able to【C1 】_sick people of their pain and save their lives, but also because they demonstrated an【C2】_willingness to help the sick.However, now in this modern industrial world, people are【C3】_to chase materia

26、l possessions. This is true【C4】_doctors, too. The high income of doctors is the【C5】_of other people. Many high school graduates are eager to get into medical colleges, and countless girls consider doctors to be their best choice of husbands. For many years the public has【C6】_that doctors in public h

27、ospitals demand money from inpatients. The amount of money the patients give determines the kind of【C7】_they receive.It has also been said that a large pharmaceutical factory set up by UK investors declared that it would stop giving kickbacks to doctors【C8】_the factory has spent too much money【C9】_s

28、ales over the years. This declaration has caused quite a stir in our society. We wonder【C10】_the officials who have denied the dealings mentioned above will say about this.51 【C1 】(A)release(B) relieve(C) deprive(D)reduce52 【C2 】(A)admirable(B) advisable(C) appreciable(D)acceptable53 【C3 】(A)tended(

29、B) opposed(C) inclined(D)persuaded54 【C4 】(A)with(B) for(C) to(D)of55 【C5 】(A)hatred(B) pride(C) envy(D)disgust56 【C6 】(A)charged(B) accused(C) blamed(D)contended57 【C7 】(A)information(B) treatment(C) advice(D)interpretation58 【C8 】(A)if(B) as(C) though(D)when59 【C9 】(A)promoting(B) contributing(C)

30、manipulating(D)inducing60 【C10 】(A)what(B) that(C) why(D)whether六、Part Reading Comprehension60 Some problems can be readily identified simply by looking around. These problems concern the pollution of our environment by technology as a result of sudden upsets in the physical, economic and social bal

31、ance. The most obvious of these are the general pollution of our physical environment and the destruction of irreplaceable natural resources. Not so obvious as these, but just as painfully significant to some, are the disappearing and changing of jobs which overnight often create large groups of job

32、less citizens.Can technology be used to undo what it has done, replace what it has destroyed or substitute for what it has caused to disappear? No one knows. Many wonder whether or not all of the sources of pollution have yet been identified, whether or not they are being arrested and whether or not

33、 they will be prevented from recurring.Another set of problems relates to what technological advancement has done to the quality of life. An improved social life has not been unfortunately, either the goal or the chief beneficiary of technological change. Rather, any improvements that have occurred

34、have been more accidental than intended. Too much has happened too fast. The changes demanded of marriage and family relationships remain largely unexamined. It is often a matter of “put up or shut up“, and a person has to adapt his life-style to ever-changing conditions with little time for choice.

35、 The “no-move-no-advancement“ type is an example of one such problem. Many people are coming to think that the reward is simply not worthy the struggle, and they are taking jobs with less responsibility and lower pay.61 In the First paragraph the author is mainly talking about_.(A)environmental prot

36、ection(B) environment and technology(C) technology producing obvious and insidious problems(D)the advantages and disadvantages of technology62 According to the passage, no one knows whether or not technology_.(A)will solve the problems it has created(B) will continue to produce conveniences(C) will

37、stop advancing(D)will undo itself63 The author would say that technological advancement_.(A)has done noting to the quality of life(B) has improved the quality of life(C) has harmed the quality of life(D)has redefined the quality of life64 What do you learn from the phrase “put up or shut up“ in the

38、third paragraph?(A)Technology has put a great deal of stress on peoples lives.(B) People cant live with the stresses caused by technology.(C) People are quite active in dealing with the stresses caused by technology.(D)People are quite passive in dealing with the stresses caused by technology.65 It

39、can be concluded from the third paragraph that technological advancement has resulted in quick living pace which_.(A)is harmful to society(B) is socially rewarding(C) leads to further improvements(D)characterizes modern society65 The great question that this paper will, but feebly, attempt to answer

40、 is, what is the creative process?Though much theory has accumulated, little is really known about the power that lies at the bottom Of poetic creation. It is true that great poets and artists produce beauty by employing all the powers of personality and by fusing emotions, reason, and intuitions. B

41、ut what is the magical synthesis that joins and arranges these complex parts into poetic unity?John L. Lowes, in his justly famous “The Road to Xanadu“, developed one of the earliest and still generally acceptable answers to this tantalizing question. Imaginative creation, he concludes, is a complex

42、 process in which the conscious and unconscious minds jointly operate. “There is. the Deep Well with its chaos of fortuitously blending images; but there is likewise the Vision which sees shining in and through the chaos of the potential lines of Form, and with the Vision, the controlling Will, whic

43、h gives to that potential beauty actuality.“ The Deep Well is the unconscious mind that is peopled with the facts, ideas, and feelings of the conscious activity. The imaginative vision, an unconscious activity, shines through the land of chaos, of lights and shadows, silently seeking pattern and for

44、m. Finally, the conscious mind again, through Will, captures and embodies the idea in the final work of art. In this way is unity born out of chaos.Though there can be no absolute certainty, there is general agreement that the periods in the development of a creative work parallel, to some extent, L

45、owes theory of Well, Vision, Form, and Will. There are at least three stages in the creative process: preparation, inspiration, work.In a sense, the period of preparation is all of the writers life. It is the Deep Well. It is especially a period of concentration which gives the unconscious mind an o

46、pportunity to communicate with the conscious mind. When remembrances of things past reach the conscious level of the writers mind, he is ready to go on with the process. Part of this preparation involves learning a medium learning a language, learning how to write, learning literary forms. It is imp

47、ortant to mot here that form cannot be imposed upon the idea. Evidence, though sparse, shows that the idea gives birth to the form that can best convey it. It is the Vision, according to Lowes, which sees shining in and through the chaws of the potential lines of Form.“66 When remembrances of things

48、 past reach the conscious level, the post has reached the stage called_.(A)Well(B) Vision(C) Form(D)Will67 Which of the following statements is TRUE?(A)The form determines the subject matter.(B) The idea determines the form.(C) Vision makes beauty an actuality.(D)A writer is unconscious when he prep

49、ares his work.68 The word “fortuitously“ in the third paragraph means_.(A)accidentally(B) luckily(C) thoroughly(D)potentially69 The remembrance of things past is carried on in the_.(A)Deep Well(B) Vision(C) chaotic lights and shadows(D)conscious mind70 What is the relationship between idea and form?(A)There is no clear relationship between them.(B) Form should be strongly controlled by idea.(C) Idea generates form and form refle


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