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1、教师公开招聘考试(中学英语)模拟试卷 23 及答案与解析案例分析题1 教学案例分析(共 1 0 分) 下面是一篇阅读材料“Dying to Be Thin”以及这篇材料的教学过程设计。请用中文从教师角色、阅读策略、活动设计等方面进行简要评述。 Dying to Be ThinDear Zhou Ling, How are you? I havent heard from you for weeks. Is everything okay with you? Do you still go to the gym every day? I used to go to the gym three t

2、imes a week, but I dont work out any more. I know another way to stay slim. Looking good is important to woman, isnt it? Every woman wants a slim figure these days, especially here in Canada. Im trying to lose weight because Im so ashamed of my body, since Im preparing to act in a new TV play. Im ta

3、king weight-loss pill called Fat-less, which are quite popular among young woman here. I hope to lose at least 10 kg. I take two pills a day and dont need to exercise. The pills really work! Im becoming slimmer and slimmer. Ive lost 7 kg in the last two months. However, sometimes I feel tired and we

4、ak. My mother, whom you met last year, keeps telling me not to take them because they are dangerous. She says health is priceless, and I agree, but then I look so slim at the moment. Write soon! Yours, AmyDear Zhou Ling, Things change so quickly! Im now in hospital recovering from liver failure. I r

5、egret taking those weight-loss pills. They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail. The doctor told me that I would die if I couldnt get a new liver. My mother is too old for such a long operation. I thought I was going to die. Then the doctor found that someone in your country, whos

6、e name is Li Dong, was an exact match for me. He donated more than half of his liver to save my life. I was very lucky, wasnt I? I m feeling better now. I follow my doctor s advice and exercise for at least half an hour everyday(but I seldom go to the gym!), and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Peo

7、ple should look after their bodies. My mother is right: dont damage your health for a slim and attractive figure. It isnt worth it. We shouldn t be ashamed of the way we look, should we? I hope to hear from you soon. Love, Amy 教学设计:While-readingStep 1: Ask the students to read the title and guess th

8、e two possible meanings it contains. Step 2: Ask the students to read the first letter quickly and find the answers to the following questions:1. Whats the main idea of it?2. Who is Amy? What is she? Where is she from?3. Why does she try to lose weight?Step 3: Ask the students to read the second let

9、ter carefully while listening. Then answer the following questions:1. What happened to Amy?2. Who saved Amy?Step 4: Ask the students to read the two letters again and fill in the chart. Afterwards, ask some students to retell Amy s story according to the chart.填空题2 英语语音教学应注意语义与语境、语调与_相结合,不要单纯追求单音的准确

10、性。3 在主要的英语教学法中,_认为语言学习是思维活动。它强调在语法规则的基础上,让学生创造性地使用语言,又称为现代语法翻译法。4 英语学习的策略包括认知策略、调控策略、交际策略和资源策略等。学生对学习进行计划、实施、反思、评价和调整的策略是_。5 义务教育阶段英语课程的总目标:通过英语学习使学生形成初步的_,促进心智发展提高综合人文素养。6 根据普通高中英语课程标准(实验),为了使评价有机地融人教学过程,应建立开放和宽松的评价氛围,鼓励学生、同伴、教师以及家长共同参与和关注评价,实现评价主体的_。词汇与结构7 The study highlights how our sense of rig

11、ht and wrong isnt just based on_, religion and philosophy, but also on the biology of our brain.(A)rising up(B) bring up(C) uprising(D)upbringing8 Some parents are just too protective. They want to_ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.(A)spot(B) dismiss(C) shelter(D)distinguish9 D

12、avid returned after the vacation, only_that he had been dismissed.(A)told(B) telling(C) being told(D)to be told10 Shell never forget her stay there _ she found her son who had gone missing two years before.(A)that(B) which(C) where(D)when11 Hollywood, the centre of American movie industry, is closes

13、t to_.(A)Los Angles(B) Chicago(C) New York(D)Washington12 Several political parties_with each other against higher taxes.(A)associate(B) ally(C) combine(D)unite13 You will succeed in the end _ you give up halfway.(A)even if(B) as though(C) as long as(D)unless14 The multinational corporation is makin

14、g a take-over_ _for a property company.(A)application(B) bid(C) proposal(D)suggestion15 The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers fears were completely_.(A)unjustified(B) unjust(C) misguided(D)unaccepted16 The teacher_expects his students to pass the university entrance examination.(A)conf

15、identially(B) proudly(C) assuredly(D)confidently17 _ both sides accept the arrangement_ a lasting peace be established in the region.(A)Only if; will(B) If only; would(C) Should; will(D)Unless; would18 Everyone except Tom and John_there when the class began.(A)are(B) is(C) were(D)was19 Nancys gone t

16、o work but her cars still there. She_by bus.(A)must have gone(B) should have gone(C) ought to have gone(D)could have gone20 She handled the instrument with care for fear that it_damaged.(A)were(B) may be(C) should be(D)would be21 _ me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident

17、 could handle a pen with his feet.(A)That amazed(B) It amazed(C) Which amazed(D)What amazed22 Information and opinion gap exercises have to have some content_talking about.(A)worthwhile(B) worthily(C) worth(D)worthy23 Its surprising that this innocent-looking person should have_such a crime.(A)perfo

18、rmed(B) made(C) acted(D)committed24 Its high time someone_him to stop behaving like a child.(A)will tell(B) told(C) tell(D)should tell25 Helen had to shout_above the sound of the music.(A)making herself(B) to make herself hear(C) making herself heard(D)to make herself heard26 It is not so much the l

19、anguage_ the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understand.(A)as(B) but(C) like(D)nor阅读理解26 It is pretty much a one-way street. While it may be common for university researchers to try their luck in the commercial world, there is very little traffic in the opposite direction. Pay h

20、as always been the biggest deterrent, as people with families often feel they cannot afford the drop in salary when moving to a university job. For some industrial scientists, however, the attractions of academia outweigh any financial considerations.Helen Lee took a 70% cut in salary when she moved

21、 from a senior post in Abbott Laboratories to a medical department at the University of Cambridge. Her main reason for returning to academia mid-career was to take advantage of the greater freedom to choose research questions. Some areas of inquiry have few prospects of a commercial return, and Lee

22、s is one of them.The impact of a salary cut is probably less severe for a scientist in the early stages of a career. Guy Grant, now a research associate at the Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics at the University of Cambridge, spent two years working for a pharmaceutical(制药的)company before re

23、turning to university as a post-doctoral researcher. He took a 30% salary cut but felt it worthwhile for the greater intellectual opportunities.Higher up the ladder, where a pay cut is usually more significant, the demand for scientists with a wealth of experience in industry is forcing universities

24、 to make the transition to academia more attractive, according to Lee. Industrial scientists tend to receive training that academics do not, such as how to build a multidisciplinary team, manage budgets and negotiate contracts. They are also well placed to bring something extra to the teaching side

25、of an academic role that will help students get a job when they graduate, says Lee, perhaps experience in manufacturing practice or product development. “Only a small number of undergraduates will continue in an academic career. So someone leaving university who already has the skills needed to work

26、 in an industrial lab has far more potential in the job market than someone who has spent all their time on a narrow research project.“27 By “a one-way street“(Line 1, Para. 1), the author means_.(A)university researchers know little about the commercial world(B) there is little exchange between ind

27、ustry and academia(C) few industrial scientists would quit to work in a university(D)few university professors are willing to do industrial research28 The word “deterrent“(Line 3, Para. 1)most probably refers to something that_.(A)keeps someone from taking action(B) helps to move the traffic(C) attr

28、acts peoples attention(D)brings someone a financial burden29 What was Helen Lees major consideration when she changed her job in the middle of her career?(A)Flexible work hours.(B) Her research interests.(C) Her preference for the lifestyle on campus.(D)Prospects of academic accomplishments.30 What

29、contribution can industrial scientists make when they come to teach in a university?(A)Increase its graduates competitiveness in the job market.(B) Develop its students potential in research.(C) Help it to obtain financial support from industry.(D)Gear its research towards practical applications.30

30、There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degrees of health and wealth and the other comforts of life, one becomes happy, the other becomes miserable. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, and events, and the resulting effects upon the

31、ir minds.The people who are to be happy fix their attention on the conveniences of things, the pleasant parts of conveniences, the well-prepared dishes, the goodness of wines, the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the contrary thing

32、s. Therefore, they are continually discontented. By their remarks, they sour the pleasures of society, offend many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind were founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be critical. The tendency to criticize and be

33、 disgusted is perhaps taken up originally by imitation. It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it are convinced of its bad effects on their interests and tastes.Although in fact it is chiefly an act of imagination, it has se

34、rious consequences in life, since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people offend many others, nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect, and scarcely that. This frequency puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they

35、aim at obtaining some advantage in rank or fortune, nobody wishes them success. If they bring on themselves public disapproval, no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their misconduct. These people should change this bad habit and condescend to be pleased with what is ple

36、asing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them. Otherwise it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.31 According to the author, the major re

37、ason to cause the difference between happy and unhappy people is_.(A)that they have different life styles(B) that they have fewer friends(C) that they look at things differently(D)that they are not on good terms with the people around them32 The sentence “The tendency to criticize and be disgusted i

38、s perhaps taken up originally by imitation“ in Paragraph 2 means_.(A)criticizing has become a habit and no one wants to imitate them(B) criticizing and being disgusted has become a tendency and it is caused initially by imitation(C) this tendency should not be imitated(D)imitation is one of the reas

39、ons why they always criticize others33 What does the underlined word “condescend“ in Paragraph 3 mean?(A)Retentive.(B) Force themselves.(C) Make efforts.(D)Be humble and accept.34 In the third paragraph the writer states that_.(A)unhappy people always put themselves at rather unfavorable positions(B

40、) unhappy people can be suitable to be leaders(C) unhappy people are always easy to become successful(D)unhappy people do not like to be mixed up with other people34 According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may become recognized as the leader of a social group. I

41、n the family, traditional cultural patterns confer leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases, such as friendship groups, one or more persons may gradually emerge as leaders, although there is no formal process of selection. In larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally through

42、 election or recruitment.Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability, decades of research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of “natural leaders“. It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have in common;

43、 rather, virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group.Research suggests that there are typically two different leadership roles that are held by different individuals. Instrumental leadership is leadership that emphasizes

44、 the completion of tasks by a social group. Group members look to instrumental leaders to “get things done“. Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-beings of a social groups members. Expressive leaders are less concerned with the overall goals of

45、the group than with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension and conflict among them.Instrumental leaders are likely to have a rather secondary relationship to other group members. They give others tasks and may discipline group members who inhibit attainment o

46、f the groups goals. Expressive leaders cultivate a more personal or primary relationship to others in the group. They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties and try to resolve issues that threaten to divide the group. As the differences in these two roles suggest, expressive leaders ge

47、nerally receive more personal affection from group members; instrumental leaders, if they are successful in promoting group goals, may enjoy a more distant respect.35 What does the passage mainly discuss?(A)The problems faced by leaders.(B) How leadership differs in small and large groups.(C) How so

48、cial groups determine who will lead them.(D)The role of leaders in social groups.36 Which of the following statements about leadership can be inferred from Paragraph 2?(A)A person who is an effective leader of a particular group may not be an effective leader in another group.(B) Few people succeed

49、in sharing a leadership role with another person.(C) A person can best learn how to be an effective leader by studying research on leadership.(D)Most people desire to be leaders but can produce little evidence of their qualifications.37 In mentioning “natural leaders“, the author is making the point that_.(A)few people qualify as “natural leaders“(B) there is no proof that “natural leaders“ exi

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