AERSCREENStatus and Update.ppt

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1、AERSCREEN Status and Update,James Thurman, Ph.D. U.S. EPA/OAQPS/AQAD Air Quality Modeling Group 2009 NESCAUM PMC Annual Meeting Mystic, CT,AERSCREEN Finalization Workgroup,Jim Haywood, Chair, Michigan DEQ Karen Wesson, EPA Roger Brode, EPA James Thurman, EPA Bob Paine, ENSR Lloyd Schulman, TRC Ackno

2、wledge Herman Wong, EPA Region 10,AERSCREEN: Description,AERSCREEN is a tool that runs AERMOD in a “screening” mode for a single source SCREEN option added to AERMOD in 1995 forces model to calculate centerline concentration for each source/receptor/meteorology combination SCREEN option limits outpu

3、t to 1-hour averages and selects NOCHKD option to eliminate date sequence checking AERSCREEN program provides DOS interface to run AERMOD in SCREEN mode including calls to MAKEMET, BPIPPRM and AERMAP to generate necessary AERMOD inputs Spring 2008, incorporates output from AERSURFACE but does not cu

4、rrently call/run AERSURFACE Spring 2009, updated to incorporate new features in AERMAP NED elevation data Location of grid files for NAD conversion,AERSCREEN Regulatory Status,“With respect to a screening version of AERMOD, a tool called AERSCREEN is being developed with a beta version expected to b

5、e publicly available in Fall 2005. SCREEN3 is the current screening model in the Guideline, and since SCREEN3 has been successfully applied for a number of years, we believe that SCREEN3 produces an acceptable degree of conservatism for regulatory applications and may be used until AERSCREEN or a si

6、milar technique becomes available and tested for general application. “Appendix W Preamble Part IV, Section C, paragraph 7 pg. 68221,AERSCREEN Features,Program developed by Jim Haywood, MI DEQ Data entered via prompts or by input file English or metric units via prompts, metric for input file Source

7、 types: point, volume, rectangular area, circular area, and flare June 2009: added capped and horizontal stacks Flat or complex terrain PRIME building downwash No deposition or polygon sources (AREAPOLY) MAKEMET meteorology,AERSCREEN Features,User can specify Probe distance (maximum distance of down

8、wind receptors) Flagpole receptors Elevation of location for PROFBASE (even for flat terrain) Elevation above sea level for potential temperature profile Rural or urban (if urban, urban population) Ambient air distance (fence line distance) Search routine to find worst case impact,AERSCREEN Features

9、,Re-Use of Previous AERSCREEN Run Files (AERSCREEN.INP) Performs errors checks on AERMOD and AERMAP output and writes log file of AERSCREEN run Includes factors for 3-hour, 8-hour, 24-hour and annual averages based on upper bound of SCREEN3 factors 3-hour: 1.0 8-hour: 0.9 24-hour: 0.6 Annual: 0.1,AE

10、RSCREEN Tests,Significant testing to date shows good results across wide range of applications “Good” defined as reasonable conservatism compared to AERMOD refined estimates,AERSCREEN Source Inputs,Vertical (no cap) stack (POINT), capped (POINTCAP), or horizontal (POINTHOR) stacks Emission rate (g/s

11、 or lb/hr) Stack parameters: height, inner diameter, exit temperature, exit velocity or flow rate Flare (POINT) Emission rate (g/s or lb/hr) Stack height, total heat release rate, radiative heat loss fraction (option to input value or use default SCREEN3 value, 0.55) Diameter and effective stack hei

12、ght calculated from inputs,AERSCREEN Source Inputs,Volume (VOLUME) Emission rate (g/s or lb/hr) Release height (center of volume), initial lateral and vertical dimensions of volume Area sources (AREA or AREACIRC) Emission rate (g/s or lb/hr) Release height above ground Initial vertical dimension of

13、plume Long (xinit) and short (yinit) sides lengths of rectangular area (AREA) Radius of circular area (AREACIRC) Rectangular source is assumed to have orientation angle of 0 Area source optimization option used in AERMOD,Building Downwash Inputs,Maximum and minimum horizontal building dimensions Bui

14、lding height Orientation of maximum building dimension to North Orientation of stack relative to building center (degrees from North) Distance between building center and stack AERSCREEN will calculate necessary inputs and run BPIPPRM,N,Height,Max length,Min length,Stack to building center distance,

15、Angle of stack to building center,Building orientation = 0 deg. to North,Building orientation of 90 deg. to north Stack 30 deg. from north,x,y,x,y,N,30,min dim,max dim,sdistance,stack,Building orientation of 20 deg. to north Stack 30 deg. from north,N,30,min dim,Max dim,sdistance,20,stack,Terrain in

16、puts,Coordinates of source Prompts: geographic or UTM If geographic, AERSCREEN converts to UTM for input to AERMAP Input file: UTM, NAD83 UTM zone If user enters geographic coordinates, calculated by AERSCREEN NAD 27 or 83 AERSCREEN converts coordinates to UTM NAD 83 Probe distance (km) Default of 5

17、 km for FLAT terrain, 10 km for non-FLAT terrain,Terrain inputs,Source elevation or allow AERSCREEN to use AERMAP to calculate (non FLAT only) DEM or NED elevation filename listed in a user-created file called demlist.txt Demlist.txt can also contain the location of the grid files needed for NAD con

18、version. Must be named demlist.txt,NED : Must be either DEM or NED- NADGRIDS grids NED_35703440.tif,Sample DEMLIST.TXT,Tells AERSCREEN what form of data for DATATYPE keyword in AERMAP,Location of NAD grid conversion files, i.e., conus.las conus.los for NADGRIDS keyword in AERMAP * If keyword missing

19、, files are assumed to be in working folder,Elevation file(s). If more than one file used, one file per line listed.,* If NADGRIDS path or elevation file path contains spaces, must enclose in quotes,MAKEMET,MAKEMET loops through several meteorological parameters: Wind speed (stable and convective) C

20、loud cover (stable and convective) Max/min ambient temp (stable and convective) Solar elevation angle (stable and convective) Convective velocity scale (w*) (convective only) Mechanical mixing heights (stable only) Uses AERMET subroutines to calculate u* and L, and also calculates convective mixing

21、heights Generates surface and profile files for running AERMOD in stand-alone mode,MAKEMET inputs,Minimum and maximum temperature Average calculated by AERSCREEN Minimum wind speed Default of 0.5 m/s Minimum is 0.5 m/s Anemometer height Default 10 m Surface characteristics,Surface Characteristics an

22、d MAKEMET,Three methods of inputting surface characteristics into AERSCREEN User defined: non-sector based Seasonal tables from AERMET User specifies dominant land use type and moisture conditions (average, dry, or wet) Non-sector based AERSURFACE output User enters AERSURFACE output filename or AER

23、MET stage 3 input filename Annual, seasonal, or monthly 1 to 12 sectors AERSURFACE is run for the source location by user,Surface Characteristics and MAKEMET,MAKEMET is run for each temporal, sector combination and met files generated for each combination User defined SC: 1 set of files Seasonal tab

24、les: 4 sets of files AERSURFACE: 1 (annual/1 sector) to 144 (monthly/12 sectors) sets of files,AERSCREEN Steps,Input and validate data,NO (flat terrain and no downwash and not a rectangular area source),PROBE,FLOWSECTOR,Generate meteorological files,YES (terrain and/or downwash or rectangular area s

25、ource),REFINE,Output,REFINE,Output,Is there a source-receptor direction dependency?,User actions,Model actions,Run BPIPPRM if downwash,Example input file,Validation page,Source parameter options,PROBE,Executed for non-rectangular area sources, flat terrain, and no building downwash (no direction dep

26、endency) Receptors placed out to user-specified probe distance 200 receptors or 25 m spacing (if spacing 25 m) AERMOD is executed for each combination of temporal and sector resolution of surface characteristics i.e. 4 seasons and 2 surface sectors=8 AERMOD runs,Source receptor orientation for PROBE

27、,Source,FLOWSECTOR: Rectangular Area Sources,Receptors placed from fence line out to user-specified probe distance on 5 degree diagonals Every 25 m or 200 receptors AERMOD executed for each temporal step and surface roughness sector for each diagonal Westerly wind direction rotated by angle of diago

28、nals in AERMOD (WDROTATE) 4 seasons x 2 sectors x 7 diagonals = 56 runs Area source optimization (FASTAREA) option used,Rectangular area source receptor orientation for FLOWSECTOR,5 deg.,diagonal,0 deg.,10 deg.,15 deg.,20 deg.,25 deg.,30 deg.,*diagonal is not used in receptor network,500 m,250 m,Sec

29、tor 1,Sector 2,Sector 3,FLOWSECTOR: Other sources,Receptors placed along 10 degree radials from fence line out to probe distance Every 25 m or 200 receptors out to probe distance If terrain used, FLOWSECTOR creates AERMAP input file and runs AERMAP Terrain heights for direction being processed used

30、If downwash, projected dimensions for direction being processed used The appropriate upwind sector for the processed flow vector is used for surface characteristics 4 seasons x 36 radials = 144 runs,1,2,3,REFINE,Find maximum concentration from PROBE or FLOWSECTOR Use meteorology associated with the

31、maximum concentration and refine receptor spacing 1, 2, or 5 m spacing; dependent on downwind distance of maximum concentration If terrain used, AERMAP rerun to reflect new receptor locations in direction of maximum concentration If downwash used, use projected building dimensions associated with di

32、rection of maximum concentration,AERSCREEN OUTPUTS,Output files AERSCREEN.LOG Lists inputs, any warnings or errors during processing AERSCREEN.OUT List inputs, intermediate outputs and final output AUTOMATIC_DISTANCES.TXT Lists overall maximum 1-hour concentration by distance and associated meteorol

33、ogy AERSCREEN.INP Output to screen Overall maximum 1-hour concentration and distance from source Includes 3, 8, 24-hour, and annual scaled concentrations 1-hour concentration at fence line for same meteorology as overall maximum concentration These are written to AERSCREEN.OUT as well,Next steps,Prepare code for beta release Additional code testing and compatibility with updated AERMOD MAKEMET executable included in release package AERMOD, AERMAP, and BPIPPRM available on SCRAM Users guide,Contact,James Thurman (919) 541-2703,DEMONSTRATION,


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