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1、2003 年陕西专升本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through t

2、he center.1 The next afternoon he went to _ Mr. Smith again.(A)call forth(B) call off(C) call by(D)call on2 You should not _ too much fun from him.(A)expose(B) express(C) expect(D)experience3 Ford proposed a system _ each worker would have a special job to do.(A)that(B) in which(C) which(D)at which4

3、 Most of Americans get so used _ TV. so dependent on its flickering (闪动的) pictures, that it begins to dominate their lives.(A)to watch(B) in watching(C) to watching(D)with watching5 At least twenty firemen were killed _ of the collapse of the building during the fire accident.(A)as a rule(B) as for(

4、C) as a result(D)as far6 The medal did not cost much, _ very good.(A)or was it(B) nor was it(C) or did it(D)nor did it7 The truth is that it is only by studying history _ we learn what to anticipate(期待)in the future.(A)and then(B) so(C) by which(D)that8 I forgot _ something which I have long meant t

5、o ask you.(A)to ask(B) having asked(C) to be asking(D)to have asked9 Make sure to _ the children _ swimming in the dirty river.(A)protect, from(B) keep, from(C) avoid, from(D)ask, from10 It is of vital importance that a person _ at least both physically and mentally strong to be an astronaut(宇航员).(A

6、)shall be(B) be(C) are to be(D)must be11 In the advanced reading course students must take tests at monthly _.(A)distance(B) length(C) periods(D)intervals12 The scientist was so absorbed in his work that he was not _ of the fire that was spreading to his room.(A)adequate(B) alive(C) aware(D)awake13

7、The manager _ all the engagements on the ground that he needed more rest.(A)canceled(B) announced(C) eliminated(D)kept14 The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a _ of fruit and green vegetables.(A)variety(B) fraction(C) section(D)series15 Jack spent the whole day repairin

8、g the car. The work was _ easy.(A)nothing but(B) something except(C) anything but(D)all except16 Meanwhile, with the price of oil _, Saudi Arabias economy is getting much better.(A)goes up(B) going up(C) went up(D)gone up17 If he were really interested in buying the apartment, Jack _ an offer before

9、 now.(A)must have made(B) will make(C) would have made(D)would make18 Mrs. Jones seems to think that the delay of the conference is to suit the directors _.(A)confidence(B) curiosity(C) convenience(D)challenge19 Nobel Prizes are annual _ made to persons who have contributed to the good of mankind.(A

10、)salaries(B) awards(C) wages(D)rewards20 The highway policeman on duty _ the driver who was speeding and asked to see his license.(A)pulled up(B) pulled in(C) pulled out(D)pulled off21 The professor found no student in the lecture hall when he arrived. Only then did he realize that he came _ early.(

11、A)too much(B) so much(C) much too(D)much so22 _ his speech than the audience began to ask him some difficult questions.(A)The speaker had finished no sooner(B) No sooner have the speaker finished(C) The speaker had no sooner finished(D)No sooner the speaker finished23 Mary _ at the bus stop for abou

12、t an hour when Tom finally came and started to argue about what _ before.(A)waited, happened(B) have waited, has happened(C) had waited, was happened(D)had been waiting, had happened24 Vicky, one of my doctoral students, had her dissertation(论文) _ as soon as she finished _ it.(A)to be typed, to writ

13、e(B) typed, to write(C) being typed, writing(D)typed, writing.25 Believe it or not, Matt, the peddler, earned _ his brother, who is a white collar in a big company.(A)much as twice as(B) as twice much as(C) twice as much as(D)as much twice as26 Peter said he was in no _ for going to the movie with m

14、e because he had to make preparations for his GRE.(A)mood(B) motive(C) mind(D)liking27 The minister gave a report _ the effect on the economy after China became a member of WTO.(A)involving(B) relating(C) regarding(D)as for28 Ever since she was a little girl, she _ interested in music.(A)is(B) has b

15、een(C) was(D)had been29 When she found her daughter was running a high fever, she _ took her to hospital.(A)promptly(B) consequently(C) consistently(D)provokingly30 Most Americans would like to do shopping in the weekends since they expect to pick up wonderful _ in the supermarkets or shopping malls

16、.(A)batteries(B) bargains(C) baskets(D)barriers31 She did not throw away the stockings until they were so _ that they couldnt be mended anymore.(A)wearing off(B) worn out(C) wearing out(D)worn off32 _ that man was the master of the earth used to be widely held early last century.(A)To believe(B) It

17、was believed(C) The belief(D)Believing33 The old lady, with her seeing-eye dog, _ seen going along the street every morning.(A)was(B) were(C) are(D)will be34 Nothing taking place there is interesting, _?(A)are they(B) is it(C) didnt they(D)isnt it35 In ESL teaching, it is really hard to say which th

18、eory is _ any of the others put forward so far.(A)obviously superior than(B) obviously superior to(C) superior obviously to(D)superior obviously than36 “Does Professor O hare live near the downtown area?“ “No, he lives _.“(A)out in the suburbs(B) out in suburb(C) in the out suburbs(D)in suburb37 The

19、 young engineer was quite excited when he _ the experts in this complicated project.(A)insisted(B) assisted(C) resisted(D)persisted38 The book is _ as it was the only one ever signed by the President last month in the White House.(A)common(B) unique(C) rare(D)singular39 The day she got married is a

20、day she will always _ though her children have grown up and also got married.(A)look up to(B) look forward to(C) look back to(D)look down upon40 The launching of Chinas first manned-spaceship was televised _ by CCTV.(A)alive(B) live(C) life(D)lively二、Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are 4 pass

21、ages in this part, each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.41 Ideas about education a

22、re changing in the United States. Education today is not just a high school diploma or a college degree. Many adults are not interested in going to college. They are interested in other kinds of learning. For them, learning does not end with a diploma.Continuing education gives these adults the oppo

23、rtunity to increase their knowledge about their own field or to learn about a new field. It also gives them a chance to improve their old skills or to learn new ones.Continuing education classes give some adults the chance to learn new skills. There are usually many kinds of classes to choose from,

24、foreign cooking, auto repair, or furniture repair. These are only some of the classes available.Some adults take classes for fun or because the class will be useful for them. For example, they can choose a class in almost any language as a second language. There are classes in first aid or classes i

25、n sewing. There are also many other types of classes to choose from.Other adults take continuing education classes to improve their own lives because they want to feel better about themselves. Overweight people can find exercise classes or classes in nutrition. Others can learn how to be good parent

26、s, or how to get along with other people.There are many opportunities for adults to continue their learning. Almost any community college or public school system has a continuing education program. There are classes in schools, community buildings, or churches. Most classes are in the evening, so wo

27、rking people can attend. The classes are usually small, and they are inexpensive.Thousands of people register for continuing education classes each year. They receive no diploma or certificate, and no grade for most of the classes they attend. For them, learning is something they do because they wan

28、t to.41 Some adults go to continuing education classes to _.(A)get a college education(B) learn new skills(C) get a certificate(D)earn grades42 Attending continuing education classes _.(A)does not cost much more(B) is expensive(C) requires a loan(D)is free of charge43 Whats the main idea of para. 6?

29、(A)Adults can continue their learning(B) Most continuing education classes are in the evening(C) Adults have many opportunities to continue their learning(D)Classes are held for working people44 Lots of people attend continuing education classes because _.(A)the classes will help them feel better ab

30、out themselves(B) there are many courses they can choose from(C) they can also go to church at the same time(D)learning is something they are interested in45 We can learn from the passage that _.(A)college education is not important(B) adult education is very popular(C) other kinds of learning are m

31、ore important than school learning(D)continuing education classes teach the same courses that are taught in colleges.46 Basketball is a sport enjoyed by millions of fans in at least 100 countries. Its one of the best-known sports in the world. It all began in 1891.Dr. James A. Naismith, the father o

32、f basketball, was an instructor at a YMCA(基督教) Training school. The school trained people to work in YMCAs. Officials at the school were concerned about the low attendance during the winter months. They felt that people didnt attend then because the school did not have a good winter sports program.

33、So they asked Dr. Naismith for help. He came up with a new indoor game.Naismith studied current games. He found that all the most popular games used a ball. So a ball would be a part of his new game, he decided. But kicking the ball or hitting it would be too rough for indoor. So he put 2 peach bask

34、ets up on poles. The players had to try to throw a soccer ball into them. Naismith then made thirteen rules for the game. 12 of them are still in use today. Just 7 years after the game began, professional basketball teams were formed.And thats how basketball was born.46 Which of the following would

35、be the best title for the passage?(A)The Birth of Basketball(B) YMCA and Basketball(C) Basketballan Indoor Game(D)A Winter Sports Program47 The YMCA training school officials asked Naismith to invent a new game because _.(A)People didnt have enough outdoor exercises in the winter(B) basketball would

36、 become popular among the young people(C) they hoped that would attract more people to their school(D)kicking the ball or hitting it would be too rough for indoors48 First basketball teams were formed _.(A)around 1898(B) in 1891(C) at the time when YMCA was established(D)when Naismith came to the YM

37、CA training school49 The “current games“ (line 1, para. 3) refers to _.(A)new games to be played for the first time(B) old games no longer played(C) the most popular games at the time(D)games played at the time50 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?(A)Basketball wa

38、s meant to be played indoors at first(B) Ball games attract a lot of people(C) Football is not suited for indoors(D)A YMCA training school is one where athletes are trained51 More than 30000 drivers and front seat passengers are killed or seriously injured each year. At a speed of only 30 miles per

39、hour it is the same as falling from a third floor window. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.Therefore drivers of front seat passengers over 14 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do not, you could be fined up to 50. It wil

40、l not be up to the drivers to make sure you wear your belt. But it will be the drivers responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind.However, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are reversing your vehicle or you ar

41、e making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing it. Make sure these circumstances apply to you before you decide not to wear your seat belt. Remember you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be

42、fined if you cannot prove to the court that you have been excused from wearing it.51 This text is taken from _.(A)a medical magazine(B) a police report(C) a legal document(D)a government information booklet52 Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle _.(A)reduces road accidents by more than half(B) saves liv

43、es while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hour(C) reduces the death rate in traffic accidents(D)saves more than 15000 lives each year53 It is the drivers responsibility to _.(A)make the front seat passenger wear a seat belt(B) make the front seat children under 14 wear a seat belt(C) stop child

44、ren riding in the front seat(D)wear a seat belt each time he drives54 According to the text, which of the following people riding in the front does not have to wear a seat belt?(A)Someone who is backing into a parking space(B) Someone who is picking up the children from the local school(C) Someone w

45、ho is delivering invitation letters(D)Someone who is under 1455 For some people, it may be better _.(A)to wear a seat belt for health reasons(B) not to wear a seat belt for health reasons(C) to get a valid medical certificate before wearing a seat belt(D)to pay a fine rather than wear a seat belt56

46、Once they are more than a month old, babies seem to learn readily. Moreover, solving a problem or discovering the relationship between their own actions and an event in the external world seems to have its own rewards for infants.The pleasure involved in such an experience seemed obvious in one stud

47、y of two-to-four- month-old infants who were given a chance to control a yellow-and-green mobile. One of these mobiles was suspended above each infant, who play in a crib (小床) with a ribbon attached to one ankle. The other end of the ribbon was attached to the hook from which the mobile was suspende

48、d. As the infants moved about, waving their arms and kicking their legs, they learned to connect the motion of one leg with the bobbing(跳动) of the mobile. As they smiled and gurgled(咯咯的笑) at the moving mobile, the infants began to kick the leg attached to the mobile forcefully and precisely and only

49、 that leg. Apparently, they enjoyed controlling the mobile, for they would continue for as long as 45 minutes.Nor is this pleasure in mastery limited to infants. In an experiment with fifth and sixth graders, the children were asked to solve some word puzzles that varied in difficulty. The youngsters sm


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