
(D)不能判定是否可导4 设级数 收敛于 S,则级数 收敛于(A)S(B) 2S(C) 2S+u1(D)2S 一 u15 微分方程 的通解为(A)e y+ex=C(B) ey 一 ex=C(C) e-y+ex=C(D)e -y 一 ex=C二、填空题6 设函数 在 x=0 处连续,则 a 的值为_7


1、D)不能判定是否可导4 设级数 收敛于 S,则级数 收敛于(A)S(B) 2S(C) 2S+u1(D)2S 一 u15 微分方程 的通解为(A)e y+ex=C(B) ey 一 ex=C(C) e-y+ex=C(D)e -y 一 ex=C二、填空题6 设函数 在 x=0 处连续,则 a 的值为_7 设函数 f(x)在点 x0 处可导,且 f(x0)=2,则 的值为_.8 设函数 f(x, y,z)=x 2+y2+z2,则函数 f(x,y,z) 在点(1,1,一 1)处的梯度gradf(1,1,一 1)为_9 设方程 0xsintdt+0ye-tdt=xy 确定函数 y=y(x),则 =_10 曲面 z=x2+2y2 一 1 在点(1,1,2)处的切平面方程为_三、综合题11 求极限12 设参数方程13 求函 的单调区间和极值14 设函数 ,其中 f 具有二阶连续偏导数,求15 计算定积分16 计算二重积分 ,其中 D 是由圆 与直线 y=x 及y 轴所围成第一象限的区域1。

2、1)(C) (一 1,1(D)(一 1,1)5 设函数 则 x=0 是函数 f(x)的( )(A)可去间断点(B)连续点(C)无穷间断点(D)跳跃间断点二、填空题6 设函数 f(x)的定义域为0 ,10,则 f(1nx)的定义域为 _7 极限 的值等于_8 曲面 z=xy 一 2 在点(1 ,1,一 1)处的切平面方程为_9 设积分区域 D=(x,y) x 2+y22x,则二重积分 在极坐标系下的二次积分为_10 过点(1 ,1,1) 且与直线 平行的直线方程为_.三、综合题11 求极限12 已知参数方程 确定函数 y=y(x),求13 求函数 f(x)=x3 一 3x2 一 9x+1 的极值14 设函数 z=f(x2,xy 2+(y),其中 f(u,v)具有二阶连续偏导数, (y)一阶可导,求和15 设函数 f(x,y,z)=xy 2+yz2 (1)求函数 f(x,y,z)在点 P0(2,一 1,1)处的梯度gradf(2,一 1,1) (2)求函数 f(x,y,z) 在。

3、长老(B)老夫人(C)红娘(D)张生5 诗经中主要收集地方乐歌的是( )(A)周颂(B)雅(C)风(D)鲁颂6 祭十二郎文一文作者祭奠的人是( )(A)韩愈(B)韩老成(C)建中(D)孟东野7 下列作品中表现了强烈爱国热情的是( )(A)神女峰(B) 萧萧(C) 拣麦穗(D)我用残损的手掌8 马伶传一文的文体是( )(A)随笔(B)史论(C)游记(D)传记9 下列作品集属于李商隐的是( )(A)李太白集(B) 东坡乐府(C) 壮悔堂文集(D)李义山诗集10 “多行不义必自毙 ”这句话出自 ( )(A)前赤壁赋(B) 季氏将伐颛臾(C) 郑伯克段于鄢(D)石崇与王恺争豪11 下列诗歌流派中以高适、岑参为代表的是( )(A)山水田园诗派(B)豪放派(C)边塞诗派(D)婉约派12 抗战胜利之际被日本宪兵秘密杀害的著名作家是( )(A)艾青(B)徐志摩(C)郁达夫(D)郭沫若13 鲁迅的风波选自( )(A)呐喊(B) 彷徨(C) 故事新编(D)坟14 (北京大学月刊) 发刊词一文的作者是( 。

4、1(C) 2(D)4 设级数 条件收敛,则下列级数中发散的是( )(A)(B)(C)(D)5 对微分方程 y一 y一 2y 一 xe-x,利用待定系数法求其特解 y*时,下列特解设法正确的是 ( ) (A)y *=x(Ax+B)e 一 x(B) y*=(Ax+B)e 一 x(C) y*=Axe 一 x (D)y *=x2(Ax+B)e 一 x二、填空题6 已知 =_.7 设 z=f(x,y)可微,又 y=y(x)可导,则对复合函数 =_。
8 已知 x0 时,1 一 cos2x 与 为等价无穷小,则 a=_9 设极限 ,则 k=_10 二重积分 =_三、综合题11 求极限 12 计算积分 13 设 z=f(xy,x+y),其中 f(u,v)具有二阶的连续偏导数,求14 设参数方程 x=arctant,y=ln(1+t 2),试求15 计算曲线积 L(excosy 一 3y)dxexsinydy,其中积分路径 L 为圆周 x2+y2=2x 的正向16 已知可导函数 f(。

5、 )(A)巴金(B)钱钟书(C)老舍(D)沈从文5 提出“知识就是力量 ”的作家是 ( )(A)培根(B)契诃夫(C)普希金(D)莫泊桑6 被鲁迅誉为“ 史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚 ”的著作是 ( )(A)春秋(B) 国语(C) 左传(D)史记7 下列诗作属于长篇叙事诗的是( )(A)长恨歌(B) 春江花月夜(C) 燕歌行(D)关山月8 北宋著名文学家欧阳修的号是( )(A)香山居士(B)放翁(C)醉翁(D)稼轩9 马伶传中马伶扮演的人物是( )(A)顾秉谦(B)李伶(C)曹操(D)严嵩10 中国文学史上被誉为“诗圣” 的诗人是( )(A)李白(B)杜甫(C)白居易(D)欧阳修11 魏晋时期以田园诗作著称于世的诗人是( )(A)王昌龄(B)张若虚(C)陶渊明(D)曹植12 下列选项中和情节、环境构成小说三要素的是( )(A)韵律(B)词牌(C)唱词(D)人物13 苏轼在文与可画筼筜谷偃竹记一文中阐述的文艺创作思想是( )(A)胸有成竹(B)辞必己出(C)文章合为时而著(D)事信言文14 下列作品集属于柳永的是( )(A)漱玉词。

6、C)(D)3 函数 y=xe-x 在 一 1,2上的最大值或最小值正确的是( )(A)最大值为 e-1(B)最小值为 0(C)最小值为 e-1(D)最小值为 2e-14 设曲线 L 的方程是 x=acost,y=asint(a0,0t2),则曲线积分(x 2+y2)nds 等于( )(A)2a 2n(B) 2a2n+1(C)一 an(D)a n5 下列级数中,条件收敛的级数是( )(A)(B)(C)(D)二、填空题6 已知函数 ,则 g(x)=_.7 极限 =_8 过点(一 1,2,0) 并且与平面 x+y+2z=3 垂直的直线方程为_9 设 D 是第一象限中由曲线 y=x2,x+y 一 2=0 和 y=0 所围成的区域,则=_.10 y=x3lnx(x0),则 y(4)=_三、综合题11 求极限12 已知参数方程13 求函数 z=x3+3xy2 一 15x 一 12y 的极值14 求不定积分x.arctanxdx 15 设16 已知 f(x)为可导函数。

7、 x(B) 11xex(C) (x+10)ex(D)(x+11)e x4 下列级数绝对收敛的是( )(A)(B)(C)(D)5 设闭曲线 L:x 2+y2=4,则对弧长的曲线积分 的值为( )(A)4e 2(B)一 4e2(C) 2e2(D)一 2e2二、填空题6 已知函数 则定积分 的值等于_7 微分方程 的通解为 y=_8 过点(1 ,1,0) 并且与平面 x+2y 一 3z=2 垂直的直线方程为_9 设函数 f(x, y)=x3+3xy2,则函数 f(x,y) 在点(1,1)处的梯度为_10 已知函数 f(x)在0,1上有连续的二阶导数,且 f(0)=1,f(1)=2,f(1)=3,则定积分 的值等于_三、综合题11 求极限12 设参数方程 确定了函数 y=y(x),求13 设函数 f(x)=2x3 一 9x2+12x 一 3,求 f(x)的单调区间和极值14 设函数 z=f(x,xlnx),其中 f(u,v)具有二阶连续偏导数,求15 计算不定积分16 。

8、tes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1 Once we receive your order, we will _ goods to your in twenty-four hours.(A)distribute(B) transfer(C) deliver(D)convey2 She _ her husband _ his clumsy bearing (举止).(A)reflected, on(B) lectured, on(C) condemned, to(D)talked, about3 Only one more week and the contract will_.(A)run out(B) bring out(C) put through(D)carry on4 Packing all the goods will take _ days。

9、and more excited when Christmas is_near.(A)drawing(B) joining(C) taking(D)operating3 Many companies provide their employees_free lunch during the weekdays.(A)by(B) with(C) to(D)for4 I got so tired that I just couldn t move a step_.(A)farther(B) so far(C) far(D)by far5 If I work in a small factory, it is not_for me to gain much experience.(A)lovely(B) lonely(C) likely(D)lively6 We must finish the job, no matter_difficult it is .(A)however(B) how(C) whatever(D)what7 O。

10、tes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1 Dont _ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.(A)reject(B) prevent(C) hesitate(D)refuse2 Lets hang up some paintings on these _ walls.(A)bare(B) empty(C) blank(D)free3 At the conference he expressed some personal views which later brought him into _ with the Party leadership.(A)action(B) crisis(C) conflict(D)power4 They have developed techniques 。

11、tes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1 The next afternoon he went to _ Mr. Smith again.(A)call forth(B) call off(C) call by(D)call on2 You should not _ too much fun from him.(A)expose(B) express(C) expect(D)experience3 Ford proposed a system _ each worker would have a special job to do.(A)that(B) in which(C) which(D)at which4 Most of Americans get so used _ TV. so dependent on its flickering (闪动的) pictu。

12、tes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1 Hes far _ of the others in mathematics.(A)advanced(B) forward(C) progressive(D)ahead2 He stood waving until the train was out of_.(A)scene(B) sight(C) glimpse(D)reach3 The desks and Chairs can be _ to the height of each child.(A)adjusted(B) adopted(C) measured(D)objected4 I took the medicine but it didnt have any_.(A)effort(B) response(C) effect(D)relatio。

13、ifted to speak.(A)said(B) to say(C) saying(D)being said3 I have heard a lot about him _ I came back from abroad.(A)since(B) until(C) before(D)when 4 The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people_to eat more fruit and vegetables.(A)have persuaded(B) are persuaded(C) persuade(D)will be persuaded5 _a strange plant! I have never seen it before.(A)Which(B) What(C) How(D)Whether6 It is the third time that she has won the race, _surprised us all.(A)that(B) w。

14、tes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1 It would do no _ to call him.(A)well(B) good(C) better(D)best2 I enjoy the peaceful and _ environment of the country.(A)silence(B) comfortable(C) leisure(D)quiet3 As a kind-hearted gentleman, my uncles only fault seemed to be _ he was too careless.(A)that(B) what(C) why(D)where4 The breakfast at the school cafeteria usually _ fired eggs, bread and milk.(A)cons。

15、olice for help.(A)ask(B) look(C) tell(D)meet3 The manager often requires us never to_till tomorrow what we can do today.(A)come up(B) put off(C) turn on(D)give out4 Having heard so much about Mr. Smith, they were_to meet him.(A)eager(B) nice(C) urgent(D)earnest5 All the traveling_are to be paid by the company if you travel on business.(A)charges(B) money(C) prices(D)expenses6 It was the drivers carelessness that_the traffic accident.(A)resulted at(B) resulted with(C) res。

16、ent_ at once.(A)to be operated on(B) being operated on(C) be operated on(D)was operated on3 It is_ one thousand students can live in it.(A)too large a building that(B) so a large building that(C) such large a building that(D)so large a building that4 Not only_ a promise, but also he kept it.(A)does the manager make(B) did the manager make(C) the manager made(D)the manager makes5 Even if he_here, he would not be able to help us.(A)is(B) were(C) has been(D)will be6 The chairman。

17、 the system of local government devised to meet the greatly different physical and social conditions of the last century.(A)widened(B) constituted(C) displayed(D)outgrown3 They lost their way in the forest, and_made matters worse was that night began to fall.(A)that(B) it(C) what(D)which4 I 11 give the dictionary to_wants to have it.(A)whomever(B) someone(C) anyone(D)whoever5 The enemy soldiers bound the shepherd boy to a tree and_to kill him.(A)tempted(B) threatened(C) fla。

18、es the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1 The professor needs an assistant that he can_ to take care of problems in his absence.(A)count in(B) count up(C) count on(D)count out2 I am not sure whether I can get any profit from the business, so I cant make a(n)_ decision abut what to do next.(A)exact(B) denied(C) sure(D)definite3 Because of the cold weather, they_ through the night in the camp.(A)kept the burn。

19、es the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1 Gorge took _of the fine weather to do a days work in this garden.(A)advantage(B) profit(C) watch(D)provided2 He doesnt seem at all sorry for _he has done.(A)that(B) what(C) which(D)how3 I was very tired. Otherwise, I _ to the theatre with you.(A)had gone(B) would go(C) went(D)would have gone4 There is not much news in todays paper, _?(A)is it(B) isn&#。

20、al concentration during _.(A)match(B) game(C) play(D)perform3 Involved in a bribery scandal, the President had to _ his resignation.(A)do(B) catch(C) offer(D)find4 When I go out in the evening I use the bike _the car if I can.(A)rather than(B) regardless of(C) in spite of(D)other than5 Some plants are very _ to light; they prefer the shade.(A)sensible(B) flexible(C) objective(D)sensitive6 Dont let the child play with scissors _he cuts himself.(A)in case(B) so that(C。

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