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1、2008 年陕西专升本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 John will go to school the moment he_his work.(A)will finish(B) finish(C) finishes(D)would finish2 The surgeons advice was that the patient_ at once.(A)to be operated on(B) being operated on(C) be operated on(D)was operated on3 It is_ one thousand

2、 students can live in it.(A)too large a building that(B) so a large building that(C) such large a building that(D)so large a building that4 Not only_ a promise, but also he kept it.(A)does the manager make(B) did the manager make(C) the manager made(D)the manager makes5 Even if he_here, he would not

3、 be able to help us.(A)is(B) were(C) has been(D)will be6 The chairman as well as many other people_present at the conference.(A)was(B) were(C) would(D)should7 Do you have any idea what she meant? I really cant_what she said at the meeting.(A)figure on(B) figure out(C) find out(D)find8 Weve_paper and

4、 ink. Ask Mrs. Edward to lend us some.(A)run away with(B) run out of(C) run off(D)run down9 Youd better_ a doctor as soon as possible.(A)seeing(B) saw(C) see(D)seen10 After saying thai, he _ the door quickly.(A)made up(B) made for(C) made out(D)made up for11 I gave John a present but he gave me noth

5、ing_.(A)in return(B) in turn(C) in hand(D)in vain12 She _to say that she was not interested in what I was talking about.(A)broke out(B) broke in(C) broke down(D)broke up13 She _ be ill because I saw her playing basketball just now.(A)cant(B) couldnt(C) mustnt(D)wouldnt14 Its already five o clock now

6、. Dont you think its about time_?(A)we are going home(B) we go home(C) we went home(D)we can go home15 All things_, the planned trip will have to be cancelled.(A)considering(B) having considered(C) be considered(D)considered16 It_have rained last night, for the ground is wet.(A)should(B) can(C) will

7、(D)must17 If John had told me in advance, I _ him at the airport.(A)would meet(B) will meet(C) am going to meet(D)would have met18 This year we 11 produce _ steel as we did last year.(A)three times as much(B) as three times much(C) as much three times(D)three times much as19 Id rather you_make any c

8、omment on the issue for the time being.(A)dont(B) wouldnt(C) didnt(D)shouldnt20 The government has promised to do_lies in its power to ease the hardships of the.homeless.(A)what(B) that(C) all(D)which21 _ how to operate a switchboard, I had to ask the office supervisor to show me the correct procedu

9、res.(A)Not known(B) No to know(C) Not knowing(D)Having not known22 _is mentioned in some of his stories, the author was brought up in a small village.(A)It(B) What(C) That(D)As23 Since I was a stranger there, I had no one to_.(A)turn up(B) turn on(C) turn to(D)turn down24 Words_meaning, as we all kn

10、ow.(A)convince(B) convey(C) contribute(D)conquer25 Mr. Wang does not_as a teacher of English as his pronunciation is terrible.(A)qualify(B) match(C) fit(D)equal26 The clothes a person wears may express his _or social position.(A)significance(B) determination(C) curiosity(D)status27 In some countries

11、, traffic police can_instant fines on speeding motorists.(A)compel(B) impose(C) charge(D)force28 It is very_of you to let us know you are going to be late.(A)considering(B) considerate(C) considerable(D)considered29 I have to_my visit as I 11 be very busy next week.(A)call for(B) call on(C) call off

12、(D)call in30 Most of the students are said to_the proposed new training system.(A)object(B) oppose(C) disagree(D)opposite31 His marked changes in personality were_by a series of unfortunate events in his life.(A)brought to(B) brought out(C) brought about(D)brought up32 Respect for the law is the fou

13、ndation of civilized living, _breaks it will be punished.(A)who(B) whoever(C) people who(D)no matter who33 John worked late into the night, _ a speech for tomorrows meeting.(A)preparing(B) to prepare(C) was preparing(D)prepared34 These new buildings_on the campus by the end of this year.(A)will be b

14、uilt(B) are going to be built(C) will have been built(D)have been built35 One should never lose heart when_with temporary difficulties.(A)being confronted(B) confronted(C) having been confronted(D)confronting36 The class needs a monitor_.(A)whom everyone has confidence on(B) who everyone has confide

15、nce of(C) for whom everyone has confidence(D)in whom everyone has confidence37 It is reported that there is no better_for mothers milk.(A)alternative(B) exchange(C) equivalent(D)substitute38 After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_.(A)resign(B) retire(C) retreat(D

16、)withdraw39 Physicists have made new discoveries that: challenge our_ theories of the universe.(A)organized(B) existed(C) adapted(D)established40 In these mountainous areas, women are_ the opportunity of receiving education.(A)reserved(B) disrupted(C) denied(D)invaded40 Telephone, television, radio,

17、 and the Internet help people communicate with each other. Because of these devices, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world. For example, with in seconds, people can know the results of an election in another country. An international football match comes into the homes of everyo

18、ne with a television set. News of a disaster, such as a flood, can bring help from distant countries. Within hours, help is on the way. This is because modern technology information travels fast.How has this speed of communication changed the world? To many people, the world has become smaller. Of c

19、ourse, this does not mean that the world is actually physically smaller. It means that the world seems smaller. Two hundred years ago, communication between the continents took a long time. All news was carried on ships that took weeks or even months to cross the oceans. In the seventeenth and eight

20、eenth centuries, it took six weeks for news from Europe to reach the Americas. This time difference influenced peoples actions. For example, a few battles in the war of 1812 between England and the United States could have been avoided. A peace agreement had already been signed. Peace was made in En

21、gland, but the news of peace took six weeks to reach America. During these six weeks, the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought. Many people lost their lives after a peace treaty had been signed. They would not have died if news had come in time. In the past, communication took much mor

22、e time than it does now. There was a good reason why the world seemed so much larger than it does today.41 News spreads fast because of_.(A)modern transportation(B) new technology(C) the changes of the world(D)a peace agreement42 According to this passage, _ is very important to people in a disaster

23、 area.(A)fast communication(B) modern technology .(C) the news(D)new ideas43 Which of the following statements is TRUE based on the text?(A)The world now seems smaller because of faster communication.(B) The world is actually smaller today.(C) The world is changing in size.(D)The distance between En

24、gland ana America has changed since the War of 1812.44 Two hundred years ago, news between ihe continents was carried_.(A)by telephone(B) by land(C) by air(D)by sea45 The New Orleans Battle could have been avoided if the peace agreement had been signed_.(A)by both sides(B) in time(C) in America(D)in

25、 England45 This story began about 10 years age. I was coming out of a very bad marriage. For seven long years my husband spent his every waking moment telling me just what was wrong with me. When I finally asked for a divorce, he answered by telling me that I would never find anyone to love me becau

26、se I was just so unattractive. This went on for about two years. One night one of my friends convinced me to go out with her. We went to a nightclub and thats when I met him.Clint was playing a game with a girl. I sat in the corner watching him. I didnt feel that I had whatever it took to get up and

27、 mix with others because of my self-esteem problem. Finally I got up the courage to order a drink for him. When he got it, he gave me the most dazzling smile. We spent the rest of the evening talking until I realized that it was almost morning. I figured that he was simply being nice to me because I

28、 had bought him a drink, but the very next day he called and told me that he could not stop thinking about me and that he wanted to meet my kids too.(81) About 3 months later, my divorce was final and Clint sat my boys down and asked them if it was all right with them if he asked me to marry him bec

29、ause he could not imagine life without the three of us anymore. I was so touched that he went to my boys and asked for their approval because they were the “men of the house“ at the ripe old ages of 2 and 4. They said yes and we have all been together ever since. Clint gave me and my boys a second c

30、hance at a wonderful life. (82) Not a day goes by that he doesnt tell we are the best thing that ever has happened to him and that he loves us.46 The writers first marriage was unsuccessful because_ .(A)her husband often woke her up at midnight(B) her husband kept criticizing her(C) she was unattrac

31、tive(D)she had a self-esteem problem47 When the writer asked for a divorce, her husband_.(A)told her that she would never find one who loved her as he did(B) delayed two years before giving her a reply(C) accused her of having an affair(D)said that she was unattractive and not worth loving48 When th

32、e writer first met Clint, she felt that_.(A)she should have listened to her friend and met Clint earlier(B) Clint was a nice, dazzling young man(C) Clint could not be really interested in her(D)she would find true love in Clint49 The writer was particularly touched by Clint because_.(A)he believed t

33、hat at 2 and 4, the two kids were the “men of the house“(B) he said that he could not imagine a life without her and the kids(C) he loved the kids and asked for their approval of the marriage(D)he kept her company and talked with her until the next morning50 The writers marriage to Clint is importan

34、t to her mainly because_.(A)it made her kids happy, which is all she cared about(B) every day Clint would tell the writer that he loved her(C) it helped her to regain her self respect(D)it gave her and her sons a second chance to live a happy life50 Thousands of years ago, ten of our very distant an

35、cestors were hungry. They went out and picked berries or dug up roots to eat. Four of them chose poisonous food and died. The remaining six noticed that their food was safe to eat. They told their children, who, in turn, passed the message on to their descendants. In this way, habit became a vital f

36、actor in the survival of mankind : if you ate the right plant, you lived; if you wanted to make your own experiments, you would probably die.The importance of habit on the survival of the human species is an interesting matter. Even today, most of us hesitate when we are invited to eat a new type of

37、 food or drink something we have not tasted before. Even if the food or drink is offered by a friend, we are usually not at all anxious to experiment and accept the offer.When you get up tomorrow morning, notice which shoe or sock you put on first. Then notice which one you put on first on other day

38、s. You may discover that (a) you tend to put on one shoe or sock first every day, and that (b) if you are right-handed, you usually deal with your left shoe or sock first. If you try to change this habit, you may find it uncomfortable or annoying, and you will soon return to your old habit.When it c

39、omes to other matters, we often follow a fixed pattern. We sleep in one or two favorite ways. We often follow familiar routes even when they are not the shortest or best. We often wear a watch on the same wrist even when there is no real reason for doing so. (83)In hundreds of other ways, we show th

40、at we are creatures of habit, following fixed patterns of behavior. This characteristic can help us to survive but it can be a barrier to progress too. We must be alert and not let a beneficial factor become a harmful one.51 The best title for this passage might be _.(A)Habit a Barrier to Progress(B

41、) The Survival of Mankind(C) Various Patterns of Human Behavior(D)We Are Creatures of Habit52 The first paragraph of this passage is mainly about_.(A)the danger of making experiments(B) the importance of habit in the survival of mankind(C) the food our distant ancestors ate(D)the behavior of younger

42、 generations53 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 2?(A)Habit can be harmful to the development of mankind.(B) People usually like to taste new things at the risk of their lives.(C) Most people hesitate to eat new things they have never tasted before.(D)People are usuall

43、y willing to try a new food if it is offered by a friend.54 The example shown in Paragraph 3 proves that_.(A)it is difficult to change a habit(B) habit can be changed easily(C) shoes and socks are essential in our daily life(D)everyone puts on shoes and socks in the morning whether he is right-hande

44、d or left-handed55 From the last paragraph we know that in the writers opinion_.(A)habit can never become a harmful factor(B) people develop all their habits with good reasons(C) habit will always help people to make progress(D)people often behave in fixed patterns55 (84) Cancer is among the top kil

45、ler diseases in our society today and scientists have found out that stress helps to bring it on. It is worthwhile to consider, therefore, what are the causes of stress in our life, and whether we can do anything about them.Are we under-employed, or overburdened with too many responsibilities? Do we

46、 have a right balance of work and leisure in our lives? Are our relationships with family, friends or fellow workers all they should be? All these things can be a cause of stress, and it is best to face them honestly, and to bring our frustrations into the open. People who have a good row and then f

47、orget it are doing their health more good than those who bottle up their feelings.(85) If our self-examination has brought any causes of stress to light, let us consider what we can do about them. It is possible to change jobs. We can make more leisure and fill it more happily, if we will accept a d

48、ifferent living standard. We can improve our personal relationships by a different attitude. It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy. Often the little things that disturb us are not worth an hours anger. The teaching in the Bible “Let not the sun go down upon your wrath“ is good advice from the health point of view as well as the religious.56 Which of the following statements is TRUE?(A)Freedom from responsibilities helps relieve stress.(B) Stress is the direct cause of cancer.(C) The causes of stress are worthy of serious study.(D)Cancer is the number one killer in our soc


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