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1、2006 年江苏专转本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析0 Vegetable gardening is the relaxing art and science of turning a love for growing plants into a meaningful activity. Having vegetables in the backyard makes home gardening appealing for many people. In addition, vegetable gardening provides exercise and fun for both urban

2、and suburban families. Vegetable gardeners agree that many home-grown vegetables are superior to those purchased from markets. From spring through late fall, a well-planned and well-kept garden can provide a supply of fresh vegetables, thus increasing the nutrition of the family diet. Freezers make

3、it possible to keep some of the vegetables to be enjoyed at a later date. Other vegetables can be stored for a few months in a cool area. Although the money spent for a garden may be little, one cannot escape the fact that gardening requires hard work and time. Many of the gardening tasks must be pe

4、rformed at times that are most inconvenient. Not doing jobs that should be done on a regular basis may result in failure and a negative feeling toward gardening. One should not plant a garden that is too large for him to care for. A small, well-kept garden is more enjoyable and profitable than a lar

5、ge neglected one. Vegetables do well in full sunlight and need at least five or six hours of sun during the middle of the day. Too much shading results in poor plants and few vegetables. If possible, the garden should be near the house, so the gardener can work in it whenever they are free. Soils fo

6、r vegetables should be easily broken up and porous (多孔的) for quick water drainage and good aeration(透气). Usually the home owner has little choice in the type he can choose. Fortunately, many vegetables can be grown on poor soils if the soils are properly prepared.1 Many people find home gardening_.(

7、A)expensive and boring(B) interesting and enjoyable(C) time consuming and inconvenient(D)neither interesting nor enjoyable2 A well-planned and well-kept garden can provide a supply of fresh vegetables_.(A)all year round(B) whenever you need nutritious food(C) for a greater part of the year(D)through

8、out spring3 The amount of money you spend on your garden_.(A)can be large(B) must be large(C) can not be large(D)must not be small4 Which of the following statements is true?(A)Vegetables need to have as much shading as possible.(B) A small garden is much better than a large one.(C) Homeowners can f

9、reely choose the soil for their vegetable garden.(D)Whenever possible, the vegetable garden should be close to your home. 5 From the passage we can conclude that_.(A)vegetables need little care while growing(B) vegetables can be grown on almost any kind of soil(C) vegetable gardening is an indispens

10、able part of life for urban and suburban people(D)vegetable gardening is a good pastime for retired people5 In old days, when a glimpse of stocking was looked upon as something so shocking as to distract the serious work of an office, secretaries were men. Then came the First World War and the male

11、secretaries were replaced by women. A mans secretary became his personal servant, in charge of remembering his wifes birthday and buying her presents; taking his suits to the dry-cleaners; telling lies on the telephone to keep away people he did not wish to speak to; and, of course, typing and filin

12、g and taking shorthand. Now all this may be changing again. The microchip(芯片) and high technology is sweeping the British office, taking with it much of the routine clerical(文书的) work that secretaries did. “Once office technology takes over generally, the status of the job will rise again because it

13、 will involve the high-tech work and then men will want to do it again. “That was said by one of the executives(male) of one of the biggest secretarial agencies in this country. What he has predicted is already under way in the U. S. Once high technology has made the job of secretary less routine (乏

14、味的) , will there be a male takeover? Men should be careful of thinking that they can walk right into the better jobs. There are a lot of women secretaries who will do the job as well as mennot just because they can buy negligees(妇女长睡衣) for the bosss wife, but because they are as efficient and well t

15、rained to cope with word processors and computers as men. 6 Before 1914 female secretaries were rare because they_.(A)were less efficient and less trained than men(B) were looked down upon by men(C) would have disturbed the other office workers(D)wore stockings and were not as serious as men7 A fema

16、le secretary has been expected, besides other duties, to_.(A)be her bosss memory(B) do everything her boss asks her to do(C) clean her bosss clothes(D)telephone the bosss wife8 Secretaries, until recently, had to do a lot of work now done by_.(A)machines(B) other staff(C) servants(D)wives9 A secreta

17、ry in the future will_.(A)have more work to do(B) be better paid(C) have higher status(D)have less work to do10 The writer believes that before long_.(A)both men and women can act as secretaries(B) men will be better than machines(C) men will take over womens jobs as secretaries(D)women will operate

18、 most office machines10 Humanity is a new experiment on planet Earth. For most of its history, life on Earth was restricted to the sea. Living things began to populate the land slightly over 400 million years ago. And humans have existed for no more than 3 million years. One way to represent the evo

19、lution of life is to compress the 4. 6-billion-year history of Earth into a 1-year-long film. In such a film, Earth forms as the film begins on January 1, and through all of January and February it cools and is cratered(变成坑状) and the first oceans form. But those oceans remain lifeless until sometime

20、 in March or early April, when the first living things develop. The 4-billion-year history of Precambrian (前寒武纪) evolution lasts until the film reaches mid-November, when primitive ocean life begins to evolve into complex organisms such as trilobites(三叶虫). If we examine the land instead of the ocean

21、s, we find a lifeless waste. But once our film shows plant and animal life on the land, about November 28, evolution proceeds rapidly. Dinosaurs, for example, appear on about December 12 and vanish by Christmas Eve, as mammals (哺乳动物) and birds flourish. Throughout the 1 -year-run of our film there a

22、re no humans, and even during the last days of the year as the mammals rise and dominate the landscape, there are no people. On the early evening of December 31, vaguely human forms move through the grasslands, and by late evening they begin making stone tools. The Stone Age lasts until about 11:45

23、p. m. , and the first signs of civilization, towns and cities, do not appear until 11:54 p. m. The Christian era begins only 14 seconds before the New Year, and the Declaration of Independence is signed with one second to spare. 11 In comparing all of Earths geological evolution to one calendar year

24、, the author shows(A)just how recently humanity has arrived on the scene(B) just how simple it is to understand the history of Earth(C) just how early humanity appears on planet Earth(D)just how difficult it is to understand the history of Earth12 According to the passage, primitive ocean life begin

25、s to evolve into complex organisms(A)in the middle of December(B) when Earth is cratered(C) at the beginning of November(D)when the land is still a lifeless waste13 It is indicated in the passage that_.(A)Earth is cool at first(B) Earth is hot at the beginning(C) there are oceans at the beginning(D)

26、there is life in the ocean in late February14 In the 1-year-long film dinosaurs_.(A)die out on December 25(B) appear after December 25(C) die out on December 24(D)appear on December 2415 In the compressed history of Earth the Declaration of Independence is signed_.(A)a long time before the New Year(

27、B) immediately after the New Years Day(C) just one second before the New Year(D)right on the New Years Day15 Internet-addicted job seekers may be partly the cause of the fact that it is taking the unemployed 23% longer to find a new position than it took during the last recession (经济萧条) , when the “

28、benefits“ of online job searching were unavailable. “A growing number of unemployed Americans waste time browsing(浏览) the estimated 4,000 to 5 ,000 online job sites, filling them with resumes, and then waiting for replies. It is common for long-time joblessness,“ argues Professor John A. Challenger.

29、 Although the Internet has the potential to be very useful for job seekers and it has become the primary tool for many, Challenger believes that it should be considered secondary to the traditional technique of meeting would be employers in person. In addition to slowing job search efforts, the Inte

30、rnet is making the hiring process longer for the employer. In a survey of 5,000 hiring managers by an online resume site, 72% said that a majority of the resumes they received in response to an online job posting did not match the positions description. “The more unrelated resumes managers have to g

31、o through in order to select the few to bring in for interviews, the longer it takes to fill the position,“ points out Challenger. “ One result of this has been the increased use of screening software by employers. This will make it even more difficult for job seekers to get their resumes in front o

32、f the hiring executive for an interview. “ All of this is not to say that the Internet has not revolutionized job hunting. It has certainly made it easier for someone in San Francisco, for example. , to search for job openings in Miami. In addition, the ability to conduct keyword searches has reduce

33、d the amount of time it takes to find the type of position a person is seeking. “ Job seekers must learn how to use the Internet as a tool, rather than just relying on it as a means for submitting electronic resumes. “ concludes Challenger. 16 According to the passage, the coming of online job searc

34、hing brings_.(A)longer waiting time for the unemployed(B) longer computer technology training for the job seekers(C) more unemployment throughout the USA(D)more job opportunities in the Internet world17 Professor Challenger thinks _ should be considered more important by the unemployed.(A)browsing t

35、he Internet job sites(B) sending resumes by e-mail(C) going to a traditional training center(D)meeting the potential employers in person18 The Internet is making the hiring process longer for the employer because_.(A)the speed of the Internet is not fast enough(B) there is a lot of false information

36、 on the Net(C) the hiring position cannot be fully described on the Net(D)it has drawn many unfitting resumes19 It can be inferred that “screening software“ in Paragraph 3 is used to_.(A)draw more job seekers to the websites(B) get rid of some unrelated resumes(C) serve as a bridge between the job s

37、eekers and the employers(D)provide the job seekers with more chances to visit the employers in person20 According to the passage, the Internet has revolutionized job hunting by_.(A)changing the recession cycle(B) opening more chances for job seekers(C) improving the reemployment situation(D)reducing

38、 the interview time二、Vocabulary and Structure21 The earth revolves a little more rapidly_it is closer to the sun.(A)whether(B) whereas(C) although(D)when22 The number of members in the club_to two hundred.(A)were limited(B) limits(C) was limited(D)limited23 On close examination, we found the signatu

39、re not_.(A)realistic(B) accurate(C) exact(D)genuine24 As a highly_young designer, she has a promising future in her field.(A)original(B) occasional(C) optional(D)obedient25 Let me give you a_of how the computer works.(A)demonstration(B) difference(C) deduction(D)distinction26 An author must not be t

40、oo_to criticism.(A)sensible(B) sensitive(C) senseless(D)insensible27 Fu Lei is known for his_of music and knowledge on philosophy.(A)explanation(B) interpretation(C) composition(D)interaction28 The judge dismissed the case because there was not_evidence.(A)adequate(B) excessive(C) many(D)plenty29 Mu

41、ch to my surprise, they went away without telling us their_address.(A)forever(B) everlasting(C) permanent(D)eternal30 Instead of going into details about his project, he spoke_.(A)in short(B) in general(C) in particular(D)in common31 My book is_finished; I have only a few changes to make in the writ

42、ing.(A)virtually(B) violently(C) vertically(D)visually32 The amount of water used in the manufacturing process is enormous, but the amount wasted is_.(A)the greatest(B) more greater(C) greatest(D)even greater33 The_was conducted to find out how many people prefer butter.(A)examination(B) inspection(

43、C) survey(D)analysis34 Many university courses are not really _ to the needs of students or their future employers.(A)associated(B) adopted(C) geared(D)qualified35 _Davids expression, wed say he is not in a good mood today.(A)To judge by(B) Judged by(C) To be judged by(D)Judging by36 It is not consi

44、dered_to litter in public.(A)respectful(B) respective(C) respected(D)respectable37 He was_of his political rights because of the bribery.(A)deprived(B) acquired(C) acquainted(D)accused38 His description of the ghost was so_that his little daughter screamed when he came to the part of killing.(A)mode

45、rate(B) vivid(C) active(D)passive39 I thought his speech would be interesting, but it turned out that the more he talked,(A)the more bored became I(B) the more I became bored(C) the more bored I became(D)I became the more bored40 You have to take the_examination before an interview can be considered

46、.(A)precious(B) preliminary(C) prior(D)potential41 Many writers _ their childhood memories for the materials of most of their stories.(A)draw on(B) draw up(C) draw out(D)draw off42 Unless you have a good map, this place is very difficult to_.(A)preserve(B) dwell(C) dislocate(D)locate43 In Scotland,

47、as in the rest of the United Kingdom, _schooling begins at age 5 and ends at age 1(A)compelling(B) compulsory(C) obliged(D)compulsive44 _the rain, we should have had a pleasant trip to the countryside.(A)Because of(B) Due to(C) Thanks to(D)But for45 When confronted with such an urgency, my mind goes

48、_, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.(A)dim(B) blank(C) faint(D)vain46 Horseback riding_both the skill of handling a horse and mastery of diverse riding styles.(A)fosters(B) solves(C) involves(D)exaggerates47 I was_the chance of going to university when my parents business collapsed and

49、 they lost everything they owned.(A)ignored(B) refused(C) neglected(D)denied48 The fried fish we ate at the restaurant yesterday is marvelous. Id like to have it again even if it costs_.(A)as twice much(B) twice as much(C) much as twice(D)as much twice49 There has been a_for industry to be constructed in a single region, instead of being scattered


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