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1、2012 年安徽专升本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 Hello, _Kate? Yes, speaking.(A)is this(B) is that(C) are you(D)is it2 By the time I got home, my mother_to bed.(A)went(B) was getting(C) had gone(D)has gone3 _everything_, it was not a bad holiday.(A)Bringing: into effects(B) Learning: by heart(C)

2、 Putting: into practice(D)Taking: into account4 When waiting at a bus stop for a long time, most people often look_and asleep.(A)bored(B) surprised(C) excited(D)amused5 _the effective method, I answered all the questions correctly.(A)Thanks to(B) In case of(C) As well as(D)Apart from6 If you are lik

3、e most people, your intelligence _from season to season.(A)turns(B) changes(C) varies(D)ranges7 No cream hot me, thanks. I am_a diet.(A)in(B) on(C) from(D)off8 _really worries George is that his parents expect too much of him.(A)What(B) This(C) Whichever(D)It9 Mary loves Jazz, and she has played_for

4、 years.(A)piano(B) a piano(C) one piano(D)the piano10 Ted made up his mind soon and accepted the invitation_.(A)without hesitation(B) without doubt(C) without understanding(D)without exception11 It is good manners_help to others when they are in need.(A)to obtain(B) obtaining(C) to offer(D)offering1

5、2 _you ve grown your favorite flowers, the following job is to take care.(A)Although(B) Before(C) While(D)Once13 Huangshan Mountain is really a magnificent place for an enjoyable and_vacation.(A)dull(B) annual(C) relaxing(D)noisy14 Laura_her parents travel abroad once a year.(A)and(B) together with(

6、C) as well as(D)accompanied by15 Who broke the window? Not me. It must have been_else.(A)someone(B) anyone(C) everybody(D)nobody16 Some people are willing to rent_cars instead of new ones to save money.(A)abandoned(B) parked(C) used(D)broken17 Jack, the boss, asked Steven to leave_, he was fired.(A)

7、what s more(B) in other words(C) on the contrary(D)in addition18 On hearing the joke, we all_laughter.(A)broke out(B) burst into(C) held back(D)gave off19 Mike takes a walk everyday, _is good for his health.(A)that(B) what(C) which(D)as20 Only in this way_the plan successfully.(A)we can carry out(B)

8、 we can agree on(C) can we agree on(D)can we carry out21 It was when Tom got to the office_the telephone rang.(A)which(B) that(C) how(D)what22 One of the first known methods of advertising is the outdoor_.(A)display(B) journey(C) exercise(D)adventure23 Sometimes, to admit_something wrong is not that

9、 difficult.(A)doing(B) having done(C) to have done(D)to do24 _, I m busy at the moment. Can I call you back later?(A)Luckily(B) Theoretically(C) Generally(D)Actually25 It is so considerate of you to come and see me_at the airport.(A)away(B) off(C) through(D)out26 I cant sleep at night. I ve been und

10、er_recently because of the examination.(A)consideration(B) control(C) discussion(D)pressure27 I wish to apply for the position_in yesterday s newspaper.(A)to advertise(B) advertised(C) to be advertised(D)advertising28 The manager suggested that the meeting_till next week.(A)is postponed(B) has been

11、postponed(C) was postponed(D)be postponed29 Listening to light music can help patients make a(n)_after an operation.(A)mistake(B) impression(C) recovery(D)living30 May I ask you some questions? Sure. _, please.(A)Go ahead(B) It depends(C) Come on(D)I see30 “Trend-benders“(反潮族 )are people who try to

12、bring old styles back to life, and they encourage people to make some changes in their lifestyles.Trend-benders ride their bikes to work even though they can afford cars, and they write letters instead of e-mails and read paper books instead of e-books.Some trend-benders want to raise awareness abou

13、t their passion and encourage others to act in the same way. For them, “bend the trend“ is a social movement that invites everyone to make a lifestyle change. For example, they travel to work by bicycle instead of going by car, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions(排放).When it comes to reading, trend-b

14、enders have their own ideas. “ Both paper books and e-books have their appeal. However the beauty and attraction of real books, I even like the smell! E-books lose somethingjust like the difference between enjoying video at home and seeing a movie in the theater. “31 “Trend-benders“ are those_.(A)wh

15、o like driving to work(B) who enjoy reading e-books(C) who try to bring old styles back to life(D)who try to enjoy the comforts of modern life32 “Bend the trend“ is a social movement that encourages people_.(A)to change their lifestyles(B) to read electronic books(C) to travel by car(D)to write e-ma

16、il33 Why do some trend-benders travel to work by bicycle instead of going by car?(A)Because they are concerned about environment protection.(B) Because they want to save money to buy a greenhouse.(C) Because they want to improve their physical health.(D)Because they are too young to afford cars.34 A

17、ccording to trend-benders, real books_.(A)have no smell(B) have their appeal(C) are not easy to lose(D)are less attractive than e-books35 Which is the best title for the passage?(A)People Trying to Bring Old Styles Back to Life(B) Advantages and Disadvantages of E-books(C) The Beauty and Attraction

18、of Real Books(D)A Social Movement of Traveling by Bike35 Swapping postcards has become an interesting hobby for people who are curious about the big world in which they live. Swapping postcards can keep pen friends in touch. A postcard is a simple and beautiful way for someone to share his thoughts

19、and memories.There are some great websites that can help one develop his interest in postcard swapping. For example, , started in 2005 by a Portuguese citizen, is a free website that connects people who share a passion for swapping postcards. If you want to receive postcards from other members, you

20、should e-mail a postcard to the address sent by the website after registration(注册). After the individual confirms that he has received the card, your name will be added to the list of people to receive postcards.Swapping postcards with people in other countries is also a great way to learn about the

21、 world: each postcard can be a window to another culture. It is like bringing the world to your mailbox.Fiona, a member of postcrossing. com, says, “I love swapping postcards! Although it seems quite time-consuming to pick one, write it and post it, it is the amusement of receiving a flash of sunshi

22、ne or humor that makes it worthwhile. “36 The underlined word “Swapping“ in Paragraph 1 means_.(A)exchanging(B) designing(C) collecting(D)writing37 The first paragraph tells us that_.(A)postcards are simple and beautiful(B) swapping postcards is a hobby for all people(C) swapping postcards can keep

23、pen friends in contact(D)those who swap postcards have lost interest in the real world38 Which of the following is true of postcrossing. com?(A)Its members should pay for registration.(B) It was created for a particular purpose.(C) Its members can share different hobbies.(D)It was started by a group

24、 of citizens.39 When will your name be added to the list of people to receive postcards on postcrossing. com?(A)After one confirms the reception of your postcard.(B) After you e-mail your first postcard.(C) After you register on the website.(D)After one receives your address.40 In Fiona s eyes, swap

25、ping postcards is_.(A)time-saving(B) labor-saving(C) worthwhile(D)humorous40 Listening is an extremely complex communicative activity. In order to have a better understanding, to anticipate what is coming is very important. An effective listener should continuously develop more or less specific read

26、iness for what will come next. If a listener hears what he has expected, it will be much easier for him to receive the information. But if what he hears is totally out of his expectation, he will fail to get the message.The skill to anticipate what is coming in listening comprehension depends largel

27、y on the listeners familiarity with the theme(主题)of the message. It also depends on the listener s knowledge of the speaker as well as the situation.Obviously, when we listen to something that we already have some information about, it is generally much easier for us to take in the new information.

28、Therefore, pre-listening preparation seems to play an important role in increasing our comprehension. Before actual listening, we could perhaps first give some thought to the topic, discuss it with others, and then read some related material and do some vocabulary work. If we could make ourselves fu

29、lly prepared for the coming talks or lectures, we are more likely to become effective listeners.Of course, readiness beforehand is not at all enough. Active thinking must take place all the way through. In fact, we should always try to think ahead of the speaker.41 The passage is most possibly taken

30、 from_.(A)a novel(B) a textbook(C) a news report(D)a fashion magazine42 What is the first paragraph mainly about?(A)How to think actively in listening comprehension.(B) How to develop specific readiness before listening.(C) The skills in anticipating in listening comprehension.(D)The importance of a

31、nticipating in listening comprehension.43 The skill to anticipate in listening comprehension depends largely on_.(A)the listener s emotion(B) the difficulty of the message(C) the listener s communicative skills(D)the listener s familiarity with the topic44 In order to anticipate, the first thing to

32、do before actual listening may be_.(A)do some vocabulary work(B) think about the topic(C) read some related material(D)discuss the topic with others45 What is the author s attitude towards anticipating in listening comprehension?(A)Neutral.(B) Positive.(C) Negative.(D)Critical.45 When men get sick,

33、they act like babies, say women. But maybe the fairer sex should learn something useful from these guysit could save their lives, say researchers at the University of Michigan.When women have a heart attack, they re more likely to put off seeking help than the men, and after an attack, they re less

34、likely to take steps to improve their health. What s the reason for the different responses? The result of a survey suggest that women are too tough: they think heart problems are simply not a big deal. When Steven Erickson and his colleagues asked 348 men and 142 women who had been admitted to the

35、hospital for a heart attack about their symptoms and medication(用药情况 ), they found that even though the women had more symptoms and were taking more medicine they rated their disease as being no more severe than the men did.For more on women and heart disease, go to www.americanheart. org.46 The und

36、erlined expression “the fairer sex“ in Paragraph 1 refers to _.(A)men(B) babies(C) women(D)researchers47 The fairer sex should learn something useful from the guys to_.(A)save others lives(B) take less medicine(C) seek help when sick(D)act like babies when sick48 When women have a heart attack, _.(A

37、)they take it seriously(B) they have less symptoms than men(C) they take no medicine(D)theyre more likely to delay seeking help49 How is the second paragraph organized?(A)By defining.(B) By classifying.(C) By comparing and contrasting.(D)By analyzing cause and effect.50 According to the passage, you

38、 may_to find more information about women and heart disease.(A)conduct a survey(B) consult your doctor(C) turn to researchers in person(D)go to a particular website50 Many students want to find friends on the Internet as a way of practicing their language skills and learning more about new cultures.

39、 With the Internet, finding friends has become much easier.Here are some tips on finding friends on the Internet:Search the Internet for reputable(声誉好的)services. Look for reviews of such sites to learn more about others experiences. Dont join a service until you have done research.Check to see if yo

40、u can use a nickname, instead of your real name, to protect your identity.Stop contacting with others if you feel uncomfortable with the topics of the conversation.Try to use the language you are studying when communicating with others. Asking appropriate.questions will also help iyou learn about ot

41、her cultures. Remember: to understand a whole culture, you have to talk to many people.51 Finding friends online may help students_their language skills and learn more about new cultures.52 Before you join an Internet service, you have to_.53 To protect your identity online, youd better not use your

42、_.54 Giving_information to anyone online could be dangerous.55 Talking to many people is necessary for one to understand a whole_.二、Cloze55 Anne-Marie Garrard was shocked when it was announced that she had won the Personal Assistant of the Year award. “ The other【C1】_seemed to be very strong, and I

43、have to say I found the selection really【C2】_,“ she says,“ I didn t think I had【C3】_of the chance to win.【C4】_I heard my name, my legs were【C5】_weak that I could hardly stand up. “ She laughs.So how is “ the best“ personal assistant【C6】_from a group of extremely good and very different individuals?

44、The【C7】_decision was reached after a whole day of tests, interviews and exercises: Garrard believes the skills she uses【C8】_her job helped her to perform well.【C9】_, although most of her work is for her company s Managing Director, she works for six bosses【C10】_, so she always tried to be【C11】_for a

45、nything that might happen.Now her firm has【C12 】_for its summer break,【C13】_Garrard is going to relax.【C14】_it opens again, there is a pay rise waiting for her. But Garrard is never satisfied with what she has achieved. “There s always【C15】_for personal development. You must keep trying to improve,“

46、 she says.56 【C1 】(A)judges(B) candidates(C) listeners(D)directors57 【C2 】(A)hard(B) boring(C) simple(D)safe58 【C3 】(A)some(B) none(C) any(D)neither59 【C4 】(A)Unless(B) When(C) Until(D)Whether60 【C5 】(A)rather(B) very(C) too(D)so61 【C6 】(A)kept(B) protected(C) chosen(D)prevented62 【C7 】(A)final(B) s

47、udden(C) easy(D)temporary63 【C8 】(A)from(B) by(C) off(D)in64 【C9 】(A)In short(B) For instance(C) At last(D)As a result65 【C10 】(A)in all(B) for all(C) above all(D)at all66 【C11 】(A)cared(B) paid(C) prepared(D)known67 【C12 】(A)opened(B) closed(C) resumed(D)returned68 【C13 】(A)and(B) or(C) because(D)i

48、f69 【C14 】(A)Whenever(B) Wherever(C) As far as(D)As soon as70 【C15 】(A)money(B) room(C) award(D)futureSection ADirections: Translate the following English into Chinese.70 【T1】Can love really last a lifetime? Absolutely.【T2 】But only if you believe the fairy tale of living happily for ever. A team of scientists recently found that【T3】romantic love involves chemical changes in the brain that last 12 to 18 months. After that, you and your partner are on your own. Relationships require maintenance.【 T4】Pay a visit t

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