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1、专升本(英语)模拟试卷 122(无答案)一、Phonetics(A)pass(B) paste(C) lady(D)lake (A)cup(B) mud(C) just(D)tune (A)size(B) prize(C) exist(D)pine (A)what(B) want(C) chalk(D)wander (A)they(B) think(C) that(D)there 二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices.

2、Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 As working hours get shorter, people should learn how to spend their increased _ in some satisfying way.(A)longer hours(B) more chance(C) leisure time(D)happy time 7 The energy companies _ urgent studies of

3、 the Arctic environment.(A)made(B) put(C) moved(D)launched 8 Establishment of a _ insurance system is essential for economic reforms.(A)accurate(B) sound(C) undisturbed(D)safe 9 The workers _ approved of the governments policy.(A)mostly(B) freely(C) unhappily(D)angrily 10 It took Joan some time to _

4、 the grief at her fathers death.(A)get over(B) do without(C) pass away(D)deal with 11 On hearing the joke, she burst into _.(A)a loud laughter(B) loud laughter(C) loud laughs(D)loud laughing 12 The conference was organized for all of the _ in the state.(A)mathematic teachers(B) mathematicss teachers

5、(C) mathematics teachers(D)mathematics teachers 13 I have done much of the work. Could you please finish _ in two days?(A)the rest(B) the other(C) another(D)the others 14 Please go to _ to pick up your ID card.(A)third window(B) the window three(C) window third(D)the third window 15 Will you buy me

6、_ stamps when you go out?(A)some(B) any(C) little(D)a few of 16 He was _ admittance to the party for not being dressed properly.(A)unnoticed(B) ignored(C) denied(D)rejected 17 Advertising costs are not in reasonable _ to the total cost of the product.(A)proportion(B) connection(C) reaction(D)relatio

7、n 18 He has not the _ idea of the problems involved.(A)worst(B) faintest(C) most(D)weakest 19 Many local authorities are _ opposed to the introduction of comprehensive schooling.(A)strangely(B) strictly(C) severely(D)sharply 20 I could see a car in the distance, but I couldnt _ what colour it was.(A

8、)see through(B) make out(C) look out(D)take in 21 Mary certainly talks a lot and shes never interested in what _ has to say.(A)somebody else(B) anyone else(C) nobody else(D)else anyone 22 The large passenger jets have made the traffic problems at airports _.(A)the worse than before(B) worse than eve

9、r before(C) more bad as before(D)more bad than it was 23 A dictionary of that size has _ words than you need and its not so handy.(A)many more(B) much more(C) many(D)much 24 Jim would rather we _ now, but we must go to work.(A)not leave(B) had not left(C) didnt leave(D)not to be left 25 _ at the pri

10、ce list, hed have known what to expect.(A)Had Mr. Robinson looked(B) If Mr. Robinson looked(C) If Robinson would have looked(D)Had Mr. Robinson been looking 26 Although I tried to concentrate on the lecture, I was _ by the outside noise.(A)confused(B) distracted(C) attracted(D)refused 27 Dont _ your

11、 reputation by supporting his joint venture with that guy.(A)venture(B) risk(C) threaten(D)adventure 28 Salesmanship refers to the ability to _ people to willingly buy products.(A)persuade(B) force(C) cause(D)recommend 29 Electrical energy may be divided into two components _ as positive and negativ

12、e.(A)distinguished(B) specified(C) separated(D)indicated 30 They are _ the potential of the Global Management Challenge.(A)exposing(B) extending(C) exploring(D)expanding 31 Learning to use computers is what we want to _ from the program.(A)help(B) make(C) aid(D)benefit 32 The findings of those archa

13、eologists (考古学家) _ the burial customs of the ancient Egyptians.(A)paid attention to(B) gave faith to(C) threw light on(D)gained insight into 33 Good lighting in factories leads to greater comfort, higher _ and productivity.(A)work(B) proficiency(C) craft(D)efficiency 34 The plane _ in the storm was

14、on route to London.(A)crushing(B) crashing(C) cracking(D)crafting 35 With the improvement of transportation and communications, farmers have easier _ to cities and towns.(A)access(B) reach(C) approach(D)touch 36 When _ the education systems of China and Britain, the professor gave no comment.(A)bein

15、g asked to compare(B) asked him to compare(C) asking him to compare(D)asked to compare 37 The people at the party were worded about Jane because no one was aware _ she had gone.(A)in which(B) of where(C) of which(D)in that 38 _ in this town?(A)Whom do you think is the richest man(B) Do you think who

16、 is the richest man(C) Who do you think is the richest man(D)Who you think is the richest man 39 When they went into the shop and asked to look at the engagement rings, the girl brought out the cheapest ones, _ she had arranged with James.(A)those were what(B) what was what(C) which was what(D)in wh

17、ich 40 The farmer uses wood to build a house _ to store grains.(A)with which(B) to which(C) which(D)in which 41 When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above _.(A)common(B) normal(C) ordinary(D)regular 42 Melted iron is poured into the mixer much _ tea is poured into a cup from a teapot.(A)i

18、n the same way as(B) in the same way(C) in the same way which(D)in the same like 43 The size of the audience, _ we had expected, was well over one thousand.(A)as(B) that(C) whom(D)who 44 None of the servants were _ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.(A)available(B) attainable(C) approachable(D)

19、applicable 45 Some people say that students progress in school is _ by environment.(A)effected(B) affected(C) offered(D)afforded 三、Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and ch

20、oose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.45 We have rather a small house, with only one spare bedroom. You can imagine our alarm, then, when Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming to stay with her family for the wee

21、kend. Her family, l should explain, consists of four boys, all under the age of 12.I sent off a telegram at once, protesting that our house was too small. Aunt Clara called us up the next morning. “I forgot to explain,“ she said in her sweetest voice, “the boys will bring a couple of tents.“Even so,

22、 my wife was far from reassured. It was true we had a large garden, but there was still the problem of feeding four growing boys.“And what if it rains?“ she demanded.But Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara. I managed to squeeze three of th

23、e boys, together with the luggage, into the back of the car. The youngest sat in front, with Aunt Clara and me.“I didnt see the tents among your luggage,“ I remarked over my shoulder to David, the eldest boy.“The tents!“ exclaimed Aunt Clara, “Heavens! we left them in the luggage van.“46 The main pr

24、oblem to the author was _.(A)food(B) time(C) space(D)noise 47 When learning the boys would sleep outside, the mans wife _.(A)was looking forward to the visit.(B) started cooking.(C) moved into the garden.(D)was still worried. 48 On Saturday morning the weather was _.(A)rainy(B) changing(C) good(D)ho

25、t 49 Aunt Clara arrived by _.(A)car(B) plane(C) train(D)boat 50 The boys had forgotten something _.(A)interesting(B) useful(C) essential(D)personal 50 Sioux names were a language unto themselves, laden with descriptive, allusive, or even magical meaning. A Sioux baby was named soon after birth-usual

26、ly by a medicine man or a paternal relative-and the entire village participated in the occasion. The infant might be named for an animal, for a physical phenomenon such as thunder that occurred on the day of the birth, or even for a brave deed that once had been performed by the giver of the name. A

27、 woman generally kept the name she received at birth, but a man often replace his original name with a new one that celebrated a personal act of valor, recalled an encounter with an unusual animal, or perhaps was inspired by a dream. However, a man who had a distinguishing characteristic was forever

28、 known by an apposite nickname, such as Big Hand. Because Sioux names almost always were based on something objective, they could easily be rendered as pictographs-frequently with a line connecting visual representations of the name and a human head to signify ownership. Below are some Sioux signatu

29、res.51 Which of the following is the best title for this passage?(A)Sioux Signatures.(B) Unusual Sioux Names.(C) How the Sioux were Named.(D)Sioux Language and Customs. 52 According to the passage, which of the following people was most likely to give a Sioux baby its original name?(A)A member of th

30、e fathers family.(B) A member of the mothers family.(C) The wife of the medicine man.(D)The bravest warrior in the village. 53 The author mentions all of the following as events that might precipitate a change in a Sioux mans name EXCEPT _.(A)an inspiring dream(B) a new home(C) an encounter with a s

31、trange beast(D)a valiant deed 54 The underlined word “one“ refers to _.(A)a woman(B) a man(C) a name(D)an act 55 What most likely follows this passage?(A)Pictures of Sioux naming ceremonies.(B) Graphs of population increases among the Sioux.(C) Explanations of Sioux nicknames.(D)Pictographs of Sioux

32、 names. 55 All whales fall into two groups, those with teeth and those without. Both beluga and dolphin belong to the suborder of toothed whales known as Odontoceti, along with porpoises, narwhals, pilot whales, killer whales and the largest toothed creature in the world, the sperm whale. Size diffe

33、rences among the Odontoceti are remarkable. A common porpoise will run only 4 or 5 feet in length and 300 pounds in weight; a sperm whale may be 10 times as long and 300 times as heavy. The beluga falls in between, weighing up to 2,000 pounds. And it does chirp. In fact, it makes a great variety of

34、squeaking, whistling, and clicking sounds, which have earned it the name of sea canary.The toothless, or baleen, whales belong to the suborder of Mysticeti. This is a group of generally large whales, formerly abundant in all the oceans of the world. Though reduced by hunting, most species are still

35、found along the coasts of the United Stated and Canada. All but two of the Mysticeti reach 40 feet or more at maturity, with the blue whale running up to 100 feet and tipping the scales at up to 130 tons. This whale is by far the largest creature that has ever lived on earth, 4 times the weight of t

36、he largest dinosaur, 30 times that of an elephant.56 With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?(A)Breeding habits of whales.(B) Differences between whales.(C) Efforts to preserve whales.(D)The intelligence of whales. 57 All of the following whales belong to the suborder of Odontoceti EXCEPT _.

37、(A)narwhals(B) dolphins(C) blue whales(D)pilot whales 58 The author compares the beluga whale with _.(A)a bird(B) a giant(C) an elephant(D)a submarine 59 Which of the following is mentioned by the author as a reason why the baleen whale population has been reduced?(A)Increased pollution of the seas.

38、(B) Hunting.(C) Insufficient supply of food.(D)Disease. 60 According to the passage, which of the following accurately describes the relative sizes of two whales?(A)The blue whale is larger than the sperm whale.(B) The beluga is larger than the blue whale.(C) The killer whale is larger than the sper

39、m whale.(D)The porpoise is larger than the killer whale. 60 The Ordinance of 1784 is most significant historically because it embodied the principle that new states should be formed from the western region and admitted to the Union on an equal basis with the original commonwealths. This principle, w

40、hich underlay the whole later development of the continental United States, was generally accepted by this time and cannot be properly credited to any single man. Thomas Jefferson had presented precisely this idea to his own state of Virginia before the Declaration of Independence, however, and if h

41、e did not originate it he was certainly one of those who held it first. It had been basic in his own thinking about the future of the Republic throughout the struggle for independence. He had no desire to break from the British Empire simply to establish an American one-in which the newer region sho

42、uld be subsidiary and tributary to the old. What he dreamed of was an expanding union of self-governing commonwealths, joined as a group of peers.61 Which of the following proposals did the Ordinance of 1784 incorporate?(A)New states should be admitted to the Union in numbers equal to the older stat

43、es.(B) The Union should make the western region into tributary states.(C) New states should share the same rights in the Union as the original states.(D)The great western region should be divided into twelve states. 62 According to the passage, what was the general attitude toward the principle unde

44、rlying the ordinance of 1784?(A)It was considered the most important doctrine of the day.(B) It received wide support at that time.(C) It was more popular in Virginia than elsewhere.(D)It was thought to be original and creative. 63 According to the passage, one of Thomas Jeffersons political goals w

45、as to _.(A)maintain strong ties with the British Empire(B) fight for more territory for his country(C) found the Republican party(D)guarantee the status of new states 64 The author implies which of the following happened to new lands that are part of the British Empire?(A)They were not considered eq

46、ual to Britain itself.(B) They established a separate empire of their own.(C) They had an equal share in the government of the empire.(D)They were ruled by a group of peers. 65 The author would most probably agree with which of the following statements about Thomas Jefferson?(A)He had a broad vision

47、 of his countrys future.(B) He put the interests of Virginia ahead of those of the Union.(C) He ignored the advice of people who settled the western region.(D)He was one of the first government officials to travel in the western United States. 四、Part IV ClozeDirections: There are some blanks in the

48、following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.65 Anyone who has ridden on a railroad train knows how rapidly another train【 36】by when it is traveling

49、 in the【37】direction and conversely how it may look almost【38】when it is moving in the same direction.【39】a train at a station starts to move forward【40】gently that passengers feels no backward movement【41】.Then if they happened to【42】the window and see another train slide past on the next track, they have no way o


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