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1、河北专接本(英语)模拟试卷 21 及答案与解析一、Phonetics(A)stomach(B) technical(C) charge(D)character(A)taught(B) caught(C) daughter(D)laugh(A)shine(B) sign(C) silly(D)slight(A)special(B) official(C) especially(D)physical(A)fortunate(B) future(C) mixture(D)university二、Section A6 Speaker A: Yesterday, we went to Jane s ho

2、use to listen to records.Speaker B: I heard that she has over 100 jazz records._?(A)Are you crazy(B) Is that true(C) Have you seen them(D)Do you think so7 Speaker A: Yes, sir, _?Speaker B: I m sorry, but I bought this shirt yesterday and it hasnt got any buttons.(A)can I help you(B) whats up(C) what

3、 about you(D)how are you8 Speaker A: How much are these notebooks, please?Speaker B: Two for 25 cents now. _since the holidays. Notebooks used to be 15 cents each.(A)Notebooks have been sold out(B) Notebooks have been stocked(C) Prices have been raised(D)Prices have been reduced9 Speaker A: I wonder

4、 if I could borrow your calculator, please?Speaker B: _, but I gave my old one to my sister when she entered high school, and I have not bought a new one yet.(A)Im afraid you cant(B) Sorry, I dont have one(C) You certainly could if I had one(D)I would have lent you if I had one10 Speaker A: _?Speake

5、r B: Yes, it is said that it would be a sunny day tomorrow.(A)Did you hear the weather forecast(B) What do you think of the weather tomorrow(C) What s the weather like tomorrow(D)How was the weather forecast三、Section B10 Tom: Is there anywhere you d like to go this summer vacation?Mary: 【D1】 _Do you

6、 have anything in mind?Tom: Well, some of us are thinking about going to Huangshan Mountains. Would you like to join us? Mary: 【D2】 _Tom : Not very, but not cheap, either, around 600 yuan. If we go as a group, we can cut the cost. Mary: OK. Id love to go. 【D3】_Tom: Me too. Besides, youll be fascinat

7、ed by the beautiful scenery there.Mary: Really? Im starting to feel excited about going already. 【D4】_Tom: Bring warm clothes. It gets chilly in the mountains, especially in the evening.Mary: Anything else?Tom: 【D5】_Don t you want to take pictures of the mountains?Mary: Sure. I want to take lots.A:

8、I enjoy climbing mountains.B : By the way, what should I wear?C: What do you want to do?D: Nowhere in particular.E: Is it very expensive?F: I don t want to do anything.G: A camera, if you have one.11 【D1】12 【D2】13 【D3】14 【D4】15 【D5】15 We use both words and gestures to express our feelings, but the p

9、roblem is that these words and gestures can be understood in different ways.It is true that a smile means the same thing in any language. So does laughter or crying. There are also a number of striking similarities in the way different animals show the same feelings. Dogs, tigers and humans, for exa

10、mple, often show their teeth when they are angry. This is probably because they are born with those behavior patterns.Fear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world. In Chinese and in English literature, a phrase like “he went pale and begin to tremble“ suggests that t

11、he man is either very afraid or he has just got a very big shock. However, “he opened his eyes wide“ is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it means surprise. In Chinese “surprise“ can be described in a phrase like “they stretched out their tongues!“ Sticking out your tongue in Engli

12、sh is an insulting gesture or expresses strong dislike.Even in the same culture, people differ in ability to understand and express feelings. Experiments in America have shown that women are usually better than men at recognizing fear, anger, love and happiness on people s faces. Other studies show

13、that older people usually find it easier to recognize or understand body language than younger people do.16 According to the passage,_.(A)we can hardly understand what people s gestures mean(B) we can not often be sure what people mean when they describe their feelings in words or gestures(C) words

14、can be better understood by older people(D)gestures can be understood by most of the people while words can not17 Peoples facial expressions may be misunderstood because_.(A)people of different ages may have different understanding(B) people have different cultures(C) people of different sex may und

15、erstand a gesture in a different way(D)people of different countries speak different languages18 In the same culture,_.(A)people have different ability to understand and express feelings(B) people have the same understanding of something(C) people never fail to understand each other(D)people are equ

16、ally intelligent19 From this passage, we can conclude that_.(A)words are used as frequently as gestures(B) words are often found difficult to understand(C) words and gestures are both used in expressing feelings(D)gestures are more efficiently used than words20 The best title for this passage may be

17、_.(A)Words and Feelings(B) Words , Gestures and Feelings(C) Gestures and Feelings(D)Culture and Understanding20 Tom had once worked in a city office in London, but now he was out of work. He had a large family to support, so he often found himself in difficulty. He often visited Mr. White on Sundays

18、, told him about his troubles, and asked for two or three pounds.Mr. White, a man with a kind heart, found it difficult to refuse the money, though he himself was poor. Tom had already received more than thirty pounds from Mr. White, but he always seemed to be in need of some more.One day, after tel

19、ling Mr. White a long story of his troubles, Tom asked for five pounds.Mr. White had heard this sort of thing before, but he listened patiently to the end. Then he said, “I understand your difficulties, Tom. I d like to help you. But I m not going to give you five pounds this time. Ill lend you the

20、money, and you can pay me off next time you see me. “Tom took the money, but he never appeared again.21 Tom was now in difficulties because he _.(A)worked in a city office and was poorly paid(B) was poorly paid and had a large family to support(C) was poorly paid and always spent money carelessly(D)

21、was out of work and had a large family to support22 Tom went to Mr. White for help_.(A)twice a week(B) often on Sundays(C) always on Mondays(D)whenever he needed money23 Altogether Tom received _from Mr. White.(A)at least thirty-five pounds(B) exactly thirty-five pounds(C) less than thirty pounds(D)

22、five pounds24 Every time Tom went to Mr. White, he would_.(A)directly asked for some money(B) give some reasons before asking for money(C) give reasons and then borrow five pounds(D)ask for money before explaining his troubles25 Mr. White decided to lend, not to give Tom five pounds in order to _.(A

23、)encourage him to come again(B) get all his money back(C) get rid of him(D)thank him for his stories25 Today the official language of the United States and most of Canada is English. However, French almost became the official language because of a war.The French and Indian War was fought between 175

24、4 and 1763. The name of this war is not accurate because the war was actually between England and France. The Indians fought on the side of the French.France and England were trying to gain control of North America. France held Canada, and England held part of what is now the United States. However,

25、 France tried to expand its land by moving southward into New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Virginia. When the French built a fort on the Ohio River, the residents in Virginia sent George Washington to attack the fort in 1754. However, the French defeated Washington.The French, aided by the Indians,

26、 outsmarted the English and won many early battles. Later, the British began to do well against the French. In the final battle in Quebec, Canada, General Wolfe of England faced General Montcalm from France. Both generals died in this battle, but the English outlasted the French and won the battle.

27、Thus, most of North America today has the English culture and language.26 The word “gain“ in Para. 3 means_.(A)get(B) buy(C) lose(D)sell27 General Wolfe died in_.(A)England(B) France(C) Canada(D)Virginia28 Washington lost his battle at the fort on the Ohio River_.(A)at the beginning of the war(B) in

28、 the middle of the war(C) at the end of the war(D)two years after the war29 Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?(A)France tried in vain to control what is now the United States.(B) French was once the official language of the United States.(C) The French and Indian

29、 War was actually fought between England and France.(D)The Indians helped the French during the French and Indian War.30 A good title for this selection is_.(A)The British and Indian War(B) The English language(C) Washingtons army(D)The French and British War30 What s more important to you, money, a

30、 comfortable life, or self-respect? Many people believe that we are living in an age where values are in decline. They say that a standard for morality has been【B1】_by self-interest. Some people even【B2】_the people of this earth will soon be punished and that disasters will destroy much of the civil

31、ization today. Most disagree with such【B3】_, but they do think that it is time to stop our excessive ways.A non-religious woman from California commented, “I do believe that a moral【 B4】_should guide our actions. We share this planet and we need to keep the values like【B5 】_and treat each other with

32、 respect. There is a significant need for each inhabitant of this world to take a good look at how they are behaving.Another man from New York said, “ It s not enough to be a good person in your heart. We have to【B6】_our good intentions through our good actions. There is plenty of【B7】_out there. It

33、often causes people to give in to【B8】_instead of doing what is right. I have faith that if people just start following their【 B9】_instead of what s easy, things will improve. We are all going to be faced with some【B10】_decisions. I think were ready for the challenge, though.A. fascination B. conclus

34、ions C. temptation D. integrity E. convenienceF. utilization G. replaced H. represented I. conscience J. consciousnessK. tough L. predict M. reveal N. demonstrate O. compass31 【B1 】32 【B2 】33 【B3 】34 【B4 】35 【B5 】36 【B6 】37 【B7 】38 【B8 】39 【B9 】40 【B10 】六、Cloze40 Most young people enjoy physical act

35、ivities, walking, cycling, football, or mountaineering.These who have a passion【C1】_climbing high and difficult mountains are often【C2 】_with astonishment. Why are men and women【C3】_to suffer cold and hardship, and to【C4】_on high mountains? This astonishment is caused, probably, by the difference be

36、tween mountaineering and other forms of activities【C5】_which men give their leisure.There are no man-made rules, as there are for【C6 】_games as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of different kinds which it would be dangerous to【C7 】_, but it is this freedom from man-made rules【C8】_makes

37、 mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own【C9 】_If we【C10】_mountaineering with other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is【C11】_mountaineering is not a “ team work“. However, it is only our misunderstanding. There are, in

38、fact, no “ matches“【C12】_“teams“ of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may【C13】_, obviously, there is teamwork.A mountain climber knows that he may have to fight with natural【C14】_that are stronger and more powerful than man. His sport requires high

39、mental and【C15】_qualities.A mountain climber【C16】_to improve on skill year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions【C17】_in their early twenties. But it is not【C18】_for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps

40、. They may take more【C19 】_than younger men, but they probably climb with more skill and less【C20 】_of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.41 【C1 】(A)for(B) in(C) to(D)of42 【C2 】(A)looked up to(B) looked forward(C) looked into(D)looked upon43 【C3 】(A)willing(B) reluctant(C) unwilli

41、ng(D)probable44 【C4 】(A)take pains(B) run risk(C) take a risk(D)make efforts45 【C5 】(A)to(B) with(C) for(D)towards46 【C6 】(A)so(B) various(C) different(D)such47 【C7 】(A)apply(B) worry(C) ignore(D)notice48 【C8 】(A)which(B) that(C) how(D)why49 【C9 】(A)methods(B) forms(C) rules(D)activities50 【C10 】(A)

42、correlate(B) relate(C) compare(D)contrast51 【C11 】(A)for(B) what(C) which(D)that52 【C12 】(A)within(B) from(C) beyond(D)between53 【C13 】(A)exist(B) go(C) depend(D)confide54 【C14 】(A)strength(B) storms(C) powers(D)forces55 【C15 】(A)physician(B) physical(C) physiological(D)psychological56 【C16 】(A)trie

43、s(B) continues(C) wants(D)decides57 【C17 】(A)will be(B) appear(C) are(D)is58 【C18 】(A)unusual(B) normal(C) common(D)strange59 【C19 】(A)strength(B) efforts(C) energy(D)time60 【C20 】(A)shortage(B) lack(C) rubbish(D)waste七、Writing61 In this part you are required to write a composition entitled Is a Tes

44、t of Spoken English Necessary? in no less than 100 words according to the following Chinese outline. Please remember to write it on the Answer Sheet.(1)很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是(2)也有人持不同意见(3)我的看法和打算。河北专接本(英语)模拟试卷 21 答案与解析一、Phonetics1 【正确答案】 C2 【正确答案】 D3 【正确答案】 C4 【正确答案】 D5 【正确答案】 D二、Section A6 【正确答案】 B7

45、【正确答案】 A8 【正确答案】 D9 【正确答案】 C10 【正确答案】 A三、Section B11 【正确答案】 D12 【正确答案】 E13 【正确答案】 A14 【正确答案】 B15 【正确答案】 G16 【正确答案】 B17 【正确答案】 B18 【正确答案】 A19 【正确答案】 C20 【正确答案】 B21 【正确答案】 D22 【正确答案】 B23 【正确答案】 A24 【正确答案】 B25 【正确答案】 C26 【正确答案】 A27 【正确答案】 C28 【正确答案】 A29 【正确答案】 B30 【正确答案】 D31 【正确答案】 G32 【正确答案】 L33 【正确答案

46、】 B34 【正确答案】 O35 【正确答案】 D36 【正确答案】 N37 【正确答案】 C38 【正确答案】 E39 【正确答案】 I40 【正确答案】 K六、Cloze41 【正确答案】 A42 【正确答案】 D43 【正确答案】 A44 【正确答案】 C45 【正确答案】 A46 【正确答案】 D47 【正确答案】 C48 【正确答案】 B49 【正确答案】 A50 【正确答案】 D51 【正确答案】 D52 【正确答案】 D53 【正确答案】 C54 【正确答案】 D55 【正确答案】 B56 【正确答案】 B57 【正确答案】 C58 【正确答案】 A59 【正确答案】 D60 【

47、正确答案】 D七、Writing61 【正确答案】 Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?A test of spoken English is included as an optional component of the College English Test. Do you think it is necessary? People differ in their answers. Many people think it necessary. Although they have taken many English tests, few of

48、 them can express themselves freely in spoken English. And if people can t speak a word, what s the sense of learning? With the coming of the information and electronic age and with the economic globalization, communication between countries in the world is on the rise.Some say they dont see yet the need of spoken English. They think the chance is still rare for people to have a direct oral contact with a foreigner. They admit the importance of spoken English, but they don t think it necessary to have a test because the test may not reflect the practical ability of stude


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