
aracter(B) variety(C) valuable(D)ahead二、Section A6 Will you come to our English Evening?_(A)Yes, thank you.(B) Im busy sir.(C) No. I wont(D)Have fun.7


1、aracter(B) variety(C) valuable(D)ahead二、Section A6 Will you come to our English Evening?_(A)Yes, thank you.(B) Im busy sir.(C) No. I wont(D)Have fun.7 What are you going to majored in, Mary?_(A)My chief duty is cleaning the office(B) My major is in his offices now(C) My major work is looking after the patients(D)Either education or medicine8 What kind of man do you like to go to date with?_(A)Well, he should be caring and good to talk to(B) It has nothing to do wi。

2、dy(C) measure(D)bread二、Section A6 Excuse me. Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?_(A)It doesnt matter.(B) Its funny.(C) Certainly. It leaves at ten in the evening.(D)Have a nice day.7 Its sunny today. How about going skiing in Ying Yue Park?_! Lets ask the twins to go with us.(A)Sounds great(B) Best wishes(C) Good luck(D)Thats OK.8 Are you free next Wednesday evening? I want to go to the cinema with you?_(A)Yes, Id like to.(B) It。

3、D)touch二、Section A6 Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time.(A)Me, too.(B) It doesnt matter.(C) I hope so.(D)You are kidding.7 Have the students in Yushu returned to school yet? It is reported on TV that_.(A)the weather is becoming better(B) most of the factories were destroyed(C) people have given lots of money to them(D)all the schools have started lessons again8 China beat Australia 1: 0 at the 17th Womens Football Asian Cup last night. Really? _(A)Thats 。

4、C) suggestion(D)attention二、Section A6 Speaker A: Welcome back. _?Speaker B : Just fine. We had only one good day as far as weather was concerned. But the hotel was beautiful, and I had never known friendlier people.(A)How is your vacation(B) How was your vacation(C) How are you(D)How were you doing7 Speaker A: What kind of ice cream would you like, chocolate or vanilla?Speaker B : _. I like them both, but right now all I want is some water.(A)Neither, thank you(B) Either, thank you(C)。

5、C) waited(D)needed二、Section A6 Daniel: May I borrow these four books?Nancy: _ You may keep them for two weeks.(A)Of course not.(B) By all means.(C) By no means.(D)Sorry, I am afraid not.7 Martin: Have a good time! Molly: _(A)Yes, I will have it.(B) Thank you, the same to you.(C) I wish you happy.(D)Thats great.8 Guy : Which job do you think I should take: the teacher s job or the engineer s job? Kay: _(A)That s all right.(B) It s your own matter.(C) It'。

6、gun二、Section A6 Sherry: I feel very sorry that Im late again. Angela: _(A)You are welcome.(B) Dont mention it.(C) Thats great.(D)Never mind.7 Speaker A: _Speaker B: Yes, I d like a fried chicken, a vegetable and a soup.(A)Are you ready to order?(B) How are you?(C) Which do you prefer?(D)What do you think I should do?8 Speaker A: I would like to introduce myself to you. I m Peter from England. Speaker B: _(A)Today is a fine day.(B) Im glad to meet you。

7、health(C) birthday(D)withdraw二、Section A6 Doctor Smith is engaged on Wednesday. Would you like to come on Thursday? _(A)Thursday would be fine.(B) See you then.(C) Thank you very much. Good-bye.(D)It s very kind of you.7 We came so close, really. We almost won that game! _(A)There, there.(B) There s no use crying over spilt milk.(C) You guys were superb.(D)I couldnt care less.8 Where is Mike this morning? He s got a cold. _(A)Just tell him to take it。

8、ough(D)through二、Section A6 You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes._(A)No, I couldnt.(B) Thank you all the same.(C) OK. Thank you very much.(D)No way!7 How much meat do you want?_.(A)Sorry, there wasnt any(B) I cant give you any(C) Half a kilo, please(D)Twelve yuan a kilo8 I think the shop is closed at this time of a day._(A)No, I think its open.(B) No problem!(C) Its OK.(D)Yes, its open.9 Would you mind my taking th。

9、w(C) new(D)threw二、Section A6 You mustnt play on the street. Its dangerous._(A)Good idea!(B) No, we wont.(C) Never mind!(D)Enjoy yourself!7 Sorry, I cant go shopping with you tonight._(A)Why dont you ask Bill?(B) Excuse me. Which is the way to the shop?(C) Its very kind of you(D)Thats OK. Maybe some other time8 You cant walk your dog in the park._(A)Oh, Im sorry. Ill never do it again.(B) Id like to.(C) Thats wrong.(。

10、C) pool(D)soon二、Section A6 Meat isnt really dangerous, is it?Oh! _! Its not at all good for our health.(A)Yes, it isnt(B) No, it is(C) Yes, it is(D)No: it isnt7 May I call you James?_(A)Sorry, I cant.(B) Of course, if you wish.(C) Lets go.(D)No. its wrong.8 When you want to introduce Mary to others, you should say “_“(A)This is Mary.(B) She is Mary(C) Mary is.(D)Its Mary.9 Could I borrow a pen, please?_(A)No, thanks.(B) Let me 。

11、 allow(C) throw(D)know二、Section A6 Are you feeling better today?_ But I still feel too weak to walk around.(A)Much better, thanks.(B) Not very well.(C) Very good, thank you.(D)Pretty good, thanks a lot.7 Oh, dear! I ve just broken a window. _It can be repaired.(A)Never mind.(B) All right.(C) Thats fine.(D)Not at all.8 Have a sweet dream._(A)Yes, I will.(B) Thank you all the same.(C) All right.(D)You too.9 Im too busy to go to the cinema with you, John._。

12、oe(C) whose(D)whole二、Section A6 What does your brother look like? _.(A)He is a little shy(B) He is tall(C) He likes dancing(D)He is a doctor7 Hello! May I speak to Mary, please?_. Ill go and get her.(A)Speaking(B) Hold on, please(C) I dont think so(D)Hurry up, please8 Nobody will become a hero without the help of others. Thats true._.(A)Practice makes perfect(B) One tree cant make a forest(C) Where there is a will, there is a way(D)Never say die9 It&#。

13、A)fortunate(B) future(C) mixture(D)university二、Section A6 Speaker A: Yesterday, we went to Jane s house to listen to records.Speaker B: I heard that she has over 100 jazz records._?(A)Are you crazy(B) Is that true(C) Have you seen them(D)Do you think so7 Speaker A: Yes, sir, _?Speaker B: I m sorry, but I bought this shirt yesterday and it hasnt got any buttons.(A)can I help you(B) whats up(C) what about you(D)how are you8 Speaker A: How much are these notebooks, pl。

14、 through(C) without(D)breath二、Section A6 Man: Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drink? Woman: _(A)Its your pleasure.(B) You are too nice to me.(C) Its very kind of you.(D)You spend money again.7 Student A: Why didnt you come to my party last night?Student B: I m sorry, _ I had to visit my grandma at the hospital.(A)I did it.(B) I couldnt make it.(C) I still remember this.(D)Ill come.8 Steve: Hi, my name is Steve. Its nice to meet you. Jack: Im。

15、 plenty(C) young(D)quantity二、Section A6 Please bring little Tom next time you come to Anhui. _, thank you.(A)I will(B) I hope so(C) Thats right(D)My pleasure7 Dad, its such a long way from our home to the park! You mean its_to take a taxi?(A)popular(B) necessary(C) possible(D)important8 I think I shall read a book instead._(A)well done!(B) follow me!(C) you will!(D)Good idea. Thats much better than watching a bad TV Programme.9 I dont think that。

16、s二、Section A6 Dont think in Chinese when youre speaking English_(A)Not at all, I have no time.(B) You are quite right.(C) Yes, please.(D)Im glad to hear that.7 Im sorry to give you so much trouble._(A)No trouble at all.(B) No, I cant do it myself.(C) I can do what I want.(D)Yes, you are wrong.8 Zhao Rui, its said that many famous singers will come to Yangzhou on April 18th. How about watching the evening show there?_! Lets ask Huang Tao t。

17、loud(B) double(C) fountain(D)shout二、Section A6 Where can I buy some stationery?_(A)come on!(B) Lets look at the shopping guide. Oh, its on the ground Floor.(C) Best wishes!(D)Good luck! 7 Jane got an “A“ in the Maths test._. She works the hardest in our class.(A)Many hands make light work(B) The grass is always greener than the other side(C) Early birds catch the worm(D)Dont put all your eggs in one basket8 Are you confident about this evenings performance, K。

18、C) train(D)said二、Section A6 Sharon, remember to lock the door before leaving the house._.(A)OK, I will(B) Yes, please(C) Its hard to say(D)It doesnt matter7 Are you able to come tomorrow morning?_(A)Whos that.(B) I think so.(C) Youre welcome.(D)Whose calling. 8 Dont climb that ladder! Its broken._.(A)Great!(B) Hh, no!(C) OK. Thank you.(D)Not at all. 9 Look out! Theres a car coming._.(A)Oh, thank you.(B) Yes, please.(C) Of course n。

19、ther(C) climb(D)tomb二、Section A6 Speaker A: Your library books are due next Tuesday. If you want to keep them for another two weeks, you may renew them then.Speaker B: _, but I ve finished with them. I d like to get some new ones.(A)I think so(B) That s all right(C) Thank you for reminding me(D)Thank you for helping me7 Mary: David, I would like to introduce my teacher Miss Smith to you. Shall we go and see her now?David: Good. _(A)Shall we go?(B) Where should we go?(C) 。

20、tion A6 Speaker A: Your university seems quite new._?Speaker B: Well, this building was built five years ago, but the school was founded a century ago, in 1880.(A)How do you like it(B) What s new about it(C) Is it very new(D)How old is it7 Speaker A: Nurse, Id like to see Dr. Brown.Speaker B: Sorry, _. But Dr. Smith or Dr. Green is.(A)he s not in(B) he s not at work(C) he s out of work(D)he s on a holiday8 Speaker A: _?Speaker B: No, thanks. Im 。

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