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1、河北专接本(英语)模拟试卷 19 及答案与解析一、Phonetics(A)clear(B) dear(C) earth(D)near(A)cheap(B) child(C) machine(D)reach(A)cloud(B) captain(C) certainly(D)cotton(A)both(B) thin(C) three(D)this(A)liberation(B) relation(C) suggestion(D)attention二、Section A6 Speaker A: Welcome back. _?Speaker B : Just fine. We had only

2、one good day as far as weather was concerned. But the hotel was beautiful, and I had never known friendlier people.(A)How is your vacation(B) How was your vacation(C) How are you(D)How were you doing7 Speaker A: What kind of ice cream would you like, chocolate or vanilla?Speaker B : _. I like them b

3、oth, but right now all I want is some water.(A)Neither, thank you(B) Either, thank you(C) Both, thanks(D)None, thanks8 Speaker A: Hello, _.Speaker B: My name is Peter Brown and I left my hat in Mr. Johnson s class this morning. Do you have it?(A)this is the Unisex Hairdressers(B) this is the Mrs. Ri

4、ghts Hat Shop(C) this is the Lost and Found(D)this is the Student Union9 Speaker A: Grace and her friends went down to the old house on Nashua Street. Speaker B: _(A)Why not?(B) What for?(C) How nice!(D)What time?10 Speaker A: Why dont you go to bed? _.Speaker B: I have to finish the English composi

5、tion.(A)You look so nervous(B) You look so worried(C) You look so pale(D)You look so sleepy三、Section B10 W: 【D1】 _M: Yes, please. I m looking for a mobile phone.W: What brand would you like?M: TCL.W: 【D2】_M: Id like the brand of TCL.W: Weve got many types of TCL mobile phones, 3108,6108 and so on.M:

6、 I know little about mobile phones.W: What about 3108? This type looks nice and doesnt cost too much.M: 【D3】_W: ¥ 1 ,360. Have a look at this one, and it s black.M: It s really very nice.【D4】_Can 1 ,280 be OK?W: Er. All right. M: 【D5 】_W: Thanks.A. The price is OK.B. Here is the money.C. Can I help

7、you?D. What colour do like?E. I beg your pardon.F. How much is it?G. But it s too expensive.11 【D1】12 【D2】13 【D3】14 【D4】15 【D5】15 We generally view the family as being one of our most stable institutions: yet, our family system has undergone a number of changes in the past. Two hundred years ago, ma

8、rriages were often arranged by parents, with economic considerations being the most important determinant of who married whom. Two hundred years ago, divorce was rare: now, more than one out of three marriages end in divorce. Two hundred years ago, women did not work out of the home, and children we

9、re an economic asset: now nearly 50 percent of married women work outside the home, and children are a financial liability(责任 ).In our fast-paced society, the family is now changing even more rapidly than it did in the past.In viewing the future of the American family, some authorities foresee the f

10、amily as facing toward extinction. They say that the family is dead except for the first year or two of child raising, and this will be its only function.Family optimists, on the other hand, predict the family is entering a Golden Agean area where the members will have more leisure time to spend wit

11、h each other and will derive considerable enjoyment from family-type activities. Most sociologists, however, do not agree with either the pessimists or the optimists: instead, they argue that the family is experimenting with a number of novel types and forms, many of which will probably be discarded

12、, but some likely to be found satisfying and functional and gradually becoming “typical“.16 The passage is mainly concerned with _.(A)what families will be like in the future(B) different views towards families of tomorrow(C) changes taking place in our family system(D)what family functions women un

13、dertook in the past17 What is the main concern over choosing a wife two hundred years ago?(A)Family background.(B) Employment condition.(C) Education level.(D)Economic status.18 The attitude some authorities have toward future family is _.(A)pessimistic(B) depressed(C) doubtful(D)confident19 Most so

14、ciologists believe that family in the future _.(A)will only retain the function of child raising(B) is entering an era in which family members will be closer(C) is revolutionizing toward better and more satisfying forms(D)will be one of the most stable groups in the society20 The author describes th

15、e changes of the family _.(A)from a non-traditional point of view(B) from a pessimistic point of view(C) by challenging the authorities(D)by giving objective analysis20 The north Australian city of Darwin was devastated by a strong cyclone(龙卷风)on Christmas Day. The death and destruction were due alm

16、ost as much to human factors as to the violence of the wind.People in Darwin had become so accustomed to cyclone warnings that few of them paid attention to the radio warnings of Cyclone Tracy approach, which began early on Christmas Eve. Many people, in fact, died in their cars as they tried to dri

17、ve home through the cyclone from Christmas parties or social calls.Since Townsville was devastated by a cyclone in December 1971 , the weather authorities have regularly issued alarms of every dangerous cyclone. But because few of the cyclones ever hit the coastal towns, people there had come to ign

18、ore the warnings.Darwins last alert was broadcast only two weeks before Cyclone Tracy. On that occasion the storm changed direction and headed off harmlessly down the coast.Apart from those people killed in their cars, nearly all the other victims died in the damage of their homes which, despite the

19、 fact that Darwin lies in the recognized cyclone belt, had not been built to withstand cyclonic winds. Although building standards in other states of Australia were made much stricter after the tragedy at Townsville, the Darwin authorities never followed the new regulations. Consequently most of sub

20、urban Darwin was built of light wood and iron raised off the ground on piles to give coolness in the tropical climate. And the sides of the houses were simply nailed to the roof instead of being firmly attached with what Australian builders call “ cyclone bolts . As a result, many people were killed

21、 by flying sheets of iron from the roofs.21 The inhabitants of Darwin ignored the cyclone warning because_.(A)it was Christmas Eve(B) Darwin does not lie in the cyclone belt(C) cyclones rarely hit their town(D)they were accustomed to the attacks of cyclones22 The main reason many people died in the

22、cyclone was that_.(A)the storm came without warning(B) they were reluctant to leave before the cyclone(C) their houses were not built as required(D)the storm was so strong that nothing could resist its violence23 Two weeks before Christmas Day _.(A)Darwin was hit by a cyclone(B) a cyclone passed clo

23、se to Darwin(C) the warning of Cyclone Tracy was given(D)Townsville was devastated by a cyclone24 After Townsville was devastated by a cyclone, the Darwin authorities_.(A)paid much attention to cyclone warning and prevention(B) demanded that the house be built with cyclone bolts(C) followed the exam

24、ple of the other Australian states(D)took no notice of the new regulations25 The passage is meant to illustrate that_.(A)cyclones hit the coastal towns of Australia quite often(B) it is essential to establish an adequate cyclone warning system(C) the tragedy of Darwin was to a great extent due to th

25、e negligence of the cyclone warning(D)much can be done to avoid the attack of cyclones25 It was a case of emergency. The four-year-old girl awoke and smelled smoke. She couldnt wake her mother, so she dialed “zero“. An operator immediately called the fire department. Help was sent, and a tragedy avo

26、ided.Days before this emergency, the mother had taught her child how to telephone for help. Children as young as two and one-half years old can be taught to use the phone in emergency situations. Here are some points.Memorizing some facts is important. Teach your children their names, and the sectio

27、n of town where you live. Try to keep what they learn within their abilities. Simple information, learned well, is better than difficult information only partly learned.Be sure your children know how to use the telephone. They should be taught to dial “zero“ for the operator, at the very least. And

28、they should be taught to dial “911“ if it is used in your town.Practise over a period of several days. Over-learning is necessary so the child can act automatically in case of emergency.If you would like a booklet giving instructions on calling for help, write Telephone For Help, Box 99, Bowling Gre

29、en Station, New York, NY 10004.26 Why is it a good idea for children to learn how to use the telephone?(A)Children have fun dialing.(B) Emergencies happen without warning.(C) Children can wake their parents.(D)Dialing can help children with their math study.27 Based on this passage, over-learning is

30、 good because _.(A)simple information is used(B) children should know their names(C) it helps children act automatically(D)difficult information is only partly learned28 Paragraph 4 talks about dialing “911“. This number is probably _.(A)the operator(B) an emergency number(C) a practice number for c

31、hildren(D)used to keep children calm29 One thing the passage does NOT tell you to do is_.(A)call your neighbor(B) practise several times(C) teach children how to use the telephone(D)have children memorize some simple facts30 What is the main idea of the passage?(A)Give instructions on calling for he

32、lp.(B) Partly-learned information is useless.(C) Teach children how to deal with emergencies.(D)Keep what children learn within their abilities.30 I d like to discuss with you the secrets of good conversation. When someone tells you that you have to give a speech, your【B1】_may be “There s no way I m

33、 going to do that!“ But it s important to remember that speeches are like anything else in life there s always a first time. Here are some keys of being a【B2】_speaker. They are【B3】_on my own experience and other good speakers .Look at your【B4】_. It is very important to make eye【B5】_Be sure to look u

34、p from your text or notes. Each time you look up from your text, look at a different part of the audience, so the whole group feels they re being【B6】_Stand up straight. It doesn t mean that you have to【B7】_a straight posture(姿势), but stand in a comfortable, natural way, rather than bending over the

35、lectern(讲台).If there s a microphone in front of you,【B8】_it to the right height, rather than forcing yourself to stoop(俯身,弯腰)during the speech. Talk normally into the microphone. If you speak at a high【B9】_into it, you will actually be harder to hear. And be careful to keep your mouth in the【B10 】_o

36、f the microphone: dont turn away to answer a question from the side.Do not speak in a dull tone that will put your audience to sleep, especially if you re talking after a heavy meal.A. adjust B. encounter C. assume D. pitch E. rateF. range G. audience H. hopeful I. successful J. addressedK. impresse

37、d L. based M. contact N. connection O. reaction31 【B1 】32 【B2 】33 【B3 】34 【B4 】35 【B5 】36 【B6 】37 【B7 】38 【B8 】39 【B9 】40 【B10 】六、Cloze40 Shopping for clothes is not the【C1】_experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided

38、in【C2】_He knows what he wants,【C3】_his objective is to find it and buy it: the price is a secondary【C4】_All men simply walk into a shop and ask【C5】_what they want. If the shop has it in【C6】_, the salesman promptly produces it, and the business of【C7】_it on proceeds at once. And if all【C8】_well, the

39、deal can be and often is completed【C9 】_less than five minutes, with【C10】_chat and to everyone s satisfaction.Now how does a woman go【C11】_buying clothes? Her shopping is not always【C12】_on needs. She has【C13】_fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only “having a look【C14】_She is always o

40、pen to【C15 】_, and indeed she gets great store by what the salesman tells her, even by what companions tell her. She will try on any number of things. Uppermost in her mind【C16 】_the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her.【C17】_to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sen

41、se of value when they buy clothes. They are always in the lookout for the unexpected【C18】_Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily【 C19】_an hour going from one rail to another, to and fro, often retracing her steps, before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It is a laborious proce

42、ss, but apparently an【C20】_one. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.41 【C1 】(A)similar(B) different(C) same(D)time consuming42 【C2 】(A)detail(B) advance(C) time(D)mind43 【C3 】(A)since(B) but(C) and(D)as44 【C4 】(A)matter(B) thing(C) objective(D)consideration45 【C5 】(A)about(B) of

43、(C) for(D)on46 【C6 】(A)sale(B) stock(C) store(D)supply47 【C7 】(A)putting(B) testing(C) examining(D)trying48 【C8 】(A)is(B) went(C) happening(D)being49 【C9 】(A)after(B) much(C) in(D)spending50 【C10 】(A)hardly(B) no(C) nor(D)seldom51 【C11 】(A)on(B) about(C) for(D)out52 【C12 】(A)decided(B) put(C) depend

44、ed(D)based53 【C13 】(A)nevertheless(B) already(C) never(D)yet54 【C14 】(A)round(B) about(C) at(D)for55 【C15 】(A)persuasion(B) words(C) fashion(D)deal56 【C16 】(A)was(B) is(C) were(D)are57 【C17 】(A)According(B) As(C) So as(D)Contrary58 【C18 】(A)bargain(B) fashion(C) style(D)mode59 【C19 】(A)use(B) cost(C

45、) spend(D)need60 【C20 】(A)worthwhile(B) tolerant(C) enjoyable(D)tiresome七、Writing61 In this part you are required to write a composition entitled Should Students Be Skeptical about What s Taught? in no less than 100 words according to the following Chinese outline. Please remember to write it on the

46、 Answer Sheet.(1)大多数中国学生在课堂上缺乏怀疑精神,不敢挑战权威;(2)学生对于老师教给的东西要持有怀疑态度,说明理由。河北专接本(英语)模拟试卷 19 答案与解析一、Phonetics1 【正确答案】 C2 【正确答案】 C3 【正确答案】 C4 【正确答案】 D5 【正确答案】 C二、Section A6 【正确答案】 B7 【正确答案】 A8 【正确答案】 C9 【正确答案】 B10 【正确答案】 D三、Section B11 【正确答案】 C12 【正确答案】 E13 【正确答案】 F14 【正确答案】 G15 【正确答案】 B16 【正确答案】 B17 【正确答案】

47、 D18 【正确答案】 A19 【正确答案】 C20 【正确答案】 D21 【正确答案】 C22 【正确答案】 C23 【正确答案】 B24 【正确答案】 D25 【正确答案】 C26 【正确答案】 B27 【正确答案】 C28 【正确答案】 B29 【正确答案】 A30 【正确答案】 C31 【正确答案】 O32 【正确答案】 I33 【正确答案】 L34 【正确答案】 G35 【正确答案】 M36 【正确答案】 J37 【正确答案】 C38 【正确答案】 A39 【正确答案】 D40 【正确答案】 F六、Cloze41 【正确答案】 C42 【正确答案】 B43 【正确答案】 C44 【正

48、确答案】 D45 【正确答案】 C46 【正确答案】 B47 【正确答案】 D48 【正确答案】 A49 【正确答案】 C50 【正确答案】 B51 【正确答案】 D52 【正确答案】 D53 【正确答案】 C54 【正确答案】 A55 【正确答案】 A56 【正确答案】 B57 【正确答案】 D58 【正确答案】 A59 【正确答案】 C60 【正确答案】 C七、Writing61 【正确答案】 Should Students Be Skeptical about What s Taught?Most Chinese students always believe that teachers are truth-holders in class and their authority is unquestionable. They fear voicing their own opinions, let alone defying the authority of teachers. This way they learn knowledge is not advisable. Students should practise a certain amount of skepticism in class.Many reasons contribute to


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