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1、山东省自考英语(二)综合模拟试卷 14 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structrue1 Mary _ my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.(A)has received(B) ought to have received(C) couldnt have received(D)should have received2 From tears in Nedras eyes we can deduce that something sad_.(A)must have occurred(B) would ha

2、ve occurred(C) might be occurring(D)should occur3 The millions of calculations involved, had they been done that by hand, _ all practical value by the time they were finished.(A)could lose(B) would have lost(C) might lose(D)ought to have lost4 My pain_apparent the moment I walked into the room, for

3、thefirst man I met asked sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?“(A)must be(B) had been(C) must have been(D)had to be5 You_all these parcels yourself. The shop would have deliveredthem if you had asked a shop assistant.(A)didnt need to carry(B) neednt have carried(C) neednt carry(D)didnt need c

4、arry6 The streets are all wet. It_ during the night.(A)must be raining(B) must have been rained(C) must be rained(D)must have rained7 I should like_ the result earlier.(A)to tell(B) having told(C) to have told(D)to have been told8 He cant plead ignorance as his excuse; he _ what was happening in his

5、 own department.(A)would know(B) should have known(C) had known(D)has known9 Since she is angry, we_ her alone.(A)had better leaving(B) must leave(C) can leave(D)might as well leave10 Come what_, were not going to make any concession to his unreasonable demands.(A)must(B) should(C) can(D)may10 The r

6、oad where I live is very long and very straight. The surface is made of wood and the road is well lighted at night. The result is that cars going by during the night often go quite fast. I dont blame them. They hardly ever wake me unless they stop near the house.But about two months ago, one of them

7、 did make me. The driver stopped suddenly just opposite my window. You know what a noise the wheels make when a car stops suddenly like that. Then after quite a short pause he drove on again. That was nothing of course. But about two minutes later the same thing happened again. At just about the sam

8、e place the driver stopped suddenly and the wheels made the same kind of noise. Then I think he backed up a few yards and in a minute or two he drove off. As you can imagine, this second event had greater effect on me and when a third car did exactly the same thing-I really did try to consider the p

9、roblem.I got out of bed and went to look out of the window. Soon a large car came along and just opposite me it stopped suddenly. I couldnt quite see where it had stopped because there are trees on each side of my window. But I heard people get out and there was a lot of excitement for about a minut

10、e. Then they got on the car and drove away. You can imagine how interesting it all was. I put on my clothes and went out into the road.I went over to the place where all the cars had stopped. I could see the marks of the wheels on the road. And then I saw the cause of all the trouble.The moonlight w

11、as bright and about fifteen yards up the road there was a shadow thrown by a tree. A man was lying in the shadow. His back was towards me and his feet were about a yard from the edge of the road. He seemed to me to be dressed in light brown clothes with squares on the cloth. I started walking up the

12、 road towards him, but when I got within five or six yards, something unusual happened. He disappeared. Actually he didnt exactly disappear, but I suddenly saw what he really was. He was a rough piece of the road with some sand over it. It looked like a man. And to add to the effect, where was a sma

13、ll piece of paper stuck on the road and it looked white just where the collar would be. So that was the reason why all the cars stopped so suddenly.11 The writer lives near a road which is_.(A)made of wood(B) well lighted(C) long and straight(D)all of the above12 Which of the following is true accor

14、ding to the passage?(A)The road is in such a good condition that cars go very fast at night.(B) The writer is often waken up at night by the noise of the cars stopping suddenly.(C) The cars never wake up the writer at night.(D)The cars hardly wake the writer if they stop near the house.13 One night,

15、 something unusual happened. The writer went out of his house after the_ car stopped suddenly.(A)first(B) second(C) third(D)fourth14 The writer went out of his house because_.(A)be couldnt fall asleep(B) he must find out the reason why the cars stopped so suddenly(C) he was interested in what was wr

16、ong with the road(D)it was a beautiful night with a good moon15 The writer went out and saw a man lying in the road dressed in light brown clothes with squares on the cloth, then he suddenly_.(A)heard another car stopped behind him(B) found what it really was(C) found a small piece of paper stuck on

17、 the road(D)ran towards the man lying there二、Word Spelling16 d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.贡献,奉献17 a_ _ _ _ _ _ vt. & vi.欢呼,称赞18 s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj.持续不变的,相同的19 d_ _ _ _ _ _ vt.下降,拒绝20 i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj.不朽的21 p_ _ _ _ _ _ vi.流行,盛行22 c_ _ _ _ _ _ n.俘虏23 c_ _ _ _ _ _ vt.征服,克服24 i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.无知,不知25 a_

18、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.确信,断言三、Word From26 He has always shown great_(dedicate)to the cause.27 There have been reports of an incident which occurred on the_ (front).28 The pain was bad beyond_(endure).29 The mystery will probably remain forever_(solve).30 Public_(ignore)about AIDS is still a cause for conce

19、rn.31 Dr. Green didnt have the_(assure)to make an interesting speech to so many students.32 The length of this box is twice its_(broad).33 The people living beside the river have an_(exhaust)supply of water.34 We must make a_(sustain)effort to get this task finished this week.35 She knows shes lost,

20、 but shes too_(pride)to admit it.山东省自考英语(二)综合模拟试卷 14 答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structrue1 【正确答案】 C2 【正确答案】 A3 【正确答案】 B4 【正确答案】 C5 【正确答案】 B6 【正确答案】 D7 【正确答案】 D8 【正确答案】 B9 【正确答案】 D10 【正确答案】 D11 【正确答案】 D12 【正确答案】 A13 【正确答案】 D14 【正确答案】 C15 【正确答案】 B二、Word Spelling16 【正确答案】 dedication17 【正确答案】 acclaim18 【正确答案

21、】 sustained19 【正确答案】 decline20 【正确答案】 immortal21 【正确答案】 prevail22 【正确答案】 captive23 【正确答案】 conquer24 【正确答案】 ignorance25 【正确答案】 assurance三、Word From26 【正确答案】 dedication27 【正确答案】 frontier28 【正确答案】 endurance29 【正确答案】 unsolved30 【正确答案】 ignorance31 【正确答案】 assurance32 【正确答案】 breadth33 【正确答案】 inexhaustible34 【正确答案】 sustained35 【正确答案】 proud


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