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1、山东省自考英语(二)综合模拟试卷 5 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structrue1 Little_ how happy I had been.(A)she had realized(B) did she realize(C) she realized(D)has she realized2 _considered the alternatives more carefully, they would have realized that the second was better than the first.(A)If the committee members hav

2、e(B) Had the committee members been(C) Though the committee members(D)Had the committee members3 _the womans possessions that she could carry them in a single suitcase.(A)Were so few(B) So few were(C) Few were so(D)There were so few4 Only after I had known him for sometime _ to appreciate his real w

3、orth.(A)do I begin(B) did I begin(C) I began(D)had I begun5 They have all got up, and_.(A)Jack is too(B) so has Jack(C) Jack hasnt(D)as Jack6 Look, _ in his green T-shirt.(A)David comes here(B) here comes David(C) comes here David(D)here David comes7 _ from the 18th floor when he saw the police comi

4、ng near.(A)Jumped down the thief(B) The thief jumped down(C) Down the thief jumped(D)Down jumped the thief8 _ to speak when the audience interrupted him.(A)Hardly had he begun(B) No sooner had he begun(C) Not until he began(D)Scarcely did he begin9 _ a certain doubt among the students as to the nece

5、ssity of the work.(A)It existed(B) There existed(C) There had(D)Existed there10 Next door to ours_, who has just retired from work.(A)where lives an old man(B) where does an old man live(C) lives an old man(D)does an old man live10 “Now sir,“ said Inspector Robinson drawing a chair up close to the i

6、njured mans bed and sitting down. “Hope you feel well enough to answer a few questions. “ “Yes, of course“ said Tophan. He sat up in bed. The nurse placed another pillow behind his head and left the room.“First of all, “ said the inspector opening his notebook, “We have to establish your identity. “

7、Tophan looked astonished: “My identity? Dont you even know who I am? How long have I been lying in hospital?“Three days. “ the inspector told him, “But we found no papers on you at all. Whoever attacked you also stole your wallet. “But what about my car?“ asked Topham, “Surely you could have found o

8、ut my identity from that?“Your car was stolen, too. “ The inspector explained patiently. “So you see we have been completely in the dark. You were discovered on Tuesday night lying unconsciously in the car park of the Sun Inn, where you had stopped for dinner that evening. That is all we know you. A

9、nyway, perhaps now you can give us the information we require. “Topham told the inspector his name and address.“You are not married, are you, sir?“ the inspector asked.“I am widower,“ Topham said. “Ive lived alone ever since my wife died three years ago. This year, as always, I went to spend my holi

10、days by the sea. I decided to come back to London. I stopped at the Sun Inn for dinner. “The inspector nodded and waited for Topham to go on.“It was raining pretty hard when I came out of the hotel. I dashed towards the car park, where I had left my car. I had just unlocked the door and was getting

11、in when a man stepped out of the shadows and asked me for a lift to London. Before I had time to reply, he attacked me. After that I could remember nothing until I woke up in hospital. “11 One day, Inspector Robinson came to the hospital_.(A)to visit an old friend of his(B) to visit a severe patient

12、(C) to get some information from the injured man(D)to show his concern for the injured man12 The inspector did not know who Topham was because_.(A)they had not caught the man who attacked him(B) his car had been stolen(C) both his car and his wallet had been stolen(D)he had been unconscious13 When I

13、nspector Robinson wanted to establish Tophams identity?_.(A)Topham got a great surprise(B) in the room of the Sun Inn(C) Topham got very angry(D)Topham looked uneasy14 Topham was attacked_.(A)at the hospital(B) in the room of the Sun Inn(C) in the car(D)in the place where cars were kept15 In the sen

14、tence “. . . Drawing a chair up close to the injured mans bed . “ “drawing“ means_.(A)pushing(B) painting(C) pulling(D)driving二、Word Spelling16 t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj.可触知的,有形的17 g_ _ _ _ vt.&. vi.摸索18 i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.模仿19 p_ _ _ _ _ _ vi.坚持20 s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.思想感情,感情21 f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.碎片,破片22 s_ _

15、 _ _ adj.健壮的,结实的,勇敢的23 e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.电流,电,电学24 c_ _ _ _ _ n.殖民地25 d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.外交官,有权谋的人三、Word From26 Her books had an _(measure)effect on American young people.27 I_(vague)remembered having met her before.28 It was so_(child)of him to leave just because people didnt agree with what he

16、said.29 By Friday afternoon Im usually quite _(patient)for the weekend to begin.30 As witnesses(证人)to the accident, we were asked to make written _(declare)of what we had seen.31 The US gained its_(depend)in 1776.32 Computerization(计算机化 )should _(able)us to cut production costs by half.33 A_(learn)p

17、erson is respected in modern society.34 He doesnt want to throw away these_(wear)-out clothes.35 She can do a wonderful_(imitate)of a birds song.山东省自考英语(二)综合模拟试卷 5 答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structrue1 【正确答案】 B2 【正确答案】 D3 【正确答案】 B4 【正确答案】 B5 【正确答案】 B6 【正确答案】 B7 【正确答案】 D8 【正确答案】 D9 【正确答案】 B10 【正确答案】 C11 【

18、正确答案】 C12 【正确答案】 C13 【正确答案】 A14 【正确答案】 D15 【正确答案】 C二、Word Spelling16 【正确答案】 tangible17 【正确答案】 grope18 【正确答案】 imitation19 【正确答案】 persist20 【正确答案】 sentiment21 【正确答案】 fragment22 【正确答案】 stout23 【正确答案】 electricity24 【正确答案】 colony25 【正确答案】 diplomat三、Word From26 【正确答案】 immeasurable27 【正确答案】 vaguely28 【正确答案】 childish29 【正确答案】 impatient30 【正确答案】 declarations31 【正确答案】 independence32 【正确答案】 enable33 【正确答案】 learned34 【正确答案】 worn35 【正确答案】 imitation


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